Conditionally set <ul class> of <h:messages> depending on message severity - jsf

In JSF 1.2 I would like to have the HTML of <h:messages> like the following one
<ul id="messages" class="warnmessage">
<li>Unable to link ...</li>
<li>Unable to link ..</li>
<ul id="messages" class="errorMessage">
<li>Unable to link ...</li>
<li>Unable to link ..</li>
depending on what severity of the message is. What is blocking me is that <h:messages> cannot render this html with different class assignment on <ul> level, it can be only assigned on <li> level. I would like to know if it's possibile to use this mechanism and do something like :
<h:messages styleClass="errormessage" id="errormessages" rendered="#{not empty Bean.errorMessages}"/>
<h:messages styleClass="warnmessage" id="warnmessages" rendered="#{not empty Bean.warnMessages}"/>


Omnifaces TagAttribute Id cannot be used as id

I have the following Facelet Taglib:
<o:tagAttribute name="id"/>
<h:panelGroup id="#{id}" layout="block" styleClass="idTest">
The taglib.xml looks like this:
And the code, where it is used is simply:
How can it be, that the following HTML is being rendered:
<div class="idTest">
Why does my PanelGroup have no id? The id is generated like it is expected based on the documentation of o:tagAttribute, since the content of the div is rendered. But as id it does not work. Why?
This is indeed confusing.
The documentation literally says:
... it will autogenerate an unique ID in the form of j_ido[tagId] where [tagId] is the <o:tagAttribute> tag's own unique ID.
But the actual behavior is more like so:
... it will override any autogenerated ID into the form of j_ido[tagId] where [tagId] is the <o:tagAttribute> tag's own unique ID.
In other words, when JSF itself needs to render the id attribute of a HTML element, usually because it's required by some internal logic further down in the chain, such as <f:ajax> and friends, and there is no explicit ID specified on the tag like so <x:someTag id="fixedId" />, then JSF will by default autogenerate one in the form of j_id[autoIncrementInteger]. But this will go wrong on tagfiles because the autoIncrementInteger may get bumped further by one on each postback depending on the JSF impl and view state configuration used. The <o:tagAttribute> simply attempts to ensure this way that the autogenerated ID stays the same on each postback.
When you edit your test tagfile to add <f:ajax>,
<h:panelGroup id="#{id}" layout="block" styleClass="idTest">
<f:ajax event="click" />
then you'll see that the generated <div> has an id, because this is technically required by <f:ajax>.
<div id="j_ido-1512689859_13a7e7e3" class="idTest"
Or when you swap <h:panelGroup> for e.g. a <h:form> or whatever component which always requires an ID in the client side,
<h:form id="#{id}" styleClass="idTest">
<ui:insert />
then you'll also see that it's generated.
<form id="j_ido-1512689859_13a7e7e3" name="j_ido-1512689859_13a7e7e3" method="post" action="/test.xhtml" class="idTest" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
<input type="hidden" name="j_ido-1512689859_13a7e7e3" value="j_ido-1512689859_13a7e7e3" />
In other words, the feature is working fine, but it was simply not used in your specific case because JSF didn't consider it necessary to generate it.
I've in the meanwhile updated the documentation.

Control generated ID of ui:repeat

Sorry for the simple question. I am learning to use JSF 2.2 to create a form and trying to keep it close to plain HTML5 as possible. I have an ui:repeat generated list that goes like this:
<ul id="nameLst">
<ui:repeat var="d" value="#{controller.names}" varStatus="status">
type="hidden" />#{d}
It gets rendered like this:
<ul id="nameLst">
<input id="j_idt14:0:nameTxt" name="j_idt14:0:nameTxt" value="Name1" type="hidden">
<input id="j_idt14:1:nameTxt" name="j_idt14:1:nameTxt" value="Name2" type="hidden">
Now, I am trying to add names using JavaScript only to this list. Problem is, how can I control this generated id, so I can use it in JavaScript. And mainly, if the list starts empty, how do I generate this id so it can be correctly posted back to the managed bean.
how can I control this generated id, so I can use it in JavaScript
Just give it a fixed id.
<ui:repeat id="names" ...>
Alternatively, use jsfc attribute to turn <ul> into an <ui:repeat>.
<ul id="names" jsfc="ui:repeat" value="#{bean.names}" var="name">
<input jsf:id="name" type="hidden" value="#{name}" />
And mainly, if the list starts empty, how do I generate this id so it can be correctly posted back to the managed bean
Use JSF for this instead of JS. An example can be found here: How to dynamically add JSF components
See also:
How can I know the id of a JSF component so I can use in Javascript
JavaServer Faces 2.2 and HTML5 support, why is XHTML still being used

Navigation with CommandButton not responding

my left menu page (commonMenu.xhtml) with commandButton:
<li>foo </li>
<li><p:commandButton value="foo"
action="pages/foo" /></li>
<li>Menu 3</li>
directory tree look like:
href is working perfectly, however commandButton is not working at all. What can be a reason?
i tried diffrent strings in action: foo, project/pages/foo, pages/foo etc...
i read somewhere that for simple navigation i need to use <p:button> not <p:commandButton>
and i used that with short pathes like just foo and it works
so simply i change commandButton part for:
<p:button value="foo" outcome="foo" />
anyway ty

Action of <h:commandButton> not getting invoked when "disabled=true" is set

I want the Submit button to be enabled when the T&C checkbox is checked. Though my written logic is working alright the action of h:commandButton is not getting invoked even after it is enabled after checking the checkbox. Initially the button is disabled. The code works fine if I remove the disabled="TRUE" attribute but it doesn't serve the purpose. Here is my code :
<script type="text/javascript">
function start() {
function() {
if ($(document.getElementById('form2:check'))
.is(':checked')) {
} else {
'disabled', 'disabled');
JSP Code:
<h:form id="form2">
<div class="testing">
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="check" />
<li class="buttons ">
<div class="center">
<h:commandButton id="saveForm" styleClass="btTxt submit"
type="submit" value="Submit"
action="#{declarationFormBean.formSubmit}" disabled="true"></h:commandButton>
Please help.
That's because you're solely removing the disabled attribute in the JSF-generated HTML representation using JavaScript/jQuery. This doesn't change anything to the disabled attribute in the actual JSF component which is consulted during decoding the action event.
This is actually a Good ThingTM of JSF, because otherwise any hacker would be able to bypass any JSF disabled, readonly and rendered attribute by just manipulating the HTML DOM tree while they are initially used to block them like so rendered="#{request.isUserInRole('ADMIN')}".
You need to enable the button by JSF instead of JS/jQuery.
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox binding="#{check}">
<f:ajax render="saveForm" />
<h:commandButton id="saveForm" ... disabled="#{not check.value}" />
That's all. No custom JS/jQuery mess necessary, nor any additional JSF bean properties. The above code is complete as-is.
See also:
What is the need of JSF, when UI can be achieved from CSS, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery?

Composite components & ID

I want to implement some javas cript into my JSF composite component, but I have problem with id. My java script with:
does not work, because the id is wrong. I have JSF composite component:
<div id="element_customer">
<h2 class="element_title">Customer</h2>
<h:form id="myForm">
<h:inputText id="customerId" value="#{cc.attrs.customerId}"/>
and HTML output is:
<div id="element_customer">
<h2 class="element_title">Customer</h2>
<form id="j_idt44:myForm" name="j_idt44:myForm" method="post" ... >
<input type="hidden" name="j_idt44:myForm" value="j_idt44:myForm" />
<input id="j_idt44:myForm:customerId" ... name="j_idt44:myForm:customerId" />
Why is "j_idt44" used in HTML output?
Composite components are NamingContainer components like <h:form>, <h:dataTable>, etc. This allows you to have multiple of them in the same view without conflicting IDs.
You need to give the composite component a fixed ID as well. E.g.
<my:composite id="someId" />
I'd also suggest to use <div id="#{}"> instead of <div id="element_customer">. It will then become someId with the above example.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, this isn't entirely the right purpose of a composite component. A composite component is intented to be of the same kind of <h:inputText>, etc. You seem to rather want a tag file or maybe an include file. See also When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components?
