Web Apps Azure High Traffic - azure

I am using Azure Web Apps to host my website. The website is loaded from a native apps for iOS and Android. During normal days non peak time , the web is operating as expected. However, from time to time , we are going to push out notification via apns or google gcm and that will drive users back to the apps. From there, content will be loaded from the website which is hosted from the Azure Web Apps.
During this peak times where there are thousands of requests coming in, there will be very high degree of fallout which results in errors.
It is shown in the picture below .
Traffic of the web apps after the push notification blasts
I have make sure that the database will not have any bottleneck during the operation. We are using SQL from Azure as well.
From the new portal, we are using service tier 'S1' for the App Services.
Previously, when the apps are developed, Web Apps and Mobile Services are separate service which are now join to become App Services.
Is there anything I could adjust from the azure backend or there is something which I missed out to handle ? Currently , we are also making the instance to be auto scaling.
As in conclusion, during high concurrent requests rushing in, the web apps seems to stop responding.

I would propose to implement the retry logic if there is no such yet and troubleshoot using the different modes.
There is a detailed "analyzing performance" official guidance here - https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/app-service-web-troubleshoot-performance-degradation/ .
The most simple way to understand (or just mitigate) if the issue if somehow related to the underlying backend (throttling etc) is to change the mode site is working in. In your case, it can be S or even P.
Next step, if we eliminate the possibility of the throttling/etc, is to implement the diagnostics. My favourite tool is Application Insights, there is New Relic and other great tools as well. There are good guidances i saw and used:
So, there is not silver answer about your question - highload is highload :-) Without access to the sources and website, and load tests results it is difficult to say what component of the project behaves itself bad.
If that is the helpful answer, please mark it as a helpful or as the answer. Thanks!


Monitoring the Azure app services

I was wondering if someone can shed some lights on the application monitoring and alerting solution that's being used to specifically monitor the Azure app service. We have multiple API apps running on App service service and we would like to monitor certain metrics (ex: Availability, response time, number of request received, etc). I enabled the application insight on each of these apps and the result is quite promising, it fulfills all my requirement, but there's one small issue: I need to scroll through each app to see their performance. I can't aggregate them all in one space. I would like to create a centralized dashboard for all aforementioned metrics and have them displayed. I tried using OMS but it seems to be lacking a lot of functionality.
Any pointer would be very appreciated.
I wrote recently about it on our blog: http://predica.pl/blog/azure-monitoring-and-auditing/ - you will find link to MS documentation also there.
If you are using App Insights already you should be able to pick things from App Insights and put it on the Azure portal dashboard. Other than that probably getting data into Power Bi application insight is your best shot - https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/powerbi-content-pack-application-insights/

Azure mobile services vs Azure App service vs plain Web API

Can anyone please point out any benefits of using Azure Mobile services vs using a plain Azure app service / clean web api? For a starter / project type for a backend mobile solution.
I have somewhat mixed feelings on why I would want to use Azure Mobile Services.
As far as I see on Azure Mobile services you have an easier way of authenticating, you can use the notifcations hub more easily
and you have the different "built-in" ways of handling data (table storage etc).
Usually you would want some custom logics, user registration and handling when users register to your backend and you would like a more solid way of handling
and storing the data not privided by the OOTB datastorage.
You might also have another preference than using the /Table/ odata-endpoint you get with it or end up doing lots of logics to make your DAO's return data in properly for the OData endpoints.
All these things; IMO makes it more difficult to make the API/backend clean when using Azure Mobile services rather than a simple Web API with OData endpoints and swagger documentet API that can be used in a mobile-app just as easy.
Implementing / handling authentication and notifications ++ in Web Api ain't that diffucult nor time consuming.
So my problem Azure Mobile services is that it tends to fine for dev / prototyping and testing, but it might get really messy really fast when developing a proper backend.
Any thoughts and reasons why one should choose one instead of the other?
Think of Azure Mobile Services as V1 and App Service/Mobile App as V2. While Microsoft hasn't announced that Mobile Services will be phased out in the near future, if you start a new project, you should definitively look at App Service.
due to the fact that many people are confused about wether to take Web API or Web App or something different. They are going to put it all under one name. The underlying technology will be the same "i think".
But now you'll have in your portal the opportunity to add mobile push notifications, or add your swagger api definitions.
So when you're goint to stick with App Services you're not going to limit yourself.
Even when you're going to take Web Api you'll get all the functions as if you would take an App Service (if i'm correct).
*Edit: I looked it up in the portal. As I said, my old Web App Projects have the same settings as Web Api projects. So you don't need to decide anymore which kind of project you're taking. You get all the benefits out of the App Service.

Azure Mobile App malfunctioning after migration

A couple weeks back our Mobile App was migrated from the old portal to the new one and it hasn't behaved properly since.
Our main issues are:
We cannot access any logs files, the tab for Diagnostics logs stopped working entirely on Wednesday but even before that we never got any useful data out of this. When something goes wrong with our nodejs backend we can't find any clue as to what went wrong like we could in our old portal under the logs tab.
We are unable to access the FTP server entirely, it just won't let us login even though the credentials are correct and have been reset multiple times in attempts to get them working.
The server is throwing errors about not having enough disk space left even though we should have 53Gb to go (we're currently using 1.05Gb out of 55Gb)
Our deployments slots are not working at all, when we push our code to the deployment slot it just doesn't work, every request we make to the deployment slots tells us we're not allowed to do anything.
We are running a standard tier Mobile App server. The backend is in NodeJS, our CMS is in ASP.Net and our app itself is in Xamarin Forms.
The issues started after we migrated the server a couple weeks back from the manage.azure.com portal to portal.azure.com.
What can we do?
We got through to Microsoft via the payed support plan which we're getting refunded because these are basic functionalities which don't work as advertised after the migration. I've got a call with them in about three hours to get things sorted, if I learn anything we can do ourselves I will update this post to share the knowledge.
This needs to be a support request to Microsoft.
If you can, open an incident with Microsoft Support. If you can't, post a question in the MSDN Community Forum. (We need to ask about particulars of your site and that isn't an appropriate topic for SO)
As the architecture of Mobile Apps is changed from Mobile Services, now the mobile apps migrate to Azure App Services.
Actually the Mobile Apps backend in Node.js is an expressjs project, and the mobile app sdk for node is a middleware of express. So the way for diagnostics and troubleshooting has changed from before we use Mobile Service. You can refer to https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/app-service-mobile-node-backend-how-to-use-server-sdk/#Debugging for details about Debugging and troubleshooting for mobile services.
Additionally, we can leverage the Visual Studio Team Services editor as the section How to: Edit code in Visual Studio Team Services shows in the link above, we can monitor the output of the Mobile Apps backend application. E.G:
About your FTP issue, please double check your deployment Username, when we login to FTP server on Azure, we need to input the full FTP user name which is "app\username":
You can refer to https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-configure/#enabling-diagnostic-logs for details.

Azure Mobile Service Usage in unpublished Application?

Is there a component in an Azure Mobile service that consumes API calls?
I created an Azure Mobile Service for an application that is still in Development. Its supposed to be an easy way for me to keep an offline sync of my database for a Windows UAP. All I have done so far is import my SQL Database to the mobile service using Visual Studio, haven't even finished implementing the Offline Sync.
My expectation would be to see 0 usage until my app was running, however its constantly showing 50-80 API calls an hour. My only thought is that there is something in Azure consuming API calls and I would like to turn it off.
Is your Mobile Service in the Basic or Standard tier? If so, you can get pings from some automated runners that are checking to make sure your site is working properly. You won't get charged for these API calls, even though they are showing up in the dashboard.

Advantages of hosting a mobile app back-end in Azure Mobile Services over Azure Websites

I have a WebAPI back-end for a mobile, and want to host it in Azure.
I am having a hard time figuring out the real differences between AMS and Websites.
All the articles I read about the subject talks about changes and benefits in general, and I want to understand specifically which new features AMS provides, and the benefits of hosting in AMS.
In AMS I see the "IDENTITY" tab in azure portal. From what I understand, those 3rd party configs allow me to authenticate my users easily with google,FB etc. But this is just making the process more convenient and configurable via UI. In Websites, I can achieve the same functionality pretty easily using code from ASPNet.Identity and OWIN libraris.
Push Notifications
Again looking at AMS in the "PUSH" tab, I can see two mechanisms. The Notification Hub and 3rd party section.
The Notification Hub is nothing special to AMS, and I can get the exact same functionality when hosting in Websites.
The 3rd party section allows me to configure credentials to push services from Apple and Google (APNS,GCM...) and together with libraries in AMS namespace I can easily write code to communicate with those services.
But When hosting in Websites, in my back-end I can use open source libraries. For example, Moon-APNS to talk to APNS.
As far as I understand, both Websites and AMS allows the same scale functionality (One calls it Units and the other Instances).
Are there any big differences I missed?
Are any of the claims I made are incorrect?
It would be great if anyone could shed some light on the matter, specifically addressing all the 3 issues (Auth,Push,Scale).
That's a question I often get when I present Mobile Services at user group events.
For a .NET developer, there's nothing really special about Mobile Services since everything it offers, you can do it with a Website.
Mobile Services really shines for non .NET developers since you can have a complete mobile backend by writing scripts running on Node and Mobile Services abstract all the database and REST complexity.
I will likely get downvoted since I'll express a personal opinion but anyways: I see no obvious reasons for using Mobile Services if you're coding a .NET backend.
I think you are exactly the target customer for Azure Mobile Apps. You will get all of the power of having your own Azure Website (now rebranded as Azure Web App), with the additional convenience and client libraries of Mobile Services.
One feature of the client library that you may not have noticed is the cross-platform offline data sync capability. That's usually hard to build on your own, and we have an implementation that's conceptually consistent across all client platforms. (Plus, if you use Xamarin, you can share code between your client implementations.)
To be clear: Azure Mobile Services is NOT deprecated, and will not be until long after GA (general availability) of Azure Mobile Apps. Azure Mobile Apps is currently in preview.
The other big benefit of Mobile Services that you haven't mentioned is the client libraries for Android, iOS, Xamarin, and Cordova. If you already have a REST client library in your app and don't need to worry about multiple client platforms, then Azure Web Sites sound like a good way for you to go.
AMS by itself is built on top of Azure Websites. So you can actually implement everything in an Azure website that is available in AMS.
However, the good thing about AMS is that it allows you to quickly build the backend for a mobile app with CRUD operations, authentication/authorization and also provides client side libraries for different type of clients e.g., HTML, C#, etc. so we don't have to manually make the HTTP calls.
If you have need to implement the above functionality in Web API, it is quite an effort. Isn't it?
