Make Network.Wreq.Proxy from Network.HTTP.Proxy.Proxy - haskell

Network.HTTP.Proxy has a nice function called fetchProxy:
fetchProxy :: Bool -> IO Proxy
fetchProxy flg gets the local proxy settings and parse the string into
a Proxy value. If you want to be informed of ill-formed proxy
configuration strings, supply True for flg. Proxy settings are sourced
from the HTTP_PROXY environment variable [...]
I want to use the Proxy obtained this way with Wreq library, which has it's own Proxy defined like this, by importing it from HTTP:
import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal (Proxy(..), Response)
There appears to be a type mismatch between Network.HTTP.Proxy.Proxy and Network.Wreq.Proxy, where I presume they must be identical.
I import both like this:
import Network.Wreq
import Network.HTTP.Proxy (fetchProxy)
How can I use HTTP.Proxy.Proxy with Wreq and why does GHC see them as different types?

It's likely that the Wreq authors were just unaware of the other Proxy as they seem to be storing equivalent information. It'll be tricky to get them to talk to each other, however, since fetchProxy stores the host:port as a string and Wreq's Proxy wants the individual host and port. You'll have to do some URI parsing:
import Control.Lens
import Data.Text.Strict.Lens
import Network.HTTP.Proxy
import Network.Wreq
import URI.ByteString
main :: IO ()
main = do
Network.HTTP.Proxy.Proxy host _ <- fetchProxy True
case parseURI strictURIParserOptions (host ^. packed . re utf8) of
Left e -> do
putStrLn "uh oh"
print e
Right uri ->
case ( uri ^? uriAuthorityL . _Just . authorityHostL . hostBSL
, uri ^? uriAuthorityL . _Just . authorityPortL . _Just . portNumberL) of
(Just host_, Just port_) -> do
let opts = defaults & proxy ?~ httpProxy host_ port_
response <- getWith opts ""
print response
_ ->
putStrLn "uh oh"
I'm using lens here to do the boring bits and pieces of packing/unpacking strings, encoding UTF8, and talking to the uri-bytestring package to get URI parsing. But the general idea is that datatypes in Haskell can be sliced and diced simply by pattern matching on the constructor; once extracted, the host:string here is funneled down into the httpProxy call, which returns Wreq's Proxy type. By qualifying the name of the constructor (Newtork.HTTP.Proxy.Proxy) I've let the compiler know which module I want that name from.
It would also not be too difficult, and probably less code to boot, to manually parse proxy information from the environment variables yourself. You could even have a separate environment variable for host and port, which would obviate the need for URI parsing. URIs are have such massively low entropy that they're an awful format for storing configuration information.


How to work with generic routes and "mount" them into larger servant apps?

I've borrowed "mount" from the Rails world. Here's what I'm conceptually trying to do:
Write a mini web-app in Servant, which others can "include/mount" in larger Servant apps
They should be able to specify a "mount point" for URLs of this mini-app (basically a URL prefix). They should also be able to specify authentication to access this mini-app (highly recommended!)
Various safeLinks used within this mini-app should respect this "mount-point" (else all links would end-up being 404).
And here are the specifics:
I've got a bunch of Servant routes in the odd-jobs library that look like this:
data Routes route = Routes
{ rFilterResults :: route :- QueryParam "filters" Filter :> Get '[HTML] (Html ())
, rStaticAssets :: route :- "assets" :> Raw
, rEnqueue :: route :- "enqueue" :> Capture "jobId" JobId :> Post '[HTML] NoContent
, rRunNow :: route :- "run" :> Capture "jobId" JobId :> Post '[HTML] NoContent
, rCancel :: route :- "cancel" :> Capture "jobId" JobId :> Post '[HTML] NoContent
, rRefreshJobTypes :: route :- "refresh-job-types" :> Post '[HTML] NoContent
, rRefreshJobRunners :: route :- "refresh-job-runners" :> Post '[HTML] NoContent
} deriving (Generic)
I have a separate OddJobs.Links module that uses the RecordWildCards trick to get a bunch of safe-link generation functions in the top-level namespace:
Routes{..} = allFieldLinks' absText :: Routes (AsLink Text)
absText :: Link -> Text
absText l = "/" <> (toS $ show $ linkURI l)
The HTML generated by the job-queue's web-ui uses these top-level function as such:
form_ [ action_ (Links.rCancel jobId), method_ "post" ] $ do
I've been staring at safeLink, and related functions, in Servant.Links and am unable to figure out if safeLink's first argument basically figures out the "mount-point" automatically, or not? If it does, what would be the corresponding way to use fieldLink (and related functions)?
How do you "combine" multiple APIs, each defined with a generic-record, such that you can generate safe-link functions (and servant-clients) for the combined API?
Will my HTML generation functions basically need to accept the "mount-point" as an argument, generate the safe-link functions, and them pass them around everywhere? i.e. I won't be able to use the RecordWildCards trick to get these functions in the top-level namespace, right?
What will happen to my actual handlers, if the user of my library decides to add basic-auth while combining this mini-app into a larger servant app?

can snap handle utf8 text? [duplicate]

I have used writeBS writeText from Snap and renderTemplate from heist but none of them seems to support unicode.
site :: Snap ()
site = do
ifTop (writeBS "你好世界") <|>
route [("test", testSnap)]
testSnap :: Snap ()
testSnap = do
fromJust $ C.renderTemplate hs "test"
-- test.tpl
I expected it to output "你好世界" for the / or /test route, but in fact its output is just some messy code.
The problem here is not with writeBS or writeText. It's with the conversion used by the OverloadedStrings extension. It is also important to understand the distinction between ByteString and Text. ByteString is for raw bytes. There is no concept of characters or an encoding. That is where Text comes in. The Data.Text.Encoding module has a bunch of functions for converting between Text and ByteString using different encodings. For me, both of the following generate the same output:
writeBS $ encodeUtf8 "你好世界"
writeText "你好世界"
The reason your code didn't work is because your string literal is being converted to ByteString by the OverloadedStrings extension, and it is not giving you the behavior you want. The solution is to treat it as the proper type...Text.
On the Heist side of things, the following works fine for me:
route [("test", cRender "test")]
In fact, this one renders correctly in my browser, while the previous two don't. The difference is that cRender sets an appropriate content-type. I found it enlightening to observe the differences using the following snippet.
site = route [ ("/test1", writeBS "你好世界")
, ("/test2", writeBS $ encodeUtf8 "你好世界")
, ("/test3", writeText "你好世界")
, ("/test4", modifyResponse (setContentType "text/html;charset=utf-8") >> writeText "你好世界")
, ("/testHeist", cRender "test")
In my browser test4 and testHeist work correctly. Tests 2 and 3 give you the correct behavior but might not be rendered properly by browsers because of the lack of content-type.

Accepting specific certificate with http-client-tls or tls?

I'm probably just overlooking something basic in the documentation of http-client-tls and tls, but: how can I establish an HTTPS connection to a server and only accept one particular certificate, specified by me, that is potentially not in the system certificate store?
I see that this is an old question, but I just spent some time writing code to do this and figured I'd post it here for posterity... and in the hopes of getting some code review from the community. Snoyman's comment is helpful, but there are so many code interdependencies here, and X.509 and TLS are so boil the ocean, that it's hard to debug and to know for sure that you're not screwing something up without digging pretty deep into the various libraries. I figured a more complete explanation with working code was in order.
Anyways, here's what I've come up with (this is a stack script so you can run it easily yourself) --
#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack --resolver lts-7.16 runghc -}
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.Default.Class (def)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.X509.CertificateStore (CertificateStore, readCertificateStore)
import Network.HTTP.Client (httpLbs, newManager, ManagerSettings)
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (mkManagerSettings)
import Network.Connection (TLSSettings(TLSSettings))
import qualified Network.TLS as TLS
import qualified Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher as TLS
import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName)
managerSettings :: CertificateStore -> ManagerSettings
managerSettings store = mkManagerSettings settings Nothing
where settings = TLSSettings params
params = (TLS.defaultParamsClient "" B.empty) {
TLS.clientUseServerNameIndication = True
, TLS.clientShared = def {
TLS.sharedCAStore = store
, TLS.clientSupported = def {
TLS.supportedCiphers = TLS.ciphersuite_default
get :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
get ca url = do
mstore <- readCertificateStore ca
case mstore of
Just store -> do
manager <- newManager $ managerSettings store
response <- httpLbs (fromString url) manager
putStrLn (show response)
Nothing -> do
putStrLn $ "error: invalid certificate store " ++ ca
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
ca:url:[] -> get ca url
_ -> do
name <- getProgName
putStrLn $ "usage: " ++ name ++ " ca url"
A couple notes:
The TLS.sharedCAStore settings is where the magic happens. If you want to add your CA to the system store (vs. using only your CA) you can load the system store using getSystemCertificateStore from System.X509, then use Data.X509.CertificateStore to convert back and forth between CertificateStore and [SignedCertificate] to create a store with the system certificates along with your own.
TLS.defaultParamsClient takes a hostname and server id, used for TLS server name indication (SNI), a TLS extension that allows a server to host multiple sites on a single IP (similar to how HTTP/1.1 host headers work). We don't necessarily know what to set this to when we're creating a manager. Fortunately, Network.Connection (used by http-client-tls) appears to override whatever settings we use, so it doesn't matter.
The default for TLS.supportedCiphers is an empty list, so this setting is required (unless you turn off validation or something). Network.Connection defaults to ciphersuite_all but that includes some "not recommended last resource cipher suites" so I opted to use ciphersuite_default instead.
I think you're looking for ClientHooks. You can create a TLSSettings value with that by using the TLSSettings constructor, and then create a ManagerSettings using mkManagerSettings.

Signing temporary s3 upload URLs w/ Haskell

I'm trying to upload files from a web form directly to to Amazon S3 asynchronously. In order to do this I must authenticate the client request to upload files on the server.
By digitally signing an upload request w/ my AWS Secret key I can create a temporary authenticated URL that the client can use to upload files to a S3 bucket.
The amazon S3 docs specify that the signature must be generated by the following
Signature = URL-Encode( Base64( HMAC-SHA1( YourSecretAccessKeyID,
UTF-8-Encoding-Of( StringToSign ) ) ) );
I'm using Haskell on the server so my implementation looks like:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy as B64
import qualified Data.Digest.Pure.SHA as SHA
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8
sign :: BL8.ByteString -> BL8.ByteString
sign = B64.encode . SHA.bytestringDigest . SHA.hmacSha1 secret
where secret = "aws-secret-key"
The format of the amazon docs requires that StringToSign look like:
StringToSign = HTTP-VERB + "\n" +
Content-MD5 + "\n" +
Content-Type + "\n" +
Expires + "\n" +
CanonicalizedAmzHeaders +
Another example from Amazon:
So my string looks like:
I sign the string above (w/ the sign function) and craft a url that looks like:
This is then sent to the client via an AJAX request before an upload. I have updated the CORS policy on the bucket as well to allow for PUT requests.
The problem is that every time I try to upload something with the above signed url I get this message (in an XML doc).
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you
provided. Check your key and signing method.
So I'm not sure where I went wrong. Note: I can upload if I use the public url ( (but this shouldn't be, I only want users to upload blobs, not read nor delete, etc.)
As someone who's done this dance a lot, it's very difficult to build software that correctly signs an HTTP-digest authenticated request like this. In particular, if you rely only on the server response to guide you it will take a long time. For security purposes the servers are deliberately cryptic when rejecting you.
My best tip is to (a) get an alternative implementation that you know works and (b) build your Haskell interface to be pure so that it's easy to make it exactly replicate a request from that other framework and (c) make sure you can get both the exact request text and exact String-To-Sign from both the alternative framework and your own code. In particular, you'll often have to impute exact timestamps and nonces and pay close attention to percent encodings.
With these two tools just create a variety of successful requests from the alternative implementation and see if you can replicate the exact String-To-Sign and exact request text using your own framework.
Most often my own errors involved improper encoding, missing quotes, not including all of the proper parameters (or the wrong ones), or using the hmac function incorrectly.
here is my upload url code, i might have missed a couple of imports since i pulled it out of the deep.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies, DeriveDataTypeable, TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes #-}
import qualified Aws
import qualified Aws.Core as Aws
import qualified Aws.S3 as S3
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Codec.Binary.Base64 as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Text.Shakespeare.Text(st)
import qualified Codec.Binary.Url as Url
import System.Posix.Time(epochTime)
import Crypto.MAC.HMAC(hmac)
import Crypto.Hash.SHA1(hash)
data Cfg = Cfg { baseCfg :: Aws.Configuration
, s3Cfg :: S3.S3Configuration Aws.NormalQuery
, s3Bucket :: S3.Bucket
uploadUrl :: Cfg -> T.Text -> T.Text -> IO T.Text
uploadUrl cfg mime filename = do
time <- epochTime
let expires = show $ time + 600
msg = E.encodeUtf8 $ [st|PUT
/#{s3Bucket cfg}/#{filename}|] --the gap is necessary
key = Aws.secretAccessKey $ Aws.credentials $ baseCfg cfg
accessid = T.pack $ Url.encode $ BS.unpack $ Aws.accessKeyID $ Aws.credentials $ baseCfg cfg
signature = encode . T.pack $ B64.encode $ BS.unpack $ hmac hash 64 key msg
encode = T.pack . Url.encode . BS.unpack . E.encodeUtf8
return $ [st|http://#{s3Bucket cfg}{filename}?AWSAccessKeyId=#{accessid}&Expires=#{expires}&Signature=#{signature}|]

Haskell ZeroMQ binding not working for REQ socket

So here i was, barely able to install the libzmq on a windows desktop and then zeromq-haskell with cabal. I wanted to test the api by binding a python program with a haskell program in a hello-world type application.
So the most basic pattern i see is the request-reply pattern . First i tried to make the server in haskell (REP) and the client in python (REQ), witch failed miserably no matter what i did. The generated exception message was Exception: receive: failed (No error).
So i look inside the System.ZMQ and System.ZMQ.Base source code and i see that receive throws an error on calling c_zmq_recv , witch in turn maps directly to a ffi (?) call to the C api. So i think perhaps i didn't do the installation properly , but then i try to make the client in Haskell and the server in python and i notice it works without any problem, so perhaps the recv interface isn't the problem here.
Here is the haskell code below , with both client and server functions
import System.ZMQ
import Control.Monad (forM_,forever)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack,unpack)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
clientMain :: IO ()
clientMain = withContext 1 (\context->do
putStrLn "Connecting to server"
withSocket context Req $ (\socket-> do
connect socket "tcp://"
putStrLn $ unwords ["Sending request"]
send socket (pack "Hello...") []
threadDelay (1*1000*1000)
reply<-receive socket []
putStrLn $ unwords ["Received response : ",unpack reply]))
serverMain :: IO ()
serverMain = withContext 1 (\context-> do
putStrLn "Listening at 5554"
withSocket context Rep $ (\socket-> do
connect socket "tcp://"
forever $ do
message<-receive socket [] -- this throws an IO Exception
putStrLn $ unwords ["Received request : ",unpack message]
threadDelay (1*1000*1000)
send socket (pack "World") [] ))
main :: IO ()
main = serverMain -- replace with clientMain and it works
Now i really didn't get around to testing all other modes of communication (push/pull, subscribe/publish, pair etc.) and for what i need the python server/haskell client is probably better but i am curious about weather i'm doing something wrong or if any part of my code is broken in any way.
Thanks in advance
You need to make one of the sockets (usually the server) bind, you seem to have them both connecting.
Try changing connect socket "tcp://" to bind socket "tcp://" in the serverMain function.
