Retrieving projects without binary files - perforce

We have multiple very large perforce repositories with many binary files mixed in with source code. Is it possible to configure a client spec so that certain file extensions (e.g. zip, jar, war, etc.) are never synced to the local copy?
We are syncing periodically to generate metrics on source code, and for this purpose the binary files just get in the way.

In your client spec, use the "exclusionary" mappings, with a minus sign, as so:
//depot/project/... //client-name/project/...
-//depot/project/.../*.zip //client-name/project/.../*.zip
-//depot/project/.../*.jar //client-name/project/.../*.jar
-//depot/project/.../*.war //client-name/project/.../*.war


.gitattributes for linguist doesn't work correctly with gitlab

I have a (private) project on Gitlab which uses GameMaker, and the .yy files were being detected as Yacc. I looked up how to change this, so I came across .gitattributes files, as described here and here. I created a .gitattributes file in the project directory with the following content:
*.yy linguist-language=GameMaker JSON
*.yy linguist-detectable=true
*.yyp linguist-language=GameMaker JSON
*.yyp linguist-detectable=true
The files are no longer being detected as Yacc, but they are also not detected as "GameMaker JSON", Gitlab now shows the repository as 100% GameMaker Language. I have tried both *.yy linguist-detectable syntax without the =true and with it, I have tried writing GameMaker-JSON with hyphens instead of spaces, and I have confirmed that the .gitattributes file was pushed onto the main branch (which is the only branch). How can I resolve this so that the .yy and .yyp files get recognized correctly, am I missing something?
It seems I mistakenly assumed that linguist allows you to specify custom language names in .gitattributes, but to my current knowledge, that is unfortunately not possible. I will henceforth specify to mark .yy and .yyp files as JSON in my project (refer to this comment I made), which I have already confirmed to work correctly.
My intention was to mark files that are specifically used as GameMaker project files or asset files (which are created and used by the GameMaker editor and not intended to be edited manually) differently from other files with JSON syntax (GameMaker also allows you to parse data from JSON files within your game code, these files would usually use the .json extension and not .yy or .yyp).
For now, it seems advisable for GameMaker projects to either specify .yy and .yyp as JSON or specify them to not be counted by linguist at all, since they aren't code that is manually written by the user.

How to debug a .zip generator algorithm?

I'm trying to implement a minimal version of .zip file generation following this spec:
I don't actually need compression, I just need a way to string together a bunch of files into a single widely adopted archive format with the capability to stream in file data while streaming out the zip.
So far I'm partially successful, 7-zip and windows built in zip extractor can extract them just fine, winrar and macos built in zip extractor are giving me corrupted archive errors.
I can't for the life of me find the actual problem(s?) though, as far as I can tell the .zips are built 100% to the specification but the spec is a big wall of text and with swooping changes from one zip file version to the next along with legacy attributes taking on new functions it is tad confusing.
Does anyone know of an extraction tool that can give me more specific errors than just "archive is corrupt"?
Or perhaps a zip generation utility where I can pick and choose between all the different ways of building a zip file so I can go and compare the results byte by byte?
Does anyone know of an extraction tool that can give me more specific errors than just "archive is corrupt"?
The unzipada tool # Zip-Ada project will do exactly that
Testing archive
raised ZIP.ARCHIVE_CORRUPTED : Bad (or no) end-of-central-directory
Zip.Find_First_Offset at zip.adb:589
Unzip.Extract at unzip.adb:667
Unzipada at unzipada.adb:259
By browsing the code (like: zip.adb, line 589) you can narrow down the corrupt archive issues. For building the tool, download the sources and follow the readme.txt file. There are also pre-built binaries for Windows.

WinSCP - Do not synchronize subdirectories

I am writing winscp script in VBA to synchronize certain files from remote to local.
The code I am using is
""synchronize -filemask=""""*.xlsx"""" local C:\Users\xx\Desktop /JrnlDetailSFTPDirect""
There are three xlsx files: 14.xlsx, 12.xlsx, 13.xlsx. However, seems like it is running through all the files even though it is not synchronizing them. Besides, one folder under JrnlDetailSFTPDirect is also downloaded from remote, which is not expected.
Is it possible to avoid looping through all the files, just selecting those three files and downloading them?
There are separate masks for files and folders.
To exclude all folders, use */ exclude mask:
synchronize -filemask="*.xlsx|*/" local C:\Users\xx\Desktop /JrnlDetailSFTPDirect
See How do I transfer (or synchronize) directory non-recursively?
I cannot tell anything regarding the other problem, as you didn't show us names of the files. Ideally, append a session log file to your question. Use /log switch like: /log=c:\writablepath\winscp.log /command ...

Can gradle do substitutions as it copies resources?

For a group of developers, all the differences are stored in a normal property file:
token1=some value
The 'tokens' are used in a series of XML files that reside in the normal src/main/resources directory. When Gradle copies these files into the build directory (and I don't know for sure what task that is), is there any opportunity to execute custom code? Specifically, I would like to have the token values from the property file substituted into the copy. Thus, the original copy remains untouched, but the version in the runtime has the desired values for the given developer.
Finally, I know this can done brute force with two or three steps that change the file after it is copied. I really want to know if there is an elegant way to do this in a single step.
After compilation, Gradle calls processResources task that copies the resources into the build directory. While copying resources, processResources can be configured to do the filtering (or possibly execute custom code by adding a doLast):
processResources {
filter, tokens: [
These two links can provide more help:

Artefact folder structure does not contain empty directories

I'm trying to store whole the output of my build, this includes some empty folders. These aren't included by the artefact mechanism in teamcity:
What doesn't work:
Inside of OAR i have a folder structure that needs to be stored. I know i could put a placeholder file in each but that is not the answer i'm after. Otherwise ill have to zip it myself?
Unfortunately TeamCity, by design, searches for files and uploads them as artifacts which means that empty folders are never included. Given the open and very old issue in the TeamCity tracker I doubt they are going to fix it any time soon.
I would recommend zipping the folder yourself, that is the approach we have taken. How you implement that depends on the build technology you are using. For example, if you are building using Nant you could add the zip task to your build, there are similar options for MSBuild and Ant.
If you don't want to rely on the build performing the zip I would recommend installing 7zip on your build agents and using the command line to perform the zip. Just remember if you want 7zip to include empty directories use * as the wildcard rather than *. * like so:
7z a -r *
Technically you could use powershell to do the zipping, which would be better than having to install something on your agents. I haven't tried this option myself.
Apologies for not linking all my references above. Apparently, and understandably so, I need at least 10 reputation to post more than 2 links.
