403 (Forbidden) publishing Azure Web Job from Visual Studio - azure

I have a web application project deployed to Azure. I have added existing project(console application) as Azure Web Job to web app project and configured the web job to run daily.
But now when I publish the web app, i am getting following error
An error occurred while creating the WebJob schedule: Response status code does not indicate success: 403 (Forbidden).
Note: The Azure Web App gets published successfully if i configure the web job to run on demand instead of recurring(daily)
Can anyone point what could be the resolution of this error and publish web job successfully?
Thanks in advance

For anyone looking for the answer, I have found a couple of reasons people have observed this error:
You do not have administrator privileges on the subscription you are attempting to publish within.
You are attempting to set a frequency that is below 1 Hour on a free app service (web app).


Unable to web deploy to Linux App Service from Visual Studio 2019

For about 2 weeks now I am unable to web deploy from Visual Studio 2019 16.9.6. I have an ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC application that I am trying to web deploy to a Linux App Service on Azure. When I try to publish I get the following errors:
Publish has encountered an error.
Build failed. Check the Output window for more details.
A diagnostic log has been written to the following location:
An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer.
The server experienced an issue processing the request. Contact the server administrator for more information.
Prior to two weeks ago I had no issues. The following is a list of items I have tried:
Stopped and started the app service
Stopped the app service and tried deploying while it was stopped
Reset the publish profile and re-imported it into Visual Studio
If I edit the publish profile and click "Validate Connection" it fails and gives the same error message as above:
An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer.
The server experienced an issue processing the request. Contact the server administrator for more information.
I am able to publish locally and use an FTPS client to connect to the app service and manually deploy the files.
I deleted the current publish profile and instead of downloading it from the Azure portal I used the new publish profile wizard built into Visual to create the publish profile. Once I did that everything started to deploy with no issues. I looked at what the difference is and it seems the publish profile I downloaded from Azure was missing an XML element called "IsLinux".

Azure Test in Web Chat: HTTP status code NotFound

I tried running a new code from Azure Pipelines into Azure Web App Bot, configured the application settings appropriately. Yet whenever I tried to test the service in the test chat web I got errors.
Node version: 10.14.1
botbuilder: 4.10.3
Azure Repos + Azure Pipelines deployment
Application Settings
Test in Web Chat
Error messages
There was an error sending this message to your bot. HTTP status code: not found
To troubleshooting this issue, you could check the following points:
1.Navigate to Settings tab, you need to make sure that the Messaging endpoint is Https instead of Http.
Note: It doesn't support the Http website.
2.Navigate to Channels tab, you could check if the Web Chat is in Running state without issues.
3.Navigate to Configuation, you need to make sure that the MicrosoftAppId and MicrosoftAppPassword do not change these after deploying the new code.
If it keeps getting errors, you can even consider creating a new web app bot to redeploy
On the other hand, this is the document I refer to to deploy azure web app bot.
I deploy the new code to Azure App service with the Azure App Service deploy task.

Why can I publish individual web jobs but not a web project with a list of web jobs?

We have a WebJobs-enabled project that we use to deploy and schedule WebJobs. A couple of our developers are able to publish the project but I am getting an error when attempting to do so. The publish itself succeeds but I get a bunch of errors at the very end saying:
An error occurred while creating the WebJob schedule: ForbiddenError: The server failed to authenticate the request. Verify that the certificate is valid and is associated with this subscription.
I have tried to publish a WebJob on its own using the Publish as a WebJob command and it worked just fine. The publish profile that I am using validates just fine too. Why does it work for one but not for the other?
My account with Co-administrator privileges on the subscription, I could publish my WebJobs-enabled project to Azure App Service successfully (both website and webjob run fine). This thread discussed a similar issue, and we could find that account without Co-administrator privileges may cause this issue, so please make sure whether your account has Co-administrator privileges.

Add WebJob to Azure App Service - permission issue

My client has Azure subscription and has App Service inside. My Azure account is added to this App Service as owner. Now I need to add WebJob to this App Service. I have added WebJob project to Visual Studio solution, linked with Website project and try to publish (under my azure account). WebJob is deployed, but schedule can't be configured, I get an error:
Error : An error occurred while creating the WebJob schedule: Response
status code does not indicate success: 403 (Forbidden).
How to fix it?
Scheduled WebJobs use Azure Scheduler behind the scene to trigger the webjob. So, I think you need to have the rights to create an Azure scheduler too to make it working.
Another solution is to use the internal Kudu webjob scheduler, as explained in this post: http://blog.amitapple.com/post/2015/06/scheduling-azure-webjobs/

Web deployment times out in azure

Trying an azure web deployment for the first time and its throwing me the error below,
(The website has been created on azure and accessible through browser - Web deploy tool seems to time out and having trouble connecting to azure.)
Error 3 Web deployment task failed. (Could not complete the request to remote agent URL 'https://waws-prod-am2-009.publish.azurewebsites.windows.net/msdeploy.axd?site=mysitename'.)
Could not complete the request to remote agent URL 'https://waws-prod-am2-009.publish.azurewebsites.windows.net/msdeploy.axd?site=mysitename'.
The operation has timed out 0 0 mysitename
Appreciate any help on this.
