ObservableCollection - Changes on the dataset do not get updated - observablecollection

I am new to programming for winrt. I am using VS 2015, trying to do some testing on ObservableCollection to see how the change in the collection got reflected on the UI. I must have done something incorrectly. Just do not know what.
This is my model:
class MyItems
public int ItemID { get; set; }
public string ItemDescription { get; set; }
class MyItemList:List<MyItems>
public MyItemList()
Random r = new Random(DateTime.Now.Day);
for (int i = 0; i < r.Next(10)+1; i++)
this.Add(new MyItems() { ItemID = i + 1,
ItemDescription = string.Format("Item_{0}", i + 1) });
public ObservableCollection<MyItems> getEven()
return new ObservableCollection<MyItems>(this.Where(x=>x.ItemID%2==0).ToList());
public void AddMoreItems(int v)
int total = this.Count;
for (int i = 0 ; i < v; i++)
this.Add(new MyItems() { ItemID = total + i, ItemDescription = string.Format("Item_{0}", total+i) });
On MainPage.xaml, I have a button to add items to the list. I have created a listview programmatically and binding to the dataset two ways.
public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
static MyItemList myItems = new MyItemList();
public MainPage()
var t = myItems.getEven();
ListView myListView = new ListView() { ItemTemplate = (DataTemplate)Resources["myItemTemplate"] };
myListView.DataContext = t;
var binding = new Binding();
binding.Source = t;
binding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
myListView.SetBinding(ListView.ItemsSourceProperty, binding);
private void AddItems_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
When I clicked on the button, 3 more items are added but they are not reflected in my listview. Something else needs to be done beside using the ObservableCollection and set binding to twoWays?

Your problem, essentially, is here:
public ObservableCollection<MyItems> getEven()
return new ObservableCollection<MyItems>(this.Where(x=>x.ItemID%2==0).ToList());
When you query this and call ToList(), you are creating a new list that is independent of the original. If you add items to the original, it's not going to be reflected in your derived list. Think of it this way:
public ObservableCollection<MyItems> getEven()
var filteredList = this.Where(x=>x.ItemID%2==0).ToList()
return new ObservableCollection<MyItems>(filteredList);
Adding to this is not going to change the contents filteredList at all.
Additionally, creating a new ObservableCollection every time you access getEven instead of modifying an existing one means that the events when adding and deleting to the observable collection will never fire.
You are using observable collections in a fundamentally incorrect way. Why not just have MyItemList derive from ObservableCollection<T> instead of List<T>?
Collection that inherits from ObservableCollection - What are the benefits?
Also, if you're trying to filter by even/odd, you should look into ICollectionView
WPF Binding filtered ObservableCollection ICollectionView to Combobox


Bind dynamic objects to datagridview in c# windows form

I have a class like this,
public class Item
private string _itemCode=string.empty;
private string _itemName = string.empty;
//Dynamic variable to keep custom properties
private dynamic _customProperties = new ExpandoObject();
public string ItemCode
get{return _itemCode;}
public string ItemName
get{return _itemName;}
private ExpandoObject CustomProperties
{ get { return _customProperties; } }
//Method to load objects
publc static List<Item> Load()
List<Item> itemList = new List<Item>();
//Create Item objects
Item itm1 = new Item();
//Create custom properties
itm1._customProperties.Test1 = "t1";
//Add more items as above with the several custom properties
return itemList;
In my windows form I'm getting a Item list and assigning it to the datasource of the datagridview.
List<Item> lstItems= Item.Load();
//Add item list to the data grid view
BindingSource bindingSource = new BindingSource();
bindingSource.DataSource = lstItems;
this.dataGridView1.DataSource = bindingSource;
When form runs, grid doesn't show the custom properties I have added to the Item.CustomProperties. How can I change my code to overcome this.
Try this
bindingSource.DataMember = "Your value"; //

Strange behavior with size limitation in Enterprise cache block

I am using entlib 5.0.1. I have created a cache using code configuration
IContainerConfigurator configurator =
new UnityContainerConfigurator(_unityContainer);
configurator.ConfigureCache(item.PartitionName, item.MaxItemNumber);
CacheBlockImp block = new CacheBlockImp(
I saw a strange behavior with the size limit, I have configured the cache to hold 15 items, I am adding in a loop 18 items, I would suspect afer the addition to have only 15 items, but I get 8, when I have added a refresh action - to be notify when 1 item was evacuated, I really see that 7 of them were evacuated, all the items have the same priority.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var unityContainer = new UnityContainer();
IContainerConfigurator configurator = new UnityContainerConfigurator(unityContainer);
configurator.ConfigureCache("Test", 10);
var cache = unityContainer.Resolve<ICacheManager>("Test");
for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
var dummy = new Dummy()
ID = i,
Data = "hello " + i.ToString()
cache.Add(i.ToString(), dummy, CacheItemPriority.Normal, null, null);
int count = cache.CachedItems().Count;
public class Dummy
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Data { get; set; }
public static class CacheBlockExtension
public static void ConfigureCache(this IContainerConfigurator configurator, string configKey,
int maxNumOfItems)
ConfigurationSourceBuilder builder = new ConfigurationSourceBuilder();
DictionaryConfigurationSource configSource = new DictionaryConfigurationSource();
// simple inmemory cache configuration
EnterpriseLibraryContainer.ConfigureContainer(configurator, configSource);
public static List<object> CachedItems(this ICacheManager cachemanger)
Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.Cache cache =
(Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.Cache)cachemanger.GetType().GetField("realCache", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance |
List<object> tmpret = new List<object>();
foreach (DictionaryEntry Item in cache.CurrentCacheState)
Object key = Item.Key;
CacheItem cacheItem = (CacheItem)Item.Value;
return tmpret;

How to reflect changes in viewmodel to tableviewcell view with binding in MVVMcross

Am a little stuck with getting changes reflected from the ViewModel to the View when used in a MvxBindableTableViewCell. I am using the vNext branch of MvvmCross on iOS.
Everything is set up properly and the initial values are visible when loading/showing the list for the first time. The list is a ObservableCollection<T> and the ViewModels inherit from MvxViewModel (thus implements INotifyPropertyChanged).
The main ViewModel looks like this:
public abstract class BaseViewModel : MvxViewModel, IMvxServiceConsumer
//... just regular implementation
public class UploadListViewModel: BaseViewModel
private readonly IUploadItemTasks uploadItemTasks;
private readonly IPhotoPickerService photoPickerService;
public IObservableCollection<UploadItemViewModel> Uploads { get { return this.LoadUploadItems(); } }
public UploadListViewModel()
this.uploadItemTasks = this.GetService<IUploadItemTasks>();
this.photoPickerService = this.GetService<IPhotoPickerService>();
private IObservableCollection<UploadItemViewModel> LoadUploadItems()
using (var unitOfWork = UnitOfWork.Start ())
return new SimpleObservableCollection<UploadItemViewModel>(uploadItemTasks.GetAll());
public void StartUpload ()
if (this.Uploads == null || this.Uploads.Count == 0) {
ReportError("Error", "No images to upload");
this.Uploads.ForEach (uploadItem => PostCallback (uploadItem));
private void PostCallback (UploadItemViewModel uploadAsset)
IProgressReporter progressReporter = uploadAsset;
(image) => {
UIImage fullImage = image;
NSData jpeg = fullImage.AsJPEG();
byte[] jpegBytes = new byte[jpeg.Length];
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(jpeg.Bytes, jpegBytes, 0, Convert.ToInt32(jpeg.Length));
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(jpegBytes);
Uri destinationUrl = new Uri(uploadAsset.DestinationUrl + "&name=" + uploadAsset.Name + "&contentType=image%2FJPEG");
//TO DO: Move this to plugin
var uploader = new Uploader().UploadPicture (destinationUrl, stream, UploadComplete, progressReporter);
uploader.Host = uploadAsset.Host;
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (delegate {
uploader.Upload ();
jpeg = null;
private void UploadComplete (string name)
if (name == null){
ReportError("Error","There was an error uploading the media.");
} else
//ReportError("Succes", name);
The item ViewModel looks like:
public interface IProgressReporter
float Progress { get; set;}
public abstract class BaseAssetViewModel: BaseViewModel, IBaseAssetViewModel
//... just regular properties
public class UploadItemViewModel: BaseAssetViewModel, IProgressReporter
public UploadItemViewModel(): base()
private float progress;
public float Progress {
get {
return this.progress;
set {
this.progress = value;
this.RaisePropertyChanged(() => Progress);
The View for the items inherits from MvxBindableTableViewCell and has the property:
private float progress;
public float ProgressMarker {
get {
return progress;
set {
progress = value;
// change progressbar or textfield here
The tableviewcell is bounded to the UploadItemViewModel via the BindingText:
public const string BindingText = #"ProgressMarker Progress, Converter=Float;";
The Uploader class mentioned in the snippet of UploadListViewModel implements a private method which tries to set the progress on the IProgressReporter.
float progressValue;
void SetProgress (float newvalue)
progressValue = newvalue;
this.dispatcher.InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
if (ProgressReporter != null)
ProgressReporter.Progress = progressValue;
During the first viewing of the list I can see that the properties in both the ViewModel and View are being hit but when I update the ViewModel via the interface IProgressReporter with a new value in Progress the View in the tableviewcell is not updated nor the property is being called.
What am I doing wrong or what am I missing here?
UPDATE: Check the answer to this question.
I found why the binding didn't work. I was replacing the ObservableCollection over and over again.. I changed that piece of code as stated below and now it reflects the changes made to the UploadItemViewModel in the View of the cell.
private IObservableCollection<UploadItemViewModel> uploads;
private IObservableCollection<UploadItemViewModel> LoadUploadItems()
if (uploads == null)
using (var unitOfWork = UnitOfWork.Start ())
uploads = new SimpleObservableCollection<UploadItemViewModel>(uploadItemTasks.FindAll());
return uploads;

Array List in C# without a loop

I like to know how to initialise the array without the loops like for, foreach or any LINQ.
From the following code, need to find under 2m length cars within .Netframework using console application.
ArrayList = CarType new ArrayList();
CarType.Add(new CarList("Ford"));
((CarList)CarType[0]).Cars.Add(new Car("Focus", 2));
((CarList)CarType[0]).Cars.Add(new Car("Fiesta", 1));
CarType.Add(new CarList("Peugeout"));
((CarList)CarType[1]).Cars.Add(new Car("206", 1));
((CarList)CarType[1]).Cars.Add(new Car("407", 2));
public static ArrayList RemoveLargeCars (ArrayList CarType)
//Array List should be here
return CarType;
It has got two classes as follows.
class Car
public string name;
public float length;
public Car(string newName, float newLength)
this.name = newName;
this.length = newLength;
Class CarList
public string CarType;
public ArrayList Pipes;
public CarList(string newCarType)
carType = newCarType;
Cars = new ArrayList();
Can you please let me know how to solve this.
Thanks in advance.
Use the static Adapter method on ArrayList
CarType = ArrayList.Adapter(CarList);
But that probably uses a loop internally, you can't get away from them, but at least this hides them.
Well, first of all you should use the generic list type List<T> instead of ArrayList, that will make the code simpler. (And best practive recommends properties rather than public fields):
class Car {
public string Name { get; set; }
public float Length { get; set; }
public Car(string newName, float newLength) {
Name = newName;
Length = newLength;
class CarList {
public string CarType { get; set; }
public List<Car> Cars { get; set; }
public CarList(string newCarType, List<Car> newCars) {
CarType = newCarType;
Cars = newCars;
public CarList(string newCarType) : this(newCarType, new List<Car>()) {}
Now use a List<CarList>:
List<CarList> CarType = new List<CarList>();
CarList ford = new CarList("Ford");
ford.Cars.Add(new Car("Focus", 2));
ford.Cars.Add(new Car("Fiesta", 1));
CarList peugeot = new CarList("Peugeout");
peugeot.Cars.Add(new Car("206", 1));
peugeot.Cars.Add(new Car("407", 2));
List<CarList> smallCars = RemoveLargeCars(CarType);
You can use extension methods to easily filter out cars based on a condition:
public static List<CarList> RemoveLargeCars(List<CarList> CarType) {
return CarType.Select(
t => new CarList(t.CarType, t.Cars.Where(c => c.Length < 2f).ToList()
) .ToList();
Note that the method doesn't change the original list, but creates a new list.

Alternative for cloning in LWUIT Component object

In my code I have to use the LWUIT Component object for the listview controls. The controls are dynamic and hence can be in any number.
Right now I am creating Component objects according to the controls(in numbers) i.e.- for every control to be created first the Component object is creating.
This process slows down the rendering of the listview when the controls are increasing.
If I create the Component object and use it in a loop for all the controls it is taking the reference of the object and hence displays all the listview items(controls) with the same data.
Now I am able to think of one last option of Cloning my object and using it to create the controls.
But I can't find any way in LWUIT by which I can achieve the copying of object.
What can be the alternatives in LWUIT to solve this problem?
P.S.-The listview items are of same type, but with different data.
Use a List component and the Renderer design pattern to create a "rubber stamp" component where you can display a large number of elements easily. See an explanation of this in the Codename One blog.
Create these classes first :
public class ListUtil {
private Vector data = new Vector();
private Content[] contents;
public ListUtil(Vector vData)
data = vData;
contents = new Content[vData.size()];
public List createList(Display display, CListCell renderer, ActionListener listener)
CList theList;
for(int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++)
contents[i] = new Content(String.valueOf(data.elementAt(i)));
theList = new CList(display, contents, renderer, listener);
return theList;
public class Content
private String row;
public Content(String row)
this.row = row;
public String getRow()
return (row);
public class CListCell extends Container implements ListCellRenderer {
private Label focus = new Label("");
public CListCell()
// create and add the components here among the components which will display data
public Component getListCellRendererComponent(List list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected)
Content entry = null;
if (value instanceof Content)
entry = (Content)value;
return this;
public Component getListFocusComponent(List arg0)
return focus;
public class CList extends List {
private Display disp;
public CList(Display display, Object[] data, CListCell renderer, ActionListener actionListener)
disp = display;
public void pointerReleased(int x,int y)
if (isEnabled() && hasFocus())
super.pointerReleased(x, y);
public void keyReleased(int keyCode)
if (isEnabled() && hasFocus())
if (disp.getGameAction(keyCode) == Display.GAME_FIRE)
To create your List and add it to a Form :
public class myForm extends Form implements ActionListener
private Vector listSource = // your vector of data
private CListCell renderer = new CListCell();
private List theList = (new ListUtil(listSource)).createList(Display.getInstance(),renderer, this);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
if (evt.getSource() == theList)
