SoapUI/Groovy: can not get response when set test step name variable - groovy

My groovy code is as below. I can get request and response when I use the real test step name in the:
def request=context.expand('${"testStepName"#request}')
def response=context.expand('${"testStepName"#response}')
When I change to use variable:
def request=context.expand('${${}#request}')
def response=context.expand('${${}#response}')**
I can only get request, while fail to get response. The error is
org.apacge.xmlbeans.XmlException: error: unexpected end of file after null
error at line: xx
The test step that currentStep points to has been executed and has request/reponse.
Can anyboby here kindly help me?
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.WsdlTestRunContext
import groovy.sql.Sql
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.WsdlTestRequestStep
def currentStep = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepAt(6) " " +
// get the hold of request
def request=context.expand('${${}#request}') " request: " + request
// get the desired node value from request
def xmlreq=new XmlHolder(request)
// get the hold of response
def response=context.expand('${${}#response}') " response: " + response
// get the desired node value from response
def xmlres=new XmlHolder(response)

I solved my issue efter reading the message.
String propertySpec = '${' + + '#Response}' "propertySpec : ${propertySpec}"
def response = context.expand(propertySpec)"context.expand(propertySpec) : ${response}")
def xmlres=new XmlHolder(response)


"A request to the Telegram API was unsuccessful. Error code: 400. Description: Bad Request: message is too long"

I'm trying to retrieve messages from Reddit subreddits using PRAW. It is working properly for most of the cases but I'm getting the following error that the message is too long.I'm using pytelegrambotApi
import praw
import telebot
bot = telebot.TeleBot(token)
reddit = praw.Reddit(
client_id=client, #these details are given accordingly and are correct. No errors here.
def get_posts(sub):
for submission in reddit.subreddit(sub).hot(limit=10):
elif submission.selftext=="":
return submission.title,submission.url
print("It's working")
return submission.title,submission.selftext
#bot.message_handler(func=lambda message: True)
def echo_message(message):
subreddit = message.text
title,post = get_posts(subreddit)
m = title + "\n" + post
Is there any workaround that I can do possibly do here to access the full message?
One Telegram message must contain no more than 4096 characters. The message is then split into another message (that is, the remainder).
Add this code to your message_handler:
m = title + "\n" + post
if len(m) > 4095:
for x in range(0, len(m), 4095):
bot.reply_to(message, text=m[x:x+4095])
bot.reply_to(message, text=m)

How to write unit_test for a function which only updates a global dict type variable - Python(pytest)

Unit-Test code for a function which does a validation operation and updates the Global dict - result_count = {'test_method':{'Total_tested': 0, 'passed': 0, 'failed': 0}
below is the function
def validate_response(testmethod, response, expected_data):
ra = response.json()
expected = expected_data['payload']
if (response.status_code == expected['response_status']) \
and (result_count[testmethod['folder']]["FAILED"] < 10):
------code logic - checks using jsondiff and re.expressions--
missmatch = 'response status code missmatch'
update_result(testmethod, 'status_code', expected_data, response, missmatch, fail=True)
result_count[testmethod['folder']]['FAILED'] += 1
Need to write test for the above function. to check if the result_count is updated properly.
Regular expression library & jsondiff is also used in the mentioned function.
help required for mocking the global variable and using the same for testing.
During executing the test script below i was getting a key error for the global variable result_count. That implies that the code is unable to access the result_count.. the key error after the update - is throwing TypeError: '<=' not supported between instances of 'MagicMock' and 'int' as Error
The current issue is that the result_count is not updated when the below line code is executed.
partner_test.validate_response(test_input_mocker.method, response, expected_data)
my unit test script is as below
def test_validate_response_pass(result_count_mocker, monkeypatch, result_mocker, test_input_mocker):
# Build data for validate response function
response = Resp(200, {'message': 'pong'})
response_data = response.json()
expected_data = {some_test_data}
# global variable import and initialize result, result_count
from p_test import result, result_count
result_count_mocker.return_value =
def update_result_mocker(*args):
mock operations here
return None
monkeypatch.setattr(partner_test, "update_result", update_result_mocker)
p_test.validate_response(test_input_mocker.method, response, expected_data)
Resp() in the test fnction is a response class created to mock the response object.
the issue can be resolved using #patch.dict(dict_name, values) below is the solution
#patch.dict(p_test.result, {dict_values })
#patch.dict(p_test.result_count, {dict_values})
def test_validate_response(monkeypatch, test_input_mocker, result_count_test):
response = Resp(200, {'message': 'pong'})
response_data = response.json()
expected_data = {----your data-----}
def update_result_mocker(*args):
# mock_operations
monkeypatch.setattr(p_test, "update_result", update_result_mocker)
p_test.validate_response(test_input_mocker.method, response, expected_data)

How can I return a string from a Google BigQuery row iterator object?

My task is to write a Python script that can take results from BigQuery and email them out. I've written a code that can successfully send an email, but I am having trouble including the results of the BigQuery script in the actual email. The query results are correct, but the actual object I am returning from the query (results) always returns as a Nonetype.
For example, the email should look like this:
You have the following issues that have been "open" for more than 7 days:
-List issues here from bigquery code
The code reads in contacts from a contacts.txt file, and it reads in the email message template from a message.txt file. I tried to make the bigquery object into a string, but it still results in an error.
from import bigquery
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Your application has authenticated using end user credentials")
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from string import Template
def query_emailtest():
client = bigquery.Client(project=("analytics-merch-svcs-thd"))
query_job = client.query("""
select dept, project_name, reset, tier, project_status, IssueStatus, division, store_number, top_category,
DATE_DIFF(CURRENT_DATE(), in_review, DAY) as days_in_review
from `analytics-merch-svcs-thd.MPC.RESET_DETAILS`
where in_review IS NOT NULL
AND IssueStatus = "In Review"
AND ready_for_execution IS NULL
AND project_status = "Active"
AND program_name <> "Capital"
AND program_name <> "SSI - Capital"
results = query_job.result() # Waits for job to complete.
return results #THIS IS A NONETYPE
def get_queryresults(results): #created new method to put query results into a for loop and store it in a variable
for i,row in enumerate(results,1):
bq_data = (i , '. ' + str(row.dept) + " " + row.project_name + ", Reset #: " + str(row.reset) + ", Store #: " + str(row.store_number) + ", " + row.IssueStatus + " for " + str(row.days_in_review)+ " days")
print (bq_data)
def get_contacts(filename):
names = []
emails = []
with open(filename, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as contacts_file:
for a_contact in contacts_file:
return names, emails
def read_template(filename):
with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as template_file:
template_file_content =
return Template(template_file_content)
names, emails = get_contacts('mycontacts.txt') # read contacts
message_template = read_template('message.txt')
results = query_emailtest()
bq_results = get_queryresults(query_emailtest())
import smtplib
# set up the SMTP server
s = smtplib.SMTP(host='', port=587)
s.login('email', 'password')
# For each contact, send the email:
for name, email in zip(names, emails):
msg = MIMEMultipart() # create a message
# bq_data = get_queryresults(query_emailtest())
# add in the actual person name to the message template
message = message_template.substitute(PERSON_NAME=name.title())
message = message_template.substitute(QUERY_RESULTS=bq_results) #SUBSTITUTE QUERY RESULTS IN MESSAGE TEMPLATE. This is where I am having trouble because the Row Iterator object results in Nonetype.
# setup the parameters of the message
msg['Subject']="This is TEST"
# body = str(get_queryresults(query_emailtest())) #get query results from method to put into message body
# add in the message body
# body = MIMEText(body)
msg.attach(MIMEText(message, 'plain'))
# query_emailtest()
# get_queryresults(query_emailtest())
# send the message via the server set up earlier.
del msg
Message template:
Hope you are doing well. Please find the following alert for Issues that have been "In Review" for greater than 7 days.
If you would like more information, please visit this link that contains a complete dashboard view of the alert.
ISE Services
The BQ result() function returns a generator, so I think you need to change your return to yield from.
I'm far from a python expert, but the following pared-down code worked for me.
from import bigquery
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Your application has authenticated using end user credentials")
def query_emailtest():
client = bigquery.Client(project=("my_project"))
query_job = client.query("""
select field1, field2 from `my_dataset.my_table` limit 5
results = query_job.result()
yield from results # NOTE THE CHANGE HERE
results = query_emailtest()
for row in results:
print(row.field1, row.field2)

Lambda/boto3/python loop

This code acts as an early warning system for ADFS failures, which works fine when run locally. Problem is that when I run it in Lambda, it loops non stop.
In short:
lambda_handler() runs pagecheck()
pagecheck() produces the info needed then passes 2 lists (msgdet_list, error_list) and an int (error_count) to notification().
notification() collates and prints the output. The output is two key variables (notificationheader and notificationbody).
I've #commentedOut the SNS piece which would usually email the info, and am using print() to instead send the info to CloudWatch logs until I can get the loop sorted. Logs:
CloudWatch logs
If I run this locally, it produces a clean single output. In Lambda, the function will loop until it times out. It's almost like every time the lists are updated, they're passed to the notification() module and it's run. I can limit the function time, but would rather fix the code!
# This python/boto3/lambda script sends a request to an Office 365 landing page, parses return details to confirm a successful redirect to /
# the organisation ADFS homepage, authenticates homepge is correct, raises any errors, and sends a consolodated report to /
# an AWS SNS topic.
# Run once to produce pageserver and htmlchar values for global variables.
# Import required modules
import boto3
import urllib.request
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from datetime import datetime
import time
import re
import sys
# Global variables to be set
url = ""
adfslink = ""
# Input after first run
pageserver = "Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0"
htmlchar = 18600
snsarn = 'arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:XXXXXXXXXXXXX:Daily_Check_Notifications_CONTOSSO'
sns = boto3.client('sns')
def pagecheck():
# Present the request to the webpage as if coming from a user in a browser
user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64)'
values = {'name' : 'user'}
headers = { 'User-Agent' : user_agent }
data = urllib.parse.urlencode(values)
data = data.encode('ascii')
# "Null" the Message Detail and Error lists
msgdet_list = []
error_list = []
request = Request(url)
req = urllib.request.Request(url, data, headers)
response = urlopen(request)
with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as response:
# Get the URL. This gets the real URL.
acturl = response.geturl()
msgdet_list.append("\nThe Actual URL is:")
if adfslink not in acturl:
error_list.append(str("Redirect Fail"))
# Get the HTTP resonse code
httpcode = response.code
msgdet_list.append("\nThe HTTP code is: ")
if httpcode//200 != 1:
error_list.append(str("No HTTP 2XX Code"))
# Get the Headers as a dictionary-like object
headers =
msgdet_list.append("\nThe Headers are:")
if == "":
error_list.append(str("Header Error"))
# Get the date of request and compare to UTC (DD MMM YYYY HH MM)
date =['date']
msgdet_list.append("The Date is: ")
returndate = str(date.split( )[1:5])
returndate = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]','',returndate)
returndate = returndate[:-2]
currentdate = datetime.utcnow()
currentdate = currentdate.strftime("%d %b %Y %H%M")
if returndate != currentdate:
date_error = ("Date Error. Returned Date: ", returndate, "Expected Date: ", currentdate, "Times in UTC (DD MMM YYYY HH MM)")
date_error = str(date_error)
date_error = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]','',date_error)
# Get the server
headerserver =['server']
msgdet_list.append("\nThe Server is: ")
if pageserver not in headerserver:
error_list.append(str("Server Error"))
# Get all HTML data and confirm no major change to content size by character lenth (global var: htmlchar).
html =
htmllength = len(html)
msgdet_list.append("\nHTML Length is: ")
msgdet_list.append("\nThe Full HTML is: ")
if htmllength // htmlchar != 1:
error_list.append(str("Page HTML Error - incorrect # of characters"))
if adfslink not in str(acturl):
error_list.append(str("ADFS Link Error"))
error_count = len(error_list)
if error_count == 1:
error_list.insert(0, 'No Errors Found.')
elif error_count == 2:
error_list.insert(0, 'Error Found:')
error_list.insert(0, 'Multiple Errors Found:')
# Pass completed results and data to the notification() module
notification(msgdet_list, error_list, error_count)
# Use AWS SNS to create a notification email with the additional data generated
def notification(msgdet_list, error_list, errors):
datacheck = str("\n".join(msgdet_list))
errorcheck = str("\n".join(error_list))
notificationbody = str(errorcheck + datacheck)
if errors >1:
result = 'FAILED!'
result = 'passed.'
notificationheader = ('The daily ADFS check has been marked as ' + result + ' ' + str(errors) + ' ' + str(error_list))
if result != 'passed.':
# message = sns.publish(
# TopicArn = snsarn,
# Subject = notificationheader,
# Message = notificationbody
# )
# Output result to CloudWatch logstream
print('Response: ' + notificationheader)
# Trigger the Lambda handler
def lambda_handler(event, context):
aws_account_ids = [context.invoked_function_arn.split(":")[4]]
return "Successful"
Your CloudWatch logs contain the following error message:
Process exited before completing request
This is caused by invoking sys.exit() in your code. Locally your Python interpreter will just terminate when encountering such a sys.exit().
AWS Lambda on the other hand expects a Python function to just return and handles sys.exit() as an error. As your function probably got invoked asynchronously AWS Lambda retries to execute it twice.
To solve your problem, you can replace the occurences of sys.exit() with return or even better, just remove the sys.exit() calls, as there would be already implicit returns in the places where you use sys.exit().

soap ui dynamic value from request content

I have a SOAP request which has dynamic values generated by random method. How to capture these generated values to log?
My SOAP request:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:web="http://www.webserviceX.NET/">
Groovy script:
def prj = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.workspace.getProjectByName("Project1")
tCase = prj.testSuites['TestSuite'].testCases['TestCase']
tStep = tCase.getTestStepByName("ChangeLengthUnit")
def stepReq = tStep.getProperty("Request").getValue()
def runner =, context) ("runner status ....... : " + runner.hasResponse()) stepReq
for( assertion in tStep.assertionList )
{ "Assertion [" + assertion.label + "] has status [" + assertion.status + "]"
for( e in assertion.errors ) "-> Error [" + e.message + "]"
def groovyUtils = new context )
def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder( stepReq.toString() ) holder.getNodeValues( "//web:LengthValue" ).toString()
Above groovy script is giving output as below:
Wed Oct 18 14:55:13 SGT 2017:INFO:[${=(int)(Math.random()*9999)}]
Actual value of LengthValue tag = 3490, How to get this value ?
It can easily read from RawRequest property using Script Assertion for the same request step.
assert context.rawRequest, 'Request is empty or null'
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(context.rawRequest)
def actualValueInTheRequest = xml.'**'.find{ == 'LengthValue'}?.text() "Value for LengthValue in the actual request is : $actualValueInTheRequest"
I think what you're doing is getting the LengthValue from the request 'template' not what SoapUI has actually passed to the web service.
In your example, you have...
def stepReq = tStep.getProperty("Request").getValue()
The request is what you see in SoapUI that includes your vars, e.g. ${myVar}. I think what you're after is the 'raw request'.
In SoapUI, run the request and after it has ran, you should see a tab labelled 'Raw Request'. This is what SoapUI actually sends to the web service, in here you'll see that the vars have been evaluated and will show the value, which is what you are after.
I've taken your example and made some mods it. I haven't tested it, but it should help you.
def prj = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.workspace.getProjectByName("Project1")
tCase = prj.testSuites['TestSuite'].testCases['TestCase']
tStep = tCase.getTestStepByName("ChangeLengthUnit")
def stepReq = tStep.getProperty("Request").getValue()
def runner =, context)
// CHA MOD - Can only get raw request after running the step.
def rawRequest = context.expand( '${ChangeLengthUnit#RawRequest}' )
//CHA MOD - Quick look at the rawRequest...; ("runner status ....... : " + runner.hasResponse()) stepReq
for( assertion in tStep.assertionList )
{ "Assertion [" + assertion.label + "] has status [" + assertion.status + "]"
for( e in assertion.errors ) "-> Error [" + e.message + "]"
def groovyUtils = new context )
def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder( stepReq.toString() ) holder.getNodeValues( "//web:LengthValue" ).toString()
//CHA MOD - Get the length from the raw request...
holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder( rawRequest.toString() ) holder.getNodeValues( "//web:LengthValue" ).toString()
You are getting value from the actual request. Try to get the data from RawRequest
use below code
def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder(mentionThenameofthestep#RawRequest)
The above code will point to Raw request of your teststep which contains actual value passed during execution instead of "${=(int)(Math.random()*9999)}"
