conversion fields kibana and logstash - logstash

I try to convert a field "tmp_reponse" in integer in the file "conf" with logstash as follows :
mutate {
convert => {"TMP_REPONSE" => "integer"}
,but on Kibana it shows me that he is still string. I do not understand how I can make a convertion to use my fields "tmp_response" to use it like as a metric fields on kibana
thank you help me please and if there is anyone who can explain to me how I can master the metrics on Kibana and use fields as being of metrics fields

mutate{} will change the type of the field in logstash. If you added a stdout{} output stanza, you would see that it's an integer at that point.
How elasticsearch treats it is another problem entirely. Elasticsearch usually sets the type of a field based on the first input received, so if you sent documents in before you added the mutate to your logstash config, they would have been strings and the elasticsearch index will always consider that field to be a string.
The type may also have been defined in an elasticsearch template or mapping.
The good news is that your mutate will probably set the type when a new index is created. If you're using daily indexes (the default in logstash), you can just wait a day. Or you can delete the index (losing any data so far) and let a new one be created. Or you could rebuild the index.
Good luck.


How to add hash the whole content of an event in Logstash for OpenSearch?

the problem is the following: I'm investigating how to add some anti-tampering protection to events stored in OpenSearch that are parsed and sent there by Logstash. Info is composed of application logs collected from several hosts. The idea is to add a hashed field that's linked to the original content so that any modification of the fields break the hash result and can be detected.
Currently, we have in place some grok filters that extract information from the received log lines and store it into different fields using several patterns. To make it more difficult for an attacker who modifies these logs to cover their tracks, I'm thinking of adding an extra field where the whole line is hashed and salted before splitting.
Initial part of my filter config is like this. It was used primarily with ELK, but our project will be switching to OpenSearch:
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:mytimestamp} (\[)*%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel}(\])* %{JAVACLASS:javaclass}(.)*(\[/])* %{DATA:component} %{DATA:version} - %{GREEDYDATA:message}"}
overwrite => [ "message" ]
overwrite => [ "version" ]
break_on_match => false
keep_empty_captures => true
// do more stuff
OpenSearch has some info on Field masking, but this is not exactly what I am after.
If any of you could help me with a pointer or an idea on how to do this. I don't know whether the hash fields available in ELK are also available in OpenSearch, or whether the Logstash plugin that does the hashing of fields would be usable without licensing issues. But maybe there are other and better options that I am not aware. I was looking for info on how to call an external script to do this during the filter execution, but I don't even know whether that is possible (apparently not, at least I couldn't find anything).
Any ideas? Thank you!

How to parse an Auditbeat "event.type" in Logstash?

I have an almost-default installation of Auditbeat on several of my hosts, that are also auditing changes of /etc, that forward log data to a Logstash instance elsewhere. I want to generate a message based on these logs, as by default Auditbeat does not fill the message field with value (they moved it to event.original and anyway it's disabled, and I want to be as close to production as possible with my configs), so that Kibana displays "failed to find message" when I try viewing logs from auditbeat-*. So I went to parsing and adding fields to events with Logstash.
I have encountered an interesting issue: If I query something that belongs to any custom tree under root in JSON but event, Logstash filters work, but should I decide to query [event][type], the result is always false. The problem is, if I just stuff "%{[event][type]}" into my message, the value is in there! I have tried if ([event][type] == "info") {...}, if ([type] == "info") and also tried if ([event][action] == "change") to no avail, while when I do output a debug message value with "%{[event][type]} %{[event][action]}" both values are present and equal to whatever I'm comparing to. Note that [event][module] filter actually works, so this behavior with [event][type] really baffles me.
So, how to filter based on [event][type] in Logstash, provided they are present in incoming data?
The answer was pretty simple. Both event.type and event.action are arrays and not strings, so comparing an array to a string returned false. The proper way of filtering through these is using "in", like this:
if "info" in [event][type] {...}

Is it possible to pick only error entry from logfiles in logstash

I am using logstash to monitor my production server logs, but it throws all logs from info to errors, what I want is that it can only pick errors from log file and throw it on logstash kibana view.
After parsing your log using grok you can use logstash conditionals to check if loglevel (or whatever is your field name) equals to ERROR. If its true forward it to your output plugin,
output {
if [loglevel] == "ERROR"{ # Send ERROR logs only
elasticsearch {
If you are using filebeat to ship logs, you can use Processors, to send only logs that contains ERROR.
The contains condition checks if a value is part of a field. The field
can be a string or an array of strings. The condition accepts only a
string value.
For example, the following condition checks if an error is part of the
transaction status:
status: "Specific error"
Depends on your log format, you might be able to use one of the many supported conditions by filebeat processors,
Each condition receives a field to compare. You can specify multiple
fields under the same condition by using AND between the fields (for
example, field1 AND field2).
For each field, you can specify a simple field name or a nested map,
for example
You can read more about Conditions here

Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana and Grok How do I break apart the message?

I created a filter to break apart our log files and am having the following issue. I'm not able to figure out how to save the parts of the "message" to their own field or tag or whatever you call it. I'm 3 days new to logstash and have had zero luck with finding someone here who knows it.
So for an example lets say this is your log line in a log file
2017-12-05 [user:edjm1971] msg:This is a message from the system.
And what you want to do is to get the value of the user and set that into some index mapping so you can search for all logs that were by that user. Also, you should see the information from the message in their own fields in Kibana.
My pipeline.conf file for logstash is like
grok {
match => {
"message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} [sid:%{USERNAME:sid} msg:%{DATA:message}"
add_tag => [ "foo_tag", "some_user_value_from_sid_above" ]
Now when I run the logger to create logs data gets over to ES and I can see the data in KIBANA but I don't see foo_tag at all with the sid value.
How exactly do I use this to create the new tag that gets stored into ES so I can see the data I want from the message?
Note: using regex tools it all appears to parse the log formats fine and the log for logstash does not spit out errors when processing.
Also for the logstash mapping it is using some auto defined mapping as the path value is nil.
I'm not clear on how to create a mapping for this either.
Guidance is greatly appreciated.

logstash - add only first time value

Here's what I want, it's a bit the opposite of incremental data.
some data's are logs with a specific token, and I want to be able to keep (or to show in Elasticsearch) only the first submitted data, the oldiest information of each token.
I want to ignore any new log of the same token ?
How can I do that ? is it in logstash or elasticsearch ?
Updates 2016-05-31
I think we can see that in different perspective. but globally what I want is the table like in the picture, but without the red lines, I want them to be ignored by logstash, or not display in ES queries.
I know it can be done, if I was able to add any flag in those lines I want to delete, but it's not possible, the only fact that tell us they can be removed is because we already have a key first-AAA that has been logged before.
At the logging process, we don't have this information.
You can achieve this using the elasticsearch filter. The filter would check in ES if the record already exists and if it is the case, we ask Logstash to just drop the line.
Note that I'm making the assumption that the Id field (AAA) is used as the document _id and is also present in the document as the Id field. Feel free to change whatever needs to, but this will work.
input {
filter {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
query => "_type:your_type AND _id:%{[Id]}"
fields => {"Id" => "found"}
if [found] {
drop {}
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
