Google analytics stores username and password as a part of url - security

Issue Context:
I am using meteor js for a mobile app.
I have hooked it up with google analytics calls and basically I am using two type of calls:
Screen views
Screen views are just fine, but I'm facing an issue with the events.
When I go to Behavior -> Events -> Screens, in the google analytics dashboard, I can see the URL of every page that has triggered an event under the Screen Name column. My problem is that the page URLs for my login page look something like this:
Where ******* is an actual username and +++++++ is the corresponding password!
Since I have to share this analytics account with multiple people, I do not want this information to be available over here.
I used to do GET http calls, but I have changed them all to POST and it still has not fixed the issue as I expected it not to pass plain parameters through URL anymore.
I've noticed that the default google analytics js framework is working with http and not https. I was wondering if it is calling the analytics server with a GET as well. If so, is there anyway to change that?
Here is how I am initiating the GA instance:
(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {
i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r;
i[r] = i[r] || function () {
(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)
}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date();
a = s.createElement(o),
m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];
a.async = 1;
a.src = g;
m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)
})(window, document, 'script', '//', 'ga');
ga('create', googleKey, 'auto');
I have also noticed that these URLs are getting captured very occasionally. E.g. in the pas 12,500 unique events (about 30,000 total events) it has captured just 9 URLs with the username and password. The remaining 12,491 events have
as the Screen Name.
I have also put 4 "search and replace" global filters on the analytics account to search for this string
and replace it with this one
This does not seem to be working either.
I have added this filter on 4 different fields (Since I still really don't know where the URLs are coming from):
Host Name
Page Title
Request URI
This is how I am calling the GA instance to send the event:
ga('send', 'event', 'button', 'click', eventName);

Okay. So, I had to run a lot of experiments and try out different things to solve this issue.
After trying all the things that I have described in the question, I finally found a way to address this problem.
The main cause of this problem was that I was using a google analytics account set to track an App, to capture the data from an app that was built with meteor js (which basically utilizes cordova).
Using meteor means that my app's screens are actually web pages rendered as a mobile app. It seems like meteor uses URLs to navigate through these screens.
On the other hand, google analytics looks at (and captures) the screen name of an app's page, when an event is triggered from that page. In native apps this screen name will be something similar to "About us", "Contact Us", "Home", etc.
Now since a meteor app is not the same, the screen name returned by meteor is actually the URL of the page that has triggered the event.
This does not have anything to do with the http calls (Whether or not they are GET or POST), because it is the local URL used by meteor for navigating that is being passed down to google analytics and not any http calls.
If I had the google analytics account set as a web page tracker, I could have access to "Exclude URL Query Parameters" field and I could potentially exclude username and password as was suggested by #Mike and #PhilipPryde in the comments.
However, I needed to use google analytics set as an app tracker. So, this did not work for me.
I did put a filter on the whole view in the google analytics and searched for meteor.local/.* and replaced that with hiddenURL. The filters on
Host Name
Page Title
Request URI
did not work.
But when I put the same filter on
Screen Label
field, it worked.
However, this only looked at the screen names returned by screen view hits and not the event. Thus, this did not actually solve my issue either.
Finally, I had to do this:
There is a method call on GA instance that lets you set different options up. I ended up using this:
ga('set', 'screenName', 'hiddenURL');
This changed the screen name to "hiddenURL". So, I used this before every event and it worked for me.
My code for sending events to google analytics looked like this:
ga('set', 'screenName', 'hiddenURL');
ga('send', 'event', 'button', 'click', eventName);
This changes the screen name that was showing up in real-time reports of google analytics to "hiddenURL", whenever someone triggered an event. But, it changes back to a screen name as soon as they go to another page. So, it would not also mess with any of your screen view data either, since it is not being captured as a screen view.
Of course that is because, I pass the screen name to my GA instance every time I send a screen view. So it looks like this:
sendScreenViewToGA = function (screenName) {
ga('send', 'screenview', {
'appName': 'Something',
'screenName': screenName,
'appVersion': x.x
If I had used the screen name, that is being set on the environment tight now, I would have ended up with all my screen names in analytics set to "hiddenURL".
I really hope this post will help others with same issues and save them some time.


How to confirm cleverTap event push

I am using this below code inside my app, but I am not sure if the events are being pushed to my dashboard and I am not even seeing any error, how to debug clever tap events
var clevertap = {event:[], profile:[], account:[], onUserLogin:[], notifications:[], privacy:[]};
// replace with the CLEVERTAP_ACCOUNT_ID with the actual ACCOUNT ID value from your Dashboard -> Settings page
clevertap.account.push({"id": "CLEVERTAP_ACCOUNT_ID"});
clevertap.privacy.push({optOut: false}); //set the flag to true, if the user of the device opts out of sharing their data
clevertap.privacy.push({useIP: false}); //set the flag to true, if the user agrees to share their IP data
(function () {
var wzrk = document.createElement('script');
wzrk.type = 'text/javascript';
wzrk.async = true;
wzrk.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? '' : '') + '/js/a.js';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(wzrk, s);
I know it is a bit late, but here is my answer :
When I integrated clevertap SDK, I used to point the app to the test clevertap account and test and validate the events there. The only challenge is that you have to find your profile on the dashboard. That should be easy once you know the clevertap ID OR the profile identity(if you are setting one)by looking at the debug console using ADB(for android)
Sending events is one thing, but the actual use of that data will be by the people who analyse in on the clevertap dashboard. Therefore, this method will help you understand
How people will see that event/data on the dashboard.
If profiles have been merged incorrectly (in case of multiple users)
If there are any issues with receiving events on the clevertap side
If the event names and parameters re being received on the dashboard and are correct.
More importantly, another team member (even one who is not a developer) can help you validate events(Step 4) without him having to setup anything on his/her laptop and installing a debug build. He can just look it up on the clevertap dashboard by firing events from an app that points to the clevertap TEST account!
Apart from this, I recommend using test account for testing events. This is because it helps you keep test data separate from production data and you can completely clear TEST account from the dashboard in case the data becomes too much of a mess.
In cleverTap if the events are pushed successfully then you will get it notified in the clevertap dashboard. Segments -> Find People -> By Identity(enter the identity) -> In the profile under Activity you can see all the events that are tracked in cleveTap dashboard,so in this we can confirm.

How to limit the number of chats received in chatbot Kommunicate

I have integrated Kommunicate chat bot into my website, however, a lot of traffic is generated on my website, due to which a lot more users are chatting than I have the bandwidth to support (agent wise).
I can't seem to find a way to limit the number of currently active chats one agent/human can handle at any given time. I wish to find a solution for the same.
Can this be done through the webhook integration provided? If so, how?
The solution indeed lied in adding the webhook integration.
First, I spin up a simple flask server, serving a single endpoint: /webhook.
app = Flask(__name__)
#app.route('/webhook', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def webhook():
logger.debug('Webhook Triggered') #-> we know it's being trigerred.
resp_generated = make_response(jsonify(results()))
logger.debug(resp_generated)#-> always shows 200 anyway.
return resp_generated
if __name__ == '__main__': ='', port = 5000, debug = True)
Then I use ngrok to create a tunnel to my local server (I plan to host it on GKE in the later stages)
ngrok http 5000
This gives me an HTTPS URL to my Flask server such as https:\\
Then I go into DialogFlow -> Fulfillment -> Enter my Webhooks endpoint there:
[Note: Hit the save button at the bottom of the page]
You would have to enable webhook call for the Intents on which you are going to add your server logic, in my case it was when I wanted to transfer to a live agent while limiting the number of chats:
To ensure that the default behavior of Kommunicate is not broken when my server goes down, I have added custom payload (as shown in the image above):
"metadata": {
"platform": "kommunicate",
"message": "---- Redact that sweet sweet company Information. Yeah!!---"
[Note: Make sure to hit Save on the top right, once you make your changes in the Intent.]
Then I added the Webhook URL (same as the one used in DialogFlow) in Kommunicate -> Settings -> Developer -> Webhooks
[Note: Hit the save changes button at the bottom of the page]
Once everything is set up, you will start receiving messages in the server and can add your logic as you wish. Do note that this is super tedious as you would have to read a lot of documentation and add a bunch of logic to get it to work as you want it to.

How to fix: Trying to capture a data in the options section of chrome extension for and use elsewhere?

I'm making a Google Chrome extension that has various parts. It has an iframe, a pop-up and an options page. Currently the iframe and pop-up communicate fine and send the collected data off to a database. However I want to capture some data from the options page (an email address) to be used elsewhere in the app. I planned to do this through capturing the email address and storing it but the code doesn't seem to be working.
I've attached the code I'm trying to use in options.js
function save_email(){
var email = document.getElementById('email').value;{
userEmail: email} );
I would hope to see it in local/session storage but nothing is there.

Progressive Web Application receiving data to trigger notification

Hello i'm newbie and im hardly to understand this notification in service-worker, and because my knowledge isn't good yet then probably i will unable to explain my problem clearly.
so here's the code :
// triggered everytime, when a push notification is received.
self.addEventListener('push', function(event) {'Event: Push');
var title = 'New commit on Github Repo: RIL';
var body = {
'body': 'Click to see the latest commit',
'tag': 'pwa',
'icon': './images/48x48.png'
self.registration.showNotification(title, body)
this is the code that trigger to POP the notification, what I do not understand is where the argument to accept/ receive the data ?
I've been searched a lot: ,
there's some new data JSON or from git-server or push api, but I still hardly to understand where's to accept the data.
sorry if you still do not understand what's my problem.
Here to make it simple what I want :
Let's say i make a button, and everytime i click the button it will value as 'True' and I want that 'True' value to pass into argument and trigger the push of notication in service-worker.
2nd questions: am I able to trigger notification with header or text in html ? since we can manipulate the text with DOM ?
am I able to trigger notification without GCM, or API cause I just want a simple notification in serivce-worker like above without passing much data.
If you give more advice or maybe notification without service-worker but real time , I am surely happy to read it but I hope Im able to understand.
There are basically two concepts involved that work well together but can be used independently. The first is the visible UI shown to a user that tells them information or prompts them for an action. The second is sending an event from a server to the browser without requiring the user to currently be active on the site. For full details I recommend reading Google's Web Push docs.
Before either of those scenarios you have to request permission from the user. Once permission is granted you can just create a notification. No server or service worker required.
If you want to send events from a server you will need a service worker and you will need to get a subscription for the user. Once you have a subscription you would send it to a server for when you want to send an event to that specific browser instance.
Once you receive a push event from a server you display the UI the same as in the first scenario except you have to do it from the service worker.

Best practice: How to track outbound links?

How do you track outbound links for your web site, since the request is logged on the destination server, not yours?
You can add a quick JQuery script to the page that will track external links and can either redirect them to a file on your server that will track the link and then forward to it, or add an ajax request that will submit on click for external links, and track them that way.
Method #1: target="_blank", onclick and Google Analytics Events
Format your outgoing links with the following attributes:
Define a javascript tracking function (requires google analytics to be loaded already):
function trackOutgoing(el) {
ga('send', 'event', {eventCategory: 'outbound',
eventAction: 'send',
eventLabel: el.getAttribute('href'),
eventValue: 1});
Does NOT interfere with normal link behavior
Does NOT require redirecting to another url
The onclick is not guaranteed to execute (user or browser could terminate the main window)
Method #2: Redirecting with Javascript and Google Analytics Callbacks
Format your outgoing links with the following attributes:
Define a javascript tracking function (requires google analytics to be loaded already):
function trackOutgoingAndRedirect(el) {
var url = el.getAttribute('href');
ga('send', 'event', {eventCategory: 'outbound',
eventAction: 'send',
eventLabel: url,
eventValue: 1,
hitCallback: function() { document.location = url; }});
Does not require target="_blank"
Higher chance of your event being registered with Google Analytics (compared to Method #1)
Overrides the default behavior of links with return false;
Cannot open outgoing links in a new window
Method #3: Using a Redirect URL
Format your outgoing links with the following attributes:
On your site you will need to implement a redirect script which is beyond the scope of this answer.
Your redirect script would most likely track the outgoing link and then redirect to the provided url.
No Javascript required
Does NOT require Google Analytics
Does NOT interfere with the normal link behavior
Harder to trigger Google Analytics Events
Links do not link to their original URL. Which may have negative SEO implications.
Add an onclick or onmousedown handler to the anchor tag. You can see many sites doing this, such as Google.
I don't like the redirect as described by Eric Tuttleman, as you unfortunately lose the 'search engine friendliness' of the link.
I handle this on a site I own by adding an onClick to my outgoing links, which fires a function which sends the link URL and a timestamp to my database. I then wrote a backend which retrieves the data, and lets me view it by such categories as 'Most clicked / 24h', 'Most clicked / 1w' etc.
I hope this helps.
On one system I've worked on, we ended up storing redirects in a database table and creating a redirect page that takes an id as an input. On our content pages, we link to the redirect page with an unique id from this table. Once the redirect page looks up the url via the id from the table, it then sends the client a redirect response, sending them to the ending page.
This does give us logging of external links, and as an added bonus, it makes mass changes to external urls a bit easier in some cases.
Some newer options that work without any hacks as explained in are Fetch with the keepalive-flag or navigator.sendBeacon.
keepalive is not yet (Aug. 2022) supported by Firefox (Can I Use), but navigator.sendBeacon works in all modern browsers (Can I Use).
// normal fetch, not guaranteed to work
someLink.addEventListener('click', function(event){
// fetch + keep alive (not working in Firefox as of 103, Aug. 2022)
someLink.addEventListener('click', function(event){
fetch('http://www.testing.local/?origin=fetch-keep-alive', {
keepalive: true
// navigator.sendBeacon (all modern browsers)
someLink.addEventListener('click', function(event){
