Instantiate DeviceClient with IoT Hub - azure

I have a console app which sends commands directly to a Raspberry Pi via Azure IoT Hub. It all works fine.
Where I get confused though, is on the two different ways (possibly more?) to instantiate DeviceClient.
deviceClient = DeviceClient.Create(IOT_HUB_HOST_NAME, AuthenticationMethodFactory
.CreateAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey(IOT_HUB_DEVICE, IOT_DEVICE_KEY), TransportType.Http1);
deviceClient = DeviceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(IOT_HUB_CONN_STRING);
seem to do the same thing.
Why would I use one over the other? I can receive messages either way.

Yes, in the end of the day they have the same result.
Create(...) method invokes IotHubConnectionStringBuilder.Create(...) then CreateFromConnectionString(...) and has the description that it is the method that creates DeviceClient from individual parameters.
So, i believe, the Create one is some kind of the wrapper that gets the parameters, then creates the connection string from the individual params and passes that to the CreateFromConnectionString(...). So, the main difference, i think, will be about the performance.


Get the data from the thread

Let me give you a bigger picture of the problem... I am designing a ROS2-based system with multiple ROS2 nodes each containing a wrapper part (ROS2 layer) and driver/module part where my low-level logic is implemented. The wrapper part is using some ROS2-specific communication mechanisms (topics, services, actions...) to exchange the data/commands between the nodes.
Now, one of the nodes in the system should establish an MQTT connection with the Google Cloud Platform, keep the connectivity alive and allow data exchange between the Cloud and ROS2 system. For that purpose, I am using iot-device-sdk-embedded-c SDK from Google.
It has iotc_connect() blocking function for establishing and keeping connection with the Cloud so the challenge I am facing with is to simultaneously keep the ROS2 node spinning while keeping MQTT connectivity alive.
My idea was to launch a thread from ROS2 wrapper that will be used for establishing/keeping MQTT connectivity and use a callback function as an argument for the thread function that will enable me to forward the data received from the Cloud ithin the thread directly to ROS2 layer. Launching a separate thread for handling connectivity and data exchange would enable my ROS2 node to properly spin and rest synchronized with the rest of the ROS2 system.
thread mqtt_thread(MqttConnHandler::ConnectToMqttServer, &MqttThreadCallback);
void MqttThreadCallback(void* data, size_t size){
MqttThreadCallback() should be called every time I receive the command/config data from the Cloud.
However, I am not sure how can I fire the callback function within the thread because I have two layers of nested callbacks within the thread:
ConnectToMqttServer(void (*MqttThreadCallback)(void*, size_t)){
//The place where data from the Cloud are received
iotc_connect() contains OnConnectionStateChanged() callback from where iotc_subscribe() function is called at the moment connection is established. iotc_subscribe() contains iotc_mqttlogic_subscribe_callback() where data from the Cloud are received.
I am not sure how can I mount the data from iotc_mqttlogic_subscribe_callback() up to the thread caller. Do you have any suggestions? Perhaps using the threads is not the best approach?
Usually C libraries provide an optional additional argument called user_data for this purpose:
extern iotc_state_t iotc_subscribe(iotc_context_handle_t iotc_h,
const char* topic, const iotc_mqtt_qos_t qos,
iotc_user_subscription_callback_t* callback,
void* user_data);
That way you can cast your callback function pointer to void when calling subscribe and catch it as argument in the iotc_mqttlogic_subscribe_callback function call. Where you should recast the data back to the function pointer type and use it.
In addition, you may find yourself in need to pass more data to the callback (mutex to protect the data, loggers from higher level code...). In that case, the best practice is to wrap all this info in a new class of your choice and pass a pointer to the instance in the callback.

Intermittent 501 response from InvokeDeviceMethodAsync - Azure IoT

InvokeDeviceMethodAsync is intermittently (and only recently) returning a status code of 501 within the responses (the response body is null).
I understand this means Not Implemented. However, the method IS implemented - in fact, it's the only method that is. The device is using Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client (1.32.0-preview-001 since we're also previewing the Device Streams feature).
Setup, device side
This is all called at startup. After this, some invocations succeed, some fail.
var deviceClient = DeviceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionDetails.ConnectionString, TransportType.Mqtt);
await deviceClient.SetMethodHandlerAsync("RedactedMethodName", RedactedMethodHandler, myObj, cancel).ConfigureAwait(true);
Call, server side
var methodInvocation = new CloudToDeviceMethod("RedactedMethodName")
ResponseTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60),
ConnectionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)
var invokeResponse = await _serviceClient.InvokeDeviceMethodAsync(iotHubDeviceId, methodInvocation, CancellationToken.None);
What have I tried?
Check code, method registration
Looking for documentation about 501: can't find any
Looking through the source for the libraries ( Just looks like "not implemented", i.e. nothing registered
Turning on Distributed Tracing from the Azure portal, with sampling rate 100%. Waited a long time, but still says "Device is not synchronised with desired settings"
Exploring intellisense on the DeviceClient object. Not much there!
What next?
Well, I'd like to diagnose.
What possible reasons are there for the 501 response?
Are there and diagnostic tools, e.g. logging, I have access to?
It looks like, there is no response from the method within the responseTimeoutInSeconds value, so for test purpose (and the real response error) try to use a REST API to invoke the device method.
You should received a http status code described here.

Create separate instance of service for #nestjs/bull

I am trying to make parallel queues for video processing.
However, I've faced problem in doing so. Below is the diagram of what i am trying to achieve.
Flow is:
User sends GET request to the /process endpoint (actually, GET is only for testing, it rather uses #MessagePattern to receive data from other service)
This request contains ModelDTO as well as sequence which is used for internal tracking
Controller imports private readonly _queueService: QueueService via constructor
It then calls this._queueService.process({ model, sequence })
QueueService imports #InjectQueue('video_processor') private readonly _processorQueue: Queue via constructor
QueueService simply calls this._processorQueue.add('process', data);
VideoProcessor imports private readonly _videoService: VideoService via constructor
Inside VideoProcessor there is a method with #Process('process') decorator
Inside this method I am awaiting for the result from the service with await this._videoService.configure(
And here is the problem:
Whenever I am trying to run 1 job at a time (sending single request and actually waiting for job to complete) everything works just fine
If I am queueing two jobs at the same time, for some reason, the console.log( inside VideoService will now return the ID of the second model rather than actual ID.
So far I have tried adding scope: Scope.TRANSIENT to almost all services with no luck. Seems like i just can't figure out where this scope should be added.
I am expecting for 10 jobs to be able to run in parallel, however, if I add more than 1 job to the queue, they start mixing in data from the other jobs.

Checking connection to Azure Service Bus

I have some code dependent of Azure Service Bus. I've created an endpoint that checks the availability of my Azure Service Bus topic using the following code:
var connectionString = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("servicebusconnectionstring");
var manager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);
var sub = manager.GetSubscription("mytopic", "mysubscription");
var count = sub.MessageCount;
This actually works, but I have two questions (since I'm constantly experiencing timeouts using this code).
Question 1: Is there an easier/better way of checking Service Bus connectivity from C#?
Question 2: When using the code above, which instances should I configure as singleton in my IoC container? I'm suspecting creating all instances every time I ping this endpoint to cause the timeout, since I don't see problems in my other endpoints where I re-use a TopicClient.
Getting MessageCount is potentially an expensive operation, especially if the value is high.
You could run a simple operation like a check whether the topic exists:
var ns = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString("...");
which will throw an exception (probably MessagingCommunicationException) if communication to Service Bus fails.
It's ok to reuse NamespaceManager between requests, so you can make it singleton. Not sure if that brings any measurable performance benefit though.

Limiting the number of concurrent jobs on Azure Functions queue

I have a Function app in Azure that is triggered when an item is put on a queue. It looks something like this (greatly simplified):
public static async Task Run(string myQueueItem, TraceWriter log)
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(Config.APIUri);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
StringContent httpContent = new StringContent(myQueueItem, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync("/api/devices/data", httpContent);
string json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
ApiResponse apiResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ApiResponse>(json);
log.Info($"Activity data successfully sent to platform in {apiResponse.elapsed}ms. Tracking number: {apiResponse.tracking}");
This all works great and runs pretty well. Every time an item is put on the queue, we send the data to some API on our side and log the response. Cool.
The problem happens when there's a big spike in "the thing that generates queue messages" and a lot of items are put on the queue at once. This tends to happen around 1,000 - 1,500 items in a minute. The error log will have something like this:
2017-02-14T01:45:31.692 mscorlib: Exception while executing function:
Functions.SendToLimeade. f-SendToLimeade__-1078179529: An error
occurred while sending the request. System: Unable to connect to the
remote server. System: Only one usage of each socket address
(protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
At first, I thought this was an issue with the Azure Function app running out of local sockets, as illustrated here. However, then I noticed the IP address. The IP address (of course changed for this example) is our IP address, the one that the HttpClient is posting to. So, now I'm wondering if it is our servers running out of sockets to handle these requests.
Either way, we have a scaling issue going on here. I'm trying to figure out the best way to solve it.
Some ideas:
If it's a local socket limitation, the article above has an example of increasing the local port range using Req.ServicePoint.BindIPEndPointDelegate. This seems promising, but what do you do when you truly need to scale? I don't want this problem coming back in 2 years.
If it's a remote limitation, it looks like I can control how many messages the Functions runtime will process at once. There's an interesting article here that says you can set serviceBus.maxConcurrentCalls to 1 and only a single message will be processed at once. Maybe I could set this to a relatively low number. Now, at some point our queue will be filling up faster than we can process them, but at that point the answer is adding more servers on our end.
Multiple Azure Functions apps? What happens if I have more than one Azure Functions app and they all trigger on the same queue? Is Azure smart enough to divvy up the work among the Function apps and I could have an army of machines processing my queue, which could be scaled up or down as needed?
I've also come across keep-alives. It seems to me if I could somehow keep my socket open as queue messages were flooding in, it could perhaps help greatly. Is this possible, and any tips on how I'd go about doing this?
Any insight on a recommended (scalable!) design for this sort of system would be greatly appreciated!
I think the code error is because of: using (var client = new HttpClient())
Quoted from Improper instantiation antipattern:
this technique is not scalable. A new HttpClient object is created for
each user request. Under heavy load, the web server may exhaust the
number of available sockets.
I think I've figured out a solution for this. I've been running these changes for the past 3 hours 6 hours, and I've had zero socket errors. Before I would get these errors in large batches every 30 minutes or so.
First, I added a new class to manage the HttpClient.
public static class Connection
public static HttpClient Client { get; private set; }
static Connection()
Client = new HttpClient();
Client.BaseAddress = new Uri(Config.APIUri);
Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Keep-Alive", "timeout=600");
Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
Now, we have a static instance of HttpClient that we use for every call to the function. From my research, keeping HttpClient instances around for as long as possible is highly recommended, everything is thread safe, and HttpClient will queue up requests and optimize requests to the same host. Notice I also set the Keep-Alive headers (I think this is the default, but I figured I'll be implicit).
In my function, I just grab the static HttpClient instance like:
var client = Connection.Client;
StringContent httpContent = new StringContent(myQueueItem, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync("/api/devices/data", httpContent);
I haven't really done any in-depth analysis of what's happening at the socket level (I'll have to ask our IT guys if they're able to see this traffic on the load balancer), but I'm hoping it just keeps a single socket open to our server and makes a bunch of HTTP calls as the queue items are processed. Anyway, whatever it's doing seems to be working. Maybe someone has some thoughts on how to improve.
If you use consumption plan instead of Functions on a dedicated web app, #3 more or less occurs out of the box. Functions will detect that you have a large queue of messages and will add instances until queue length stabilizes.
maxConcurrentCalls only applies per instance, allowing you to limit per-instance concurrency. Basically, your processing rate is maxConcurrentCalls * instanceCount.
The only way to control global throughput would be to use Functions on dedicated web apps of the size you choose. Each app will poll the queue and grab work as necessary.
The best scaling solution would improve the load balancing on so that it can handle any number of requests from Functions scaling up/down to meet queue pressure.
Keep alive afaik is useful for persistent connections, but function executions aren't viewed as a persistent connection. In the future we are trying to add 'bring your own binding' to Functions, which would allow you to implement connection pooling if you liked.
I know the question was answered long ago, but in the mean time Microsoft have documented the anti-pattern that you were using.
Improper Instantiation antipattern
