Crontab does not run on CentOS 7 - cron

I'm using CentOS 7, and installed "cronie"
yum install cronie
I have a shell to backup my home folder, shell's content (of course, is 775)
TIME=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%Hh%M`
And add to crontab -e
00 2 * * * /bin/bash /backup/
But crontab does nothing. When I check log at /var/log/cron only, something like that and no more error or processing log
May 1 00:26:08 app crontab[12041]: (root) END EDIT (root)
May 1 00:33:21 app crontab[12086]: (root) BEGIN EDIT (root)
May 1 00:34:25 app crontab[12086]: (root) END EDIT (root)
Anyone can give me some advises to make crontab work?
Thank you.

I found that the most useful information was actually given by
systemctl status crond
Which revealed that it failed to load correctly due to an "Unauthorized SELinux context" error.

This can happen if cron daemon isn't running.
Check it with:
pgrep cron
If command returns nothing, run:
systemctl restart crond
This should help.

You want to make sure cron is started & that it is started if your server reboots so you need two commands on CentOS 7 to make sure of this:
systemctl enable crond && systemctl restart crond
If you are used to using sudo, you can add sudo in front of above command. like this:
sudo systemctl enable crond && systemctl restart crond
YOU WILL get confirmation from system, something like:
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/crond.service.
Then lastly check cron is running
pgrep cron

I know that I'm late to answer you, but maybe someone will have this kind of problem. It is possible that CRON can't run the script because the path is not correct.
Your path is
00 2 * * * /bin/bash /backup/
I guess that path should be:
00 2 * * * sh /bin/bash/backup/
Only difference is space after bash directory and sh command at the start of CRON job.

You have to add username before your command like this for example :
1 * * * * root or username /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/yourwebsite/yourscript.php


run python telegram bot after reboot and if it's crashes on AWS EC2

I created a telegram bot using pyrogram and it crashes after few hours. Sometimes I stop the EC2 myself to reduce the cost. I created these cron jobs inside /etc/crontab but it seems they are not working as expected.
Cronjob 1 is to run the python file after EC2 reboot.
Cronjob 2 is to restart the bot if it got crashed.
Here is my crontab content.
#reboot sudo pgrep -f || sudo nohup /usr/bin/python3 /home/ubuntu/ & > /home/ubuntu/startOnReboot.log
*/2 * * * * sudo pgrep -f || sudo nohup /usr/bin/python3 /home/ubuntu/ & > /home/ubuntu/restartBotAfterCrash.log
I would like to know whether my cronjob is not correct or any solution better than this approach.
You shouldn't use sudo in the cronjob, use sudo crontab -e instead to have it run as root.
Futhermore, & > is different from &> - did you mean to redirect all output to the specified file or run the cronjob in the background and redirect stdout? If it's the latter, you don't need to tell cron to run it as a background job and the redirection should come before the ampersand (which you should drop anyway).
Last, you probably want to use a systemd service for this instead.

Root cronjob does not run correctly, user cronjob does

I am trying to run a root cronjob for executing a script.
Here's the cronjob I put into sudo crontab -e:
*/1 * * * * ~/temperature_log/ >> ~/temperature_log/templog.log>&1
The script requires root permission for hddtemp.
Unfortunately, the templog.log file never appears. The syslog says:
Jun 6 13:09:01 user CRON[32433]: (root) CMD (~/temperature_log/ >> ~/temperature_log/templog.log>&1)
Jun 6 13:09:01 user CRON[32426]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)
So apparently, the script IS run, but something goes wrong from there.
Even stranger: If I run a user cron via just crontab -e, the script executes (without root permissions, though, so it is of no use for me) and does write the log file.
How can I make sure that my root crontab works correctly?
I am connecting to this computer via ssh as a user without root permissions, but I do have the root passwort.
I changed the program now, I want it to log to syslog via logger. Again, running the script manually works and it logs correctly, but running it from crontab just shows this:
Jun 6 14:27:01 user CRON[1657]: (root) CMD (Jun 6 15:06:01 insystems CRON[25328]: (root) CMD (/bin/sh ~/temperature_log/
No information is logged. I added the /dev/null part to get rid of the email warning. I am not planning on installing an email service.
Have you written the script to send email alerts? The warning, "(No MTA installed, discarding output)", happens when a mail service is not installed.
Most Linux distributions have a mail service (including an MTA) installed. Ubuntu doesn't though.
You can install a mail service, postfix for example, to solve this problem.
sudo apt-get install postfix
Also, try providing the full path for the files (The absolute path):
~/temperature_log/ and ~/temperature_log/templog.log
Make sure has execute permission. If no, then issue command
chmod +x
My solution was to add the cronjob not to crontab -e but to /etc/crontab. From there, it worked without issues.
I probably made a mistake in the other crontab file, but this solution is okay for me.

crontab being saved in tmp/ in debian

I'm trying to make a crontab with crontab -e, but it saves it in tmp/crontab.FTt6nI/crontab
the crons don't work so I guess that's the problem. But I don't understand why.
crontab -l
to show list of crontab, your newly added crontab should be on the list. you could set the crontab to email the output to you by >, in this way you can assure the cronjob is already run.
* * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/username/public_html/cron.php >
make sure the crond is running:
/etc/init.d/crond status
if it down, start it (centos/rhel):
/etc/init.d/crond start
/etc/init.d/cron start
hope that help.

How to setup cron job on Amazon Linux AMI

I am hosting Tiny Tiny RSS site hosted on
Amazon Linux AMI
To update the feed automatically I have to run the following Cron job.
*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/tt-rss/update.php --feeds --quiet
Here is the step I did:
sudo su
cd /etc
crontab -e
# add this line
*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/tt-rss/update.php --feeds --quiet
But I still got the message "Update Daemon is not running".
May I know, is this correct step for Cron job?
You should enter these commands on Amazon Linux 2:
sudo systemctl start crond
sudo systemctl enable crond
This sounds like crond is not running. In which case:
service crond start
chkconfig crond on
You should first inspect the cron log file /var/log/cron and look for any errors. This will probably give you the answer. Also make sure you can run the command successfully on the command line (/usr/bin/php /var/www/html/tt-rss/update.php --feeds --quiet).
Please check the spaces, it could be because of spaces are not placed correctly
Simply do : * * * * * wget -o - -q -t 1 "your url with cron file"
Please remove the "--quiet" part from your cron command and check the log and feed again

Crontab Permission Denied [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
CronJob not running
(19 answers)
Closed last month.
I'm having problem with crontab when I'm running a script.
My sudo crontab -e looks like this:
05 00 * * * /opt/mcserver/
10 00 * * * /opt/mcserver/
05 08 * * * /sbin/shutdown -r +1
11 11 * * * /opt/mcserver/ <--- This isn't working
And the looks like this:
screen java -d64 -Xincgc -Xmx2048M -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui
and have these permissions (ls -l output)
-rwxr-xr-x 1 eve eve 72 Nov 24 14:17
I can run the command from the terminal, either using sudo or not
But it wont start with crontab.
If i do
grep -iR "" /var/log
I get the following output
/var/log/syslog:Nov 27 11:11:01 eve-desk CRON[5204]: (root) CMD (eve /opt/mcserver/
grep: /var/log/btmp: Permission denied
grep: /var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log: Permission denied
grep: /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log: Permission denied
grep: /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log: Permission denied
So my question is, why isn't it working?
And since my script run without using sudo, I don't necessarily need to put it in sudo crontab?
( and I'm using Ubuntu 12.10 )
Thanks in advance,
Answer to twalberg's response
1. Changed owner on craftbukkit to root, to see if that fixed the problem.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12084211 Nov 21 02:14 craftbukkit.jar
and also added an explicit cd in my script as such:
cd /opt/mcserver/
screen java -d64 -Xincgc -Xmx2048M -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui
2. I'm not quite sure what you mean here. Should I use the following path in my file when i start java?
(output from which java)
3. When my server closes, screen is terminated. Is it a good idea to start screen in "detached mode" anyway?
Still got the same "Permission denied" error.
Problem solved!
By using the proper flag on screen, as below, it is now working as it should!
screen -d -m java -d64 -Xincgc -Xmx2048M -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui
Thanks a lot to those who answered, and especially twalberg!
Here are some things to check:
root obviously has read/execute permissions on, but what are the permissions on craftbukkit.jar - can root read it? You may also want to add an explicit cd /path/to/where/craftbukkit.jar/is in your script.
Is java in root's default path within cron? Note that this path is not necessarily the same as the one that you get via sudo, su or directly logging in as root - it's typically much more restricted. Use full path names to both java and craftbukkit.jar to work around that.
Since screen will not start with a terminal available, you may need screen -d -m ... instead. Hopefully, you intend to eventually attach to each screen instance and terminate it later, or you have arranged for it to terminate automatically when the script is done...
The /var/log/syslog entry shows that cron did in fact execute the script, so it must have failed for one of the above reasons (or something else I haven't noticed yet)
The other errors from grep are simply due to the fact your non-root user does not have permission to read those specific files (this is normal, and a good thing). is owned by "eve:eve" and your crontab is running as root.
You can solve this by running following command
chown root:root /opt/craftbukkit/
Your crontab will be running as root though.
Tip: When running bash in crontab always use absolute paths (it will make debugging a lot easier).
The log shows the user has no access to dir " /var/log/", You should set the log files' permition for the cron's owner.
