Docusign InPerson Signer for Multiple signers - docusignapi

With reference to the below question -
Docusign API Multiple Embedded in Person Signers
InPerson Signer: Since the earlier question doesn't have an answer ticked.
From my webpage (C#, Asp.Net MVC), Once the documents are uploaded to Docusign, I want the whole document to be opened in a separate tab and with multiple signers. I am able to achieve this for a single inperson signer by mentioning the ClientUserId. If there are more than one inperson signer then how will the docusign works? On every Sign, does it give my web app a response and then do I need to call the next recipient View URL.
Help much appreciated.

The recipient View URL will provide you the URL to open the docusign document for the first signer. Once the recipient signs and clicks on FINISH, the response URL should contain the envelope ID as the query string parameter. Add a new Action method to accept the envelope id as query string parameter. Fetch the recipient list by using EnvelopesApi.ListRecipients method. Check the recepientList.CurrentOrder property which states the next person in the line to sign. Fetch the recipient view url of the next person and redirect to the new url again. Repeat this process until the CurrentOrder is null.


Sign a document in embedded mode and send an email to the second receipt

I'm trying to build a POC for our internal application using DocuSign, but I have some issues.
The flow is:
create a template in docuSign with a set of dynamic fields to be populated from the client app
the template has 2 recipients that have to sign the document - client and buyer with empty emails. The emails should be populated dynamically based on the order, so they're not fixed
from the client app, create an envelope that will use the template, will populate automatically the fields from the template and will open an embedded page where the first user(client) can sign the document immediately(without going to mail)
immediately after the client finished signing the document, an email should be sent to the second recipient(buyer) to finish the signing
For now, I succeed to implement all the steps, except the last one - the document is not sent automatically to the second recipient for signing.
How can I do that?
I know that I can use a recipients lists for sending email to receipts, but this is not possible when using a template - I get an error.
Thanks in advance!
Check that your template definition has the two recipient roles defined with different Signing order values.
The first recipient will have signing order 1, second signing order 2.
When you create the envelope from the template, you set the clientUserId for just the first signer. That way the second signer is a regular ("remote") email recipient.
If you'd like more help, please EDIT your question to show the code you use for creating the envelope from the template.

Getting an embed url for an already created docusign envelope

In docusign is it possible to create a signing request via the web interface and then retrieve the sigining URL via the API
at the moment, I update the Envelope using the API to attach a clientUserID as this is lacking when created via the web interface.
Then I retrieve the signing view url however, there is no signing tab when navigating to that url. The only action I have is to close.
I have tested using the API and the envelope contains signing tabs so I'm not sure what the issue would be.
Any help would be much appreciated!
When you send a DocuSign envelope if you assign one or more tabs to your recipient it becomes what's known as a Free Form signing experience, where the recipient decides where to sign the document.
On the other hand if you specify one or more tabs for the recipient then it's a Guided Signing experience. In guided signing the recipient can only sign and take actions at the tabs the sender has specified.
It sounds like you are successfully creating the envelope and signing URL but that there are no tabs configured for the signer. If that's the case you should confirm your code is identifying the recipient correctly by specifying the name, email, recipientId, and clientUserId values.
I would also check that the tabs are being set in your request body correctly for the given recipient. First get the recipient information for the envelope using the EnvelopeRecipients: list API to ensure the data is what you expect, then generate the signing URL using the corresponding data.

Destination URL for completed DocuSign envelope

I'm using the DocuSign SOAP API to create and send envelopes (insurance application forms) with one or two signers.
I want the first signer to land on a specific url when signing is complete and the second signer to land on a different url when their signing (and therefore the entire envelope) is complete.
I can set a Destination URL in my brand for "Signing Completed" but that's at the signer level for all signers.
Is there a way to specify a landing page/url which the user can be redirected to when all signers have completed signing?
You can use specify a routingOrder for each recipient and set the appropriate URL for the recipient in the final routing order.
Once the final recipient sign, the user will be redirected to the URL.
Related API RequestSenderToken

Docusign api - can a completed envelope tell me which doc in the envelope had no signing tabs?

Using the Docusign REST api, I can get a list of the documents inside a completed envelope. Is there any api call that would tell me, for instance, that document 2 in the list has no signing tabs? For our application, we need to know which documents in the envelope were signed ( had signing tabs ) and which ones did not need a signature.
You can use the GetEnvelopeRecipeints API and retrieve all the tabs in an envelope by passing the include_tabs=true query string parameter.
The response will contain tabs on all documents in the envelope. You can then filter the tab list based on the document Id
GET restapi/{{version}}/accounts/{{acctId}}/envelopes/{{envelopeId}}/recipients?include_tabs=true&include_extended=true

Document Templates - Roles Set to In person or email signing

I have successfully created a system to use a document template to create a new envelope.
The system has a tabbed UI and iframe that fetches new URLs from the Docusign API every time a tab is changed, and when a URL expires.
My problem is that now, some clients will either be sign in-person or sign via email. After reading the docs, I don't see a way to change from an in-person to an email signer after the envelope has been created. Is that correct?
Is it possible to set whether a role will be in-person or email sign at the time of envelope creation, without affecting the original template?
If that is not possible, Is my best option to create a template with duplicate fields for both in-person and email signing, and only use the appropriate ones based on my case?
If you need to change an in-person signer to a remote signer, or vice-versa, or any other recipient type into another recipient type you have two options:
Perform an Envelope Correction
Remove then Add the Recipient back to the in-process envelope as a different type.
For option #1, using an envelope correction you can edit things like recipients, tabs, and even documents if they have not been signed yet. Make the following API call to request the correction URL of an envelope:
POST /v2/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/views/correct
API Docs:
For option #2, the system does not let you convert a recipient into another recipient type - HOWEVER - you can delete a recipient from an envelope then add them back in as a different type. For instance, delete an in-person signer and then add them back in as a signer.
You can see the needed calls through the EnvelopeRecipients Resource.
