Is it possible to use 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider without installation? - excel

I have an Excel-reading library that depends on the Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider - I would like a way to use it without being forced to install the Access Database Engine.
Is it possible? e.g. xcopy deploy + clever COM trickery.

Sorry not enough point to comment
But from my understanding in your question, the short answer is No. It's like you want to have a house but you don't to build it on the solid surface.
Perhaps you can explain why you can't install Access Database Engine and what you are trying to achieve in detail so we can get a work around in this instead


siebel compile using vba macros?

We got one assignment to compile selected siebel objects using VBA macros.
When i say selected it means list of objects will be available in one excel sheet.
is it possible to compile automatically in VBA?
any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I can help you with this.
You can double check with Oracle support.
As #Ranjith already mentioned, there is no supported API to compile an SRF. This applies to both the VBA COM and the Java Bean.
Even if you managed to find an undocumented way of compiling the SRF using VBA, it would be unsupported by Oracle. Any issue you have afterwards they will request you reproduce your issue with a standard compile. So, I'd also recommend not investing in this route.
For arguments sake I'll assume that there is a supported way for a moment. Even then I'd argue that Excel is the worst way to automate a compile and deployment of a SRF. It's a client application, it can't - or is difficult - to run on a command line and doesn't interface with proper Continuous Integration tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, Bamboo and the lot.
Building a CI/CD pipeline for Siebel from scratch is complex. Take your time to research the matter. Have a look at the commercial party support and if you do want to develop your own, find a good DevOps engineer and couple him with a strong Siebel Engineer with deployment experience.
As all previous commentators mentioned, this is a challenge, but still possible.
Matter the fact you can use scripting on the Siebel Tools Object Compiler service, which is triggered via siebdev.exe batch compile call. Messing around RepositoryName input parameter can give you the way to pass Excel file name into the service.
Incremental compilation could be performed, following these complex steps on the PreInvokeMethod hook:
Open a transaction, using EAI Transaction Service (may require some ddl libraries from the Windows Siebel Server distribution)
Create a new project (e.g. "__my_incremental_compilation__")
Find the desired repository objects and move them to your project
Pass project name to the ProjectsList parameter of the service's Inputs property set
Continue service call (wait for the end of the compilation)
Rollback the transaction
This worked well for me, when I got stuck with the same question.
Hope it helps you!

How To allow unexperienced users to use my Puppet module

I am developing opensouce project with a huge pile of dependencies, and I find Puppet a perfect tool for my requirements.
However, my target audience is not necessarily experienced with Puppet. To the point they may not be even know how web servers work. So I would like to ask the user to “run this in terminal” for the simplest case, but if the user also wants to configure some parts of my software, he would have to learn puppet. And educating them Puppet defeats the “servers for dummies” purpose of my project.
Basically, dare I say, I need Unity from the deployment world.
The thing I came up with, is to use ‘json’ as a backend for Puppet, and then write some GUI tool that would generate/modify that json using JSON Schema. Of couse, this thing will be optional and experient Puppet usets could still just use my module as is.
The questiond is, am I doing it right? Is there a solution for my problem?
Thanks in advance.
You can use Hieradata to give the ability to users to configure some parts for your "Software". you can put your hiera configuration in a git repository or build a tool to edit & update this hiera configuration.
There is some tools that you can use in order to make more easier for your users like Foreman and Puppetboard
But I think it's mandatory for your users to have a basic knowledge of Puppet so they can debug or manipulate the software.
These are some things that you can use.
Have a look at these:-

Dynamically translating liferay's portlets - pootle

I'm looking for some tool, which provide me possibility to dynamically (online) translate portlets in liferay. I mean, I wrote portlet in English, but people from other country may want to use it with their own language, and they can want to make translation. I know that there is Pootle tool, but I'm looking something what I can launch on Java (JBoss). There is a Jython, but I'm newbie on that, and I don't know how run pootle on jython. If someone have idea about way to solve my problem, please help.
Or maybe more simple Is there possibility to deploy pootle as war file in application server ?
To your simplified question: Pootle is a Python application - AFAIK those get rarely packaged as WAR files. It might be possible, but I've never tried it...
That said, the sweet spot of Pootle is to prepare software translations and bring them back into the software development process - e.g. build. Do you want to "live update" your language files or are you ok with exporting them to your build system, then redeploying the updated plugins? If you want to do live-updates, pootle might not be the right system for you.
If you want to use the translations in the development process (e.g. in buildscripts), your real question might be "How do I install pootle?" - but for this you'd have to give some more steps that you tried, what worked and what did not work.
I never installed pootle myself, but I won't expect it to run seamlessly on a Java application server. If you've never done so as well, rather go the easy way and follow the standard installation procedure.

Sandboxed plugins for Node.js

I'm a complete Node noob, so I apologize if this question has an obvious answer.
I'm looking to create a web app that will run plugins from untrusted sources (i.e. community submissions). So I need to lock down those plugins into a sandbox where only certain access is allowed (can't write to disk, etc.). Ideally, the plugin would only be able to use certain approved node packages and APIs.
Is this possible in Node? If so, can you point me toward a package or documentation that will get me started?
Here is a small list of projects that can help you:
I suggest the first one (sandbox) since it's more mature.
I would also contribute to the list with my library: In addition to the sandboxing of the untrusted code (in a restricted subprocess), it gives an opportunity to export any set of functions inside the sandbox thus defining a custom API for the sandboxed code.

Node.js and ACL

I've chosen for my project Node.js+Express+Mongoose. Until now, I didn´t need to use ACL, but in this phase of project a I need to implement this.
NPM contains a few modules, but which one to choose?
Please tell me your experiences with ACL (Node.js+Express+Mongoose).
And If you know any tutorial it would be great :), but it's not so needed, what I exactly need to know what Node.js programmers are using for ACL.
Last possibility is write own acl-middleware, it could be interesting experience for me. I suppose :)
The most used ACL module. It has Express middleware for protect resources and mongo support too..
Update 9.2020:
the acl package has not been updated in 2 years
there is a fork with recent changes:
acl package has not been updated for the last 2 years. I’m the author of CASL - isomorphic permission management for JavaScript -
According to npm trends it’s the mostly used library nowadays -
By the way it makes an integration with MongoDB and mongoose really easy!
