System.Management error in UWP - win-universal-app

I am writing an app to read current screen brightness and set it pragmatically. After doing some search, I found the following code which requires System.Management dll
static byte GetBrightness()
ManagementScope s = new ManagementScope("root\\WMI");
SelectQuery q = new SelectQuery("WmiMonitorBrightness");
ManagementObjectSearcher mos = new ManagementObjectSearcher(s, q);
ManagementObjectCollection moc = mosGet();
byte curBrightness = 0;
foreach (System.Management.ManagementObject o in moc)
curBrightness = (byte)o.GetPropertyValue("CurrentBrightness");
return curBrightness;
static void SetBrightness(byte targetBrightness)
ManagementScope s = new ManagementScope("root\\WMI");
SelectQuery q = new SelectQuery("WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods");
ManagementObjectSearcher mos = new ManagementObjectSearcher(s, q);
ManagementObjectCollection moc = mos.Get();
foreach (System.Management.ManagementObject o in moc)
o.InvokeMethod("WmiSetBrightness", new Object[] { UInt32.MaxValue, targetBrightness });
I was able to add System.Management dll in UWP. But when I build, I get the following errors :
C# Reference to type 'Component' claims it is defined in 'System', but it could not be found
Is there any way to achieve this in UWP?

You are trying to use System.Management Namespace which is awailable only for .Net applications.
You can't use this dll with UWP application


How do I add an EPTimecardDetail record to a timecard?

I’m writing a customization to add records to a timecard and I’m trying to create a new record to add to the timecard. Using the logic in T230 I’m creating a variable and I’m being told by the compiler that EPTimecardDetail cannot be found.
I’ve added using PX.Objects.EP and PX.Objects.PM but I figure that if TimeCardMaint can be found then EPTimecardDetail should be able be found as well. I’ve included my using code as well but I think I’m missing something else.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using PX.Data;
using PX.Data.BQL.Fluent;
using PX.Data.BQL;
using PX.Objects.CS;
using PX.Objects.PM;
using PX.Objects.EP;
using PX.Objects.CR;
using PX.Objects.AR;
using PX.Objects.CT;
using PX.Objects.GL.FinPeriods;
using PX.TM;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace TimecardImport
public class NLTimecardLineEntry : PXGraph<NLTimecardLineEntry>
private static void DoPopulateTimeCard(Int32 employeeID, DateTime startDate, NLTimecardLine record)
TimeCardMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<TimeCardMaint>();
Int32 cardWeekID = PXWeekSelector2Attribute.GetWeekID(graph, startDate);
//look for an employee timecard with the current weekID
EPTimeCard card = PXSelectReadonly<EPTimeCard,
Where<EPTimeCard.employeeID, Equal<Required<EPTimeCard.employeeID>>,
And<EPTimeCard.weekId, Equal<Required<EPTimeCard.weekId>>>>>.SelectWindowed(graph, 0, 1, employeeID, cardWeekID);
if (card == null) //if a card was not found, create one
card = (EPTimeCard)graph.Document.Cache.CreateInstance();
card.WeekID = cardWeekID;
card.EmployeeID = employeeID;
card = graph.Document.Insert(card);
//at this point card is the card that we're going to work with
var detailLine = (EPTimecardDetail)graph.Activities.Cache.CreateCopy(
//detailLine.SetValueExt<detailLine.Date_Date>(record, record.InDate);
//detailLine.EarningTypeID = "RG";
//detailLine = graph.Activities.Update(detailLine);
The error I'm getting is "The type or namespace name 'EPTimecardDetail' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)".
EPTimecardDetail is defined within PX.Objects.EP so I'm not sure why I'm having a problem there. Or, perhaps this is not the way to add records to the Details tab of the Employee Time Card screen?
For the namespace issue you can declare using PX.Object.EP and refer to the type as TimeCardMaint.EPTimecardDetail
Or you can declare using static PX.Objects.EP.TimeCardMaint and refer to the type as EPTimecardDetail
For inserting the record check the source code in file TimeCardMaint.cs There are examples on how to insert this DAC record.
Make sure the fields used for SQL joins like OrigNoteID and RefNoteID have the proper value (non null).
This example is from the Correct action in TimeCardMaint:
[PXUIField(DisplayName = Messages.Correct)]
[PXButton(ImageKey = PX.Web.UI.Sprite.Main.Release)]
public virtual IEnumerable Correct(PXAdapter adapter)
if (Document.Current != null)
EPTimeCard source = GetLastCorrection(Document.Current);
if (source.IsReleased != true)
return new EPTimeCard[] { source };
EPTimeCard newCard = (EPTimeCard)Document.Cache.CreateInstance();
newCard.WeekID = source.WeekID;
newCard.OrigTimeCardCD = source.TimeCardCD;
newCard = Document.Insert(newCard);
newCard.EmployeeID = source.EmployeeID;
PXNoteAttribute.CopyNoteAndFiles(Document.Cache, source, Document.Cache, newCard, true, true);
bool failed = false;
Dictionary<string, TimeCardSummaryCopiedInfo> summaryDescriptions = new Dictionary<string, TimeCardSummaryCopiedInfo>();
foreach (EPTimeCardSummary summary in Summary.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { source }))
string key = GetSummaryKey(summary);
if (!summaryDescriptions.ContainsKey(key))
string note = PXNoteAttribute.GetNote(Summary.Cache, summary);
var info = new TimeCardSummaryCopiedInfo(summary.Description, note);
summaryDescriptions.Add(key, info);
foreach (EPTimecardDetail act in TimecardActivities.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { source }))
EPTimecardDetail newActivity = PXCache<EPTimecardDetail>.CreateCopy(act);
newActivity.Released = false;
newActivity.Billed = false;
newActivity.NoteID = null;
newActivity.TimeCardCD = null;
newActivity.TimeSheetCD = null;
newActivity.OrigNoteID = act.NoteID; //relation between the original activity and the corrected one.
newActivity.Date = act.Date;
newActivity.Billed = false;
newActivity.SummaryLineNbr = null;
newActivity.NoteID = null;
newActivity.ContractCD = null;
isCreateCorrectionFlag = true;
newActivity = Activities.Insert(newActivity);
catch (PXSetPropertyException ex)
failed = true;
Activities.Cache.RaiseExceptionHandling<EPTimecardDetail.summary>(act, act.Summary, new PXSetPropertyException(ex.MessageNoPrefix, PXErrorLevel.RowError));
newActivity.TrackTime = act.TrackTime; //copy as is.
isCreateCorrectionFlag = false;
newActivity.ApprovalStatus = ActivityStatusAttribute.Completed;
newActivity.RefNoteID = act.NoteID == act.RefNoteID ? newActivity.NoteID : act.RefNoteID;
newActivity.ContractCD = act.ContractCD;
PXNoteAttribute.CopyNoteAndFiles(Activities.Cache, act, Activities.Cache, newActivity);
Activities.Cache.SetValue<EPTimecardDetail.isCorrected>(act, true);
Activities.Cache.SetStatus(act, PXEntryStatus.Updated);
if (failed)
throw new PXException(Messages.FailedToCreateCorrectionTC);
foreach (EPTimeCardItem item in Items.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { source }))
EPTimeCardItem record = Items.Insert();
record.ProjectID = item.ProjectID;
record.TaskID = item.TaskID;
record.Description = item.Description;
record.InventoryID = item.InventoryID;
record.CostCodeID = item.CostCodeID;
record.UOM = item.UOM;
record.Mon = item.Mon;
record.Tue = item.Tue;
record.Wed = item.Wed;
record.Thu = item.Thu;
record.Fri = item.Fri;
record.Sat = item.Sat;
record.Sun = item.Sun;
record.OrigLineNbr = item.LineNbr;//relation between the original activity and the corrected one.
foreach (EPTimeCardSummary summary in Summary.Select())
string key = GetSummaryKey(summary);
if (summaryDescriptions.ContainsKey(key))
PXNoteAttribute.SetNote(Summary.Cache, summary, summaryDescriptions[key].Note);
Summary.Cache.SetValue<EPTimeCardSummary.description>(summary, summaryDescriptions[key].Description);
return new EPTimeCard[] { newCard };
return adapter.Get();

Copying or moving files around in SharePoint Online

I see so many people struggling to copy or moving files around in SharePoint online, that I decided to write a small demo console app to show how to do it.
We will be using the CreateCopyJobs method, available on CSOM to copy a folder from one site collection to another. This method can be used to copy or move files between site collections or even on the same SC, betwen different libraries or folders inside a library.
The method works exactly as the UI, when you try to copy or move something in a library.
1 - Create new .NET console app. We will be using PnP, so go to your project NuGet manager and add SharePointPnPCoreOnline
2 - add to the usings of your class the following:
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using OfficeDevPnP.Core;
3 - Define the following class to receive the status of the job that we will be checking.
class CopyJobProgress
public string Event;
public string JobId;
public string CorrelationId;
4 - Now add this sample main method:
static void Main(string[] args)
var siteUrl = "";
var userName = "admin#...";
var password = "....";
AuthenticationManager authManager = new AuthenticationManager();
using (var ctx = authManager.GetSharePointOnlineAuthenticatedContextTenant(siteUrl, userName, password))
var web = ctx.Web;
string sourceFile = "<site>/<library>/<file or folder>";
string destinationPath = "<site>/<destination library>";
var createJobInfo = ctx.Site.CreateCopyJobs(new string[] { sourceFile }, destinationPath,
new CopyMigrationOptions() { IsMoveMode = false, IgnoreVersionHistory = true,
AllowSchemaMismatch = true, NameConflictBehavior = MigrationNameConflictBehavior.Replace });
Dictionary<string, CopyJobProgress> eventsFound = new Dictionary<string, CopyJobProgress>();
bool jobEndFound = false;
while (!jobEndFound)
var progress = ctx.Site.GetCopyJobProgress(createJobInfo[0]);
foreach (string log in progress.Value.Logs)
CopyJobProgress progressRes = (CopyJobProgress)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(log, typeof(CopyJobProgress));
if (!eventsFound.ContainsKey(progressRes.Event))
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " - " + progressRes.Event + " - CorrelationId: " + progressRes.CorrelationId);
eventsFound[progressRes.Event] = progressRes;
if (progressRes.Event == "JobEnd")
jobEndFound = true;
if (!jobEndFound)

Programmatically modify ACL to give application pool all permissions to application (IIS)

I have a process that creates an application and application pool using the Server Manager object in the Microsoft.Web.Administration namespace, the application pool is created first and then the application, assigning the newly created app pool to the application, code below.
protected TResult UseServerManagerWrapper<TResult>(Func<ServerManager, TResult> func)
using (var serverManager = new ServerManager())
return func(serverManager);
Application creation function
public void CreateApplication(String siteName, String parentApplicationName, String organisationName, String applicationName, String applicationPoolName)
UseServerManagerWrapper(serverManager =>
var site = serverManager.Sites[siteName];
var newApplication =
GetApplicationPath(parentApplicationName, organisationName, applicationName),
this.GetGeneratedApplicationPhysicalPath(siteName, parentApplicationName, organisationName, applicationName));
newApplication.ApplicationPoolName = applicationPoolName;
return true;
and app pool creation.
public Boolean CreateApplicationPool(String applicationPoolName)
return UseServerManagerWrapper(serverManager =>
var appPool = serverManager.ApplicationPools.Add(applicationPoolName);
appPool.ManagedPipelineMode = ManagedPipelineMode.Integrated;
appPool.ManagedRuntimeVersion = "";
return true;
This all works fine, the only problem I have is that I have to go into the application folder and manually assign permissions for the application pool.
I can't see anything in the ServerManager documentation that can help me and I can't figure out a way to use the Directory.SetAccessControl Method to give an application pool permissions. Is there anyway to do this in code?
Apologies if I'm using wrong terminology or anything, I'm new to publishing in general. Let me know if you need anymore info.
Ok, so after a lot of searching and some trial and error I've found the resolution and it's nothing to do with the ServerManager object. First of all to get this to work in ASP.NET Core 2.1 (1.x/2.x) I needed the System.IO.FileSystem.AccessControl Nuget and the Namespaces below.
using System.Security.AccessControl;
using System.Security.Principal;
These give the ability to modify the ACL of files and folders and then the CreateApplication function becomes the below.
public void CreateApplication(String siteName, String parentApplicationName, String organisationName, String applicationName, String applicationPoolName)
UseServerManagerWrapper(serverManager =>
var site = serverManager.Sites[siteName];
var generatedPath = this.GetGeneratedApplicationPhysicalPath(siteName, parentApplicationName, organisationName, applicationName);
var newApplication =
GetApplicationPath(parentApplicationName, organisationName, applicationName),
newApplication.ApplicationPoolName = applicationPoolName;
var dInfo = new DirectoryInfo(generatedPath);
var acl = dInfo.GetAccessControl();
var acct = new NTAccount($"IIS APPPOOL\\{applicationPoolName}");
acl.AddAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule(acct, FileSystemRights.FullControl, InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit | InheritanceFlags.ObjectInherit, PropagationFlags.NoPropagateInherit, AccessControlType.Allow));
return true;
The code between "newApplication.ApplicationPoolName = applicationPoolName" and "serverManager.CommitChanges()" gets the ACL from the newly generated directory giving the ability to modify it and reassign with a new FileSystemAccessRule.

How to Get Project Type Guid of selected project in the Solution Explorer by using VS Package

I've created the simple VS Package for adding new item in the context menu of solution explorer. In that I need to check Selected Project's Project Type GUID. How can i get this.
For example, One Solution contains the three different type of projects, like WindowFormsApplication, MVC Projects,WebApplication. While select the MVC Projects, we need to get that ProjectType GUID.
I've tried the followings in my Package.cs,
IVsMonitorSelection monitorSelection = (IVsMonitorSelection)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SVsShellMonitorSelection));
monitorSelection.GetCurrentSelection(out hierarchyPtr, out projectItemId, out mis, out selectionContainerPtr);
IVsHierarchy hierarchy = Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(hierarchyPtr, typeof(IVsHierarchy)) as IVsHierarchy;
if (hierarchy != null)
object prjItemObject;
hierarchy.GetProperty(projectItemId, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_ExtObject, out prjItemObject);
string projectTypeGuid;
Project prjItem = prjItemObject as Project;
projectTypeGuid = prjItem.Kind;
In that I get GUID as "FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC" for all selected Projects.
Could anyone please help me this?
I've found answer for this,
public string GetProjectTypeGuids(EnvDTE.Project proj)
string projectTypeGuids = "";
object service = null;
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsSolution solution = null;
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsHierarchy hierarchy = null;
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsAggregatableProject aggregatableProject = null;
int result = 0;
service = GetService(proj.DTE, typeof(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsSolution));
solution = (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsSolution)service;
result = solution.GetProjectOfUniqueName(proj.UniqueName, out hierarchy);
if (result == 0)
aggregatableProject = (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsAggregatableProject)hierarchy;
result = aggregatableProject.GetAggregateProjectTypeGuids(out projectTypeGuids);
return projectTypeGuids;
public object GetService(object serviceProvider, System.Type type)
return GetService(serviceProvider, type.GUID);
public object GetService(object serviceProviderObject, System.Guid guid)
object service = null;
Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider serviceProvider = null;
IntPtr serviceIntPtr;
int hr = 0;
Guid SIDGuid;
Guid IIDGuid;
SIDGuid = guid;
IIDGuid = SIDGuid;
serviceProvider = (Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider)serviceProviderObject;
hr = serviceProvider.QueryService(ref SIDGuid, ref IIDGuid, out serviceIntPtr);
if (hr != 0)
else if (!serviceIntPtr.Equals(IntPtr.Zero))
service = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(serviceIntPtr);
return service;
Its working fine for my requirement.

Accessing class and function after compiling ( CompiledAssembly )

Heres some example code. I successfully figured out how to compile this. I grabbed the location and was able to use visual studios object browser to look through the DLL. I cant figure out how to get a class instance and call a function.
public static void test()
JScriptCodeProvider js = new JScriptCodeProvider();
System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters param = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters();
var cr = js.CompileAssemblyFromSource(param, new string[] { "package pkg { class b { public function increment(x) { return x+1; } } }" });
foreach (var e in cr.Errors) {
var s = e.ToString();
var asm = cr.CompiledAssembly;
var module = cr.CompiledAssembly.GetModules();
//or var module = cr.CompiledAssembly.GetModule("JScript Module");
Hmmm realy late on the answer but this is how you would invoke a method from a CodeDom compiled class
You have to use reflection to create an assembly from your compiler results...(your var cr)
Assembly assembly = cr.CompiledAssembly;
Then you have to create an instance of the class you want
object sourceClass = assembly.CreateInstance("YourNamespace.YourClass");
Then you invoke any method inside the class
var result = sourceClass.GetType().InvokeMember("YourMethod", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, sourceClass, new object[] { *Parameters go here* });
And with that what ever the method you invoked had to returned would now be the value of the "result" var....pretty easy.
