dns propogation issue with cloudflare subdomain - .htaccess

Want to configure sub-domain - www.portfolios.shuttrbox.com
when I check DNS propagation for portfolios.shuttrbox.com, it works fine
whereas when I check for www.portfolios.shuttrbox.com it shows all crosses on https://www.whatsmydns.net
Traffic routes through cloudflare
I have my .htaccess configured to add "www" to my domain shuttrbox.com
Not able to figure why www.portfolios.shuttrbox.com is not being propagated.

It was probably a propagation time issue. It appears to now be working correctly.

actually I added 2 CNAME entries in cloudflare:
1/ portfolios.shuttrbox.com
2/ www.portfolios.shuttrbox.com
That seems to have worked somehow.


Heroku app not working with custom domain

I deployed a node app on heroku and pointed a custom domain to it from namecheap. When I type my domain in it will load a page that says "Theres nothing there, yet" and changes the url to domain.com.herokudns.com
After looking around for 2 days I came back to the same solution, I created two cname records on namecheap that pointed to the "domain.com.herokudns.com". The cname records automatically place a period after this target, when I place a period after my domain when searching, my website loads.
Is there a way to fix this? I've seen people with similar problems but I find it weird that my site will load both with www and without if I have a period at the end.
I had to change the cname record to a www name with the target of [herokuappname].herokuapp.com and add a url redirect # to http://[www.yourdomain.tld]. After clearing my cache this worked.

Setting up domain alias CNAME record

I have a website setup at bryantmakesprog.10b3.com. I also own the domain sneaky.fish. I want my domain to point to this website by pointing to to the url, NOT the ip address. The end result being that visiting sneaky.fish/sample-page renders bryantmakesprog.10b3.com/sample-page but the URL says sneaky.fish/sample-page.
What would be the best way to go about this? I've seen some people have CNAMEs setup, but I'm not having any luck. Here's what I've tried:
To clarify, the domain must point to the subdomain. It is not sufficient to point to 10b3.com.
So there were two parts to this issue.
The first, the CNAMEs worked, it was just a matter of waiting.
The second issue was with the subdomain. sneaky.fish redirected to 10b3.com, and only bryantmakesprog.sneaky.fish would redirect to bryantmakesprog.10b3.com.
The solution for this was to use PHP to determine if a CNAME record exists pointing to bryantmakesprog.10b3.com and to handle that accordingly.

Using GoDaddy domain with No-Ip

I have a GoDaddy domain www.exmaple.com which points to (fake IP of course). My web server is behind a router that forwards port 80 to the appropriate port. All fine and dandy. However, like 99% of people out there, I have a dynamic IP. So I set up a hostname with noip.com called helloworld.ddns.net, set up their update client on my server (so it can update them whenever the IP changes (hasn't happened yet but i'm hoping it works as advertised), and then went to godaddy.com to change my records. Which is where stuff gets as hairy as harambe.
I started off by removing my A record, and changing my CNAME to point to helloworld.ddns.net.
Didn't work.
Googled around, and found that I need/should use the noip NSs. So I went back to godaddy, and changed my nameservers from theirs to the noip ones... ns[1,2,3,4,5].no-ip.com.
Still doesn't work. Should also point out, that after I made this change I lost the ability to set any records on my domain name. Which I guess makes sense since there's no point in godaddy having a record if I'm not using their NSs.
Tl;dr: How do I point godaddy domain, www.example.com, to a noip hostname, helloworld.ddns.net, which in turn points to my dynamic home ip, x.x.x.x.
Finally managed to solve my own issue, and I feel very silly for not realizing what the issue was before. The problem was that the CNAME was pointing to a subdomain (www) and therefore one couldn't access the site without including this in the URL. Summarised solution:
GoDaddy now has CNAME with a specific host name (ex www) and the noip domain as the value
No A record
Kept the default GoDaddy NSs
Configured forwarding w/o masking, to www.example.com... therefore, when someone tries to access example.com, they are automatically forwarded to the www subdomain.
A little bit of patience for propagation and everything was up and running.

Redirect subdomain on CloudFlare to Google Calendar

I want to redirect a subdomain of a domain I have on CloudFlare, to a Google Calendar (HTML/embed version).
I assumed I needed to use Page Rules to do this, which I have done by following CloudFlare’s documentation. However just following these instructions did not work for me. Apparently I need to add the subdomain to my DNS records on CloudFlare, but I don’t know how to set this up correctly since I have no server or IP to point it to (or I’m just confused as to why I need to even point it to something when I just want to forward a URL).
As mentioned I have no server to point it to – and thus can’t use a .htaccess solution – so don’t know what record type I should be using to use to just have the redirect working
I've had some success just using google.com as the CNAME record, then using a Page Rule to redirect everything on that domain. Because CloudFlare changes the DNS entry to its servers anyway (when you do the orange cloud thing) nobody will know.
I don't know if you could do that directly from cloudflare, but you can solve this using your hosting.
Point subdomain to your hosting server sub IN A via cloudflare
Create sub.domain.com on you hosting
Place redirection script in index file in subdomain sub.domain.com document root:
header( "Location: http://docs.google.com/your-url-and-so-on" ) ;
"subdomain to my DNS records on CloudFlare, but I don’t know how to set this up correctly since I have no server or IP to point it to"
This doesn't make much sense. A subdomain has to point to a record of some sort (A record or CNAME), so the subdomain wouldn't resolve without a record type of some sort. In order for a PageRule to work, two things have to happen:
The record has to be in your DNS settings.
The record has to have our proxy running over it.
It might be easier to figure out with the actual subdomain in question & what you're trying to forward to specifically.
So CloudFlare does support this through PageRules, you just need to get the URL correct.

GitHub Pages: setting up custom domain

I've got an organization page set up and running in GitHub and things seem to be working...but I'm a little confused. I'd like to actually understand the process since the GitHub Help article refers to taking advantage of their CDN and DoS services, so bear with me.
Step 1: Created CNAME file in repo with domain 'example.com'
Step 2: Grabbed IP from dig example.github.io +nostats +nocomments +nocmd
Step 3: Entered IP from Step 2 into the 'A' record (see image below)
I decided to stop here and see where it got me, and to my surprise it seems to have done the trick. The example.github.io domain correctly redirects to the example.com domain and displays the content from the repo.
However I was informed that after the DNS props, you can dig example.com and see the CNAME record pointing to example.github.io. I do not see this, and I dislike thinking that I didn't set things up correctly. Any thoughts/comments/tips welcome, thanks!
In order to take advantage of the CDN and DoS services provided by GitHub Pages, you'll need to set up a Subdomain (eg www.example.com or blog.example.com) instead of an Apex domain (example.com).
From the GitHub Help page you referenced:
If you are using an apex domain (example.com) instead of a subdomain
(www.example.com) and your DNS provider does not support ALIAS
records, then your only option is to use A records for your DNS. This
will not give you the benefit of our Content Delivery Network.
Here's a setup (looks like you're using GoDaddy for DNS) that would work to get your Organization Pages working as desired:
This is actually for a Project Page within an Organization, but for either one, you'll set the CNAME record for www to organization.github.io, not something like organization.github.io/project. Don't change the A record for # (mine is the default from GoDaddy).
If you want to get your Apex domain (example.com) to redirect to the new subdomain (www.example.com), then you can point your Apex to your subdomain with Domain Forwarding like this:
With that setup, you'll get to take advantage of GitHub's CDN, which you may notice is provided through fastly. Here's how my domain looks to dig:
It is also possible to use a CNAME record for an APEX domain using the free DNS service provided by CloudFlare in which case you can also use your domain without the www (or any other subdomain) and still benefit from CDN & DoS.
I've written a step-by-step guide here: Speed up your GitHub Pages website with CloudFlare
PS: Apparently using ALIAS records is a bad idea... click here to see why.
DNS records are publicly available. There's no way of masking them in this instance. From the way you describe it, you have done everything right. There is nothing that makes me thing you set this up incorrectly.
