select count(*) runs into timeout issues in Cassandra - cassandra

Maybe it is a stupid question, but I'm not able to determine the size of a table in Cassandra.
This is what I tried:
select count(*) from articles;
It works fine if the table is small but once it fills up, I always run into timeout issues:
OperationTimedOut: errors={}, last_host=
Run 1: 225,000 (7477 ms)
Run 2: 233,637 (8265 ms)
Run 3: 216,595 (7269 ms)
I assume that it hits some timeout and just aborts. The actual number of entries in the table is probably much higher.
I'm testing against a local Cassandra instance which is completely idle. I would not mind if it has to do a full table scan and is unresponsive during that time.
Is there a way to reliably count the number of entries in a Cassandra table?
I'm using Cassandra 2.1.13.

Here is my current workaround:
COPY articles TO '/dev/null';
3568068 rows exported to 1 files in 2 minutes and 16.606 seconds.
Background: Cassandra supports to
export a table to a text file, for instance:
COPY articles TO '/tmp/data.csv';
Output: 3568068 rows exported to 1 files in 2 minutes and 25.559 seconds
That also matches the number of lines in the generated file:
$ wc -l /tmp/data.csv

As far as I see you problem connected to timeout of cqlsh: OperationTimedOut: errors={}, last_host=
you can simple increase it with options:
Specify the connection timeout in seconds (default: 5
Specify the default request timeout in seconds
(default: 10 seconds).

Is there a way to reliably count the number of entries in a Cassandra table?
Plain answer is no. It is not a Cassandra limitation but a hard challenge for distributed systems to count unique items reliably.
That's the challenge that approximation algorithms like HyperLogLog address.
One possible solution is to use counter in Cassandra to count the number of distinct rows but even counters can miscount in some corner cases so you'll get a few % error.

This is a good utility for counting rows that avoids the timeout issues that happen when running a large COUNT(*) in Cassandra:

The reason is simple:
When you're using:
SELECT count(*) FROM articles;
it has the same effect on the database as:
SELECT * FROM articles;
You have to query over all your nodes. Cassandra simply runs into a timeout.
You can change the timeout, but it isn't a good solution. (For one time it's fine but don't use it in your regular queries.)
There's a better solution: make your client count your rows. You can create a java app where you count your rows, when you inserting them, and insert the result using a counter column in a Cassandra table.

You can use copy to avoid cassandra timeout usually happens on count(*)
use this bash
cqlsh -e "copy keyspace.table_name (first_partition_key_name) to '/dev/null'" | sed -n 5p | sed 's/ .*//'


How long will it take to delete a row?

I have a 2 node cassandra cluster with RF=2.
When a delete from x where y cql statement is issued - is it known how long it will take all nodes to delete the row?
What I see in one of the integration tests:
A row is deleted, the result of the deletion is tested with a select * from y where id = xxx statement. What I see is that sometimes the result is not null as expected and the deleted row is still found.
Is the correct approch to read with CL=2 to get the result I am expecting?
make sure that the servers time are in synch if you are using server side timestamp.
Better use client side timestamp.
Is the correct approch to read with CL=2 to get the result I am
i assume you are using default consistecy while delete ie 1 and as 1+2 > 2 (ie W+R > N) in your case hence it is ok.
Local to the replica it will be sub ms. The time is dominated in the time from app->coordinator->replica->coordinator->app network hops. Use quorum or local_quorum for consistency across sequential requests like that on both write and read.

Cassandra - IN or TOKEN query for querying an entire partition?

I want to query a complete partition of my table.
My compound partition key consists of (id, date, hour_of_timestamp). id and date are strings, hour_of_timestamp is an integer.
I needed to add the hour_of_timestamp field to my partition key because of hotspots while ingesting the data.
Now I'm wondering what's the most efficient way to query a complete partition of my data?
According to this blog, using SELECT * from mytable WHERE id = 'x' AND date = '10-10-2016' AND hour_of_timestamp IN (0,1,...23); is causing a lot of overhead on the coordinator node.
Is it better to use the TOKEN function and query the partition with two tokens? Such as SELECT * from mytable WHERE TOKEN(id,date,hour_of_timestamp) >= TOKEN('x','10-10-2016',0) AND TOKEN(id,date,hour_of_timestamp) <= TOKEN('x','10-10-2016',23);
So my question is:
Should I use the IN or TOKEN query for querying an entire partition of my data? Or should I use 23 queries (one for each value of hour_of_timestamp) and let the driver do the rest?
I am using Cassandra 3.0.8 and the latest Datastax Java Driver to connect to a 6 node cluster.
You say:
Now I'm wondering what's the most efficient way to query a complete
partition of my data? According to this blog, using SELECT * from
mytable WHERE id = 'x' AND date = '10-10-2016' AND hour_of_timestamp
IN (0,1,...23); is causing a lot of overhead on the coordinator node.
but actually you'd query 24 partitions.
What you probably meant is that you had a design where a single partition was what now consists of 24 partitions, because you add the hour to avoid an hotspot during data ingestion. Noting that in both models (the old one with hotspots and this new one) data is still ordered by timestamp, you have two choices:
Run 1 query at time.
Run 2 queries the first time, and then one at time to "prefetch" results.
Run 24 queries in parallel.
If you process data sequentially, the first choice is to run the query for the hour 0, process the data and, when finished, run the query for the hour 1 and so on... This is a straightforward implementation, and I don't think it deserves more than this.
If your queries take more time than your data processing, you could "prefetch" some data. So, the first time you could run 2 queries in parallel to get the data of both the hours 0 and 1, and start processing data for hour 0. In the meantime, data for hour 1 arrives, so when you finish to process data for hour 0 you could prefetch data for hour 2 and start processing data for hour 1. And so on.... In this way you could speed up data processing. Of course, depending on your timings (data processing and query times) you should optimize the number of "prefetch" queries.
Also note that the Java Driver does pagination for you automatically, and depending on the size of the retrieved partition, you may want to disable that feature to avoid blocking the data processing, or may want to fetch more data preemptively with something like this:
ResultSet rs = session.execute("your query");
for (Row row : rs) {
if (rs.getAvailableWithoutFetching() == 100 && !rs.isFullyFetched())
rs.fetchMoreResults(); // this is asynchronous
// Process the row ...
where you could tune that rs.getAvailableWithoutFetching() == 100 to better suit your prefetch requirements.
You may also want to prefetch more than one partition the first time, so that you ensure your processing won't wait on any data fetching part.
If you need to process data from different partitions together, eg you need both data for hour 3 and 6, then you could try to group data by "dependency" (eg query both hour 3 and 6 in parallel).
If you need all of them then should run 24 queries in parallel and then join them at application level (you already know why you should avoid the IN for multiple partitions). Remember that your data is already ordered, so your application level efforts would be very small.

Cassandra sstables accumulating

I've been testing out Cassandra to store observations.
All "things" belong to one or more reporting groups:
CREATE TABLE observations (
group_id int,
actual_time timestamp, /* 1 second granularity */
is_something int, /* 0/1 bool */
thing_id int,
data1 text, /* JSON encoded dict/hash */
data2 text, /* JSON encoded dict/hash */
PRIMARY KEY (group_id, actual_time, thing_id)
WITH compaction={'class': 'DateTieredCompactionStrategy',
'tombstone_threshold': '.01'}
AND gc_grace_seconds = 3600;
CREATE INDEX something_index ON observations (is_something);
All inserts are done with a TTL, and should expire 36 hours after
"actual_time". Something that is beyond our control is that duplicate
observations are sent to us. Some observations are sent in near real
time, others delayed by hours.
The "something_index" is an experiment to see if we can slice queries
on a boolean property without having to create separate tables, and
seems to work.
"data2" is not currently being written-- it is meant to be written by
a different process than writes "data1", but will be given the same
TTL (based on "actual_time").
Three nodes (EC2 m3.xlarge)
Datastax ami-ada2b6c4 (us-east-1) installed 8/26/2015
Cassandra 2.2.0
Inserts from Python program using "cql" module
(had to enable "thrift" RPC)
Running "nodetool repair -pr" on each node every three hours (staggered).
Inserting between 1 and 4 million rows per hour.
I'm seeing large numbers of data files:
$ ls *Data* | wc -l
$ ls | wc -l
Queries don't return expired entries,
but files older than 36 hours are not going away!
The large number SSTables is probably caused by the frequent repairs you are running. Repair would normally only be run once a day or once a week, so I'm not sure why you are running repair every three hours. If you are worried about short term downtime missing writes, then you could set the hint window to three hours instead of running repair so frequently.
You might have a look at CASSANDRA-9644. This sounds like it is describing your situation. Also CASSANDRA-10253 might be of interest.
I'm not sure why your TTL isn't working to drop old SSTables. Are you setting the TTL on a whole row insert, or individual column updates? If you run sstable2json on a data file, I think you can see the TTL values.
Full disclosure: I have a love/hate relationship with DTCS. I manage a cluster with hundreds of terabytes of data in DTCS, and one of the things it does absolutely horribly is streaming of any kind. For that reason, I've recommended replacing it ( ).
That said, it should mostly just work. However, there are parameters that come into play, such as timestamp_resolution, that can throw things off if set improperly.
Have you checked the sstable timestamps to ensure they match timestamp_resolution (default: microseconds)?

Cassandra "truncate" does not empty tables

I have encountered this problem recently. When I populated my tables (called event and index) to more than 1 million, and tried to truncate them for new tests, the tables were not empty after the truncation. CQL shows something like
cqlsh> select count(*) from event limit 100000000;
cqlsh> truncate event;
cqlsh> select count(*) from event limit 100000000;
(1 rows)
cqlsh> select count(*) from event limit 100000000;
(1 rows)
cqlsh> select count(*) from event limit 100000000;
(1 rows)
cqlsh> select event_id, dateOf(time_token), unixTimestampOf(time_token), writetime(time_token) from event limit 100000000;
event_id | dateOf(time_token) | unixTimestampOf(time_token) | writetime(time_token)
567c4f2b-c86a-4663-a8ec-50f70d183b62 | 2014-07-22 22:29:04-0400 | 1406082544416 | 1406082544416000
20a2f9e7-cdcb-4c2d-93e7-a646d0910e6b | 2014-07-22 15:12:29-0400 | 1406056349772 | 1406056349774000
... ...
0d983cec-4ba5-4df8-ada8-eb347add57bf | 2014-07-22 22:20:53-0400 | 1406082053926 | 1406082053930000
(34 rows)
After the "truncate" command, the "select count(*)" returned numbers quickly changing, and stabilized at 34. To be sure there is no other program inserting records at the time, I ran a CQL statement showing all records were created on July 22 or 23, which is 4 - 5 days ago.
I tried "truncate" command several times, and the results were the same.
This happened in 2 environments. The first environment is on my laptop where I created 3 Cassandra instances cluster using localhost IPs (,, and, while the second environment is 3 node Cassandra cluster, with each node on a separate Linux CentOS 6.5 machine. I am using Cassandra 2.0.6.
Could someone help me to figure out what is going on? Thanks in advance.
It is a bug in Cassandra 2.0.6, and got fixed in at least 2.0.10.
Apparently, it is not a well-known (well-published) bug as many DataStax experts did not know it either when I reproduced it to them at the Cassandra Summit 2014. They were also puzzled until the CQL architect dropped by and said he fixed a mysterious bug in recent release. He asked me to upgrade to 2.0.10, and the problem is gone. There are no more lingering records after "truncate" in 2.0.10.
Truncate doesn't truncate hints so hints awaiting delivery will still get delivered. This could be causing your issue, especially if you inserted lots of rows quickly that could have caused a few dropped mutations. However, hints are normally delivered in minutes, not days, so there must be something else wrong if hints are causing your issue. You can see when hints are delivered from the logs.
The safest way to delete all data is to drop the table and recreate under a different name (or in a different keyspace).
There is one thing you absolutely have to make sure before truncating is all the nodes are up.
If you are using Astyanax
/* keyspace variable is Keyspace Type */
Note: Even after truncating you will have to manually delete all the table metadata

RPC timeout in cqlsh - Cassandra

I have 5 nodes in my ring with SimpleTopologyStrategy and replication_factor=3. I inserted 1M rows using stress tool . When am trying to read the row count in cqlsh using
SELECT count(*) FROM Keyspace1.Standard1 limit 1000000;
It fails with error:
Request did not complete within rpc_timeout.
It fetches for limit 100000. Fails even for 500000.
All my nodes are up. Do I need to increase the rpc_timeout?
Please help.
You get this error because the request is timing out on the server side. One should know that this is a very expensive operation in Cassandra as others have pointed out.
Still, if you really want to do this you should update your /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml file and change the range_request_timeout_in_ms parameter. This will be valid for all your range queries.
Example to set a 40 second timeout:
range_request_timeout_in_ms: 40000
You will probably have to adjust at the client side as well. When using cqlsh as a client this is accomplished by creating/updating your configuration file for cqlsh under ~/.cassandra/cqlshrc and add the client_timeout parameter to the connection section.
Example to set a 40 second timeout:
It takes a long time to read in 1M rows so that is probably why it is timing out. You shouldn't use count like this, it is very expensive since it has to read all the data. Use Cassandra counters if you need to count lots of items.
You should also check your Cassandra logs to confirm there aren't any other issues - sometimes exceptions in Cassandra lead to timeouts on the client.
If you can live with an approximate row count, take a look at this answer to Row count of a column family in Cassandra.
