OrientDB ClassCastException - document

I get the following exception when trying to access a relationship document:
java.lang.ClassCastException: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.id.ORecordId cannot be cast to com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument
Collection<ODocument> field = myDoc.field("MY_FIELD_NAME");
if(field != null) {
return field;
} else {
return Collections.emptySet();
The strange thing is that is happes not always, most of the time it works like expected.

Depending by what the field contains, you could use the interface OIdentifiable instead of ODocument.
Try using:
Collection<OIdentifiable> field = myDoc.field("MY_FIELD_NAME");
if(field != null) {
return field;
} else {
return Collections.emptySet();


In YamlDotNet: Is there a way to output a null value as an empty string in a sequence?

When writing a sequence in an IYamlTypeConverter you might use some code like this:
public class MyObjectConverter : IYamlTypeConverter {
public MyObjectConverter() {}
public bool Accepts(Type type) { return typeof(IMyObject) == type || typeof(IMyObject[]) == type; }
public object ReadYaml(IParser parser, Type type) { return null; }
public void WriteYaml(IEmitter emitter, object value, Type type) {
var itemVal = value as IMyObject;
if (itemVal != null)
emitter.Emit(new Scalar(itemVal.GetID()));
else {
var arrayVal = value as IMyObject[];
emitter.Emit(new SequenceStart(null, null, true, SequenceStyle.Block));
if (arrayVal != null) {
foreach (var item in arrayVal)
if (item != null) emitter.Emit(new Scalar(item.GetID()));
else emitter.Emit(new Scalar("null"));
emitter.Emit(new SequenceEnd());
By calling emitter.Emit(new Scalar("null")) you would get a 'null' entry in the sequence, but if you leave the serialization up to YamlDotNet, it would be serialized as '' (empty string).
How do you output a null value in a sequence as an empty string when writing a custom IYamlTypeConverter?
One way to achieve this is to create a custom IEventEmitter that will add this logic:
public class NullStringsAsEmptyEventEmitter : ChainedEventEmitter
public NullStringsAsEmptyEventEmitter(IEventEmitter nextEmitter)
: base(nextEmitter)
public override void Emit(ScalarEventInfo eventInfo, IEmitter emitter)
if (eventInfo.Source.Type == typeof(string) && eventInfo.Source.Value == null)
emitter.Emit(new Scalar(string.Empty));
base.Emit(eventInfo, emitter);
You then register it like this:
var serializer = new SerializerBuilder()
.WithEventEmitter(nextEmitter => new NullStringsAsEmptyEventEmitter(nextEmitter))
Here's a fiddle with this code
It seems you can represent a null value simply with '~', according to http://www.yaml.org/refcard.html

lotus.domino.local.Item cannot be cast to lotus.domino.RichTextItem

I try to put a file into a richtext but it crashes !
In my first code, I try to use directly "getFirstItem", in first time it was ok but now i try to use it again and it crashed.
In second time i pass with an object and it find my obj doesn't an richtextItem (instanceof) ???
I don't understand.
I have the message : "lotus.domino.local.Item cannot be cast to lotus.domino.RichTextItem" ?
Could you help me ?
public void copieFichierDansRichText(String idDocument, String nomRti, File file,
String nameFichier, String chemin) throws NotesException {
lotus.domino.Session session = Utils.getSession();
lotus.domino.Database db = session.getCurrentDatabase();
lotus.domino.Document monDoc = db.getDocumentByUNID(idDocument);
lotus.domino.RichTextItem rtiNew = null;
try {
try {
if (monDoc != null) {
// if (monDoc.getFirstItem(nomRti) != null) {
// rtiNew = (lotus.domino.RichTextItem)
// monDoc.getFirstItem(nomRti);
// } else {
// rtiNew = (lotus.domino.RichTextItem)
// monDoc.createRichTextItem(nomRti);
// }
Object obj = null;
if (monDoc.getFirstItem(nomRti) != null) {
obj = monDoc.getFirstItem(nomRti);
if (obj instanceof lotus.domino.RichTextItem) {
rtiNew = (lotus.domino.RichTextItem) obj;
} else {
obj = monDoc.createRichTextItem(nomRti);
if (obj instanceof lotus.domino.RichTextItem) {
rtiNew = (lotus.domino.RichTextItem) obj;
PieceJointe pieceJointe = new PieceJointe();
pieceJointe = buildPieceJointe(file, nameFichier, chemin);
rtiNew.embedObject(EmbeddedObject.EMBED_ATTACHMENT, "", pieceJointe.getChemin()
+ pieceJointe.getNomPiece(), pieceJointe.getNomPiece());
monDoc.computeWithForm(true, false);
} finally {
} catch (Exception e) {
EDIT : I try to modify my code with yours advices but the items never considerate as richtextitem. It is my problem. I don't understand why, because in my field it is a richtext ! For it, the item can't do :
rtiNew = (lotus.domino.RichTextItem) item1;
because item1 not be a richtext !!!
I was trying to take all the fields and pass in the item one by one, and it never go to the obj instance of lotus.domini.RichTextItem....
Vector items = doc.getItems();
for (int i=0; i<items.size(); i++) {
// get next element from the Vector (returns java.lang.Object)
Object obj = items.elementAt(i);
// is the item a RichTextItem?
if (obj instanceof RichTextItem) {
// yes it is - cast it as such // it never go here !!
rt = (RichTextItem)obj;
} else {
// nope - cast it as an Item
item = (Item)obj;
A couple of things. First of all I would set up a util class method to handle the object recycling in a neater way:
public enum DominoUtil {
public static void recycle(Base... bases) {
for (Base base : bases) {
if (base != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do nothing
Secondly I would remove the reduntants try/catch blocks and simplify it like this:
private void copieFichierDansRichText(String idDocument, String nomRti, File file,
String nameFichier, String chemin) {
Session session = DominoUtils.getCurrentSession();
Database db = session.getCurrentDatabase();
Document monDoc = null;
try {
monDoc = db.getDocumentByUNID(idDocument);
Item item = monDoc.getFirstItem(nomRti);
if (item == null) {
item = monDoc.createRichTextItem(nomRti);
} else if (item.getType() != Item.RICHTEXT) {
// The item is not a rich text item
// What are you going to do now?
RichTextItem rtItem = (RichTextItem) item;
PieceJointe pieceJointe = new PieceJointe();
pieceJointe = buildPieceJointe(file, nameFichier, chemin);
rtItem.embedObject(EmbeddedObject.EMBED_ATTACHMENT, "", pieceJointe.getChemin()
+ pieceJointe.getNomPiece(), pieceJointe.getNomPiece());
monDoc.computeWithForm(true, false);
} catch (NotesException e) {
throw new FacesException(e);
} finally {
Finally, apart from the monDoc, you need not recycle anything else. Actually Session would be automatically recycled and anything beneath with it (so no need to recycle db, let alone the session!, good rule is don't recycle what you didn't instantiate), but it's not bad to keep the habit of keeping an eye on what you instantiate. If it were a loop with many documents you definitively want to do that. If you also worked with many items you would want to recycle them as early as possible. Anyway, considered the scope of the code it's sufficient like this. Obviously you would call DominoUtil.recycle directly from the try block. If you have multiple objects you can recycle them at once possibly by listing them in the reverse order you set them (eg. DominoUtil.recycle(item, doc, view)).
Also, what I think you miss is the check on the item in case it's not a RichTextItem - and therefore can't be cast. I put a comment where I think you should decide what to do before proceeding. If you let it like that and let the code proceed you will have the code throw an error. Always better to catch the lower level exception and re-throw a higher one (you don't want the end user to know more than it is necessary to know). In this case I went for the simplest thing: wrapped NotesException in a FacesException.

XmlSchemaInfo.SchemaElement is null after validation with reciving PVSI

I try to validate XDocument with compiled (and correct) schema set and with providing post validation schema info (PVSI):
public void ValidateDoc(XDocument doc)
if (doc == null)
// _schema is correct filled schema-set
if (!_schemas.IsCompiled)
if (_schemas.Count > 0)
doc.Validate(_schemas, OnValidate, true);
foreach (var item in _validated)
var si = item.GetSchemaInfo();
// si exists and si.Validity is set to XmlSchemaValidity.Invalid but si.SchemaElement and si.SchemaAttribute is null
catch (XmlSchemaException err)
_log.FatalException(string.Format("Failed to validate document {0} [{1}, {2}] ", doc.BaseUri, err.LineNumber, err.LinePosition), err);
protected virtual void OnValidate(object sender, ValidationEventArgs args)
if (ValidationEvent != null)
ValidationEvent(sender, args);
var xobj = sender as XObject;
if (xobj != null)
xobj.AddAnnotation(new XmlErrInfo(args));
if (xobj is XElement)
But .GetSchemaInfo().SchemaElement is null (and other fields its empty too), instead of point to compiled schema element (I need to use it in future validation scenarios of same elements). What's wrong with it or what I doing wrong?
Well if you wanted to access the SchemaElement of valid elements I could understand your approach but you seem to want to access the SchemaElement of those invalid elements reported to the event handler. I don't think those properties are populated for invalid nodes.

Casting on run time using implicit con version

I have the following code which copies property values from one object to another objects by matching their property names:
public static void CopyProperties(object source, object target,bool caseSenstive=true)
PropertyInfo[] targetProperties = target.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
PropertyInfo[] sourceProperties = source.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
foreach (PropertyInfo tp in targetProperties)
var sourceProperty = sourceProperties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == tp.Name);
if (sourceProperty == null && !caseSenstive)
sourceProperty = sourceProperties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name.ToUpper() == tp.Name.ToUpper());
// If source doesn't have this property, go for next one.
if(sourceProperty ==null)
// If target property is not writable then we can not set it;
// If source property is not readable then cannot check it's value
if (!tp.CanWrite || !sourceProperty.CanRead)
MethodInfo mget = sourceProperty.GetGetMethod(false);
MethodInfo mset = tp.GetSetMethod(false);
// Get and set methods have to be public
if (mget == null)
if (mset == null)
var sourcevalue = sourceProperty.GetValue(source, null);
tp.SetValue(target, sourcevalue, null);
This is working well when the type of properties on target and source are the same. But when there is a need for casting, the code doesn't work.
For example, I have the following object:
class MyDateTime
public static implicit operator DateTime?(MyDateTime myDateTime)
return myDateTime.DateTime;
public static implicit operator DateTime(MyDateTime myDateTime)
if (myDateTime.DateTime.HasValue)
return myDateTime.DateTime.Value;
return System.DateTime.MinValue;
public static implicit operator MyDateTime(DateTime? dateTime)
return FromDateTime(dateTime);
public static implicit operator MyDateTime(DateTime dateTime)
return FromDateTime(dateTime);
If I do the following, the implicit cast is called and everything works well:
MyDateTime x= DateTime.Now;
But when I have a two objects that one of them has a DateTime and the other has MyDateTime, and I am using the above code to copy properties from one object to other, it doesn't and generate an error saying that DateTime can not converted to MyTimeDate.
How can I fix this problem?
One ghastly approach which should work is to mix dynamic and reflection:
private static T ConvertValue<T>(dynamic value)
return value; // This will perform conversion automatically
var sourceValue = sourceProperty.GetValue(source, null);
if (sourceProperty.PropertyType != tp.PropertyType)
var method = typeof(PropertyCopier).GetMethod("ConvertValue",
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
method = method.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { tp.PropertyType };
sourceValue = method.Invoke(null, new[] { sourceValue });
tp.SetValue(target, sourceValue, null);
We need to use reflection to invoke the generic method with the right type argument, but dynamic typing will use the right conversion operator for you.
Oh, and one final request: please don't include my name anywhere near this code, whether it's in comments, commit logs. Aargh.

Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'int' because it is not a delegate type

In this c# code I need to convert the userName value from string to int type.
Is anyone know please help me. I have got error as a compilation error "Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'int' because it is not a delegate type" like this.
ShoppingCartPartRecord cartRecord = null;
try {
cartRecord = _shoppingCartRepository.Get(r => r.Username == userName);
catch (InvalidOperationException ex) {
if (ex.Message == "Sequence contains more than one element") {
var badCarts = _shoppingCartRepository.Table.Where(x => x.Username == userName);
foreach (var shoppingCartPartRecord in badCarts) {
Thank you in advance.
Without the source to your repository we can only guess at what the methods do.
From the errors you are describing the get function expects either an index into an array or an integer primary key and so is the wrong function
You should be able to change the code as follows to achieve the desired effect
ShoppingCartPartRecord cartRecord = null;
try {
cartRecord = _shoppingCartRepository.Table.Single(r => r.Username == userName);
catch (InvalidOperationException ex) {
if (ex.Message == "Sequence contains more than one element") {
var badCarts = _shoppingCartRepository.Table.Where(x => x.Username == userName);
foreach (var shoppingCartPartRecord in badCarts) {
