Cannot run memory intense program on Spark through YARN - azure

I'm trying to benchmark a program on an Azure cluster using Spark. We previously ran this on EC2 and know that 150 GB of RAM is sufficient. I have tried multiple setups for the executors and given them 160-180GB of RAM but regardless of what I do, the program dies due to executors requesting more memory.
What can I do? Are there more launch options I should consider, I have tried every conceivable executor setup and nothing seems to want to work. I'm at a total loss.

For your command, you specified 7 executor and each with 40g of memory. That's 280G of memory in total, but you said your cluster has only 160-180 G of memory? If only 150G of memory is needed, why the spark-submit is configured that way?
What's your HDI cluster node type and how many of them you created?
Were you using YARN previously on EC2 as well? In that case, are the configuration the same?


emr spark master node runs out of memory in yarn cluster mode

I am new to EMR and I am running an EMR cluster, with 1 master (32gb) and 5 core nodes (16gb). I launch 11 apps. The apps have to be separated in case one of them fail (all of them are streaming apps). I must mention that I also got ElasticSearch running on the cluster.
After some time the master node is running out of memory and stops responding and some apps starting to fail. In the process overview I found many smaller hadoop processes with that occupy 1-1.3GB of RAM. I guess these are the driver processes from each app. I tried to reduce the the driver memory under "spark.driver.memory" to 512MB, but it's still at 1.3GB after relaunching the apps. Is this because of yarn?
ES just allocates ca. 6.5 GB of RAM of the master node
I had to specify the driver memory in spark-submit command like this:
spark-submit --driver-memory 500M
because to specify it inside the python file is too late, when you run the driver in client mode, because it allocates the memory before

How to start Cassandra and Spark services assigning half of the RAM memory on each program?

I have a 4 nodes cluster on which there are installed Spark and Cassandra on each node.
Spark version 3.1.2 and Cassandra v3.11
Let me say that each nodes have 4GB of RAM and I want to run my "spark+cassandra" program all over the cluster.
How can I assign 2GB of RAM for Cassandra execution and 2GB for Spark execution?
I noted that.
If my Cassandra cluster is up and I run command on a worker node to make my spark cluster up, suddenly Cassandra service stops but spark still works. Basically, Spark steals RAM resources to Cassandra. How can I avoid also this?
On Cassandra logs of the crashed node I read the message:
There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.
In fact typing top -c and then shift+M i can see Spark Service at the top of column Memory
Thanks for any suggestions.
By default, Spark workers take up the total RAM less 1GB. On a 4GB machine, the worker JVM consumes 3GB of memory. This is the reason the machine runs out of memory.
You'll need to configure the SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY to 1GB to leave enough memory for the operating system. For details, see Starting a Spark cluster manually.
It's very important to note as Alex Ott already pointed out, a machine with only 4GB of RAM is not going to be able to do much so expect to run into performance issues. Cheers!

Buffer/cache exhaustion Spark standalone inside a Docker container

I have a very weird memory issue (which is what a lot of people will most
likely say ;-)) with Spark running in standalone mode inside a Docker
container. Our setup is as follows: We have a Docker container in which we have a Spring boot application that runs Spark in standalone mode. This Spring boot app also contains a few scheduled tasks (managed by Spring). These tasks trigger Spark jobs. The Spark jobs scrape a SQL database, shuffles the data a bit and then writes the results to a different SQL table (writing the results doesn't go through Spark). Our current data set is very small (the table contains a few million rows).
The problem is that the Docker host (a CentOS VM) that runs the Docker
container crashes after a while because the memory gets exhausted. I currently have limited the Spark memory usage to 512M (I have set both executor and driver memory) and in the Spark UI I can see that the largest job only takes about 10 MB of memory. I know that Spark runs best if it has 8GB of memory or more available. I have tried that as well but the results are the same.
After digging a bit further I noticed that Spark eats up all the buffer / cache memory on the machine. After clearing this manually by forcing Linux to drop caches (echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches) (clearing the dentries and inodes) the cache usage drops considerably but if I don't keep doing this regularly I see that the cache usage slowly keeps going up until all memory is used in buffer/cache.
Does anyone have an idea what I might be doing wrong / what is going on here?
Big thanks in advance for any help!

emr-5.4.0 (Spark executors memory allocation issue)

I created a spark cluster(learning so did not create high memory-cpu cluster) with 1 master node and 2 Core to run executors using below config
Master:Running1m4.large (2 Core , 8GB)
Core:Running2c4.large (2 core , 3.5 GB)
Hive 2.1.1, Pig 0.16.0, Hue 3.11.0, Spark 2.1.0, Sqoop 1.4.6, HBase 1.3.0
When pyspark is run getting below error
Required executor memory (1024+384 MB) is above the max threshold (896 MB) of this cluster! Please check the values of 'yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb' and/or 'yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb'.
Before trying to increase yarn-site.xml config , curious to understand why EMR is taking just 896MB as limit when master has 8GB and worker node has 3.5GB each.
And Resource manager URL (for master- http://master-public-dns-name:8088/) is showing 1.75 GB where as memory for vm is 8GB. Is hbase or other sws taking up too much memory?
If anyone encountered similar issue , please share your insight why it is EMR is setting low defaults. Thanks!
Before trying to increase yarn-site.xml config , curious to understand
why EMR is taking just 896MB as limit when master has 8GB and worker
node has 3.5GB each.
If you run spark jobs with yarn cluster mode (which you probably were using) , the executors will be run on core's and masters memory will not be used.
Now, all-though your CORE EC2 instance (c4.large) has 3.75 GB to use, EMR configures YARN not to use all this memory for running YARN containers or spark executors. This is because you gotta leave enough memory for other permanent daemons ( like HDFS's datanode , YARN's nodemanager , EMR's own daemons etc.. based on app's you provision)
EMR does publish this default YARN configuration it sets for all instance types on this page :
Configuration Option Default Value -Xmx717m 896
yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb 1792
yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb 1792
So, yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb = 1792, which means 1792 MB is the physical memory that will be allocated to YARN containers on that core node having 3.75 actual memory. Also, check spark-defaults.xml where EMR has some defaults for spark executor memory. These are default's and of course you can change those before starting cluster using EMR's configurations API . But keep in mind that if you over provision memory for YARN containers , you might starve some other processes.
Given that it is important to understand YARN configs and how SPARK interacts with YARN .
It's not really a property of EMR but rather of YARN, which is the resource manager running on EMR.
My personal take on YARN is that is really build for managing long running clusters that continuously take in a variety of jobs that it has to run simultaneously. In these cases it makes sense for YARN to only assign a small part of the available memory to each job.
Unfortunately, when it comes to specific-purpose clusters (like: "I will just spin up a cluster run my job and terminate the cluster again") these YARN-defaults are simply annoying, and you have to configure a bunch of stuff in order to make YARN utilise your resources optimally. But running on EMR it's what we are stuck with these days, so one has to live with that...

Limit Spark application from grabbing all the resources in a YARN cluster

We (an engineering team) are running an EMR cluster with YARN and Spark. What is typically happening is that when one user submits a heavy memory intensive job, it grabs all the YARN available memory and then all the subsequent users submitted jobs have to wait for that memory to clear (I know that autoscaling will solve this problem to a certain extent and we are looking into that, but we would like to avoid a single user occupying all the memory even when the cluster is autoscaled to it's full limits).
Is there a way to configure YARN such that any application (Spark or otherwise) may not occupy more than, say 75% of available memory?
According to the documentation, you can manage the amount of memory allocated to an executor using the parameter: spark.executor.memory
