Data.List.iterate lazy evaluation not happening - haskell

I'm having the above function, but when I call it, it gets stuck, the Data.List.iterate evaluates without stopping.
rp:: RandomGen g => g -> ([Int], g)
rp g = (map (\x -> (last (fst x))) lst , snd (next g))
lst = (Data.List.iterate id ([1], g_second))
(g_first, g_second) = (split g)
Why does that happend?
Thank you!

While I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to achieve with your function, the reason it doesn't stop is because you're mapping over an infinite list and giving it no reason to stop.
The infinite list originates in your use of iterate:
lst = (Data.List.iterate id ([1], g_second))
What you've done there is create an infinite list which contains an infinite number of the tuple value ([1], g_second). That seems like a logic error - that list of tuple has no variation; every element is the same, to infinity. To be clear, this list you are building looks like this:
[([1], g_second), ([1], g_second), ([1], g_second), ([1], g_second)...]
g_second is unchanging and never gets a reason to evaluate, so it is, in essence, discarded.
If you were to use something like take or takeWhile, you could force that infinite list to stop and return a known number of elements. However, by using map in this statement:
map (\x -> (last (fst x))) lst
All you are doing is pulling the value 1 out of the tuple and repeating it forever.
And since you discard g_second and never use g_first, your function is equivalent to the following:
rp :: RandomGen g => g -> ([Int], g)
rp g = (repeat 1 , snd (next g))

Assuming you want to generate an infinite list of random-numbers based on a RandomGen g then you can use Data.List.unfold as it fit's next nicely:
> import System.Random
> import Data.List
> let rnds g = unfoldr (Just . next) g
> let rnds' = rnds (mkStdGen 0)
> take 3 rnds'
BTW: yes the final g is missing - but to get this you would have to generate the infinite list first ... which seems unlikely (plus it would not fit unfoldr as nicely ;))


Redefining the drop function in terms of filter or map

I have a homework where I need to redefine the drop function in terms of the map or filter function.
drop n (:xs) = drop (n-1) (xs)
drop 3 [1,2,3,4,5] = [4,5]
I have an idea but I'm not sure how to implement it. First you zip the elements of the list (say xs) with [1..] and you get elements of the list paired with these numbers (say (x,y)). Then you somehow try to filter these pairs in such a way that y would be greater than 3.
Then you print out the elements of x from the filtered pairs.
But I struggle to put this idea into code. Any help I can get or suggestions about the idea would be much appreciated.
You have the exact right idea. It's a three step process: (1) zip with an enumerator of some kind, (2) filter based on the index, and (3) map to get rid of the enumerator. The code representing that would look something like this
drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
drop n xs = map snd . filter (\(i, _) -> i > n) . zip [1..] $ xs
where snd is the Prelude function defined as
snd :: (a, b) -> b
snd (a, b) = b

How to create a Infinite List in Haskell where the new value consumes all the previous values

If I create a infinite list like this:
let t xs = xs ++ [sum(xs)]
let xs = [1,2] : map (t) xs
take 10 xs
I will get this result:
This is pretty close to what I am trying to do.
This current code uses the last value to define the next. But, instead of a list of lists, I would like to know some way to make an infinite list that uses all the previous values to define the new one.
So the output would be only
I have the definition of the first element [1].
I have the rule of getting a new element, sum all the previous elements.
But, I could not put this in the Haskell grammar to create the infinite list.
Using my current code, I could take the list that I need, using the command:
xs !! 10
> [1,2,3,6,12,24,48,96,192,384,768,1536]
But, it seems to me, that it is possible doing this in some more efficient way.
Some Notes
I understand that, for this particular example, that was intentionally oversimplified, we could create a function that uses only the last value to define the next.
But, I am searching if it is possible to read all the previous values into an infinite list definition.
I am sorry if the example that I used created some confusion.
Here another example, that is not possible to fix using reading only the last value:
isMultipleByList :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Bool
isMultipleByList _ [] = False
isMultipleByList v (x:xs) = if (mod v x == 0)
then True
else (isMultipleByList v xs)
nextNotMultipleLoop :: Integer -> Integer -> [Integer] -> Integer
nextNotMultipleLoop step v xs = if not (isMultipleByList v xs)
then v
else nextNotMultipleLoop step (v + step) xs
nextNotMultiple :: [Integer] -> Integer
nextNotMultiple xs = if xs == [2]
then nextNotMultipleLoop 1 (maximum xs) xs
else nextNotMultipleLoop 2 (maximum xs) xs
addNextNotMultiple xs = xs ++ [nextNotMultiple xs]
infinitePrimeList = [2] : map (addNextNotMultiple) infinitePrimeList
take 10 infinitePrimeList
infinitePrimeList !! 10
You can think so:
You want to create a list (call them a) which starts on [1,2]:
a = [1,2] ++ ???
... and have this property: each next element in a is a sum of all previous elements in a. So you can write
scanl1 (+) a
and get a new list, in which any element with index n is sum of n first elements of list a. So, it is [1, 3, 6 ...]. All you need is take all elements without first:
tail (scanl1 (+) a)
So, you can define a as:
a = [1,2] ++ tail (scanl1 (+) a)
This way of thought you can apply with other similar problems of definition list through its elements.
If we already had the final result, calculating the list of previous elements for a given element would be easy, a simple application of the inits function.
Let's assume we already have the final result xs, and use it to compute xs itself:
import Data.List (inits)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let is = drop 2 $ inits xs
xs = 1 : 2 : map sum is
print $ take 10 xs
This produces the list
(Note: this is less efficient than SergeyKuz1001's solution, because the sum is re-calculated each time.)
unfoldr has a quite nice flexibility to adapt to various "create-a-list-from-initial-conditions"-problems so I think it is worth mentioning.
A little less elegant for this specific case, but shows how unfoldr can be used.
import Data.List
nextVal as = Just (s,as++[s])
where s = sum as
initList = [1,2]
myList =initList ++ ( unfoldr nextVal initList)
main = putStrLn . show . (take 12) $ myList
in the end.
As pointed out in the comment, one should think a little when using unfoldr. The way I've written it above, the code mimicks the code in the original question. However, this means that the accumulator is updated with as++[s], thus constructing a new list at every iteration. A quick run at suggests it becomes quite memory intensive and slow. (4.5 seconds to access the 2000nd element in myList
Simply swapping the acumulator update to a:as produced a 7-fold speed increase. Since the same list can be reused as accumulator in every step it goes faster. However, the accumulator list is now in reverse, so one needs to think a little bit. In the case of predicate function sum this makes no differece, but if the order of the list matters, one must think a little bit extra.
You could define it like this:
xs = 1:2:iterate (*2) 3
For example:
Prelude> take 12 xs
So here's my take. I tried not to create O(n) extra lists.
explode ∷ Integral i ⇒ (i ->[a] -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
explode fn init = as where
as = init ++ [fn i as | i <- [l, l+1..]]
l = genericLength init
This convenience function does create additional lists (by take). Hopefully they can be optimised away by the compiler.
explode' f = explode (\x as -> f $ take x as)
Usage examples:
myList = explode' sum [1,2]
sum' 0 xs = 0
sum' n (x:xs) = x + sum' (n-1) xs
myList2 = explode sum' [1,2]
In my tests there's little performance difference between the two functions. explode' is often slightly better.
The solution from #LudvigH is very nice and clear. But, it was not faster.
I am still working on the benchmark to compare the other options.
For now, this is the best solution that I could find:
-- # infinite sum of the previous using fuse
recursiveSum xs = [nextValue] ++ (recursiveSum (nextList)) where
nextValue = sum(xs)
nextList = xs ++ [nextValue]
initialSumValues = [1]
infiniteSumFuse = initialSumValues ++ recursiveSum initialSumValues
-- # infinite prime list using fuse
-- calculate the current value based in the current list
-- call the same function with the new combined value
recursivePrimeList xs = [nextValue] ++ (recursivePrimeList (nextList)) where
nextValue = nextNonMultiple(xs)
nextList = xs ++ [nextValue]
initialPrimes = [2]
infiniteFusePrimeList = initialPrimes ++ recursivePrimeList initialPrimes
This approach is fast and makes good use of many cores.
Maybe there is some faster solution, but I decided to post this to share my current progress on this subject so far.
In general, define
xs = x1 : zipWith f xs (inits xs)
Then it's xs == x1 : f x1 [] : f x2 [x1] : f x3 [x1, x2] : ...., and so on.
Here's one example of using inits in the context of computing the infinite list of primes, which pairs them up as
ps = 2 : f p1 [p1] : f p2 [p1,p2] : f p3 [p1,p2,p3] : ...
(in the definition of primes5 there).

Is `group list by size` a fold?

I came across this problem : grouping the elements of a list by packet of the same size, so that
> groupBy 3 [1..10]
[[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [10]]
Nothing really hard to do, but first I was surprise that I couldn't find a function for it.
My first try was
groupBy _ [] = []
groupBy n xs = g : groupBy n gs
where (g, gs) = splitAt n xs
So far so good, it works, even on infinite list. However I don't like the first line groupBy _ [] = []. Seems a good candidate for a fold but I couldn't figure it out.
So can this function can be written as a fold or as a one liner ?
My attempt at a one liner:
groupBy' n l = map (map snd) $ groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $ concatMap (replicate n) [1..] `zip` l
It took me 10 times more to write that the initial attempt.
Update 2
Following Ganesh answer and using unfoldr and the help of pointfree I came out with this convoluted point free solution
groupBy' n = unfoldr $ listToMaybe . (ap (>>) (return.splitAt n))
You can do it as a fold with some gymnastics, but it's much nicer as an unfold:
unfoldr (\xs -> if null xs then Nothing else Just (splitAt n xs))
[You'll need to import Data.List if you haven't already]
The type of unfoldr is:
unfoldr :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> [a]
The idea of unfoldr is that a generating function decides whether to stop (Nothing) or keep going (Just). If the result is Just then the first element of the tuple is the next element of the output list, and the second element is passed to the generating function again.
As #leftroundabout pointed out in a comment on the question, an unfold is much more natural here because it treats the output list elements as similar to each other, whereas in a fold the input list elements should be treated similarly. In this case the need to start a new sublist every n elements of the input list makes this harder.

Haskell idiom for 'selective' map

Suppose one wants to map over a collection, but only collect results of the mapped function if the mapped-upon value meets certain criteria. I am currently doing this as such:
func = foldl (\acc x, -> (maybeGrab x):acc) []
maybeGrab a
| a > 5 = [someFunc a]
| otherwise = []
While this works, I am sure there is a more idiomatic 'right/common/more recognisable' way to do this.
mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapMaybe from the Data.Maybe package looks like it does the job. The documentation says:
The mapMaybe function is a version of map which can throw out elements. In particular, the functional argument returns something of type Maybe b. If this is Nothing, no element is added on to the result list. If it just Just b, then b is included in the result list.
Personally, I would do this in two stages: first, eliminate the values you don't care about, then map.
func = map someFunc . filter (>5)
This can also be expressed nicely as a list comprehension.
func xs = [someFunc x | x <- xs, x > 5]
Hmm. This definitely seems like a place where a fold is just fine. What about:
func = foldl (\acc x -> let a = g x in if a > 5 then a:acc else acc) []
Here g is the function you are trying to map over the list.
I can't think of any function that natively combines map and filter without folding.
Oh, apparently there is a mapMaybe. Never used that before. I stand corrected. Ha, learn something all the time.

How to select every n-th element from a list [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to get every Nth element of an infinite list in Haskell?
Simple task - we have a list and want to leave only each nth element in that list.
What is the most idiomatic way to do it in haskell?
off the top of my head it is something like:
dr n [] = []
dr n (x : xs) = x : (dr n $ drop n xs)
but I have a strong feeling that I'm overcomplicating the problem.
My variant would be:
each :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
each n = map head . takeWhile (not . null) . iterate (drop n)
Fast and plays well with laziness.
Your solution is fine, but here are three other solutions using functions from Haskell's base library.
dr1 m = concatMap (take 1) . iterate (drop m)
Of coarse, this will never terminate (because iterate never terminates). So perhaps a better solution would be to use unfoldr:
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import Data.Maybe
dr2 m = unfoldr ((\x-> fmap (,drop m x) (listToMaybe x)))
The function you pass to an unfold can get a bit ugly if you don't know GHC extensions and concepts such as functors, here's that solution again without the fancy foot-work (untested):
dr2 m = unfoldr ((\x -> case listToMaybe x of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just i -> Just (i,drop m x)))
If you don't like unfolds then consider a zip and a filter:
dr3 m = map snd . filter ((== 1) . fst) . zip (cycle [1..m])
Understand all these solutions are slightly different. Learning why will make you a better Haskell progammer. dr1 uses iterate and will thus never terminate (perhaps this is ok for infinite lists, but probably not a good overall solution):
> dr1 99 [1..400]
The dr2 solution will show every mth value by skipping values in the unfold. The unfold passes both the value to be used for the next unfolding and the result of the current unfolding in a single tuple.
> dr2 99 [1..400]
The dr3 solution is slightly longer but probably easier for a beginner to understand. First you tag every element in the list with a cycle of [1..n, 1..n, 1..n ...]. Second, you select only the numbers tagged with a 1, effectively skipping n-1 of the elements. Third you remove the tags.
> dr3 99 [1..400]
Lots of ways to shave this yak! Here's yet another:
import Data.List.Split -- from the "split" package on Hackage
dr n = map head . chunk n
Try this:
getEach :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
getEach _ [] = []
getEach n list
| n < 1 = []
| otherwise = foldr (\i acc -> list !! (i - 1):acc) [] [n, (2 * n)..(length list)]
Then in GHC:
*Main> getEach 2 [1..10]
