migrated azure mobile service to app service (node.js) debug locally - node.js

is there a way to debug azure app service (after migrating from azure mobile services) with node.js backend locally on MAC. i heard that one of the benefits for migration is the ability to debug locally. I looked in the documentation there's no clear tutorial on how to achieve that (specially there's a connection to the sql database that is maps the tables to the api calls.
i found the link below but i got confused how it will handle database sql server connections etc..
build and deploy a node.js api app

According to the article Advanced Debugging of the wiki for Node.js Tools for Visual Studio (NTVS), you can remote debugging of Node.js processes hosted on Windows Azure via Visual Studio with NTVS.
Althought Visual Studio has been not supported on MAC by now, you can try to use Visual Studio Online service to debug, please see the video Debugging node.js on Channel 9.
Any concern, please feel free to let me know.


Visual Studio 2022 Debug On Remote Azure Server

I appears that the Cloud Explorer has now been retired in Visual Studio 2022.
This was something that I used many time a day and will sorely be missed.
I used to be able in the Cloud Explorer select the app service, right click, and attach the debugger to the app. In Visual Studio 2022 I can find no way of attaching the debugger the the remote Azure app service. Also browsing the web I can't find any documentation on how to do this. Can someone supply directions on how to do this, or point me to the documentation on how to debug an Azure app on the remote server.
Currently there's an option to debug Azure App Service.
Instead of using the cloud explorer you may create a publish profile and attach a debugger from there:
All in VS 2022.
I’ve had the same problem, trying to do remote debug an App Service with VS2022. I just realised that the top dropdown box “Connection Type” on Debug | Attach to Process... dialog gives you an option “Microsoft Azure App Services” (I'm using ver 17.2.4). Clicking the Find button lets you select target App Service. You can then select the target process. (Attaching from the Publish dialog doesn’t let you select the process - you may have a number of apps on virtual directories).
One thing I noticed and confusing; the listening port is not 4026 but 4024 even though you specify VS2022 on the Azure Portal in my case. Telnet or Psping to 4026 – no response. If you do the above way, this doesn’t matter but if you select Connection Type: “Default” and specify host:port, then the port should be 4024. You can remotely debug Azure Function in this way.
Today with Visual Studio 2022 you can use the Connected Services node under a given project:
Once you connect to an app service, you'll have access to attach the debugger:
Microsoft Learn Module
Remotely debug ASP.NET Core apps hosted on Azure App Service using Visual Studio
More info here:
Manage the resources associated with your Azure accounts in Visual Studio Cloud Explorer
Overview: Connected Service

How to publish a website with sql local db database to azure using visual studio 2013

I have my website up and running on local server I want to published it to azure. I searched a lot but unable to do so however succeeded in publishing without database.Can any one provide a step by step guide how to published to azure and what tools to download from azure management portal.
Try this http://www.asp.net/mvc/overview/getting-started/database-first-development/publish-to-azure and let us know if you need more help. You will just need Visual Studio 2013.
You can't use localdb with Azure Websites.
That said, you can use localdb for development, but change the connection string on deployment to use some other database, such as SQL Azure (see http://azure.microsoft.com/blog/2013/07/17/windows-azure-web-sites-how-application-strings-and-connection-strings-work/)

Missing azure mobile services support in visual studio express 2013

I´m currently trying to set up an azure mobile service .net backend for an app. I´m using visual studio express 2013 for Windows / for Web. I installed all available updates and the recent azure sdk (2.4).
My problem now is that there is no "Azure Mobile Service" project template and mobile services is even not displayed beneath the azure entry in the server explorer.
What did I miss to install?
Many thanks in advance!
I tried to set up the mobile service with visual studio express 2012 but I stuck at the same problem. Neither the mobile service template nor the option in the server explorer is present.
I just downloaded Visual Studio 2013 Express for Windows with Update 3 from this link:
I then had the mobile services node in the Server Explorer. However, the project template still isn't there.
This was with Azure SDK 2.3 already installed and also tested with Azure SDK 2.4.
The project templates ship with Visual Studio SKUs and their updates, and I believe Mobile Services is only shipping with Pro and Ultimate for now.
One option to get that starting project is to provision your mobile service in the portal making sure to select the .NET backend. Then on the quickstart page of the portal (the little cloud to the left of the dashboard tab) select the link to create a new application. You will get an option to download the starter solution for the .NET backend (for windows apps it will also download the client). That is basically the same project you would get by choosing File -> New Project in VS pro or ultimate. You can then open the solution in VS Express for Web 2013 but not VS Express for Windows.
To publish the mobile service you'll need to do the following:
Go back to the portal and on the Dashboard page for your mobile service click the Download Publish Profile link and save to your local machine
Right-click the project in the Solution Explorer and choose "Publish"
Import the publish profile you downloaded in step #1 and finish the publish process
So if you want to use the express versions of VS 2013, make sure you have all the updates then:
Use VS 2013 For Windows to manage your mobile service in server explorer and build your windows clients
Use VS 2013 For Web to build your Azure Mobile Service back end project, run locally, and publish using the publish profile.

Hook up visual studio profiler to Azure Service Instance

i am not sure if this is the correct place to put of this question as this has nothing to do with coding but rather configuration. My apologies.
I want to hook up my visual studio 2012 profiler to a azure service WaWorkerHost.exe which is hosted on Windows Azure.
After much searching i found Profiling Cloud Service. But this shows only how to profile WaWorkerHost.exe which is currently running on localhost i.e. on Azure Simulator rather than on actual Cloud.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you
Not sure if this is something you're looking for, but you can enable profiling when you publish your cloud service through Visual Studio.
and here's a link which talks more about it: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/hh369930.aspx.

Are there no Rest Api for deploying Azure Websites?

I have been over the documentation, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/ee460799.aspx and dont see any reference for Azure Websites?
How do visual studio or Webmatrix deploy the site to Azure Websites? an internal API or did I miss the documentation for deploying a Azure Website from Code?
There's a REST API for websites which is used by Visual Studio and CLI tools behind the scenes however it is not publicly available. One thing you could do is take a look at the source code for CLI tools on Github: https://github.com/WindowsAzure/azure-sdk-tools-xplat and figure out the REST API from there.
