Mongoose add multiple items to database - node.js

I have two problems with this code.
1) Only the last element of beerObjects is saved to the database.
2) There are n duplicates of the last element (n = beerObjects.length) saved to the database.
function addBeersToDatabase(beerObjects) {
for (i = 0; i < beerObjects.length; i++) {
var currentBeer = beerObjects[i];
// check if beer is already in database
Beer.findOne({'beerId': currentBeer.beerId}, function(err, beer){
if (err) {
if (beer) {
// beer is already in database
else {
// add new beer to database
var newBeer = new Beer();
newBeer.beerId = currentBeer.beerId; =;
newBeer.description = currentBeer.description;
newBeer.abv = currentBeer.abv;
newBeer.image = currentBeer.image; {
if (err) {
throw err;
I want to loop through each beer and save its info to the database. I used findOne to prevent duplicates but this is not working. The first console.log() statement prints each beer id but the seconds console.log() statement prints just the last beer id multiple times.

The issue here is that in the findOne callback - your beerId will always be set to the last beer in beerObjects, because the loop finishes before you get to your first callback - welcome to asynchronous javascript.
One remedy for this is to wrap your findOne code in an IFFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression). This code will complete before moving on to the next beer from beerObject.
Here is some more info on IFFE
Stack Overflow on IFFE
I took a quick pass at the code, I believe this should work, but you may have to make some adjustments with the internal code...
for(var i = 0; i < beerObjects.length; i++) {
//var currentBeer = beerObjects[i]; dont need this now
(function (currentBeer) {
Beer.findOne({ beerId: currentBeer},
function(err, beer) {
if(!err && !beer) {
var newBeer = new Beer();
newBeer.beerId = currentBeer.beerId; =;
newBeer.description = currentBeer.description;
newBeer.abv = currentBeer.abv;
newBeer.image = currentBeer.image; {
// log your error here...
} else if(!err) {
console.log("Beer is in the system");
} else {
console.log("ERROR: " + err);


nodejs using mongoose error: FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - process out of memory

I have a nodejs program simply just copy a field from a collection to another collection. I wrote two of it. one copies field naming(string), another copies ids(array of string). the collection is not large, roughly only 900 forms to be iterated. I can see it runs and saved some of the form, but I don't understand why this error occurs as the program continues running:
FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - process out of memory
Here is the program:
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
config = require('../modules/system/node-js/parseConfig'),
schemas = require('../modules/system/node-js/schemas.js'),
cde_schemas = require('../modules/cde/node-js/schemas'),
form_schemas = require('../modules/form/node-js/schemas'),
mongo_cde = require('../modules/cde/node-js/mongo-cde'),
async = require('async');
var mongoUrl = config.mongoUri;
var conn = mongoose.createConnection(mongoUrl);
var DataElement = conn.model('DataElement', cde_schemas.dataElementSchema);
var Form = conn.model('Form', form_schemas.formSchema);
var formCounter = 0;
archived: null
}).exec(function (err, forms) {
if (err) {
async.eachSeries(forms, function (form, doneOneForm) {
console.log("begin " + formCounter + " form id: " + form.tinyId);
var questionCount = 0;
var areYouDone = function () {
if (questionCount === 0) { (err) {
if (err)
else {
console.log('saved form id: ' + form.tinyId);
var formElements = form.formElements;
var getQuestions = function (formElements) {
formElements.forEach(function (fe) {
if (fe.elementType === 'question') {
var cdeTinyId = fe.question.cde.tinyId;
var version = fe.question.cde.version;
DataElement.findOne({tinyId: cdeTinyId, version: version}).exec(function (err, cde) {
if (err) {
console.log('found cde id: ' + cdeTinyId + ' version: ' + version);
if (cde && cde.ids) fe.question.cde.ids = cde.ids;
//if I run this program with this comment instead of above, there is no error, but error happens on the ids which is array of string.
// = cde.naming[0].designation;
else {
console.log("no CDE with id: " + cdeTinyId)
else {
}, function doneAllForms() {
console.log('finished all forms, # form: ' + formCounter);
Without seeing any output from your logging statements, my guess is that you're getting into some kind of infinite recursion. The likely culprit in the code you've shown thus far is the getQuestions(fe.formElements) line.
Either the formElements property refers to itself (or refers to another element in a similar way that creates a circular reference) and possibly the first value is such that fe.elementType !== 'question' so it just keeps calling the function over and over again and none of the forEach()s ever complete.
I suppose a similar thing could also happen if there is no circular references but the link from one set of formElements to the next is long enough to cause problems and causes getQuestions() to be executed at least once for each forEach().
You may want to start with a smaller collection of forms and/or verify that your fe.elementType values and formElements links/references are what they should be.

Mongoose promise built in but not working?

Or quite possibly I am doing it wrong, in fact, more than likely I am doing it wrong.
Have a table which contains a "tree" of skill, starting at the root level and may be as deep as ten levels (only two so far), but I want to return it as one big fat JSON structure, so I want to ask the database for each set of data, build my structure then ask for the next level.
Of course if I just send of my requests using mongoose, they will come back at any time, as they are all nice asyncronous calls. Normally a good things.
Looking at the documentation for Mongoose(using 4.1.1) it seems like it has a promise built in, but whenever I try to use it the api call throws a hissy fit and I get a 500 back.
Here is my simple function:
exports.getSkills = function(req,res) {
console.log("Will return tree of all skills");
for (var i = 0; i<10; i++){
var returnData = [];
console.log("Lets get level " + i );
var query = Skill.find({level: i });//The query function
var promise = query.exec; //The promise?
promise.then(function(doc) { //Totally blows up at this point
console.log("Something came back")
return "OK";
The Mongoose documentation on the subject can be found here
var promise = query.exec;
// =>
var promise = query.exec()
exports.getSkills = function(req,res) {
console.log("Will return tree of all skills");
var p;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
if (i == 0 ) {
p = Skill.find({level:i}).exec();
} else {
p.then(function (){
return Skill.find({level:i}).exec()
p.then(function (data) {
//deal with your data
p.then(function () {
// deal with response

http call in backbone promise

Hi I have a backbone web app using Jquery and NodeJs/mongo as the server side framework. I'm having problems with making a http get call with a foreah loop and the results of the get call being iteratively added to each row of the loop.
var eventid = this.model.get("_id");
var inPromise = $.get("/registrants/list?eventid="+eventid,null,null,"json").then(
function (result){
var temp;
var finalVal = '';
var tempfinalVal = "";
var loop = 0
percentage = 0;
temp = JSON.parse(registrant.fields);
for (var key in temp) {
if(key =="Email"){
if(temp[key] != ""){
percentage = (result2.Stats.type ===undefined || result2.Stats.type ==null) ? "0": result2.Stats.type;
finalVal +=percentage+"\n";
percentage = "0";
}else if(key =="eventid"){
finalVal = finalVal.slice(0, - 1);
finalVal +='\n';
finalVal +=temp[key] + ',';
// promise.done(function () {
// console.log(" PROMISE DONE");
// });
So I have the loop through a collection and the last item of the docuemnt gets a content froma nother http call and when all is fone it will create a CSV file. The problem is that THE "DONE" text echos firts then the "CALL" text is displayed
Rick, your problem is not the simplest due to :
the need for nested asynchronous gets
the need to build each CSV data row partly synchronously, partly asynchronously.
the need for a mechanism to handle the fulfilment of multiple promises generated in the inner loop.
From what you've tried, I guess you already know that much.
One important thing to note is that you can't rely on for (var key in temp) to deliver properties in any particular order. Only arrays have order.
You might try something like this :
var url = "/stats/registrant",
data = { 'eventid': this.model.get('_id') },
rowTerminator = "\n",
fieldNames = ['firstname','lastname','email','company','score'];
function getScore(email) {
return $.get(url, $.extend({}, data, {'userid':email}), null, "json").then(function(res) {
return res.Stats ? res.Stats.type || 0 : 0;
}, function() {
//ajax failure - assume score == 0
return $.when(0);
$.get("/registrants/list", data, null, "json").then(function(result) {
var promises = [];//An array in which to accumulate promises of CSV rows
promises.push($.when(fieldNames)); //promise of CSV header row
if(result.registrants) {
$.each(result.registrants, function(index, registrant) {
if(registrant.fields) {
// Synchronously initialize row with firstname, lastname, email and company
// (omitting score for now).
var row = fieldNames.slice(0,-1).map(function(fieldName, i) {
return registrant.fields[fieldName] || '';
//`row` remains available to inner functions due to closure
var promise;
if(registrant.fields.Email) {
// Fetch the registrant's score ...
promise = getScore(registrant.fields.Email).then(function(score) {
//... and asynchronously push the score onto row
return row;
} else {
//or synchronously push zero onto row ...
//... and create a resolved promise
promise = $.when(row);
promises.push(promise);//Accumulate promises of CSV data rows (still in array form), in the correct order.
return $.when.apply(null, promises).then(function() {
//Join all the pieces, in nested arrays, together into one long string.
return [].slice.apply(arguments).map(function(row) {
return row.join(); //default glue is ','
}).done(function(str) {
}).fail(function() {
partially tested
See comments in code for explanation and please ask if there's anything you don't follow.

Access and modify extern variable in MongoDB request

I have a problem in a nodeJS app with mongoDB, i'm trying to do a forum and for each topic i want a button to display every sub topics.
So i need to get everything in the request:
One array with main topics
Another map array with ['topic1'] containing sub topics
Without the mapping (not an actual problem) i have this:
Post.find({'path': path})
.exec(function (err, posts){
console.log("Get post list:" + err);
var sub_posts = new Array; // Second array with sub topics
for (var i = 0; posts[i]; i++) //Here is the loop for each topic
var tmp_path = ... // Path and next request works
Post.find({'path': tmp_path}) // Here is the second request
.exec(function(err, bis_posts) {
if (err) console.log('Error loading subforum');
else sub_posts.push(bis_posts); // Affectation fail !!!
res.render(... 'post_list': posts, 'sub_posts': sub_posts); // Send result
So i get it's a scope problem and i should use callback but with the loop i can't resolve this problem.
Sorry for my english and thanks for your answers !
I have no idea what you mean by "affectation fail", but it looks like you're calling res.render too early — callbacks are invoked asynchronously after your current context finishes executing, so when you call res.render(...) after your for loop has finished, your Post.find(...)... operations still haven't finished and their callbacks haven't been invoked, so sub_posts will be still empty.
My node.js and Mongo are rusty, so perhaps this isn't the canonical way to do it, but I'd add a counter to track the state of the pending requests and only call res.render when all subposts have been fetched:
var sub_posts = new Array;
var pending = 0;
for (var i = 0; posts[i]; i++)
var tmp_path = ...
Post.find({'path': tmp_path})
.exec(function(err, bis_posts) {
if (err) console.log('Error loading subforum');
else sub_posts.push(bis_posts);
pending -= 1;
if (!pending) {
// all pending subpost lookups finished, render the response:
res.render(... 'post_list': posts, 'sub_posts': sub_posts);
pending += 1;

Multiple queries inside mongodb query

I'm having an issue when trying to query based on the result of another query on mongodb.
I'm trying to make an initial query and then do another query for each one of the result of the first query. The reason I'm doing it like this is because I have two different collections and I need to join some data from one collection with the data of the other collection. In a SQL world I could easily do this with a JOIN, but as I'm using mongodb in this one I can't really use JOINs, so I guessed doing a for loop inside the first query's callback function would be the way to go.
Here's the code I'm using...
var resultSet = [];
db.get('busstopcollection').find({id_bus_stop: parseInt(req.body.busstopid)}, function(e, docs){
if(e || docs.length === 0) {
console.log("Sorry, wrong id.");
return e;
for(var m=0; m<docs.length; m++){
var auxRes = {};
auxRes.id_bus = docs[m].id_bus;
auxRes.id_bus_stop = docs[m].id_bus_stop;
auxRes.coord_x = docs[m].coord_x;
auxRes.coord_y = docs[m].coord_y;
auxRes.id_bus_variation = docs[m].id_bus_variation;
db.get('buscollection').find({id_bus: parseInt(docs[m].id_bus)}, function(e, busDocs){
auxRes.s_origin_description = busDocs[0].s_origin_description;
auxRes.s_destination_description = busDocs[0].id_destination_description;
I need to res.send the resultSet array after all the values have been added.
I've tried some other ways of doing this, but the thing is that when the res.send line is reached the second query hasn't finished at all. I also tried doing that inside the inner query's callback, but I need to check if it's the last in the for loop, and checking the value o m won't do it as it always is equivalent to docs.length.
As far as I know there's no such thing as a synchronous query in mongodb, but maybe I'm wrong.
What's the right way of doing this?
I found a way around it, but I'm sure there's got to be a better way. Here's how I'm doing it...
db.get('busstopcollection').find({id_bus_stop: parseInt(req.body.busstopid)}, function(e, docs){
if(e || docs.length === 0) {
console.log("Ha ocurrido un error, no existe esa parada");
return e;
var busIDs = [];
for(var m=0; m<docs.length; m++){
var auxRes = {};
auxRes.id_bus = docs[m].id_bus;
auxRes.id_bus_stop = docs[m].id_bus_stop;
auxRes.coord_x = docs[m].coord_x;
auxRes.coord_y = docs[m].coord_y;
auxRes.id_bus_variation = docs[m].id_bus_variation;
db.get('buscollection').find({id_bus: {$in: busIDs}}, function(e, busDocs){
for(var n = 0; n<busDocs.length; n++){
for(var k=0; k<resultSet.length; k++){
if(resultSet[k].id_bus == busDocs[n].id_bus){
resultSet[k].s_origin_description = busDocs[n].s_origin_description;
resultSet[k].s_destination_description = busDocs[n].id_destination_description;
Node.js behavior is asynchronous , programmer has to code taking consideration of this behavior. Use callbacks or promises or a flow control library . In your your program , you
have put mongo query inside loop , which is a bad approach of querying . Instead if querying multiple times , use $in operator . It will optimize your code performance and
solves your response sending problem also.
var resultSet = [];
db.get('busstopcollection').find({id_bus_stop: parseInt(req.body.busstopid)}, function(e, docs){
if(e || docs.length === 0) {
console.log("Sorry, wrong id.");
return e;
var bus_ids = [];
for(var m=0; m<docs.length; m++){
var auxRes = {};
auxRes.id_bus = docs[m].id_bus;
bus_ids.push(parseInt(docs[m].id_bus)); // collect all ids
auxRes.id_bus_stop = docs[m].id_bus_stop;
auxRes.coord_x = docs[m].coord_x;
auxRes.coord_y = docs[m].coord_y;
auxRes.id_bus_variation = docs[m].id_bus_variation;
// Query at one time for all document
db.get('buscollection').find({id_bus: {$in : bus_ids}}).toArray( function(e, busDocs){
// Now find and merge in one go
for(var i=0,len = resultSet.length;i< len;i++){
if(resultSet[i].id_bus == busDocs.id_bus ){
resultSet[i].s_origin_description = eachBusDoc.s_origin_description;
resultSet[i].s_destination_description = eachBusDoc.id_destination_description;
Your updated solution in your question is generally fine, as using $in is an excellent way of fetching a set of results (you'll want to make sure that you've indexed the id_bus property).
Here are a few tweaks (with a bit of cleanup and optimization):
.find({id_bus_stop: parseInt(req.body.busstopid)}).toArray(function(e, docs){
var auxById = {}; // store a dictionary of all the results for later
if(e || docs === null || docs.length === 0) {
console.log("Ha ocurrido un error, no existe esa parada");
return e;
var busIDs = [];
docs.forEach(function(doc) {
// consider just using the doc directly rather than copying each property
// especially if you're not manipulating any of the data as it passes
var auxRes = {
id_bus : doc.id_bus,
id_bus_stop : doc.id_bus_stop,
coord_x : doc.coord_x,
coord_y : doc.coord_y,
id_bus_variation : doc.id_bus_variation
// you could just use each doc directly ...
// var auxRes = doc; ??
// ** importantly, store off the id_bus for each one so you can
// ** avoid a costly loop trying to match an id below.
auxById[doc.id_bus] = auxRes;
// might want to consider using a cursor ... here's an example
.find({id_bus: {$in: busIDs}}).each(function(e, busDoc){
// the last item in the cursor will be null
if (busDoc === null) {
var res = auxById[busDoc.id_bus];
if (res) { // did we find it in our dictionary of results?
// yes, we did == copy the necessary field data
res.s_origin_description = busDoc.s_origin_description;
res.s_destination_description = busDoc.id_destination_description;
