TableWrapData: widgets won't left align properly - layout

My program uses TableWrapLayout with numColumns set to 2. I then have the following code: (background colors are set to show you that the widgets aren't using the blank space).
Label label = toolkit.createLabel(container, "Resource Type":);
label.setLayoutData(new TableWrapData(TableWrapData.LEFT,TableWrapData.MIDDLE));
resourceComboMenu = new Combo(container, SWT.READ_ONLY);
resourceComboMenu.setLayoutData(new TableWrapData(TableWrapData.LEFT,TableWrapData.MIDDLE));
However as you can see in the picture the combo box refuses to left align properly. But that I mean I want it to start right after the label, not have a bunch of blank space.
One workaround would be to put the row inside it's own Composite just like I do Resource Icon and Geolocation. But I feel like I shouldn't need to since the widgets on this row equals the number of columns set by the layout. I've created this workaround for now but would like to understand this TableWrapData behavior for the future.
Any insight would be helpful, thanks.

I pretty much answered my question in the question. The composite that contains everything in the picture had TableWrapData with columns set to 2. TableWrapData essentially draws a straight, vertical line between each column then makes sure widgets from one column don't cross it.
So to fix this (like I mentioned in my question) you simply make another composite with nested widgets (which in the case would be the resource type label and resourceComboMenu). I just didn't realize that is what you're supposed to do.


Creating a custom layout for horizontal buttons with wrapping

I wasn't sure what to title this without explaining it all there. Essentially, I want to populate part of a screen with a bunch of buttons. The buttons should have text from an ArrayList (or other structure) and they should be aligned horizontally to each other from the left to the right of the screen. When there is no more room to the right, it starts a new row. I've attached an example. Example layout here
I know how to make custom list adapters for my objects and how to make listeners for parts within the list items, but I'm just not sure how to make the "list" of buttons go horizontally with wrapping to the next line.
It seems might help you.
You can use FlexboxLayoutManager as adapter, or simply place all the buttons inside FlexboxLayout, they will wrap automatically depending on their width.

Bootstrap flex nested row positioning side by side instead one under another

Im trying to do trivial bootstrap nested rows positioning and I cannot understand why my rows position side by side instead typical and desired behavior of laying down one under another. I tried to replicate it on fiddlejs and it works as expected, but on my real project somehow behave strange (for me) Please refer to the screenshot. Green and red boxes shows rows which are nested under one column. Each of the rows has column with content within. Probably reason is trivial but i cannot figure it out. Thanks my page with problematic nested rows
I found what cause the problem. .input-group class doesn't work well with .col class, causing nested row not being stacked one under another. Deleting .input-group did the job.
Page with proper rows stack alignment

How to zoom a sheet in revit api?

I wrote an external command that creates detail views for doors, windows, etc and puts each object in a separate sheet.
Sometimes the new sheets are zoomed-out by default (the yellow circle shows the actual sheet).
I guess it has to do with the witness lines (in the blue circle).
Sheet zoomed out
I tried activating the views and then found their uiView and used the zoom methods but they don't seem to make a difference (possibly because they work in model coordinates and not in sheet outline coordinates).
Manual zoom-to-fit works fine.
Also, the sheet's outline property is correct (not too large).
Any ideas?
You can use the ShowElements method to zoom to an element. That does the same as zoom-to-fit to a specific set of elements. The element may possibly also be the sheet itself.
The Building Coder discusses how that can also be used to Switch View or Document.
Also, look at displaying a text file from a TaskDialog command link.

Can't resize columns in grid

I have several custom screens which have grids. On all but one of them I can resize the columns. In the one where I can't resize, I'm using BLC code to determine when to hide the column and what to display as the name of the column. I do this as follows:
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible<xTACOpenSourceDetail.string03>(OpenSourceDataDetail.Cache, null, true);
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetDisplayName<xTACOpenSourceDetail.string03>(this.OpenSourceDataDetail.Cache, ossd.String03);
All my grids are set up the same way, except for this one difference. Is there an attribute or property I can set to make sure these columns are sizable as well?
After dissecting this for a while, The solution I've come up with was to re-create the entire screen from scratch. This corrected the issue, and I can only conclude that something became corrupted within the original screen and could not be refreshed or recompiled. It is still unknown what caused the issue to begin with.

I wish to apply a background color to ONLY the cells in a specific dataGrid column?

I asked this question on the LiveCode email list. No response, so I figure it must not be possible. I know about editing the template graphic that enables alternating row colors. That doesn't help me.
This lesson is the closest to what I have found, but it only sets the overlay color to empty cells. It also had an unwanted affect, where any data that was present in the grid no longer shows up.
As a little experiment, since the data became invisible (note that I'm on WinXP), I tried placing an opaque graphic over the column I wish to colorize. I set the ink of the graphic to AddMax or AddOver, and it looked nice, but the text in the cells disappeared. Then I tried setting the ink to AddMin, and it still looks good, but the test shows through!!!!
So, I think this will work fine visually, but how can I pass a double-click through this graphic to the cell underneath (to allow cell editing only within this column)?
Yes, you can do this.
This suggestion comes from Trevor DeVore at
Create a custom column template using the property inspector. From there you can edit the behavior of the column to colorize the background color of the field for that column or just edit the field in the template group to change the color.
The background color will only show up in rows that have data, however.
