current domain linked to email hosting, wish to add different web hosting - dns

I have setup web-hosting for the domain name, '' (forExample) and had it working fine, but when I removed the existing nameservers and placed in my web-hosting nameServers, it broke the 3rd party email hosting, which unbeknown to me was actively being used. To rectify this, my nameServers were removed, and the mail-hosting namerServers were added back:
Nothing else was changed but I now get a 'ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED' error when i venture to the '' through my browser.
I looked up the domain A-Records using MXtoolBox and it tells me that no name servers can be found, although i have an A-Record for, & that point to the correct IP. I also have the correct A-Records in my hosting, and i know this because this all worked before my hosting nameServers were removed.
My question is, can I simply add back in my web-hosting nameServers under the existing email nameServers without breaking email-hosting link?
I am a lil frightened to do so, as I cannot risk breaking the email twice in one week.
Thanks in advance peeps! ;)

After changing back to mail-hosting's nameservers, if your emails have started working, then there's no problem with DNS propagation. In this case, an error "ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED" is more likely a local computer problem and can be fixed by the flushing DNS and clearing the browse cache/cookies.
As long as primarily set nameservers (mail-hosting nameservers) are resolving correctly, adding hosting nameservers under to existing won't create any difference.

So apparently you can only have one set of nameservers (not sure if that's across the board, or just with this registrar) listed, then you need to add the 'MX entry', relevant CNAME, TXT-Records in your web hosting via cPanel and ur mail and web hosting should work in unity. Peace, hope that helps someoene, cause it took me freakn ages to find that out!


How can I point my domain from Godaddy to another web server without using # and losing email services?

I have access to a Godaddy account where the company has all their domains. One of those I need to point to another web server running Apache. The person that used to work here before me solved this pointing to the new server IP using the record:
A # the.ip.addr.ess 1 hour
and in the webserver end I get it with Apache and as far as the webserver goes, it runs flawlessly. I even have some subdomains using the same A record structure. I have two issues. First, I lost email reception. I can send via smtp and webmail but anything sent to my domain gets bounced back after 24 hours, even if sent to an alias or forwarder.
The second issue is that I need to verify the domain with Firebase and even thou I created the TXT record, it cannot be found by Google. I'm sure it's because of the same reason.
What can I do? I understand a little about DNS and records, but not enough for this. I just want all html traffic to reach my webserver as it is now and keep the emails and other domain services working as they were.
As contacting Godaddy support, they said it is not their purview as it is external. I think they just don't know. Go figure.
Are you using GoDaddys NameServers? If not and these are pointing elsewhere no matter what DNS records you set in GoDaddy won't be picked up during DNS lookips. This may explain why the TXT record verification is failing. However if this was true changing the A record wouldn'd disrupt DNS.
# just means the root domain so no subdomain/prefix,
www is a common subdomain used so you could have an A record which like:
A www the.ip.addr.ess 1 hour
so would resolve to the.ip.addr.ess
MX records are used to direct emails to your mail server. Make sure this is pointing to the mail server. If it's pointing at your A record then updating the A record will disrupt this.
Set the MX record to point to the.ip.addr.ess rather then, or an A/CNAME record other then your root domain (which you are updating)
Other considerations may need to be taken, if you have an SPF record (TXT record) this may also need updating, depending on it's current value.
I finally found what I had to do. I needed an A record named 'mail' pointing to the original Godaddy server IP address.
A mail my.ip.add.ress. 1 hour
Thank´s for all the help.

How can i solve dns confusion problem in my domain?

I have a dns confusion problem in my domain, there are more than 2 months that I changed the nameservers of my domain to cloud housting vps but sometimes I find that the domain displays the page of my previous host namecheap as shown in the picture how can I always force the domain to give the google server and not the namecheap server?
enter image description here
Usually, I check the status of my domain propagation using this tool:
Checking yours, I see that all servers are pointing to the right NS, as well as the A records are always responding with the same two IP addresses from cloudflare, which seems correct. I would recommend doing a full cache clear on the device you are testing and try again.

DNS change from Godaddy to Netlify

I have and pointing to the managed DNS servers from Netlify.
I would like to point to a Godaddy IP address
Here is what I have done so far:
Migrated my DNS from Godaddy to Netlify by changing the nameservers to
Created an A record that goes to -> which is a godaddy server.
What I am expecting is to see:
A login page for the suitecrm I setup.
What I am actually seeing is:
Future home of something quite cool. I have verified that the home.html for this default page does not exist in the public_html on godaddy.
I setup the A record correctly. See my dropbox link
The problem was on netlify's side. From their email...
You made the record correctly. There is a known bug (cross-linked to this conversation for tracking) were sometimes, very rarely but sometimes, the DNS record gets created in our UI but not in the actual DNS server.
So, our UI says there is a record, when in reality there isn't one.
To clarify, you did everything correctly and it was a bug on our end. I deleted and recreated that A record in the Netlify UI and it worked the second time around.
You can't point to choice of your server, as this is completely owned by netlify.
For pointing crm.{yourdomain.example} you need to create A record in your domains zone file pointing it to specific IP you want.

whois lookup shows correct ip but why my browser can not find IP address of domain?

My website suddenly stopped working.
When I search for the domain name in WHOIS websites it is showing the correct server ip address and correct DNS IP address.
I can reach the website by its IP address but somehow when I am trying the domain name in browser its not working and its showing "This site can’t be reached"!
There is no error in my server log.
I tried different browsers and different systems and it is same issue.
I am really confused. Even when I am sending GET requests with Postman to my domain, it not reachable but sending request to IP is working!
whois and DNS resolution are two separate things and one does not imply anything for the other, so in short, except in very specific cases, if you have a DNS resolution problem you should use DNS troubleshooting tools, not the whois and especially not web-based whois (the only relevant whois is the registry one).
Now you are giving so few details that noone can really help.
Among the possible ideas to check and probable problems:
you forgot to renew the domain, your registrar put it on hold or worse deleted it (that you can see in whois)
you did a change in the DNS resolution and now it does not work anymore, use online troubleshooting tools like Zonemaster or DNSViz; alternatively your registrar and/or webhosting company should be able to help (since you are neither giving here the domain name nor details about the troubleshooting you do: for DNS problems, the browser is not the first tool to use, look instead at dig).
in appear that the problem was DNS on our local system. we changed it to and then we could access to our domain!
it's usually because you use an addon domain, not the main domain for hosting orders that are set up on cpanel whm

domain name does not open the website, redirects to default IP instead of opening www

I recently changed NS of one domain to another host and created a domain using Helm Control Panel.
The problem is that when I type domain name (ie. instead of opening the coresponding website, it opens host webmail page which is served by smarter mail.
I have cleared dns cache, rebuilt and updated it. also I removed the domain and added it again.
Pinging the domain name returns server's IP address and it's up.
The hosting OS is windows server 2003.
I appreciate any comments to solve the problem.
Edit 1:
Though this was a long last headache, I solved the problem by removing domain's DNS entry alongside with all alias domains attached to it directly in DNS Server console, restarting server and then rebuilding DNS Zone via Helm Control Panel. I'm not sure if this was the best practice but it seems there was a mix of domain's DNS, alias domains' DNS, Hosting software, Caching problems.
Edit 2:
Actually this error was not about the DNS stuff, it is a failure of Helm Control Panel adding/removing alias domains. To share the experience, I Add a answer to this question.
This was not a DNS error.
I found the answer when examining IIS where i noticed the website was stopped.
Forcing the website to start, this error message poped up:
IIS was unable to start the site, another site may already be using the port you configured for this site.
Further investigation revealed that one same domain alias has previously added to another domain/host.
Removing this alias from IIS > Website Properties > Website > Advanced > Advanced Website Identification, fixed the problem.
What led me to assume a dns problem mistakenly was that default IP of server is set to mail server by default. so, when a website is stopped the domain points to mail server.
Hope this help for future.
