How to determine, find, install and reference a proper Azure SDK package? - azure

I am trying to properly install Azure SDK, reference it and build an application based on it.
Firstly, I am not sure if I need to install Azure SDK on top of what comes with Visual Studio 2015.
Secondly, when I visit the following url, I fall into a "rabbit hole":
… it refers me to a bunch of fragmented installs here:
…. When I choose “Client libraries” in above url I get the following options: more than 100 of them!! :
My application needs to use Azure Service Bus and Azure storage. How do I determine what exactly is required and what is the best way to find and install them?
With a number of fragmented packages, I think there should be a flow chart help me to determine the packages required.
Thank you,

i would suggest you to use Web Platform Installer instead of direct download this-and-that package. WPI is much more convenient, and it installs everything needed.
For Azure SB, you will need NuGet package.
For Azure Storage, if you need to test it against your local storage first instead of trying to connect to the Azure one, you can install Azure SDK using Web Platform Installer - it will install you the Azure Storage Emulator. Details.
Azure SDK, however, is a very useful piece of software when developing for the Azure.

My application needs to use Azure Service Bus and Azure storage. How
do I determine what exactly is required and what is the best way to
find and install them?
If all you need is client libraries for Azure Service Bus and Azure Storage, you can download appropriate Nuget packages from here:
Azure Storage:
Azure Service Bus:
If there're other packages you would need, simply search for those on Nuget's website. For example, if I need Azure AD .Net library, I would simply search for Azure Active Directory.
For Azure Storage, there's a local storage emulator that gets installed along with the SDK. However you can download just the storage emulator from here: (search for Azure Storage Emulator on this page).
Please note that there's no local service bus emulator at this point of time.
A Note About SDK
Azure SDK is pretty comprehensive (so is Azure) and includes tools and libraries for you to build and manage different kinds of applications that can be deployed in Azure. As Alex mentioned in his answer, going down Web Platform Installer is the easiest as it installs everything for you that is included in the SDK.
However you can also pick the components of SDK based on your project's requirements and install them individually. For example, when you go to this link:, you will see all the components that constitute SDK 2.9. On this page, when you click download button you will be able to select components that want to download based on your project's requirements.


Is Azure Compute Emulator deprecated or by third party only now?

I'm planning to write my own .NET app on my personal time so will take months. I google and found there are two Azure Emulator:
While Storage is not needed right now as I don't need blob, messaging and file services, Compute is what I need, so I can develop and debug app w/o connecting to Azure all the time, plus saving $$$.
However, MS site only has Storage for download at Azure SDK. Links for Compute are all not-found.
Is Compute Emulator dropped by MS? Or, it's now developed and supported by third party like this now?
BTW, is it safe to download this one?
Thanks for those provided all input.
Answer is: No need for any Emulator if building a Web App (or called site). Simply develop as you would using local IIS or IIS Express, of course Community is ok. Then when it's time to move to Azure, use "Web Deploy".
Details of What type of app/services you'd choose for Azure, refer to this:

Use azure media service / server with xamarin

Have anyone used azure media service with xamarin. I am trying to make an portable library which can upload / retrieves video asseset from a standard azure media server. However I am not able to install the nuget package into my project.
Can anyone point me in the right direction
I don't think the default azure media libary is a portable library therefore you cannot add it to your portable library project.
You could however implement this using the available rest documentation.
Media Services Rest Api
We've done something similar for access to blob storage. To avoid having to reference all the azure storage libraries in all our projects.

Which Azure SDK for Node Mobile Service scripts is to be used / where is it documented?

Being new to Azure I am confused about the azure sdk one adds to mobile service scripts via require('azure');
I want to get a blob and found this git project, which has nice wrappers for the blob storage.
I assumed this to be related to my required one. Yet, the required one returns a blob storage service object (createBlobService) that has methods like createContainerIfNotExists and generateSharedAccessSignature, but misses **getBlob** ( documented here ) among others, and has **getBlobToStream**.
So clearly the azure sdk I require in Node is something completely different from the github project or just not the same version of it.
where is the official documentation from Microsoft regarding what I get when I do require('azure') ?
how would I make sure I have the most recent version ?
if these are two different azure sdks, then is it recommended to replace the one I currently require with the github project mentioned above ?
This link seems to be the official documentation. So in my specific case I am supposed to use getBlobToStream.
At that point, my question comes down to: how do I know which version of the azure sdk is currently deployed with my mobile service? The package.json does not list this dependency.
I believe you install that by utilising npm and run the command:
npm install azure
which will pull the package down from

Deploy Azure Package from my own WPF App

I am creating a little utility app for some of my Azure work and i would love to make it possible to deploy a azure package from within my tool.
I have a package that have been created from Visual studio and i can manual deploy it or deploy it from within VS 2012.
Anyone who know a guide or can tell me how i would deploy it from my own application?
Yes, you can do that. Everything you see as far as deployment is concerned in VS is backed by a REST API. So you could essentially write a WPF application which is a wrapper over these REST API. There're two things you would need to do:
Upload Package files to blob storage: This would be the 1st thing you would need to do. You could make use of storage client library or implement REST API for uploading package files to blob storage.
Implement "Create Deployment" Service Management API function: Take a look at the functionality here: Once you have uploaded the package file in blob storage (and got the blob URI), you could invoke this functionality.
As far as I know there is no API wrapper / SDK available that covers full functionality on managing Storage Accounts, Deployments etc. yet. You can use the Windows Azure Management REST API though.
In order to use this API you need to have a valid management certificate in the subscription you want to manage and sign all REST calls to the Management API with it. There should be sufficient information about how to do so in the link above.

appfabric composite model

I want to develop an application using appfabric composite application/model but i was unable to find any latest updates on it. Also very little help related to it is present on web thus creating a confusion that whether this feature is continued after June CTP 2011 or not ?
Is there any update going to be available in future release?
Also I have installed windows azure toolkit 1.7 and after that azure appfabric sdk1.5 but in visual studio project templates I cannot find any template for appfabric as shown in some videos.
What additional installables will I require ?
In Windows Azure, word "App Fabric" is not longer used, instead all the services which were part of "Windows Azure App Fabric *" are named completely different (Service bus, ACS, Cache * etc) specific to their objective. That why you do not see any latest documentation specific to "App Fabric" in Windows Azure. Now when App Fabric term is used specific to Windows Server specific service model.
That's another reason when you installed Windows Azure SDK 1.7 you did not see any thing specific to App Fabric at all.
I am not sure how much it will apply but you sure can take a look at "Building Hybrid Applications in the Cloud on Windows Azure - eBook" and see if that will help you.
