Electron 4 Windows -> electron-builder -> auto-update: custom solution - node.js

I'm building an app for windows using Electron. To package and distribute it I'm using electron-builder. Electron-builder relies on many packages, and for auto-updates it uses Squirrel-windows.
I've been battling with auto-update on Windows for 3 days and at the end I've come up with a working solution that seems to give no problems.
I wont' go into the details of what I've tried, and failed. Instead, I'll post here the solution with which I've come up.
I'm sharing it with you guys, to see if you may point out to me any flaws that will make my system fail, or, if it truly is a solid solution, to help those who are struggling as I was. For this latter reason, I'm posting some more code than it would be necessary, hoping it will help others.
The logic is as follows:
if the sub-folder fullupdate inside the path of the current executable does not exists (see later, it will be clarified), we connect with an online server and check if there is an update by sending the current app version;
if there is no update, do nothing.
if there is an update, we instruct the server to return a json string that contains the url from which we can download of the .exe installer produced by electron-builder. NB: not the .nupkg (server code not provided :-)).
we download the file and save it inside a sub folder fullupdate in the local folder in which our app is currently saved. This should be "safe" as electron-builder saves the app in the current user folder AppData, so we should not have permissions issues.
at the end of the download, we create a new file update inside the folder fullupdate to be sure the download has finished successfully. We could also rename the file, but I prefer this way.
next time the app opens:
if the folder fullupdate exists we check if the file update exists. If it does not exists, the download was not finished, so we delete the folder fullupdate and call the remote server again to start all over again.
else, if the file update exists, we launch the .exe file we have downloaded, and return true. This will prevent the app from opening the main window. The cool thing is that the updater will delete the whole old version of the app saved in AppData (while leaving local user data) and replace it with the new version. In this way we will get rid also of the folder fullupdate.
Now the code:
// we want to run this only on windows
var handleStartupEvent = function() {
if (process.platform !== 'win32') {
return false;
var appFolder = 'app-' + appVersion;
var pathApp = path.dirname(process.execPath);
var pathUpdate = pathApp + '\\fullupdate';
var checkupdateurl = 'https://api.mysite.com/getjson/' + appVersion.split('.').join('-');
function checkIfDownloaded(){
if (!fs.existsSync(pathUpdate)) checkUpdate();
else return checkIfInstallLocal();
function checkIfInstallLocal(){
if(fileExists('fullupdate\\update')) return installLocal();
else {
function installLocal(){
cp.exec('fullupdate\\Update.exe', function( error, stdout, stderr){
if ( error != null ) {
return true;
// from http://www.geedew.com/remove-a-directory-that-is-not-empty-in-nodejs/
var deleteFolderRecursive = function(path) {
if( fs.existsSync(path) ) {
var curPath = path + "/" + file;
if(fs.lstatSync(curPath).isDirectory()) deleteFolderRecursive(curPath);
else fs.unlinkSync(curPath);
// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4482686/check-synchronously-if-file-directory-exists-in-node-js
function fileExists(path) {
try {
return fs.statSync(path).isFile();
catch (e) {
if (e.code == 'ENOENT') { // no such file or directory. File really does not exist
return false;
throw e; // something else went wrong, we don't have rights, ...
function checkUpdate(){
https.get('https://api.mysite.com/getjson/' + app.getVersion().split('.').join('-'), (res) => {
res.on('data', function(chunk) {
if(chunk) thereIsUpdate(chunk);
}).on('error', (e) => {
function thereIsUpdate(chunk){
var data = JSON.parse(chunk);
if(data && data.url) getNewUpdate(data.urlsetup);
function getNewUpdate(url){
var file = fs.createWriteStream(pathUpdate + '/Update.exe');
var responseSent = false; // flag to make sure that response is sent only once.
var request = https.get(url, function(response) {
file.on('finish', () =>{
file.close(() => {
if(responseSent) return;
responseSent = true;
fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(pathUpdate + '/update', 'w'));
if(checkIfDownloaded()) return true;
// see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30105150/handle-squirrels-event-on-an-electron-app
// here we call the function. It is before the opening of the window, so that we prevent the opening if we are updating, or if there is a Squirrel event going on (see SO question, link above)
if (handleStartupEvent()) {


Electron JS write file permission problems

We are developing an Electron JS app which should get a configuration file from a server at one part. This worked until an hour ago, but now it "magically" throws a permission error. It throws a permission error when we try to write to anything. Here is what we explicitly tested:
We tried lauching it from an administrator elevated powershell, but still no success. This is our code snippet:
function canWrite(path, callback) {
fs.access(path, fs.W_OK, function (err) {
callback(null, !err);
function downloadFile(url, target, target_name) {
canWrite(target, function (err, isWritable) {
if (isWritable){
directory: target,
filename: target_name
console.log("Downloaded from: " + url + " to: " + target);
return true;
} else {
console.log("No permission to write to target");
return false;
downloadFile(REMOTEURL, app.getPath('userData'), 'sessionfile.json');
We rewrote this code, tried to change filenames, tried it without the filename (..) and are a bit out of ideas now. We furthermore implemented a file check (whether the file exists or not) and if so a deletion before executing this. We commented it out for now for debugging because it worked before.
After somebody pointed out that the outer check is pretty useless, I updated the code to this (still doesn't work):
function downloadFile(url, target) {
directory: target,
downloadFile(REMOTEURL, "C:/test");
Since it appears that electron-dl doesn't give clear error messages, you may want to check/create the directory beforehand as you initially did.
The basic procedure could look like this:
Check if the target directory exists.
If it exists, check if it is writable.
If it is writable, proceed to downloading.
If it is not writable, print an informative error message and stop.
If it doesn't exist, try to create it.
If this works, proceed to downloading.
If this fails, print an informative error message and stop.
The following code implements this idea (using the synchronous versions of the fs methods for simplicity). Be sure to use the asynchronous versions if required.
const electronDl = require('electron-dl')
const fs = require('fs')
function ensureDirExistsAndWritable(dir) {
if (fs.existsSync(dir)) {
try {
fs.accessSync(dir, fs.constants.W_OK)
} catch (e) {
console.error('Cannot access directory')
return false
else {
try {
catch (e) {
if (e.code == 'EACCES') {
console.log('Cannot create directory')
else {
return false
return true
function downloadFile(url, target) {
if (ensureDirExistsAndWritable(target) == false) {
directory: target,
dl => console.log('Successfully downloaded to ' + dl.getSavePath())
console.log('There was an error downloading the file')

cy.readFile results in timeout?

I am trying to read an JSON file that I have just written with another test in the same cypress project. However when it tries to read the file it times out after 4000 milliseconds.
Has anyone experienced this before? How could I solve it?
I have tried increasing the time out by giving it a settings object but that doesn't increase the time out time. I thought it might be a file permissions issue but that doesn't seem to be it either.
I am running on Mac but tried the same project on Windows with the same result.
before('grab generated user data', function (){
let data = cy.readFile("Generated User/Cypress test 131.json", {log:true, timeout: 180000});
I expect it to just give back the parsed JSON object. As it says in the Cypress docs. (https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/readfile.html#Syntax)
1.Your file should be in the project directory where cypress.json file is present.
2.Your file name should be Cypresstest131.json or Cypress-test-131.json
before('grab generated user data', function (){
let data = cy.readFile("Cypresstest131.json", {log:true, timeout: 4000});
data.its('name').should('eq', 'Eliza')
before('grab generated user data', function (){
cy.readFile("Cypress-test-131.json", {log:true, timeout: 4000}).its('name').should('eq', 'Eliza')
Hope this help you
I ended up creating a data.json with cy.createFileSync(). When I want to read the file instead of using cypresses cy.readFile() function I created a cypress task that uses the fs library to read the file.
I am leaving you with the code snipped of the task I used to read the file.
const fs = require('fs');
const request = require('request');
module.exports = (on, config) => {
on('task', {
// Cypress task to get the last ID
getLastId: () => {
// Make a promise to tell Cypress to wait for this task to complete
return new Promise((resolve) => {
fs.readFile("data.json", 'utf8', (err, data) => {
if (data !== null && data !== undefined) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('last_id')) {
} else {
resolve("Missing last_id");
} else {
Calling this function would be as simple as
let id = 0;
before('grab generated user data', function (){
id = newID;

Is it possible to overwrite a file with nodejs?

I am developing SFTP server with nodejs and I am writing a file which contain some code errors.
Here's my code :
readfile(path, writestream, fileError) {
if (path === '/put.error') {
if (fileError) {
console.warn("Dowloading : " + path);
var data = JSON.stringify(fileError, null, 4);
console.warn("File downloaded")
return true;
return true;
It works fine the first time I did "get put.error" but I got an issue when I wanted to do download it again because the file already exist. How I could overwrite this file ?
I don't need to keep old datas, just to destroy it or overwrite.

Calling external function from within Phantomjs+node.js

I'm going to be honest. I'm way in over my head here.
I need to scrape data from a dynamic site for my employer. Before the data is visible on the page, there are some clicks and waits necessary. Simple PHP scraping won't do. So I found out about this NodeJS + PhantomJS combo. Quite a pain to set up, but I did manage to load a site, run some code and get a result.
I wrote a piece of jQuery which uses timeout loops to wait for some data to be loaded. Eventually I get a js object that I want to write to a file (JSON).
The issue I'm facing.
I build up the the js object inside the PhantomJS .evaluate scope, which runs in a headerless browser, so not directly in my Node.JS server scope. How do I send the variable I built up inside evaluate back to my server so I can write it to my file?
Some example code (I know it's ugly, but it's for illustrative purposes). I use node-phantom-simple as a bridge between Phantom and Node
var phantom = require('node-phantom-simple'),
fs = require('fs'),
webPage = 'https://www.imagemedia.com/printing/business-card-printing/'
phantom.create(function(err, ph) {
return ph.createPage(function(err, page) {
return page.open(webPage, function(err, status) {
page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) {
console.log("opened site? ", status);
page.evaluate(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
function timeOutLoop() {
setTimeout(function() {
if ($('#ajax_price_tool div').length != 6) {
} else {
$('.price-select-cnt').eq(2).find('select').val('Premium Card Stock')
}, 100)
function timeOutLoop2() {
setTimeout(function() {
if ($('.pricing-cost-cnt').text() == '$0' || $('.pricing-cost-cnt').text() == '') {
} else {
var price = $('.pricing-cost-cnt').text()
}, 100)
}, 4000)
function writeJSON(plsWrite) {
var key = 'file'
fs.writeFile('./results/' + key + '.json', plsWrite, 'utf8', function() {
console.log('The JSON file is saved as');
console.log('results/' + key + '.json');
So do do I write the price this code takes from the website, get it out of the evaluate scope and write it to a file?

How to tell if a script is run as content script or background script?

In a Chrome extension, a script may be included as a content script or background script.
Most stuff it does is the same, but there are some would vary according to different context.
The question is, how could a script tell which context it is being run at?
Thank you.
I think this is a fairly robust version that worked in my initial tests and does not require a slower try catch, and it identifies at least the three primary contexts of a chrome extension, and should let you know if you are on the base page as well.
av = {};
av.Env = {
isChromeExt: function(){
return !!(window['chrome'] && window['chrome']['extension'])
getContext: function(){
var loc = window.location.href;
if(!!(window['chrome'] && window['chrome']['extension'])){
if(window == chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()){
return 'background';
return 'extension';
}else if( /^https?/.test(loc) ){
return 'content';
return window.location.protocol.replace(':','');
Well I managed to work out this:
var scriptContext = function() {
try {
if (chrome.bookmarks) {
return "background";
else {
return "content";
catch (e) {
return "content";
It's because an exception would be thrown if the content script tries to access the chrome.* parts except chrome.extension.
Reference: http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/content_scripts.html
The best solution I've found to this problem comes from over here.
const isBackground = () => location.protocol === 'chrome-extension:'
The background service worker at Manifest v3 does not contain a window.
I use this as part of my extension error handling which reloads the content scripts, when i receive an Extension context invalidated error:
if (!self.window) {
console.warn('Background error: \n', error);
} else {
