I use the Echonest API currently to convert between ID spaces (MusicBrainz -> SeatGeek). With the upcoming migration to the Spotify API, I'm wondering if there will be any endpoint for Project Rosetta. This is a pretty crucial feature of my application.
I need to update read/ seen status of getstream notification feed via rest api or php sdk. Would be a great help if someone can help me out on this.
Reason is, I'm using rest api to integrate getstream with a flutter app Im developing. I though it would be easier than using native sdk as Im only using small amount of features
Answering my own questions as this was real tough to find,
I have used Dialogflow for developing the app for Google Assistant. I have created intents and entities in the Dialogflow web GUI and I'm using a webhook response for further conversation.
Now I want to build a chatbot that is part of an existing Android or iOS app and use the code I already wrote for Dialogflow as part of this. What do I need to be aware of when I do so? It looks like I can use the SDK for that platform or make calls to the Dialogflow REST API. Which is faster or are there any tradeoffs? Can I use the Dialogflow NLP without going over the network?
Note: Dialogflow API V1 is deprecated and will be shut down on October 23th, 2019.
That means that the official Javascript, native Android, native iOS and Cordova clients will stop working since they all use V1. There's no word if and when these clients will be upgraded to V2.
So the best bet right now is to use the REST APIs.
There are a few things to be aware of when moving from fulfillment that was built for Actions on Google to using this to also provide responses for other platforms. Actions on Google expects the responses to be formatted slightly differently, and if you're using AoG specific characteristics (such as a SimpleResponse object or a Card object), then it might not appear for other Dialogflow integrations. So you'll need to go over your webhook code to make sure what you send back works across platforms. Your logic and the Dialogflow UI builder should pretty much remain the same - it is just your backend that might need some work.
To make the call, as you say, you can either do the REST call yourself or use the SDK built by Dialogflow. While the SDK will be slightly faster, since it is using ProtoBuffs instead of REST, the difference will likely be fairly slight in most cases. If you're planning to stream audio, you will likely need to either use the SDK or your own ProtoBuff implementation because REST doesn't handle that as well. If you're just sending text, and are more comfortable with doing REST APIs, then this is a perfectly reasonable approach.
There is no "local Dialogflow" library. All calls have to go over the network. There are other libraries that do Speech-to-Text and NLP locally if that is what you need.
Is paypal express checkout supported or not. While downloading the merchannt SDK samples I found this
"This Classic SDK is not actively supported and will be deprecated in the future. For full support on new integrations, please use the PayPal REST API SDK for .NET"
I need the express check out option. Which one should I use?
I am kind of confused. Can I use merchant SDK the classic one or go with the REST API?
The message about deprecation for the SDK is a bit misleading. PayPal have new REST APIs and also the Braintree v.zero SDKs, and these are the products that should be used for integrations going forward for the vast majority of merchants.
However, for enterprise merchants, and especially customers with specific product features that are not currently supported on the new platforms, Express Checkout is still the best solution, and it will continue to be for some time. So the deprecation message is intended to guide to the new APIs, rather than indicate a lack of support or functionality.
PaySharp.NET is an open source .NET SDK, and should meet your requirements, given that it is specifically designed to support Express Checkout. Here is an in-depth tutorial on the subject.
I was wondering whether or not BreezeJS is compatible when using other technologies other than Web API and/or Entity Framework? As I'm currently in development of a SPA using Service Stack to retrieve data and ORMLite?
So I am curious how BreezeJS handle's this as I know it uses it's own API Controller usually with an extension of the DbContext class which Entity Framework uses. Thanks.
There is currently a sample called NoDb in the samples zip available on the breeze website. This sample does not use EF, but it does use WebApi. So I'd start by looking there. ( additional documentation on this sample should be added within a day or two as well).
In terms of using ServiceStack instead of WebApi, breeze supports the concept of a "dataServiceAdapter" and currently ships with two, an OData adapter and a WebApi adapter. It is certainly possible to write a ServiceStack adapter that breeze could use but this is not trivial. Please add this as a feature request ( and vote for it) on the breeze User Voice. We take these requests seriously.
So I'm in the process of developing an iOS app and I wanted to use the Spotify web API for searching and looking up songs in Spotify. However, I can't really tell if that is how to do it or if there would be better ways to do it and wanted to clarify before I began. Thanks in advance!
If you'd like the use the Web API, it works just the same as any other JSON REST API, so a lot of the tutorials out there for doing that on iOS will help you just fine. For converting between JSON and Objective-C data structures, newer iOS versions have NSJSONSerialization, otherwise I can recommend the open-source TouchJSON.
Also, you might want to look at CocoaLibSpotify, which is an Objective-C library for interacting with the Spotify service in a much more integrated way than the Web API — including music streaming. However, it does require a Spotify user be logged in to use.