unable to debug Jmeter through CLI - linux

I'm trying to run Jmeter through command line on Centos VM like so:
./jmeter -n -t temp_cli/sampler.jmx -l temp_cli/results.xml -j temp_cli/j.log
I get :
INFO - jmeter.threads.JMeterThread: Thread is done: sampler flow 1-1
INFO - jmeter.threads.JMeterThread: Thread finished: sampler flow 1-1
DEBUG - jmeter.threads.ThreadGroup: Ending thread sampler 1-1
summary = 1 in 1s = 2.0/s Avg: 434 Min: 434 Max: 434 Err: 1 (100.00%)
Tidying up ... # Wed Apr 13 07:57:42 UTC 2016 (1460534262577)
... end of run
It supposed to take more than 1s so I'm pretty sure somthing went wrong. The thing is I don't get enough data about what went wrong.
I tried tail -f jmeter.log but I got no errors
Anyone knows how can I get more information?

Your file results.xml will give you more details.
You can see here that you got 100% error rate so your unique sample failed.
If you are running the test in non gui mode on a different machine from where you ran the gui mode, then you most probably did not install the plugin jars.


arangodb starter mode does not start

I have d/l'd arangodb3-linux-3.9.2 from GIT on Centos 7. I created a database dir and ran the README instructions for a standalone start. The first time it runs, I get 100 failures, the key INFO log lines seem to be
... [INFO] server started component=arangodb pid=49827 type=single
... [INFO] Wait on 49827 returned component=arangodb exit-status=1 trap-cause=-1
It creates the log file, setup.json and a single8529 dir in the database dir I sped'd. Is it just taking too long to start? The whole 100 fails take about 1 or 2 seconds.
If I try to run it again with the same README instructions, the next time I get this error:
... [FATAL] Failed to run service error="open /.../single8529/data/ENGINE: no such file"
I have also tried with --starter.host -- to simplify
Also I and can confirm that port 8529 is open
I couldn't get arangodb 'starter' according to their README to work, but this does start the server:
arangod --database.directory MYDIR --rocksdb.max-background-jobs 4

Glusterfs geo-replication issue

I have been using georep for the last two months and posted this on their GitHub but no answers so far.
Description of problem: after copying ~8TB without any issue, some nodes are flipping between Active and Faulty with the following error message in gsync log:
ssh> failed with UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xf2 in position 60: ordinal not in range(128).
Default encoding in all machines is utf-8
Command to reproduce the issue:
gluster volume georeplication master_vol user#slave_machine::slave_vol start
The full output of the command that failed:
The command itself it's fine but you need to start it to fail, hence the command it's not the issue on it's own
Expected results:
No such failures, copy should go as planned
Mandatory info:
The output of the gluster volume info command:
Volume Name: volname
Type: Distributed-Replicate
Volume ID: d5a46398-9638-4b50-9db0-4cd7019fa526
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 12 x 2 = 24
Transport-type: tcp
Bricks: 24 bricks (omited the names cause not relevant and too large)
Options Reconfigured:
features.ctime: off
cluster.min-free-disk: 15%
performance.readdir-ahead: on
server.event-threads: 8
cluster.consistent-metadata: on
performance.cache-refresh-timeout: 1
diagnostics.client-log-level: WARNING
diagnostics.brick-log-level: WARNING
performance.flush-behind: off
performance.cache-size: 5GB
performance.cache-max-file-size: 1GB
performance.io-thread-count: 32
performance.write-behind-window-size: 8MB
client.event-threads: 8
network.inode-lru-limit: 1000000
performance.md-cache-timeout: 1
performance.cache-invalidation: false
performance.stat-prefetch: on
features.cache-invalidation-timeout: 30
features.cache-invalidation: off
cluster.lookup-optimize: on
performance.client-io-threads: on
nfs.disable: on
transport.address-family: inet
storage.owner-uid: 33
storage.owner-gid: 33
features.bitrot: on
features.scrub: Active
features.scrub-freq: weekly
cluster.rebal-throttle: lazy
geo-replication.indexing: on
geo-replication.ignore-pid-check: on
changelog.changelog: on
The output of the gluster volume status command:
Don't really think this is relevant as everything seems fine, if needed I'll post it
The output of the gluster volume heal command:
Same as before
**- Provide logs present on following locations of client and server nodes -
Not the relevant ones as is georep, posting the exact issue: (this log is from master volume node)
[2022-09-23 09:53:32.565196] I [master(worker /bricks/brick1/data):1439:process] _GMaster: Entry Time Taken [{MKD=0}, {MKN=0}, {LIN=0}, {SYM=0}, {REN=0}, {RMD=0}, {CRE=0}, {duration=0.0000}, {UNL=0}]
[2022-09-23 09:53:32.565651] I [master(worker /bricks/brick1/data):1449:process] _GMaster: Data/Metadata Time Taken [{SETA=0}, {SETX=0}, {meta_duration=0.0000}, {data_duration=1663926812.5656}, {DATA=0}, {XATT=0}]
[2022-09-23 09:53:32.566270] I [master(worker /bricks/brick1/data):1459:process] _GMaster: Batch Completed [{changelog_end=1663925895}, {entry_stime=None}, {changelog_start=1663925895}, {stime=(0, 0)}, {duration=673.9491}, {num_changelogs=1}, {mode=xsync}]
[2022-09-23 09:53:32.668133] I [master(worker /bricks/brick1/data):1703:crawl] _GMaster: processing xsync changelog [{path=/var/lib/misc/gluster/gsyncd/georepsession/bricks-brick1-data/xsync/XSYNC-CHANGELOG.1663926139}]
[2022-09-23 09:53:33.358545] E [syncdutils(worker /bricks/brick1/data):325:log_raise_exception] : connection to peer is broken
[2022-09-23 09:53:33.358802] E [syncdutils(worker /bricks/brick1/data):847:errlog] Popen: command returned error [{cmd=ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/secret.pem -p 22 -oControlMaster=auto -S /tmp/gsyncd-aux-ssh-GcBeU5/38c083bada86a45a28e6710377e456f6.sock geoaccount#slavenode6 /usr/libexec/glusterfs/gsyncd slave mastervol geoaccount#slavenode1::slavevol --master-node masternode21 --master-node-id 08c7423e-c2b6-4d40-adc8-d2ded4f66608 --master-brick /bricks/brick1/data --local-node slavenode6 --local-node-id bc1b3971-50a7-4b32-a863-aaaa02419de6 --slave-timeout 120 --slave-log-level INFO --slave-gluster-log-level INFO --slave-gluster-command-dir /usr/sbin --master-dist-count 12}, {error=1}]
[2022-09-23 09:53:33.358927] E [syncdutils(worker /bricks/brick1/data):851:logerr] Popen: ssh> failed with UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xf2 in position 60: ordinal not in range(128).
[2022-09-23 09:53:33.672739] I [gsyncdstatus(monitor):248:set_worker_status] GeorepStatus: Worker Status Change [{status=Faulty}]
[2022-09-23 09:53:45.477905] I [gsyncdstatus(monitor):248:set_worker_status] GeorepStatus: Worker Status Change [{status=Initializing...}]
**- Is there any crash ? Provide the backtrace and coredump
Provided log up
Additional info:
Master volume: 12x2 Distributed-replicated setup, been working for a couple years no, no big issues as of today. 160TB of Data
Slave volume: 2x(5+1) Distributed-disperse setup, created exclusively to be a slave georep node. Managed to copy 11TB of data from master node, but it's failing.
The operating system / glusterfs version:
On ALL nodes: Glusterfs version= 9.6
Master nodes OS: CentOS 7
Slave nodes OS: Debian11
Extra questions
Don't really know if it's the place to ask this, but while we're at it, any guidance as of how to improve sync performance? Tried changing the parameter sync_jobs up to 9 (from 3) but as we've seen (while it was working) it'd only copy from 3 nodes max, at a "low" speed (about 40% of our bandwidth). It could go as high as 1Gbps but the max we got was 370Mbps.
Also, is there any in-depth documentation for georep? The basics we found were too basic and we did miss more doc to read and dig up into.

Submitting first job to pacemaker

I followed this guide:
I stayed with the Active/Passive DRBD file system sharing. I had to reboot my cluster and now I am getting the following error:
Current DC: rbx-1 (version 1.1.16-12.el7_4.4-94ff4df) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Tue Nov 28 17:01:14 2017
Last change: Tue Nov 28 16:40:09 2017 by root via cibadmin on rbx-1
2 nodes configured
5 resources configured
Node rbx-2: UNCLEAN (offline)
Online: [ rbx-1 ]
Full list of resources:
ClusterIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started rbx-1
WebSite (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped
Master/Slave Set: WebDataClone [WebData]
WebData (ocf::linbit:drbd): FAILED rbx-1 (blocked)
Stopped: [ rbx-2 ]
WebFS (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Stopped
Failed Actions:
* WebData_stop_0 on rbx-1 'invalid parameter' (2): call=20, status=complete, exitreason='none',
last-rc-change='Tue Nov 28 16:27:58 2017', queued=0ms, exec=3ms
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/disabled
pacemaker: active/disabled
pcsd: active/enabled
Any ideas?
Also does anyone have any recommended guides for submitting jobs?
This post is relatively old at this point but I'll leave this here for others to find if they stumble upon the same issue.
This problem has to do with an issue with the DRBD integration script that pacemaker uses. If it's broken, missing, has incorrect permissions, etc. you can get an error like this. In CentOS 7 that script is located at /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/drbd
Note: This is specifically for the guide mentioned by OP but may help you:
Section 7.1 has a big "IMPORTANT" block that talks about replacing the Pacemaker integration script due to a bug. If you use the command it tells you to there, you actually replace the script with a 404 Error page which obviously doesn't work, causing the error. You can fix this issue by replacing the script with the original, either by reinstalling DRBD...
yum remove -y kmod-drbd84 drbd84-utils
yum install -y kmod-drbd84 drbd84-utils
...or finding just the drbd script elsewhere and adding/replacing it to /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/drbd. Make sure its permissions are correct and that it is set as executable.
Hope that helps!

Yocto: bitbake exit code confusion

I get an error while building an image using Yocto (dizzy):
ERROR: Creation of tar /mnt/workspace/build/tmp/deploy/tar/xev-dbg-1.2.1-r0.tar.gz failed.
and bitbake command fails with the following report:
No currently running tasks (6291 of 6292)
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 6292 tasks of which 18 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
Summary: There were 13 WARNING messages shown.
Summary: There were 3 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.
If I check the file xev-dbg-1.2.1-r0.tar.gz, I get:
$ file /mnt/workspace/build/tmp/deploy/tar/xev-dbg-1.2.1-r0.tar.gz
/mnt/workspace/build/tmp/deploy/tar/xev-dbg-1.2.1-r0.tar.gz: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Mon Mar 27 20:19:55 201
and it is the same case for the remaining two errors.
I am confused:
if there was an error, why bitbake is reporting that all tasks succeeded?
If the file were successfully created, why bitbake exits with non zero value?
Bitbake did not return a 0 exit-code. This mean that there are errors in the bitbake process.
There are 3 errors when it is trying to create the tar files as shown.
The compressed file is there but it is not complete. E.g. Just like how you could download a file and interrupt it and the download file is still there. So we usually use md5sum or some kind of hash number to check on the completeness of the file.
A better understanding might be: Bitbake attempted to run 6292 task. 18 of them do not need to rerun. Bitbake attempted to rerun the rest 6274(6292-18) and succeeded in rerunning them. This does not mean that all of them are successfully compiled. In the process of rerunning them, there are 13 warnings and and 3 errors appeared. Because of the 3 errors, bitbake returns with a non-zero exit code.
No currently running tasks (6291 of 6292)
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 6292 tasks of which 18 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
Summary: There were 13 WARNING messages shown.
Summary: There were 3 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.

Freeswitch pauses on check_ip at boot on centos 7.1

During an investigation into a different problem (Inconsistent systemd startup of freeswitch) I discovered that both the latest freeswitch 1.6 and 1.7 paused for several minutes at a time (between 4 and 14) during boot up on centos 7.1. Whilst it was intermittent, it was as often as one time in 3 or 4.
Running this from the command line :
/usr/bin/freeswitch -nonat -db /dev/shm -log /usr/local/freeswitch/log -conf /usr/local/freeswitch/conf -run /usr/local/freeswitch/run
caused the following output (note the time difference between the Add task 2 and the line after it) :
2015-10-23 15:40:14.160101 [INFO] switch_event.c:685 Activate Eventing Engine.
2015-10-23 15:40:14.170805 [WARNING] switch_event.c:656 Create additional event dispatch thread 0
2015-10-23 15:40:14.272850 [INFO] switch_core_sqldb.c:3381 Opening DB
2015-10-23 15:40:14.282317 [INFO] switch_core_sqldb.c:1693 CORE Starting SQL thread.
2015-10-23 15:40:14.285266 [NOTICE] switch_scheduler.c:183 Starting task thread
2015-10-23 15:40:14.293743 [DEBUG] switch_scheduler.c:249 Added task 1 heartbeat (core) to run at 1445611214
2015-10-23 15:40:14.293837 [DEBUG] switch_scheduler.c:249 Added task 2 check_ip (core) to run at 1445611214
2015-10-23 15:49:47.883158 [NOTICE] switch_core.c:1386 Created ip list rfc6598.auto default (deny)
When I ran it from 1.6 on centos6.7 using the same command line as above I got this - note the delay is a more reasonable 14 seconds :
2015-10-23 10:31:00.274533 [INFO] switch_event.c:685 Activate Eventing Engine.
2015-10-23 10:31:00.285807 [WARNING] switch_event.c:656 Create additional event dispatch thread 0
2015-10-23 10:31:00.434780 [INFO] switch_core_sqldb.c:3381 Opening DB
2015-10-23 10:31:00.465158 [INFO] switch_core_sqldb.c:1693 CORE Starting SQL thread.
2015-10-23 10:31:00.481306 [DEBUG] switch_scheduler.c:249 Added task 1 heartbeat (core) to run at 1445610660
2015-10-23 10:31:00.481446 [DEBUG] switch_scheduler.c:249 Added task 2 check_ip (core) to run at 1445610660
2015-10-23 10:31:00.481723 [NOTICE] switch_scheduler.c:183 Starting task thread
2015-10-23 10:31:14.286702 [NOTICE] switch_core.c:1386 Created ip list rfc6598.auto default (deny)
It's the same on FS 1.7 as well.
This suggests heavily that centos 7.1 & FS have an issue together. Can anyone help me diagnose further or shine some more light on this, please?
This all came to light as I tried to understand why FS would not accept the cli connection for several minutes after I thought it had booted up (using -nc from systemd service).
Thanks to the FS userlist and ultimately Anthony Minessale, the issue was to do with RNG entropy.
This is a good explanation -
Here are some extracts :
There are two general random devices on Linux: /dev/random and
/dev/urandom. The best randomness comes from /dev/random, since it's a
blocking device, and will wait until sufficient entropy is available
to continue providing output.
The key here is that it's a blocking device, so any program waiting for a random number from /dev/random will pause until sufficient entropy is available for a "safe" random number.
This is a headless server, so the usual sources of entropy such as mouse/keyboard activity (and many others) do not apply. Thus the delays,
The fix is this :
Based on the HAVEGE principle, and previously based on its associated
library, haveged allows generating randomness based on variations in
code execution time on a processor......(google the rest!)
Install like this :
yum install haveged
and start it up like this :
haveged -w 1024
making sure it restarts on reboot :
chkconfig haveged on
Hope this helps someone.
