Website on Ajenti V with Node.JS content always throw 404 - node.js

I install AjentiV to manage my website. Now I have an webapp on NodeJS and want to use with AjentiV. I follow a simple tutorial Setting up a Node.js website with Ajenti V (Keystone example) .
I config the Content of website to Node.JS, provide the script and config port 8080. I use port 8080 for the Node app, there are no error but I try the webapp always throw 404 - Not found result, in both port 80 and 8080.
Has anyone met this problem before? How can I make it works?
Thank you in advance! :)

Sorry, my bad. There is no problem with AjentiV and Node.JS content. The problem itself is the our webapp always throw 404 due to my fault config.


GET / 404 Not Found on ngrok

I wanted to expose a NodeJS app running on port 3000 using ngrok. I don't find any logged error messages, that could guide me. I am new to ngrok, and am not sure, what's the mistake. Does the location where it its installed matter. I think, ngrok hasn't been added to PATH variable on windows.
Please help on this.

how to run nodejs app in vps with plesk enable

Hi guys im newbie in vps... I've bought an ovh not managed vps . I like to face problems... But I don't find any documents to these one. Is simple like I said I want to run a nodejs app in centos vps environment but I have enabled plesk.. and I saw in console running the app with the trace but I try to open website with the port and doesn't find anything.
Thx for all guys
I'm going to explain better,sorry for previous post.
There is no error, in my console all is ok. Like I said i have an CentOS VPS. Steps that I did:
Connect with PUTTY
Go to folder where is the NodeJS project.
I set the port to 8080
Write node index.js
The app is running and writing the right trace.
I use chrome to check the ip, and show me the default plesk page.
I use wget to check it, and with only I attach
an screenshot
I tried to use with the port 8080 with the chrome and wget in putty,
and the response was the same.
In the other hand if I use with putty
download the right login.html, and the nodejs app write a trace
indicate me that someone connect to that page. But if I access with
chrome is not working.
Now I would like no know how to make access frome Chrome.
Thx 4 all and sorry for my newbie knowledge
You should give some other details on the configuration or eventual errors you get (both on the browser and the VPS) and how you run the node app (behind a web server, for example)
If you are not running you node app behind a web server, are the node app listening on the correct interface ? and (your site external address) are not the same.
On your VPS you can try to call the node app from the VPS itself using wget or cURL and looking for what happen in the app trace.
Finally it was easy... only i had to open a port to use with TCP, using
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 8856 --syn -j ACCEPT –

502 Bad Gateway with nginx | Google App Engine | Node JS

I am hosting the web app on Google Cloud Platform with App Engine and I am using ExpressJS and MongoDB, which is hosted on mLab.
Everything worked well until 1/1/2017. I had vm:true before and now was forced to change the env to flex. Now I am getting 502 bad gateway error with nginx. App engine doesn't allow us to change the nginx config file.
I had tried the suggestion from this post: Google App Engine 502 (Bad Gateway) with NodeJS but still doesn't work.
For some reason, I have another app with exactly the same setting on app engine and it works perfectly.
Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
app should always listen to port 8080, google forwards all request from 80 to 8080
check out the logs for any deployment errors
$ gcloud app logs read
I have came across a similar issue with the code provided by this tutorial (
And found there was a missing dependency. I fixed the missing dependency and the app is deployed and working fine.
Details into the issue:
I had the same problem with Express. What solved it for me was to not provide an IP address for the app.
So my old code would be:
var ip = "";
var port = "8080";
var server = http.createServer(app);
server.listen(port, ip);
This would result in a 502 in app engine.
Removing the ip was the solution for me.
Set the host to
Port 8080 is set by default by the engine. In fact, you are not able to define the environment var PORT as it is reserved.
Run the next command (as mentioned by #sravan )
gcloud app logs read tail
and make sure it looks like this,
[Sun May 27 2018 10:32:44 GMT+0000 (UTC)] serving app on
Google App Engine uses an nginx front to load balance all requests for node.js apps. With nginx acting as a forward proxy, this error usually happens when the request the user is making in the browser is reaching nginx (you see the unstyled 502 bad gateway error page) but the nginx server is not able to correctly forward the request to your node app. There could be many issues why this is happening but here are some common ones:
By default, App Engine assumes your node app is running on 8080. nginx itself will run on 80 and forward the request to 8080. Check if your app's port number is 8080.
You app may have a hostname defined like a domain or an IP or the like. Remove any hostnames from your server.listen or config.json or vhost wherever. App Engine will take care of domains, IPs etc so you dont have to.
Your app may be crashing before its sending a response to nginx. Check the logs of both nginx AND your node app.
To check logs / find out what is going on use this guide to SSH directly inside the VM behind app engine. There will be one docker process with nginx where you can see the nginx error log and one docker image with your node app to check your node app's error message.
I'm just wondering, based on the activity in this question and the timestamps, why hasn't Google updated its documentation to cover this issue!!! ???
Please take care of http also, while deploying, it should be http server not https
var server;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV == "dev") {
server = https.createServer(httpsOptions, app);
} else {
server = http.createServer(app);
A 502 is not necessarily an error with nginx itself, it can most often happen when the nginx proxy cannot talk to your app container (usually because your app failed to start). If you get a 502 after migrating to 'env: flex' this is most likely due to some code changes needed in your app as mentioned in Upgrading to the Latest App Engine Flexible Environment Release.
Checking your application logs for errors from NPM will also help to diagnose the exact reason for the failed startup.
Create a server and then check with a ternary condition if current environment is production or not, assign port '80' if current environment is development else assign process.env.NODE.ENV.
const app = require('express')();
const server = require('http').Server(app);
const port = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? process.env.PORT :'80';
server.listen(port, ()=> {
console.log('listening on port number *:' + server.address().port);
In my case, I had the same error due to google app engine update which trigged auto re-deployment of my React SPA to the google cloud vm. Then it leads to a build fail in the process because of incompatibility of runtime which is node 16.x.x. Compatible runtime was node 14.19.0. I had to specify node version in my package.json file and do the deployment again to fix 502 Bad Gateway error.
"engines": {
"node": "14.19.0"
Also refer:
Hope this helps with someone having this issue with React SPAs.

Running Node App on Shared Hosting (It's almost working)

I've managed to get Node and NPM installed on my shared hosting account with Namecheap by following this answer. It all seems to be working, I can launch my app and it stays launched, but the subdomain which points to app's root route just shows up the folder of the domain.
I've tried going to but I get a server error plus a 404. I've also tried changing Node's listening port from 8080 to 80, but on 80 I get an error:
Error: listen EACCES
So that means I don't have rights to port 80. How can I get clients to connect port 8080?
This is the part that shared hosting has a problem with, they wont open any ports for you. This is exactly where your workaround needs to be centered. Im currently looking for solutions to either use php to serve a node
see here
and here How to host a Node.Js application in shared hosting
or just configuring express to use somehow port 80.
These would be your best options.

403 Forbidden after successfully installing Ghost

I have been spending days figuring out how to install the viral Ghost platform, and experienced numerous errors. Luckily, I have managed to install it - Ghost gives me a positive Ghost is running... message in SSH after I've done npm start --production. However, when I browse to my website - - Apache displays its default page and when I go to the ghost login area - /ghost, the site returns a 403 Forbidden.
P.S. I have specifically installed Ghost on a different port than the one Apache is running on. I don't know what's going on...
Update - I have found out that I can access my Ghost installation by adding the port number 2368 which I've configured in the config.js. Now, however my problem is - how can I run Ghost without using such ports?...
tell your browser you want to connect to the port Ghost is running on:
So a few things, based on visiting:
1) It seems Apache isn't proxying the request onward to Ghost. Are you sure that you've configured it properly?
2) It also looks like Apache doesn't have access to the directory that you set as root. This shouldn't be necessary anyway if proxying is set up correctly, but could become an issue later if you wanted to use apache to serve things like the static assets.
If you are open to nginx instead of Apache, I have written a how to on this: link. You can skip the section on configuring Nginx. Otherwise, still might be useful if you figure out the conversion of rules from Nginx to Apache.
If you don't have any other sites running on your VPS you can just turn apache off and not have to deal with apache proxying the request to port 2368 and have Ghost run on port 80. If your VPS is running CentOS you can check out this how to on disabling apache and running Ghost on port 80.
