External Links not auto-updating when Source File is OPEN - excel

I have a very odd occurrence happening. Linked data in a Master workbook is not updating when one of its source files are open. I have a Master workbook that has links to about two-dozen source workbooks. The links work properly when I open the Master file. However, if I open both the Master workbook and one of the source files and proceed to change one of the inputs from the source file, the update does not flow through to the Master file.
If I then save the source file and click Edit Links >> Update Values in the Connections section of the Data tab of the Master workbook, the data updates. I don't want to have to perform this manual "push" every time I update the source.
The only symptom I can find is that the reference to the source file in the Master file does not become an internal reference when the source workbook is open. It retains the entire file path (i.e. 'C:\shared\username\folder[filename.xlsm]sourcedata'!$D$3) instead of simply beginning with the bracketed expression ([filename.xlsm]sourcedata!$D$3).
Using Excel 2013.
This is only happening on my machine. I tried it on two other machines and the links work properly.
I have checked my calculation settings to automatic, and have Trust-Center set to the most permissive setting possible. I have automatic updating of links turned on. This workbook is password protected for EDITING (it can be viewed without a password).
Please help!!

This sounds like an issue I once had, I suggest you to try changing the file path syntax to UNC convention, i.e. instead of C:\shared\username\folder[filename.xlsm]sourcedata'!$D$3 something like: \\\ComputerName\C$\shared\username\folder[filename.xlsm]sourcedata'!$D$3
That sometimes helps


How to make self-modify Excel workbook in shared folder with read-only permissions?

I made a workbook with VBA which is stored at shared folder of my employer. Employees can open this folder and workbook, but only as read-only.
User at this workbook works with several macros and I need to count number of starts these macros and store this data somewhere. In the best way, it will be stored in the workbook itself. But they do not have rights to modify the workbook, so they cannot save it even if I will try do it automatically as part of macro.
So what I need, is to find a way, how to make this workbook self editing (or auto-saving).
I found two possible ways, but they do not work at this scenario:
Because the file is opened just in read-only mode, I cannot save it directly. I even cannot use save-as and rewrite that file, because I haven't rights to editing it in that folder.
I found a way, where is new document in PC repository and the workbook saves data in that file and this file must be saved somewhere, where it could be editable. But I do not know networking enough to find a save place where I will make this file and even more, I am not sure, how will HQ looks at this type of activity.
I would prefer to count it in the file, but from MS support I get, that I cannot save it, just rewrite, which is impossible if I have not rights for that. So my question is, is there any save way how to count it or store data somewhere else?
As far as I know, without getting write-permissions fixed for your users, it can't be done. You should work with your network administrator to explain your requirements for the users.
Alternatively, you need to find a place where every user DOES have write-access, then design the script to save-as to that location. It all comes down to permissions.

Manage external data source locations in Excel when sharing the file across Dropbox

When working in Excel, sometimes we have external data sources.
In Windows, these files may be stored in a specific location such as C:\Users\Freelensia\Dropbox\data source.xls
When sharing the main file and the data source file with another person through file-sharing services such as Dropbox, the location of the data source will be changed to:
C:\Users\PeterSmith\Dropbox\data source.xls
(from the view of the Peter Smith user)
This will break the data connection in the main file when Peter opens it. He can reset the path to the one as seen from his computer, but that will break the connection for the Freelensia user when he/she opens it from his/her end.
Is there a way to permanently fix these locations for multiple users? Such that Excel will correctly get the path when the right user opens it.
I am looking for an inherent Excel property if such a thing exists. Else VBA macros (A table with the file paths for each user, and MsgBox that ask the user to choose the user profile). Else a Windows .bat file could work as well.
Thank you for your help.
A trick to this is to move your Dropbox to C:\Dropbox for all users.
To do that, click on the Dropbox icon at the bottom-right, click the Gear Icon, Settings, Sync Tab, then you can move the folder to C:\Dropbox.
If you encounter permission errors, follow the instructions here to reset the permissions:
If my understanding is right when ever a different user opens/saves a file the path "C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Dropbox\data source.xls" will be same only "xxxxxxx" in the path will be varying with the active user who has logged in.
So use "Application.UserName" function to get the username and use it in the path mentioned above
Excel uses relative links, even though it shows longer paths in the cells when you look at them. This ends up meaning that if you move the file and the file(s) it is connecting to a different location then the links will still work.
If you put your main file in Dropbox\Excel\main.xlsx and then your data sources in Dropbox\Excel\Data\data sources.xlsx then I think you should be good.
I tested this with Google Drive on two different computers, taking turns opening and modifying the data source and also opening and having the main file update without any issues.
I am not positive if this would work for you in Dropbox, but I really think it should... I am using Excel 2010, so if you are using Excel 2003 (or saving files as .xls instead of the newer .xlsx format) there is a possibility that could cause issues.

Recover unsaved .csv file changes

Does anyone know a way to recover changes made in a .csv that were not saved when excel 2007 was closed.
At the moment, I don't see any way to solve this.
Check all the temporary files created recently. Especially alongside the file you opened. There are a few temp folders in the system that Excel may use. C:\Windows\temp is the main one, but it is usually under the Users folder in later versions of windows. Eg: C:\Users\YourUserName\Local Settings\Temp
If you find any files that look like Excel temps, take a copy and rename the extension and then try to open it.
(Your only real chance is if auto-save kicked in and saved a copy - to a temp file - when you still had your new changes in the document. Otherwise the changes are lost I'm afraid)
If option #1 doesn't resolve your problem in Excel, go to File->Options->Save. Hopefully your AutoRecover file location, under the third box, will be populated with an address.

Excel form lost path

In my file server, some excel files lost their path,
what happens and stay that way:
How can I solve this problem? if someone can help me.
Thank you
You could have a hidden (or not) worksheet with the names of the files that it is to link to. Then use a VLOOKUP to handle the names. That way you can changes the file names in the lookup table and the links will redirect as needed.
Someone may have answered "yes" to update the links as some point and that caused them to change.
I just thought of something:
Rename \\SHARING\LANAIM\Gest_Qual\05_REG\04_Gest\ file1.xlsx
to file2.xlsx
Open \\04__Gest\ file1.xlsx (Create it there if it does
not exist)
Open the file that has the links in it.
Verify that changes to file1.xslx appear in the linked file
You should now have 2 files open (the linked file and the dummy file1.xslx).
Use "Save As" to save file1.xlsx to the location that you want the links to point to (\\SHARING\LANAIM\Gest_Qual\05_REG\04_Gest\ file1.xlsx).
Close file1.xlsx then close the linked file.
Rename \\SHARING\LANAIM\Gest_Qual\05_REG\04_Gest\ file2.xlsx
back to original file1.xlsl (deleting the dummy file1.xslx in the process).
Open your linked file and the links should now point to the correct

Excel VBA: Setting a Workbook-level default save directory

I want my workbook to have a default save directory, e.g. "n:\mydirectory\hello", So each time I open it and try to save it, it will suggest this directory regardless of which other Workbooks I have saved in other paths recently.
Using the Workbook_Activate event, you can change the "current directory" with the ChDir statement so that whenever you are working within this file, the default save directory will be changed to what you want.
Note: this will only help for new files that have not yet been saved; existing files, even if you do a Save-As will default to their own directory.
If the issue is specific to a single workbook (say, a template you regularly fill out and save as another filename), you could write a macro in that workbook to perform the Save As operation into the same folder (or some other static folder) using either a dialog or data from the spreadsheet to determine the new filename.
If the issue is that you just don't like saving files to "My Documents" by default, you can change Excel's default save location across the board. This setting is in the options (the exact location depends on which Excel version you're using).
