How to force bootstrap modal to appear at the top of the screen (not in the center)? - position

How to force bootstrap modal to appear at the top of the screen (not in the center) ?
Thank you.


MGWT Menu/Sub Menu/Drop down Panel

I have header button left side. On Tap, I want to drop a panel or submenu. How I can do that?
Right now I am just popup dialog (with the panel) using centre().
Please help.
Did you tried searching for hide/show toggle div or menu ? There are lot of workaround in there, from jQuery, pure CSS..
Like here: Link!

Setting a size limit for Maximizing a Primefaces Dialog

I want to make a Dialog in my Primefaces Page which I can maximize.
But i have one problem. I have a Menubar on the top of the page and i want the Dialog to Maximize over the whole screen but under the Menubar.
I also have a Dock on the bottom and I want this one to be always in the front.
Are there any possibilities to solve these problems?

How to deactivate window in Qt

I am trying to create a dockable window in Qt (it sits taking 4px width at the edge of the screen, always on top and it slides out when you hover it). I have to use WindowFlag BypassX11WindowManager (in order to hide taskbar hint, disable moving/resizing/etc. from window manager). I use these flags:
When I need my dock to be activated, I use the activateWindow() method. However, I have no idea, how to deactivate it.
Is there a way I can force my window deactivate? Now I can do it only by clicking another window and then return to the one that was active before revealing dock.
You should be able to use ->hide() to simply hide it if you don't want it to appear at certain points.
I assume, by the way, you know there is QDockWidget/ class that may help you as well. It's unclear from the above if you're using it or not.

How to remove left side panel on component page?

I am using Joomla 1.6.5 with default theme "Beez2 - Default". I have created a top menu item with type as external link which has link 'index.php?option=com_sample'. When i click on this menu item i can see the output of the component 'sample'.
But on the left side there are few menus like User Menu, About Joomla, This Site. I want to remove that whole vertical panel so that i can use more space for my sample component.
I tried to search in administrator panel and on google but cant find anything to remove left panel.
How can i remove that panel? what code should i write in sample component file to make it not display the left panel..
Please guide me.... thanks in advance.!!
You need to set the menu not to appear when your component is the one used. Remove the show in all pages setting in the menu module.

bgiframe appears in front of jquery modal dialog's overlay in IE6

When I look at jquery ui's demo modal dialog ( in IE6 the bgiframe is appearing on top of the background overlay. So instead of seeing a black/gray stripe pattern, there is just a white background covering the page with the word "false" in the upper left corner. Is bgiframe broken with the latest version of jqueryui? Is there a quick way to repair this problem with bgiframe? If not, is there a plugin that hides selects when a modal dialog is shown? The ie6 z-index issue with selects is the reason I was using bgiframe in the first place.
Have you looked at this answer
