WPA "Press Alt + Space to show more detail" - etw

Hovering over a data point in the graph view of Windows Performance Analyzer brings up a small pop-up windows that says "Press Alt + Space to show more detail". But when I do that I get the top level dialog common to all windows which is the dialog that gives you the option to restore, minimize, maximize, and close.
The "WPA Keyboard Shortcuts" page at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/dn450837.aspx makes no mention of "Alt + Space". Neither do google, bing, or duck duck go searches.
The old xperfview would show all the data associated with a data point when hovering over it. How do I do that in WPA?

For me the Alt+SPACE works fine.
Here is the smaller default value:
and pressing Alt+SPACE shows more details:
This is an issue with your keyboard/system.


My web page moves back and forth automatically while open magnifier with 200%

I have a web page, when I click one button(by both using mouse click or using keyboard with tab and press), it will show some items, normally, it works perfect.
However, if I
1> open windows magnifier with 200%,
2> use keyboard with tab and press
to trigger the button,
the items still shows correctly,
but the whole page moves back and forth in horizon automatically until I move mmouse or press any key.
I got the root cause:
As I input the follow code
{ console.log('focused: ', document.activeElement)
in console to monitor the focused element,
it shows the focus are switch between two elements,
however, I try to set the two element with tabindex = 0 or -1,
and all the 4 combinations,
but it doesn't work.
Are you using "docked", "full screen", or "lens" view for the magnifier?
I'm guessing "full screen" because in that mode, as you tab through a page, the magnifier will try to keep the keyboard focus within view. You might have an issue where your focus is moving between two elements that both can't be displayed in the magnifier at the same time. Usually it will just move the magnifier to the element that has focus.
I'd suggest trying "Docked" and "Lens" view first to see if you still have an issue.

What is the purpose of the Look Up button on a Logitecth MX Keys Keyboard?

Everything is in the title. I wonder if anyone knows how to use the Look Up button on a Logitech Mx Keys. I saw in Logitect Options that it does a look up but what does that mean exactly? Any idea?
I'm talking about the button surrounded by red in this picture.
In Mac OS, you can highlight a word and press the Look Up button to see the definition pop up in Chrome. I believe this is the same action as selecting a word, right clicking it, then pressing on the Look Up "...." option.
You can also press the fn key with the Look Up button to toggle scroll lock.

Enabling keyboard shortcuts to confirm Dialogs in AppleScript

I am looking for a way to allow a user to complete a Dialog entry using keyboard shortcuts. Is this possible?
Other questions have discussed assigning shortcuts to the options in an AppleScript dialog box, but not to the "Continue"/"Okay" etc. button.
The main difficulty is that I'm using a multi-line text entry form, so the Enter button simply creates a new line, instead of targeting the default button as it would conventionally. I'm hoping cmdenter can be assigned to the default button instead.
The line of script defining the dialog in question is:
set theResponse to display dialog "Enter tasks:" default answer "
" buttons {"Cancel", "Continue"} default button "Continue"
Running your AppleScript code from Script Editor on a US English MacBook Pro, whether or not something is typed in, fnenter presses the Continue button.
The same keyboard shortcut works on an US English Apple Magic Keyboard when connected to the MacBook Pro and I'd assume any US English Mac it was connected to would do the same. I only have the MacBook Pro to test with at the moment.
In macOS, by default, pressing the tab key in this use case will not move between the controls as the controlling setting in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts is not set to allow it to act on all controls.
You must select one of the following options, depending on the version of macOS one is running, in order to use the tab key on all controls.
If you see:
Full Keyboard Access: In windows and dialogs, press Tab to move keyboard focus between:
(•) Text boxed and lists only
( ) All Controls
Select: (•) All Controls
If you see:
[] Use keyboard navigation to move between controls
Press the Tab key to move focus forward and Shift Tab to move focus backward.
Check: [√] Use keyboard navigation to move between controls
With this done, one can then use tabtabenter to press the continue button, with the dialog box produced by the code shown in the OP.
Side Note: One can also try fncommandenter as that was necessary from within a VMware macOS Catalina virtual machine that I also tested in.
⌘-Enter (on the numeric keypad) presses Continue
If you are in a multiline text field, hit the Tab key so that focus is on some element other than the text field. Then the Enter key should route properly to the dialog's default close button.

How do I find the control to test against with CodedUI in VS 2015?

I'm using VS 2015 Enterprise. I'm new to CodedUI testing. I've added a CodedUI test project to my solution. I've created a simple test, clicked on a button, selected a radio button, etc.
I've been following a Pluralsight course titled "Test Automation with CodedUI". I want to find a control on the WPF form, but once I select the control finder in the test builder and move the mouse off to the running application, it is no longer a bulls eye. I don't understand why its different than what's shown in the Pluralsight course. I think the instructor used VS 2012. Could that be the reason?
There are subtle changes between versions. After clicking the assertion builder button in the Coded UI recorder then, as you move the mouse pointer around the screen (do not move it too fast or you will confuse yourself), you should see a blue rectangle drawn around parts of the screen. As you move the mouse pointer carefully you should be able to select larger or smaller sections, corresponding to higher or lower items within the hierarchy of controls on the screen. Click on a control of interest. You should then see a window showing the properties of the selected control. There are four arrows (up, down, left and right) in the new window. Click on these to navigate around the control hierarchy. Note that and 'up' followed by a 'down' will seldom return to the same control. The 'up' moves the parent control and the 'down' moves to the first child.
My suggestion here would be to use the keyboard shortcut to enable the control finder. When you hover over it with your mouse you should see it - if I recall correctly it's "Alt + H". Basically you'll move your mouse to the control you want to identify, then do the keyboard shortcut, then click. It should identify the control correctly at that point.

Android studio documentation popup

Is there a way when documentation popup on AS to not hide immediately after it is showed by moving mouse on some class. What I mean. I move mouse cursor above Activity class and documentation is popup is showed, but when I try to move mouse above this popup (because I have to scroll it) it disappears. I can hold ctrl and then is will not hide, but if I press on it while holdint ctrl down it will disappear (so I should move cursor above it, release ctrl and after that to start scrolling). So is there an option to change this behaviour to be like in eclipse - documentation pop up is showed and if you move mouse above it you can scroll, otherwise it is closed.
There are a lot of bugs surrounding this UI element. I'm currently having the opposite problem where it won't go away unless I manually close it. I suspect in your case, a timeout is triggering too early, or some other event is erroneously hiding the window.
This workaround may be helpful. You can explicitly pop the documentation window from the View > Tool Windows > Documentation menu option. This will cause the tool window tab to appear on the right gutter by default. Right-clicking on the Documentation tab will pop up a menu that will allow you to pin the window, or dock it permanently in the UI by disabling "Floating Mode" and optionally moving it to the other side or the bottom.
