Synapse TTcpBlockSocket - multithreading

I have used Indy most of the time in past but decided to modify the existing project and use synapse instead of Indy. Although, i do have a small question to ask i.e. we all know whenever we create the socket object in Indy it runs on it's own thread, it does all IO operations on the thread it created and doesn't get free or shut down till the object is freed i think.
So pretty much i want to mimic this on synapse.
How to create a Ttcpblocksocket object in such a way that it runs all its IO operations on a thread which doesn't get terminated until the object is free ?

Both libraries do not create a thread to manage client-side socket operations. This allows to create and use them on the application main thread - for example in a VCL event handler which runs a HTTP request - or to move them to a thread (for example to wait in the background for messages sent from the server to the client).
There is the TIdTCPServer component in Indy which creates threads to process incoming data concurrently, but there is no TCP multi-threaded server component in the Synapse library AFAIK.
There is no significant difference between the Indy and Synapse TCP client components regarding their usage with threads.


Delphi/Indy multithreading Server

I am trying to turn my app multithreading. What I want to achieve is:
- Receive command via TidHTTPServer
- Execute local action (might involve using tidHTTP to send/receive data to other services)
- return execution result to the original caller
since I am pretty new to multi-threading I would like to know if my design-idea is correct
in TidHTTPServer.OnCommandGet I create a new instance of TMsgHandler and pass ARequestInfo and AResponseInfo
TMsgHandler.Excecute interprest the data
Can TMsgHandler.Execeute use Objects (descendants of TidHTTP) in my Main to communicate with other services?
TMsgHandler sends answer through AResponseInfo and terminates.
will this work?
This is not the correct design.
THTTPServer is a multi-threaded component. Its OnCommand... events are fired in the context of worker threads that Indy creates for you.
As such, you do not need to derive your TMsgHandler from TThread. Do your TIdHTTP directly in the context of the OnCommand... thread instead. A response will not be sent back to the client until your event handler exits (unless you send one manually). However, you should not share a single TIdHTTP from the main thread (unless you absolute need to, in which case you would need to synchronize access to it). You should create a new TIdHTTP dynamically directly in your OnCommand.../TMsgHandler code as needed.

Why do we need connection pool in node.js when node is single threaded?

Node.js is single threaded. The Javascript V8 engine and some of the internal libraries are multi threaded. For I/O, node delegates I/O to OS which may be multi-threaded.
If my node.js application is connecting to redis or ,sql/mariadb server, I assume I should not need a connection pool for redis or mysql.
As a developer, I create 1 redis or mysql connection and reuse it to send/get data. When data arrives, node will invoke the callback to process the data.
I understand connection pooling with Java/.NET but they are multi-threaded and so connection pooling in Java/.NET has clear benefit.
My question is: Why do we need connection pool in node.js when node is single threaded? Is there any benefit of it? Will node not leverage the multi-threading features of underlying OS and javascript engine without the developer having to do it?
Node runs your code single threaded. However, Node.js actually has a thread pool at its disposal that your code does not have access to. The threading mechanisms are implemented with libuv. Take a look at libuv book its in-depth and explains the inner workings of libuv.
Basically, your code is run within the context of the Event Loop (single thread). Any asynchronous work is then offloaded to an available thread from the pool and the Event Loop will just poll until that asynchronous work is completed by one of the threads. Once done, the callback function registered by your async call is then invoked and will get worked on during the next I/O Callback Phase of the event loop. You can read more about the Event Loop and its phases in the Node.js docs.
One of the benefits of building an application with this Event Loop style, is the abstraction of critical section coding (mutexs, semaphores, etc.) that is normally associated with multi-threaded applications.
You need connection pools because even a single thread can hold multiple "blocking" DB connections (assuming RDBMS here). Without a connection pool, your app will create each connection from scratch for every additional DB request, even in a async / non-blocking system like Node.
request 1 - insert user -- wait for response (assume it's 5 secs)
request 2 - insert invoice - wait for response (assume it's 3 secs)
request 3 - insert another invoice
Notice that request 3 is processed right away, without waiting for request 1 and 2 to complete. Right here in this single thread, we've already used three resources to connect to the DB. Imagine having to create each one every time you need a DB operation. It's much faster to just grab one from a connection pool!

How node.js works?

I don't understand several things about nodejs. Every information source says that node.js is more scalable than standard threaded web servers due to the lack of threads locking and context switching, but I wonder, if node.js doesn't use threads how does it handle concurrent requests in parallel? What does event I/O model means?
Your help is much appreciated.
Node is completely event-driven. Basically the server consists of one thread processing one event after another.
A new request coming in is one kind of event. The server starts processing it and when there is a blocking IO operation, it does not wait until it completes and instead registers a callback function. The server then immediately starts to process another event (maybe another request). When the IO operation is finished, that is another kind of event, and the server will process it (i.e. continue working on the request) by executing the callback as soon as it has time.
So the server never needs to create additional threads or switch between threads, which means it has very little overhead. If you want to make full use of multiple hardware cores, you just start multiple instances of node.js
At the lowest level (C++ code, not Javascript), there actually are multiple threads in node.js: there is a pool of IO workers whose job it is to receive the IO interrupts and put the corresponding events into the queue to be processed by the main thread. This prevents the main thread from being interrupted.
Although Question is already explained before a long time, I'm putting my thoughts on the same.
Node.js is single threaded JavaScript runtime environment. Basically it's creator Ryan Dahl concern was that parallel processing using multiple threads is not the right way or too complicated.
if Node.js doesn't use threads how does it handle concurrent requests in parallel
Ans: It's completely wrong sentence when you say it doesn't use threads, Node.js use threads but in a smart way. It uses single thread to serve all the HTTP requests & multiple threads in thread pool(in libuv) for handling any blocking operation
Libuv: A library to handle asynchronous I/O.
What does event I/O model means?
Ans: The right term is non-blocking I/O. It almost never blocks as Node.js official site says. When any request goes to node server it never queues the request. It take request and start executing if it's blocking operation then it's been sent to working threads area and registered a callback for the same as soon as code execution get finished, it trigger the same callback and goes to event queue and processed by event loop again after that create response and send to the respective client.
Useful link:
click here
Node JS is a JavaScript runtime environment. Both browser and Node JS run on V8 JavaScript engine. Node JS uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node JS applications uses single threaded event loop architecture to handle concurrent clients. Actually its' main event loop is single threaded but most of the I/O works on separate threads, because the I/O APIs in Node JS are asynchronous/non-blocking by design, in order to accommodate the main event loop. Consider a scenario where we request a backend database for the details of user1 and user2 and then print them on the screen/console. The response to this request takes time, but both of the user data requests can be carried out independently and at the same time. When 100 people connect at once, rather than having different threads, Node will loop over those connections and fire off any events your code should know about. If a connection is new it will tell you .If a connection has sent you data, it will tell you .If the connection isn’t doing anything ,it will skip over it rather than taking up precision CPU time on it. Everything in Node is based on responding to these events. So we can see the result, the CPU stay focused on that one process and doesn’t have a bunch of threads for attention.There is no buffering in Node.JS application it simply output the data in chunks.
Though its been answered , i would like to just share my understandings in simple terms
Nodejs uses a library called Libuv , so this Libuv is written in C
language which uses the concept of threads . These threads are called
as workers and these workers take care of the multiple requests from client.
Parallel processing in nodejs is achieved with the help of 2 concepts
Non blocking IO

Proper methodology to make threads use central database connection

I'm building a multi-threaded service application in Delphi XE2. Each thread serves its own purpose apart from the other ones. The main service thread is only responsible for keeping the other threads going and saving a log file, etc. Each of these threads reports back to the main service thread through synchronized event triggers. These threads are created when the service starts and destroyed when the service ends.
I'd like to introduce a separate thread as a centralized database connection to avoid having to create many instances of TADOConnection. My service code can call standard functions such as UserListDataSet := DBThread.GetUserList(SomeUserListDataSet); or it would also be nice if I could send direct SQL statements like SomeDataSet := DBThread.Get(MySqlText);. I'd also like to avoid too many occasions of CoInitialize() etc.
The job threads will need to use this db thread. I need to figure out how to "ask" it for certain data, "wait" for a response, and "acquire" that response back in the thread which requested it. I'm sure there are many approaches to this, but I need to know which one is best suited for my scenario. Windows messages? Events? Should I have some sort of queue? Should it send data sets or something else? Is there already something that can do this? I need to figure out how to structure this DB thread in a way that it can be re-used from other threads.
The structure looks like this:
+ SvcThread
+ DBThread
+ TADOConnection
+ Thread1
+ Thread2
+ Thread3
I need threads 1 2 and 3 to send requests to the DBThread. When a thread sends any request to it, it needs to wait until it gets a response. Once there's a response, the DB Thread needs to notify the asking thread. Each of the threads might send a request to this DB Thread at the same time too.
A good tutorial on how to accomplish this would be perfect - it just needs to be a suitable fit for my scenario. I don't need to know just "how to make two threads talk together" but rather "how to make many threads talk to a centralized database thread". These job threads are created as children of the main service thread, and are not owned by the db thread. The db thread has no knowledge of the job threads.
Normally, you'd have a request queue where all the requests are stored. Your database thread reads a request from the queue, handles it, then invokes a callback routine specified by the requester to handle the result. Not sure how this maps to Delphi paradigms, but the basics should be the same.
Do any of the "requesting" threads have anything profitable that they could be doing while they are waiting for a response to be obtained from the database? If the answer is "no," as I suspect that it is quite likely to be, then perhaps you can simplify your situation quite a bit by eliminating the need for "a DB thread" completely. Perhaps all of the threads can simply share a single database-connection in turn, employing a mutual-exclusion object to cause them to "wait their turn."
Under this scenario, there would be one database-connection, and any thread which needed to use it would do so. But they would be obliged to obtain a mutex object first, hold on to the mutex during the time they were doing database queries, and then release the mutex so that the next thread could have its turn.
If you decide that it is somehow advantageous (or a necessity...) to dedicate a thread to managing the connection, then perhaps you could achieve the result using (a) a mutex to serialize the requests, as before; and (b) one event-object to signal the DB-thread that a new request has been posted, and (c) another event-object to signal the requester that the request has been completed.
In either case, if you have indeed determined that the requester threads have nothing useful that they could be doing in the meantime, you have the threads "simply sleeping" until their turn comes up. Then, they do their business, either directly or indirectly. There are no "queues," no complicated shared data-structures, simply because you have (say...) determined that there is no need for them.
I think using a DB connection pool would be a better fit for your problem. This would also allow you to scale your application later on without having to then create additional DB thread and then having to manage "load balancing" for those DB threads.
Since you are mentioning using TADOConnection please have a look at this implementation made by Cary Jensen
I am successfully using this DB connection pool in several applications. I have modified it in several ways, including using an ini file to control: maximum number of connections, cleanup time, timeout times etc.
Cary has written several articles that serves as documentation for it. One is here

Named pipes: Many clients. How to be prudent with thread creation? Thread Pool?

I'm am using named pipes on Windows for IPC, using C++.
The server creates a named pipe instance via CreateNamedPipe, and waits for clients to connect via ConnectNamedPipe.
Everytime a client calls CreateFile to access the named pipe, the server creates a thread using CreateThread to service that client. After that, the server reiterates the loop, creating a pipe instance via CreateNamedPipe and listening for the next client via ConnectNamedPipe, etc ...
Every client request triggers a CreateThread on the server. If clients come fast and furious, there would be many calls to CreateThread.
Q1: Is it possible to reuse already created threads to service future client requests?
If this is possible, how should I do this?
Q2: Would Thread Pool help in this situation?
I wrote a named pipe server today using IOCompletion ports just to see how.
The basic logic flow was:
I created the first named pipe via CreateNamedPipe
I created the main Io Completion Port object using that handle: CreateIoCompletionPort
I create a pool of worker threads - as a thumb suck, CPUs x2. Each worker thread calls GetQueuedCompletionStatus in a loop.
Then called ConnectNamedPipe passing in an overlapped structure. When this pipe connects, one of the GetQueuedCompletionStatus calls will return.
My main thread then joins the pool of workers by also calling GetQueuedCompletionStatus.
Thats about it really.
Each time a thread returns from GetQueuedCompletionStatus its because the associated pipe has been connected, has read data, or has been closed.
Each time a pipe is connected, I immediately create a unconnected pipe to accept the next client (should probably have more than one waiting at a time) and call ReadFile on the current pipe, passing an overlapped structure - ensuring that as data arrives GetQueuedCompletionStatus will tell me about it.
There are a couple of irritating edge cases where functions return a fail code, but GetLastError() is a success. Because the function "failed" you have to handle the success immediately as no queued completion status was posted. Conversely, (and I belive Vista adds an API to "fix" this) if data is available immediately, the overlapped functions can return success, but a queued completion status is ALSO posted so be careful not to double handle data in that case.
On Windows, the most efficient way to build a concurrent server is to use an asynch model with completion ports. But yes you can use a thread pool and use blocking i/o too, as that is a simpler programming abstraction.
Vista/Windows 2008 provide a thread pool abstraction.
