What if a cassandra node goes down - node.js

I have cassandra cluster with 3 nodes based on linux. I can connect for example with cqlsh in bash script to first node and everything is ok, if this first node will be down my application have to catch it and connect to the second node etc... Is there ny possibility to connect to cluster and then cluster to be responsible to redirect me to the second node if the first one is down?
Thanks in Advance

All Cassandra drivers come with load balancing and maintain list of active nodes. No worry, switching to live node is transparent to users.


Cassandra node self-removal

I run Cassandra 3.1 in autoscaling group. Recently one of the machines failed and got replaced. I did not lose any data, but client applications were trying to connect to a node which was marked down.
I am looking for a way to gracefully remove a node from a cluster with a quick command which I would invoke via systemd right before it shuts down cassandra during the shutdown process.
nodetool decommission involves data streaming and takes long time.
nodetool removenode and nodetool assassinate can't remove the node they are running at.
Losing data is not my concern. My goal is fully automated node replacement.
Fixing client libaries is out of scope of this question

how to connect to cassandra cluster using cqlsh or command prompt?

In other dbs, we connect to db cluster with load balance IP. How do we connect to cassandra cluster using command line? What socket is used? Is this always a single node and IP?
What if i connect o node1, and node1 goes down. Will this automatically connect to node2 or node3?
You have several options: the easiest one is to use the Cassandra Query Language Shell (CQLSH), which is a python based CQL interpreter to interact with Cassandra. It usually comes with every Cassandra installation, under the /bin folder of the installation directory. If you have ssh access to one of the nodes Cassandra is running onto, this can be an easy option (you will avoid any issues related to firewall blocking incoming connections to your cluster).
You can also use cqlsh to access remotely to the cluster:
cqlsh node_ip 9043
but this will require cqlsh to be present on your machine.
In general, Cassandra uses an initial set of contact nodes and a gossip protocol to contact and learn the cluster composition. You will be assigned a node as coordinator for your query. You may not worry about seed nodes being currently down, provided that at least one is up and running.
Another option to access remotely to the cluster is the Datastax DevCenter,which is a free-to-use grafical interface to execute CQL queries.
Hope this helps

Connecting to Couchbase Server Cluster

I've been using Couchbase for my database solution and so far it looks very good.
I'm confused however with connecting to a Cluster. A Cluster is just a group of nodes so when you use the API to connect to a Cluster what do you use as the IP? Do you just use one of the nodes in the Cluster? Does it matter which one?
I'm personally using the Node.js API.
Technically all you need is just one node in the list. As soon as it connects to that one, it will get the cluster map of the entire cluster and know all of the rest of the nodes. No it does not matter which node.
That being said, best practice is to have at least 3 nodes of the cluster listed in the connection string or better yet if the SDK you are using supports it, use a DNS SRV record with at least 3 nodes in there. With three nodes in the list if for some reason (e.g. server failure or maintenance) one of the nodes is unavailable, you can still bootstrap an application server to get that cluster map with one of the other nodes in the list.
I asked this question a few months ago on couchbase forums and the author of the node.js module answered that you should use "some" of them
like :
cluster.openBucket("couchbase://server1,server2,server3", function(err) {});
if you have server4 and 5 are added , they will be automatically added to the cluster as soon as they are available in the cluster.
Check here for details : https://forums.couchbase.com/t/couchnode-connection-to-cluster/6281

titan rexster with external cassandra instance

I have a cassandra cluster (2.1.0) running fine.
After installing titan 5.1, and editing the titan-cassandra.properties to point to cluster hostname list rather than localhost, i run following -
titan.sh -c conf/titan-cassandra.properties start
It is able to recognize running cassandra instance, starts elastic search, but times out while connecting to rexster.
If i run it with local cassandra, everything runs fine using following ->br>
titan.sh start
do i need to make any change in rexster properties to point to running cassandra cluster..
Thanks in advance
Titan Server started by titan.sh represents a quick way to get started with Titan/Rexster/ES. It is designed to simplify running all those things with one startup script. Once you start breaking things apart (e.g. a separate cassandra cluster), you might not want to use titan.sh anymore because, it still forks a cassandra process when it starts up. Presumably, you don't need that anymore, given that you have a separate cassandra cluster.
Given the more advanced nature of your environment, I would simply download Rexster and configure it to connect to your cluster.

How Can I run more than one cassandra server in single machine and form one cluster ring?

I would like know is there any way to run multiple Cassandra servers on a single machine, so tall the servers on that machine form one ring (cluster).
I would like know is there any way to run the cassandra servers in a single machine ?
There's always a way!
There is an excellent tool available that allows you to configure a multi-node cluster locally, but it's currently not supported under windows. When you build a cluster and start it, it will configure the ring for you. You can check out the ring using ./nodetool -h -p 7100 ring after it has started.
*Just a side-note, the ccm tool starts the cluster as a background process.
