Least common multiple without using gcd - haskell

With gcd its fairly easy but i do not understand how to tie in all the functions to make it happen without.
kgv :: Int -> Int -> Int
kgv x y = abs ((x `quot` (gcd x y)) * y)
I got this function to find the prime factors which works (prime_factors) and I am working on making a function that takes the maximum number from one list and checks if its on the other list (comp):
prime_factors :: Int -> [Int]
prime_factors 1 = []
prime_factors n
| factors == [] = [n]
| otherwise = factors ++ prime_factors (n `div` (head factors))
where factors = take 1 $ filter (\x -> (n `mod` x) == 0) [2 .. n-1]
comp :: [Int]->Int
comp (ys)(x:xs)
|maximum prime_factors xs elem prime_factors ys == x
|otherwise tail x
kgv :: Int -> Int -> Int
kgv x y = abs ((x `quot` (comp x y)) * y)

Here's an absurdly simple and obscenely inefficient solution:
lcm m n = head [x | x <- [1..], x `rem` m == 0, x `rem` n == 0]
Of course, this relies on two different notions of "least" coinciding under the circumstances, which they do. A fully naive solution doesn't seem possible.

here is the (very) naive algorithm I was talking about:
kgv :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a -> a
kgv x y = find x y
where find i j
| i == j = i
| i < j = find (i+x) j
| i > j = find i (j+y)
it's basically what a school-child would do ;)
caution I ignored negative numbers and 0 - you'll probably have to handle those

perhaps another easy way is
import Data.List(intersect)
lcm m n = head $ intersect (series m n) (series n m)
where series a b = take a $ map (*b) [1..]

I figured it out myself mostly. Thanks for the ideas and pointers.
ggt n m | n > m = maximum [t | t <- [1 .. m], gt n m t]
| otherwise = maximum [t | t <- [1 .. n], gt n m t]
gt n m c = t n c && t m c
t n c | n >= c = (mod n c == 0)
| otherwise = False
kgv :: Int -> Int -> Int
kgv x y |x==0=0|y==0=0 |otherwise = abs ((x `quot` (ggt x y)) * y)


Memoization of Haskell Function

I wrote a function in Haskell to compute the determinant of a Matrix, it works just fine but is horribly slow so I tried to memoize it just like the Haskell Wiki does with the Fibonacci function.
But somehow my memoized function takes slightly longer than the non-memoized version, even when computing the determinant for the identity matrix, which should benefit very much from memoization.
I also tried using a Map for caching results but found no way to pass the modified Map to the next iteration of the recursive function.
How can I fix this?
-- Non-Memoized version
det :: (Num a, Eq a) => [[a]] -> a
det x
| fst s == 0 = 0
| fst s == 1 = head $ head x
| fst s == 2 = (head (head x) * ((x !! 1) !! 1))
- ((head x !! 1) * head (x !! 1))
| F.allEqual x = 0
| otherwise = sum [((-1) ^ (i + 1)) * head (x !! (i - 1))
* det (sub x i 1)
| i <- [1..(fst s)]]
s = shape x
-- Memoized version
mDet :: (Num a, Eq a) => [[a]] -> a
mDet x = sum [((-1) ^ (i + 1)) * head (x !! (i - 1))
* det' (sub x i 1)
| i <- [1..(fst $ shape x)]]
det' y
| fst s == 0 = 0
| fst s == 1 = head $ head y
| fst s == 2 = (head (head y) * ((y !! 1) !! 1))
- ((head y !! 1) * head (y !! 1))
| F.allEqual y = 0
| otherwise = mDet y
s = shape y
There are much more efficient algorithms to compute the determinant via factorization.
Even with memoization, there are an exponential number of submatrices involved in the naive determinant formula so that's a little pointless.
Just for reference, your function re-written to avoid the !! access becomes
-- Non-Memoized version
det :: (Num a, Eq a) => [[a]] -> a
det [] = 0
det [r] = head r
det [r,q] = case [r,q] of
[[a,b],[c,d]] -> a*d - b*c -- error out on wrong shape
det x | or [ or [a==b | b <- bs] -- quadratic test
| (a:bs) <- tails x ] -- (must be "collinear",
= 0 -- "any", not "all"! -- not "==", anyway)
det x = sum $ [s * head r * det ([reverse a,b] >>= map tail)
| (a,r,b) <- picks3 x
| s <- cycle [1,-1]]
picks3 :: [a] -> [([a], a, [a])]
picks3 xs = unfoldr (\case { (_,[]) -> Nothing ;
(a,x:xs) -> Just ((a,x,xs), (x:a,xs)) })
There's nothing to be memoized here that's immediately apparent.

Haskell: How to find the number of integer solutions to equation for use in Sieve of Atkin?

I am currently trying to implement the Sieve of Atkin in Haskell
In step 3 on the Wikipedia article on the Sieve of Atkin I need to find the number of Integer solutions to multiple equations.
However my solution to the first of these equations (4x² + y² = n, x > 0, y > 0
with n being a entry in a list of positive Integers) produces an infinite loop upon a query with any n.
This is my code for this part of the problem so far:
eq1 :: Integer -> Integer
eq1 n = eq1_ n []
eq1_ :: Integer -> [(Integer, Integer)] -> Integer
eq1_ n list | (x > 0) && (y > 0) && (n == 4*(x^2) + (y^2)) && (notElem ((x,y)) list) = eq1_ n ([(x, y)] ++ list)
| otherwise = toInteger (length list)
x = floor (sqrt (fromIntegral ((n - y^2) `div` 4)))
y = floor (sqrt (fromIntegral (n - 4*(x^2))))
It is loaded just fine by WinGHCi, but when I query e.g. eq1 0 it just stays in an infinite loop and has to be interrupted before producing an answer. I suspect it goes in a loop between the two assignments of x and y.
How can I prevent this? Is this even possible?
Edit: Realised where the infinite loop must be.
I'm going to start by reformatting your code a tad to make it more readable. Line breaks are helpful! Also, the order of operations can reduce the weight of parentheses. Side note:
f x | e1 && e2 && e3 = e4
can also be written
f x | e1
, e2
, e3
= e4
which may be easier on the eyes.
eq1 :: Integer -> Integer
eq1 n = eq1_ n []
eq1_ :: Integer -> [(Integer, Integer)] -> Integer
eq1_ n list
| x > 0 &&
y > 0 &&
n == 4*x^2 + y^2 &&
notElem (x,y) list
= eq1_ n ([(x, y)] ++ list)
| otherwise
= toInteger (length list)
isqrt = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
x = isqrt $ (n - y^2) `div` 4
y = isqrt $ n - 4*(x^2)
Now I can immediately see that the logic is wonky. Given n, you calculate x and y. Then you either stop or call the function recursively. On the recursive call, however, you're guaranteed to stop! So even if you were otherwise right, you'd definitely have a semantic problem, always returning 0 or 1.
But as you've seen, that's not the only problem. You're also defining x in terms of y and y in terms of x. Now there are important situations where such mutual recursion is useful. But when the mutually recursive values are "atomic" things like integers, you're sure to get an infinite loop. Haskell won't solve the equations for you; that's your job!
Here's my suggestion:
Start with a brute force list comprehension solution:
sols n
= [(x,y)
|x <- takeWhile (\p -> 4 * p^2 < n) [1..]
,y <- takeWhile (\q -> f x y <= n) [1..]
,f x y = n]
f x y = 4*x^2+y^2
Next, you can use an approximate integer square root to narrow the search space for y:
sols n
= [(x,y)
|x <- takeWhile (\p -> 4 * p^2 < n) [1..]
,y <- takeWhile
(\q -> f x y <= n)
,f x y = n]
f x y = 4*x^2+y^2

Prime factors in Haskell

I'm new to Haskell.
How to generate a list of lists which contains prime factors of next integers?
Currently, I only know how to generate prime numbers:
primes = map head $ iterate (\(x:xs) -> [y | y<-xs, y `mod` x /= 0 ]) [2..]
A simple approach to determine the prime factors of n is to
search for the first divisor d in [2..n-1]
if D exists: return d : primeFactors(div n d)
otherwise return n (since n is prime)
prime_factors :: Int -> [Int]
prime_factors 1 = []
prime_factors n
| factors == [] = [n]
| otherwise = factors ++ prime_factors (n `div` (head factors))
where factors = take 1 $ filter (\x -> (n `mod` x) == 0) [2 .. n-1]
This obviously could use a lot of optimization (search only from 2 to sqrt(N), cache the prime numbers found so far and compute the division only for these etc.)
A slightly modified version using case (as suggested by #user5402):
prime_factors n =
case factors of
[] -> [n]
_ -> factors ++ prime_factors (n `div` (head factors))
where factors = take 1 $ filter (\x -> (n `mod` x) == 0) [2 .. n-1]
Until the dividend m < 2,
take the first divisor n from primes.
repeat dividing m by n while divisible.
take the next divisor n from primes, and go to 2.
The list of all divisors actually used are prime factors of original m.
-- | prime factors
-- >>> factors 13
-- [13]
-- >>> factors 16
-- [2,2,2,2]
-- >>> factors 60
-- [2,2,3,5]
factors :: Int -> [Int]
factors m = f m (head primes) (tail primes) where
f m n ns
| m < 2 = []
| m `mod` n == 0 = n : f (m `div` n) n ns
| otherwise = f m (head ns) (tail ns)
-- | primes
-- >>> take 10 primes
-- [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29]
primes :: [Int]
primes = f [2..] where f (p : ns) = p : f [n | n <- ns, n `mod` p /= 0]
This replacement code improves performance by avoiding unnecessary evaluations:
factors m = f m (head primes) (tail primes) where
f m n ns
| m < 2 = []
| m < n ^ 2 = [m] -- stop early
| m `mod` n == 0 = n : f (m `div` n) n ns
| otherwise = f m (head ns) (tail ns)
primes can also be sped up drastically, as mentioned in Will Ness's comment:
primes = 2 : filter (\n-> head (factors n) == n) [3,5..]
This is a good-performanced and easy-to-understand implementation, in which isPrime and primes are defined recursively, and primes will be cached by default. primeFactors definition is just a proper use of primes, the result will contains continuous-duplicated numbers, this feature makes it easy to count the number of each factor via (map (head &&& length) . group) and it's easy to unique it via (map head . group) :
isPrime :: Int -> Bool
primes :: [Int]
isPrime n | n < 2 = False
isPrime n = all (\p -> n `mod` p /= 0) . takeWhile ((<= n) . (^ 2)) $ primes
primes = 2 : filter isPrime [3..]
primeFactors :: Int -> [Int]
primeFactors n = iter n primes where
iter n (p:_) | n < p^2 = [n | n > 1]
iter n ps#(p:ps') =
let (d, r) = n `divMod` p
in if r == 0 then p : iter d ps else iter n ps'
And the usage:
> import Data.List
> import Control.Arrow
> primeFactors 12312
> (map (head &&& length) . group) (primeFactors 12312)
> (map head . group) (primeFactors 12312)
Haskell allows you to create infinite lists, that are mutually recursive. Let's take an advantage of this.
First let's create a helper function that divides a number by another as much as possible. We'll need it, once we find a factor, to completely eliminate it from a number.
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
-- Divide the first argument as many times as possible by the second one.
divFully :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
divFully n q | n `mod` q == 0 = divFully (n `div` q) q
| otherwise = n
Next, assuming we have somewhere the list of all primes, we can easily find factors of a numbers by dividing it by all primes less than the square root of the number, and if the number is divisible, noting the prime number.
-- | A lazy infinite list of non-trivial factors of all numbers.
factors :: [(Integer, [Integer])]
factors = (1, []) : (2, [2]) : map (\n -> (n, divisors primes n)) [3..]
divisors :: [Integer] -> Integer -> [Integer]
divisors _ 1 = [] -- no more divisors
divisors (p:ps) n
| p^2 > n = [n] -- no more divisors, `n` must be prime
| n' < n = p : divisors ps n' -- divides
| otherwise = divisors ps n' -- doesn't divide
n' = divFully n p
Conversely, when we have the list of all factors of numbers, it's easy to find primes: They are exactly those numbers, whose only prime factor is the number itself.
-- | A lazy infinite list of primes.
primes :: [Integer]
primes = mapMaybe isPrime factors
-- | A number is prime if it's only prime factor is the number itself.
isPrime (n, [p]) | n == p = Just p
isPrime _ = Nothing
The trick is that we start the list of factors manually, and that to determine the list of prime factors of a number we only need primes less then its square root. Let's see what happens when we consume the list of factors a bit and we're trying to compute the list of factors of 3. We're consuming the list of primes, taking 2 (which can be computed from what we've given manually). We see that it doesn't divide 3 and that since it's greater than the square root of 3, there are no more possible divisors of 3. Therefore the list of factors for 3 is [3]. From this, we can compute that 3 is another prime. Etc.
I just worked on this problem. Here's my solution.
Two helping functions are
factors n = [x | x <- [1..n], mod n x == 0]
isPrime n = factors n == [1,n]
Then using a list comprehension to get all prime factors and how many are they.
prime_factors num = [(last $ takeWhile (\n -> (x^n) `elem` (factors num)) [1..], x) | x <- filter isPrime $ factors num]
x <- filter isPrime $ factors num
tells me what prime factors the given number has, and
last $ takeWhile (\n -> (x^n) `elem` (factors num)) [1..]
tells me how many this factor is.
> prime_factors 36 -- 36 = 4 * 9
> prime_factors 1800 -- 1800 = 8 * 9 * 25
More elegant code,use 2 and odd numbers to divide the number.
factors' :: Integral t => t -> [t]
factors' n
| n < 0 = factors' (-n)
| n > 0 = if 1 == n
then []
else let fac = mfac n 2 in fac : factors' (n `div` fac)
where mfac m x
| rem m x == 0 = x
| x * x > m = m
| otherwise = mfac m (if odd x then x + 2 else x + 1)
Here's my version. Not as concise as the others, but I think it's very readable and easy to understand.
import Data.List
factor :: Int -> [Int]
factor n
| n <= 1 = []
| even n = 2 : factor(div n 2)
| otherwise =
let root = floor $ sqrt $ fromIntegral n
case find ((==) 0 . mod n) [3, 5.. root] of
Nothing -> [n]
Just fac -> fac : factor(div n fac)
I'm sure this code is ugly enough to drive a real Haskell programmer to tears, but it works in GHCI 9.0.1 to provide prime factors with a count of each prime factor.
import Data.List
factors n = [x | x <- [2..(n`div` 2)], mod n x == 0] ++ [n]
factormap n = fmap factors $ factors n
isPrime n = case factormap n of [a] -> True; _ -> False
primeList (x:xs) = filter (isPrime) (x:xs)
numPrimes n a = length $ (factors n) `intersect` (takeWhile ( <=n) $ iterate (a*) a)
primeFactors n = primeList $ factors n
result1 n = fmap (numPrimes n) (primeFactors n)
answer n = ((primeFactors n),(result1 n))
ghci> answer 504
The answer is a list of prime factors and a second list showing how many times each
prime factor is in the submitted number.

haskell matrix power without using if-else statement

I have the following function to obtain power of a matrix
X^0 = identity matrix,
X^1 =X;
X^2 = X'X;
X^3 = X X' X;
X^4 = X' X X' X ......
I tried with following function:
import Numeric.Container
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
mpow :: Field t => (Matrix t) -> Integer -> (Matrix t)
mpow x 0 = ident $ cols x
mpow x 1 = x
mpow x n =
if (mod n 2) == 0 then
multiply (trans x) (mpow x $ n - 1)
multiply x (mpow x $ n - 1)
Is it possible to rewrite this function without using the if-else statement ?
Yes, you could use guards. But quite often it will compile into the same internal representation in Haskell.
import Numeric.Container
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
mpow :: Field t => (Matrix t) -> Integer -> (Matrix t)
mpow x 0 = ident $ cols x
mpow x 1 = x
mpow x n | (mod n 2) == 0 = multiply (trans x) (mpow x $ n - 1)
| otherwise = multiply x (mpow x $ n - 1)
As freyrs mentioned, guards and if statements are exactly equivalent as they are both converted to case of when you compile your code. But, you can still get rid of them:
mpow' :: Field t => (Matrix t) -> Integer -> (Matrix t)
mpow' x 0 = ident $ cols x
mpow' x 1 = x
mpow' x n = multiply (head (drop n' fs) $ x) (mpow' x $ n - 1)
where fs = [trans, id]
n' = fromInteger (mod n 2)
However, this isn't more concise, nor does it better communicate what your function is doing to the reader. So don't do this, unless you really hate conditionals.

Use QuickCheck by generating primes

For fun, I'm trying to write a property for quick-check that can test the basic idea behind cryptography with RSA.
Choose two distinct primes, p and q.
Let N = p*q
e is some number relatively prime to (p-1)(q-1) (in practice, e is usually 3 for fast encoding)
d is the modular inverse of e modulo (p-1)(q-1)
For all x such that 1 < x < N, it is always true that (x^e)^d = x modulo N
In other words, x is the "message", raising it to the eth power mod N is the act of "encoding" the message, and raising the encoded message to the dth power mod N is the act of "decoding" it.
(The property is also trivially true for x = 1, a case which is its own encryption)
Here are the methods I have coded up so far:
import Test.QuickCheck
-- modular exponentiation
modExp :: Integral a => a -> a -> a -> a
modExp y z n = modExp' (y `mod` n) z `mod` n
where modExp' y z | z == 0 = 1
| even z = modExp (y*y) (z `div` 2) n
| odd z = (modExp (y*y) (z `div` 2) n) * y
-- relatively prime
rPrime :: Integral a => a -> a -> Bool
rPrime a b = gcd a b == 1
-- multiplicative inverse (modular)
mInverse :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
mInverse 1 _ = 1
mInverse x y = (n * y + 1) `div` x
where n = x - mInverse (y `mod` x) x
-- just a quick way to test for primality
n `divides` x = x `mod` n == 0
primes = 2:filter isPrime [3..]
isPrime x = null . filter (`divides` x) $ takeWhile (\y -> y*y <= x) primes
-- the property
prop_rsa (p,q,x) = isPrime p &&
isPrime q &&
p /= q &&
x > 1 &&
x < n &&
rPrime e t ==>
x == (x `powModN` e) `powModN` d
where e = 3
n = p*q
t = (p-1)*(q-1)
d = mInverse e t
a `powModN` b = modExp a b n
(Thanks, google and random blog, for the implementation of modular multiplicative inverse)
The problem should be obvious: there are way too many conditions on the property to make it at all usable. Trying to invoke quickCheck prop_rsa in ghci made my terminal hang.
So I've poked around the QuickCheck manual a bit, and it says:
Properties may take the form
forAll <generator> $ \<pattern> -> <property>
How do I make a <generator> for prime numbers? Or with the other constraints, so that quickCheck doesn't have to sift through a bunch of failed conditions?
Any other general advice (especially regarding QuickCheck) is welcome.
Here's one way to make a QuickCheck-compatible prime-number generator (stealing a Sieve of Eratosthenes implementation from http://en.literateprograms.org/Sieve_of_Eratosthenes_(Haskell)):
import Test.QuickCheck
newtype Prime = Prime Int deriving Show
primes = sieve [2..]
sieve (p:xs) = Prime p : sieve [x | x <- xs, x `mod` p > 0]
instance Arbitrary Prime where
arbitrary = do i <- arbitrary
return $ primes!!(abs i)
It can be used in QuickCheck like so:
prop_primes_dont_divide (Prime x) (Prime y) = x == y || x `mod` y > 0
For your use, you'd replace p and q with (Prime p) and (Prime q) in your property.
OK so here's what I did.
Top of file
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Applicative
All code as given in the question, except for prop_rsa. That was (obviously) heavily modified:
prop_rsa = forAll primePair $ \(p,q) ->
let n = p*q
in forAll (genUnder n) $ \x ->
let e = 3
t = (p-1)*(q-1)
d = mInverse e t
a `powModN` b = modExp a b n
in p /= q &&
rPrime e t ==>
x == (x `powModN` e) `powModN` d
The type for primePair is Gen (Int, Int), and the type for genUnder is Int -> Gen Int. I'm not exactly sure what the magic is behind forAll but I'm pretty sure this is correct. I've done some ad-hoc adjustments to 1) make sure it fails if I mess up the conditions and 2) make sure the nested forAll is varying the value of x across test cases.
So here's how to write those generators. Once I realized that <generator> in the documentation just meant something of type Gen a, it was cake.
genNonzero = (\x -> if x == 0 then 1 else x) `fmap` arbitrary
genUnder :: Int -> Gen Int
genUnder n = ((`mod` n) . abs) `fmap` genNonzero
genSmallPrime = ((\x -> (primes !! (x `mod` 2500))) . abs) `fmap` arbitrary
primePair :: Gen (Int, Int)
primePair = (,) <$> genSmallPrime <*> genSmallPrime
primePair took some trial and error for me to get right; I knew that some combinators like that should work, but I'm still not as familiar with fmap, <$> and <*> as I'd like to be. I restricted the computation to only select from among the first 2500 primes; otherwise it apparently wanted to pick some really big ones that took forever to generate.
Random thing to note
Thanks to laziness, d = mInverse e t isn't computed unless the conditions are met. Which is good, because it's undefined when the condition rPrime e t is false. In English, an integer a only has a multiplicative inverse (mod b) when a and b are relatively prime.
