Create Distinct ID by Group in Excel without sorting - excel

I have an Excel column that cannot be sorted and for which I need to create a unique id by group, similar to what is below:
| Name | ID |
| Jim | 1 |
| Sarah | 1 |
| Tim | 1 |
| Jim | 2 |
| Rachel | 1 |
| Sarah | 2 |
| Jim | 3 |
| Sarah | 3 |
| Rachel | 2 |
| Tim | 2 |

You can do this with a simple COUNTIF() and getting a little creative with your cell references:
=COUNTIF($A$1:$A1, A2) + 1
Put that in B2 (assuming your list with headers starts in A1) and then copy down.
COUNTIF() here is counting the number of times the name in the adjacent cell has appears in all of the cells above it. As you copy it down, that range will grow to include all cells between A1 and the next row up.


Check if there is at least one not-unquie value in column (without using a helper column)

| A | B |
1 | Product | Check Unique |
2 | Product_A | yes |
3 | Product_B | |
4 | Product_B | |
5 | Product_C | |
6 | Product_D | |
7 | | |
In Cell B2 I want to have a formula that is doing the following:
= If there is at least one value in Column A that is not unique then "yes" else "no"
I know I could achieve this with a Helper Column using COUNTIF but I would prefer a solution without a Helper Column.
Do you have any idea if this is possible?
in pre-O365 formula should be entered as array formula

How to populate columns using values from multiple rows of another sheet (Excel)

I'm not sure what to search for this.
Basically, say I have a sheet that looks like this:
A | apple | 1
A | aardvark | 1
A | alternate | 3
B | bear | 2
B | banana | 4
C | candy | 3
C | carnivore | 2
and I want to copy values into another sheet so that it looks like this:
A | apple | 1 | aardvark | 1 | alternate | 3
B | bear | 2 | banana | 4 | |
C | candy | 3 | carnivore | 2 | |
I know there's the lookup function, but I'm not sure how to make it select the first, second, third etc. instance of what's being referenced.
Thanks in advance for any help.
For the screenshot below, use the following formulas:
E2: =IFERROR(INDEX($A$1:$A$8,MATCH(E1,$A$1:$A$8,0)+COUNTIF($A$1:$A$8,E1)),"")
Select F2 and G2, and fill to the right as far as you need, then fill the entire table down as far as you need.

excel: filter using formulas

I have a list of people who belong to two groups (A or B). I want to create a column which lists all the people who belong to group A.
I have been trying to come up with an array formula but I do not have a working example. Any help appreciated!
Names | Group | Desired Output
Bob | A | Bob
Fred | B | Eric
Matt | B | Dave
Eric | A | Fred
Dave | A |
Stew | B |
Fred | A |
Many Thanks in advance
Normal formula for column C:
Copy/paste down in column C for a sufficient number of cells.
Array formula: select a sufficient number of cells in column C and write the same formula in the formula bar then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter
From this
| | A | B |
| 1 | Name | Group |
| 2 | Nick | A |
| 3 | Marc | A |
| 4 | Manny | B |
| 5 | Luck | A |
you can create two pivot tables with Name in the row label and Group in the filter data.
Then you can filter only people depending on the group.
| | A | B |
| 1 | Group | A |
| 2 | | |
| 3 | Etichette di riga | |
| 4 | Luck | |
| 5 | Marc | |
| 6 | Nick | |
So if your data is in range A1:B7 this would be the formula:
This is array formula that is applied with Ctrl + Shift + Enter and you will need to drag it down.

Count distinct occurrences and averages in a column based on identifiers in another column

In MS Excel, I want to count the number of distinct categories (ignoring a specific item) based on a different column. Also, I want to find the average and the max for the same selection. This is the data:
| Person | idea | score |
| George | vacuum | 9 |
| George | box | 6 |
| George | x | 1 |
| Joe | scoop | 4 |
| Joe | x | 1 |
| Joe | x | 1 |
| Joe | scoop | 4 |
| Joe | gear | 7 |
| Mike | harvester | 10 |
| Mike | gear | 7 |
| Mike | box | 6 |
The result should be the following:
| Person | distinct ideas | Avg. score | Max score |
| George | 2 | 5.3 | 9 |
| Joe | 2 | 3.4 | 7 |
| Mike | 3 | 7.7 | 10 |
Because Joe has two "scoop" and one "gear" idea, and I want to ignore the "x" items.
I reluctantly gave up and did it manually for each person, e.g., this is for the first person:
Doesn't Excel have functions to return a range instead of a value? If I could select the range based on the name of the person in the first columns, I could count distinct occurrences or find the average in another column.
Add a 4th column and label it Distinct Ideas
If your table starts in A1, then:
EDIT: Formula changed to exclude "x". Screen shot also changed
D2: =IF(TRIM($B2)="x",0,IF(SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A2=A2)*($B$2:$B2=B2))>1,0,1))
and fill down.
Then construct a Pivot table
Person to Row Labels
Distinct Ideas to Values area
score to Values and select to Average
Score to Values area and Select Max
Format as desired. Here is one result:

Kind of group by in Excel without VBA

I need another transformation help in Excel
| A | B |
---| ----|--------|
1 | ID | Course |
2 | 1 | A1 |
3 | 1 | A2 |
4 | 2 | A1 |
5 | 3 | A2 |
I want to have a kind of group by, i.e.
| A | B | C |D | ...
---| ----|---------|---------|---------|----
1 | ID | Course1 | Course2 | Course3 | ...
2 | 1 | A1 | A2 | | ...
3 | 2 | A1 | | | ...
4 | 3 | A2 | | | ...
Any ideas? Is it possible without VBA macro?
I believe that the following link on removing duplicates from column would suit your needs (in your case you would do it horizontally).
Per your reply to Robert, if you want to do it without VBA, try this... Select all cells in the first column. Copy and paste them into the first column of another worksheet. Use Excel's Remove Duplicates function on the pasted data. Then use INDEX functions in the columns to the right in order to pull the first, second, etc values matching that first column value.
