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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've already posted this question here:
But I hope that maybe If I duplicate it here, I will get my answer sooner :)
I have a file:
Content is very simple:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "-- print from script"
I'm in folder "danylo.volokh"
This command runs fine:
Danilos-MacBook-Pro:~ danylo.volokh$ test/
-- print from script
But if I try to run in with absolute path I get an error:
Danilos-MacBook-Pro:~ danylo.volokh$ /test/
-bash: /test/ No such file or directory
I want to run a command with absolute path from any folder and get the script to be executed.
Your path in incorrect. You should run:
/test/ looks for the file from the root directory! Your path should be from the root, not from the current directory.
Try /Users/danylo.volokh/test/
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Closed 11 months ago.
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I'm trying to list the contents of /usr/bin having "ab" in their names.
I wrote the following command:
ls /usr/bin *ab*
But it didn't work.
Is there any other command that can be used to achieve my purpose?
Thank you.
Your command:
ls /usr/bin *ab*
asks ls to list two things: the contents of the /usr/bin directory as well as any files matching the wildcard *ab* in your current directory. If there aren't any files matching *ab* in your current directory, there's probably an error message before or after the listing of /usr/bin; if there are such files, they'll be listed. Instead, you want:
ls /usr/bin/*ab*
... which asks your shell to give ls the expanded list of files in /usr/bin that match the wildcard.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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After running a bad command my computer generates folders that start with "--". When I run ls I get something like:
I don't know how to delete these folders through the command line.
rm -r --workspace does not work. I only have access to this machine through CLI so I can't delete them using the gui.
My OS is Linux 18.04
You need to tell rm to stop parsing and use your arguments verbatim. You do this by passing a final -- argument before the file or folder name.
rm -r -- --workspace
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Closed 3 years ago.
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Going through this tutorial, I had to execute the command export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
It explained with
This command inserts the path, ~/.local/bin in this example, at the
front of the existing PATH variable.
However, I still don't understand what exactly is happening there. What is the goal/effect of that command?
This command prepend the folder ~/.local/bin (~ is your home folder) to your global variable $PATH (echo $PATH too see it).
Thanks to that, you'll be able to execute program/script stored in the folder ~/.local/bin without typing the full path.
Example, if you have a script in your folder, before adding ~/.local/bin to your $PATH, you can run it with the command:
After adding ~/.local/bin to your $PATH, you can execute it with the command:
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Closed 5 years ago.
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'Which' command gives the full path to the command. All other commands are working except cd command.
Think about how shells and changing directories work: For each command you enter it will start a new process for the command. Changing directory only applies to the currently running process. If the cd command was executed as an external command, then it would run it its own process, change its process directory, and then the process would exit and the parent process (the shell) would not know anything at all what the child process did.
Therefore the cd command can only be internal to the shell. It has to be parsed and executed completely by the shell and its own process.
cd is a builtin command in bash.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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while compiling the c++ programs in which i'm using the libxml library it is showing errors at the header files that no file or directory found. I have installed the library but it still showing errors. So i just type the above command after that every thing is working fine but i didn't understand it.
what is the meaning of "../" in UNIX? my command in UNIX is like this "sudo cp -r libxml ../" what it means? how to give relative addresses in UNIX and what are the different wildcard is used.
.. represents the parent directory. For example, if the current directory is /home/user/ the parent directory is /home
. represents the current directory
The command sudo cp -r libxml ../ copies the entire directory libxml in the parent directory.