How does gitlab decide which runner to use for a job - gitlab

If there are more than one available runner for a project, how does gitlab ci decide which runner to use?
I have an omnibus gitlab 8.6.6-ee installation, with 2 runners configured. The runners are identical (docker images, config, etc) except that they are running on different computers.
If they are both idle and a job comes in that either of them could run, which one will run?

To add to Rubinum's answer the 'first' runner would be whichever runner that checks in first that meets all criteria. For example, labels could limit which runners certain jobs run on.
Runners query the gitlab server every X seconds to check if there are builds. if there's a build queued and multiple meet criteria, the first to ask will win
Update to answer comments:
Runners communicate through the CI API to get build status. This will eventually imply that it will become a more or less random choosing of the runner based on when it finished the last job and the xamount of msit is waiting to check.
To completely answer the question:
Credit goes to BM5k after digging through the code and finding that x = 3 seconds based on this and this. Also found that:
which machine a docker+machine runner will use once that runner has been selected) reveals that the machine selection is more or less (effectively) random as well

Gitlab CI assign jobs to those runners which are available. If a runner is not availble because of beeing busy then Gitlab CI assign the job to other runners which are available. In your case it will always assign the jobs to the first runner (whoever it is).
If you want to specify the execution on a specific runner/mashine then have a look at my post here.
In my opinion its good to not know which runner will run your build if you are using docker because thats the benefit of the runner/docker archeticture.


Redundance in gitlab runners

I want to implement redundancy in my GitLab runners.
Before creating a new server I am trying with my local machine.
The current setup on my repository:
Working runner (from server)
Non working runner (from local machine)
I want GitLab to chose the other runner when the selected is not working.
The thing is that GitLab is selecting the non-working runner and fail the pipeline without trying to run with the other runner.
How can I make this works?
Both runner are added:
But as the local runner (not working) is chosen, the pipeline fails:
This is an interesting edge case since the runner process itself is still healthy, but something while running a job is failing. The runner process won't know this happens until it retrieves a job and tries to run it, so it will keep try to run jobs, and keep failing.
Since neither the Runner process nor Gitlab can catch this edge case, the only option I can see is that when you see a failed job for this reason, pause the Runner in the project (like in your screenshot) or if you're an admin (or can ask an admin), pause it for the entire instance, assuming you're self-hosting Gitlab. This will prevent any new jobs from running on that Runner so you can troubleshoot the issue.
This will let you run multiple Runner processes on different hosts (or even on the same host by specifying separate config.toml files) so you can still get redundancy and speed up your pipelines.
Some quick searching shows that common issues causing this issue are the runner's host running out of disk space, or a Docker issue that might be solved by updating to the latest version. Making sure Gitlab and the runners are the latest available version wouldn't hurt either.
Another option you have is to submit a new Issue with Gitlab to see if they can address it. The desired situation would be that in the event of a runner system failure, the runner should become unhealthy and not process further jobs.

About gitlab CI runners

I am new to gitlab CI and I am fascinated with it. I managed already to get the pipelines working even using docker containers, so I am familiar with the flow for setting jobs and artifacts. I just wish now to understand how this works. My questions are about the following:
Where is actually everything happening? I mean, which computer is running my builds and executables? I understand that Gitlab has its own shared runners that are available to the users, does this mean that if a shared runner grabs my jobs, is it going to run wherever those runners are hosted? If I register my own runner in my laptop, and use that specific runner, my builds and binaries will be run in my computer?
In order to run/test code, we need the binaries, which from the build stage they are grabbed as artifacts. For the build part if I use cmake, for example, in the script part of the CI.yml file I create a build directory and call cmake .. and so on. Once my job is succesful, if I want the binary i have to go in gitlab and retrieve it myself. So my question is, where is everything saved? I notice that the runner, withing my project, creates something like refs/pipeline/, but where is this actually? how could I get those files and new directories in my laptop
Working space
Pretty much, where is everything happening? the runners, the execution, the artifacts?
Thanks for your time
Everything that happens in each job/step in a pipeline happens on the runner host itself, and depends on the executor you're using (shell, docker, etc.), or on the Gitlab server directly.
If you're using, they have a number of shared runners that the Gitlab team maintains and you can use for your project(s), but as they are shared with everyone on, it can be some time before your jobs are run. However, no matter if you self host or use, you can create your own runners specific for your project(s).
If you're using the shell executor, while the job is running you could see the files on the filesystem somewhere, but they are cleaned up after that job finishes. It's not really intended for you to access the filesystem while the job is running. That's what the job script is for.
If you're using the docker executor, the gitlab-runner service will start a docker instance from the image you specify in .gitlab-ci.yml (or use the default that is configurable). Then the job is run inside that docker instance, and it's deleted immediately after the job finishes.
You can add your own runners anywhere -- AWS, spare machine lying around, even your laptop, and jobs would be picked up by any of them. You can also turn off shared runners and force it to be run on one of your runners if needed.
In cases where you need an artifact after a build/preparatory step, it's created on the runner as part of the job as above, but then the runner automatically uploads the artifact to the gitlab server (or another service that implements the S3 protocol like AWS S3 or Minio). Unless you're using S3/minio, it will only be accessible through the gitlab UI interface, or through the API. In the UI however, it will show up on any related MR's, and also the Pipeline page, so it's fairly accessible.

Keep Gitlab CI pipeline on single runner to ensure cache is shared

I have a local gitlab server running with a few Gitlab CI runners. In the past, we've had each runner have concurrent = 1 setup, and then when a pipeline is run, any available runner takes any job in each stage.
However, I'd like to start caching dependencies between stages. This means that I must ensure an entire pipeline is run within a single runner instance (I'm trying to avoid uploading caches).
Is it possible for an entire pipeline to be assigned a runner? But have 2+ pipelines run concurrently on multiple runners?
The cache is always stored on the same location where the runner is installed and running[1]. So to share a cache across all your runners, you need to setup an S3 replacement like minio[2] and configure your runners to use that cache.
Without uploading (and downloading) the cache to a central storage, it is not possible that every runner can access the cache of another runner.
Is it possible for an entire pipeline to be assigned a runner?
Yes. Just give every runner a unique tag. Than tag every job in your pipeline with the tag of one runner. This will ensure that your pipeline will be executed only by one runner. For more see
What you want is currently (GitLab 11.7) not possible (At least on Windows it seems) without the significant administrative overhead of assigning each runner specifically for each of your jobs. Pinning a specific runner to your project and disable all shared ones would work too.
There are a handful of issues that prevent this use case as it is not possible to share the runners cache even with a S3 blob storage configuration (we tried minio).
One of them is a race condition that prevents the cache to be extracted correctly if subsequent jobs are executed on different nodes. This is especially the case for parallel jobs.
What we tried:
Sharing cache using a SMB folder available on all runner machines
Using minio to share the cache
You can find our bug ticket here:

Gitlab CI: running the same set of tests on several machines

In high performance computing is crucial to have a code tested against many different architectures/compilers: from a laptop to a supercomputer.
Assuming that we have
N testing machines/workers (each one running gitlab-ci-runner);
M tests,
what shall be the correct layout of .gitlab-ci.yml to ensure that each of the N machines runs all the tests?
Looks to me that adding just more workers ends up in a round-robin like assignment of the jobs.
Thanks for your help.
You could use tags in your .gitlab-ci.yml and on the runners to distribute your tests to all mashines you want. Gitlab CI is very open to those use cases. I assume that you don't use docker for testing.
To accomplish your goal, do following steps:
Install your gitlab-ci-multi-runners on your N mashines BUT if the runner ask you for tags, tag the mashine with a specifc name e.g. "MashineWithManyCPUsWhatever". Please use the gitlab-ci-multi-runner register command to do so. You can alternatively change the tags in Gitlab on the administration view after registration.
The type of the runners should be "shared" not "specific".
When you installed and tagged every runner on your mashines, tag you jobs.
Every job will now be excecuted on the specific mashine with the specific tag.
For more Information see Gitlab CI Documentation

How do I limit the number of git processes that GitLab starts?

I have a continuous integration setup running on Jenkins where every time I push changes to a specific branch, Jenkins starts 50 EC2 slaves. Each slave checks out the branch and run some tests against the branch.
The problem is that the 50 EC2 slaves start all at once and they check out the branch from my GitLab server, which starts a git process for each slave and quickly runs out of memory (despite the fact that the server has 7.5GB of RAM.)
If I'm looking at top, I can see that as soon as the slaves get going, many git processes appear and start to quickly consume all the memory. The kern.log tells me that the kernel has to periodically kill a git process because the system runs out of memory.
My question is how do I limit the number of git processes that GitLab starts in such a way that the slaves don't think GitLab has gone away. (I'd like GitLab to put the requests in a queue and serve them 10 at a time, for example.)
I've also considered some other ideas. For example, I could make just a few of the slaves (seed slaves) pull the branch from GitLab and then have the rest of the slaves pull the branch from those seed slaves. But that seems like it might involve some work.
Another idea is that I could stagger the EC2 launches by a few seconds, to spread the requests over a couple of minutes. Or, I could get more memory.
I welcome ideas for any other approaches for dealing with this.
I think your last idea would be the best :
try to spread the load for your gitlab instance.
For example, you could start your CI by building the artifact :
Assuming you work with say java, you could build the war file on the CI server and distribute it through a shared S3 bucket.
This way, you query gitlab only once per build and run as many copies as you want. Each instance downloads the build and runs its tests.
