High disk I/O on Cassandra nodes - cassandra

We have 3 nodes Cassandra cluster having data of around 850G on each node, we have LVM setup for Cassandra data directory (currently consisting 3 drives 800G + 100G + 100G) and have separate volume (non LVM) for cassandra_logs
Cassandra v2.0.14.425
DSE v4.6.6-1
After adding 3rd (100G) volume in LVM on each of the node, all the nodes went very high in disk I/O and they go down quite often, servers also become inaccessible and we need to reboot the servers, servers don't get stable and we need to reboot after every 10 - 15 mins.
Other Info:
We have DSE recommended server settings (vm.max_map_count, file descriptor) configured on all nodes
RAM on each node : 24G
CPU on each node : 6 cores / 2600MHz
Disk on each node : 1000G (Data dir) / 8G (Logs)

As I suspected, you are having throughput problems on your disk. Here's what I looked at to give you background. The nodetool tpstats output from your three nodes had these lines:
Pool Name Active Pending Completed Blocked All time blocked
FlushWriter 0 0 22 0 8
FlushWriter 0 0 80 0 6
FlushWriter 0 0 38 0 9
The column I'm concerned about is the All Time Blocked. As a ratio to completed, you have a lot of blocking. The flushwriter is responsible for flushing memtables to the disk to keep the JVM from running out of memory or creating massive GC problems. The memtable is an in-memory representation of your tables. As your nodes take more writes, they start to fill and need to be flushed. That operation is a long sequential write to disk. Bookmark that. I'll come back to it.
When flushwriters are blocked, the heap starts to fill. If they stay blocked, you will see the requests starting to queue up and eventually the node will OOM.
Compaction might be running as well. Compaction is a long sequential read of SSTables into memory and then a long sequential flush of the merge sorted results. More sequential IO.
So all these operations on disk are sequential. Not random IOPs. If your disk is not able to handle simultaneous sequential read and write, IOWait shoots up, requests get blocked and then Cassandra has a really bad day.
You mentioned you are using Ceph. I haven't seen a successful deployment of Cassandra on Ceph yet. It will hold up for a while and then tip over on sequential load. Your easiest solution in the short term is to add more nodes to spread out the load. The medium term is to find some ways to optimize your stack for sequential disk loads, but that will eventually fail. Long term is get your data on real disks and off shared storage.
I have told this to consulting clients for years when using Cassandra "If your storage has an ethernet plug, you are doing it wrong" Good rule of thumb.


YCSB low read throughput cassandra

The YCSB Endpoint benchmark would have you believe that Cassandra is the golden child of Nosql databases. However, recreating the results on our own boxes (8 cores with hyperthreading, 60 GB memory, 2 500 GB SSD), we are having dismal read throughput for workload b (read mostly, aka 95% read, 5% update).
The cassandra.yaml settings are exactly the same as the Endpoint settings, barring the different ip addresses, and our disk configuration (1 SSD for data, 1 for a commit log). While their throughput is ~38,000 operations per second, ours is ~16,000 regardless (relatively) of the threads/number of client nodes. I.e. one worker node with 256 threads will report ~16,000 ops/sec, while 4 nodes will each report ~4,000 ops/sec
I've set the readahead value to 8KB for the SSD data drive. I'll put the custom workload file below.
When analyzing disk io & cpu usage with iostat, it seems that the reading throughput is consistently ~200,000 KB/s, which seems to suggest that the ycsb cluster throughput should be higher (records are 100 bytes). ~25-30% of cpu seems to be under %iowait, 10-25% in use by the user.
top and nload stats are not ostensibly bottlenecked (<50% memory usage, and 10-50 Mbits/sec for a 10 Gb/s link).
# The name of the workload class to use
# There is no default setting for recordcount but it is
# required to be set.
# The number of records in the table to be inserted in
# the load phase or the number of records already in the
# table before the run phase.
# There is no default setting for operationcount but it is
# required to be set.
# The number of operations to use during the run phase.
# The offset of the first insertion
core_workload_insertion_retry_limit = 10
core_workload_insertion_retry_interval = 1
# The number of fields in a record
# The size of each field (in bytes)
# Should read all fields
# Should write all fields on update
The key was increasing native_transport_max_threads in the casssandra.yaml file.
Along with the increased settings in the comment (increasing connections in ycsb client as well as concurrent read/writes in cassandra), Cassandra jumped to ~80,000 ops/sec.

cassandra, secondary indexes building during adding of a new node lasts forever

I'm trying to add new node to our cluster (cassandra 2.1.11, 16 nodes, 32Gb ram, 2x3Tb hdd, 8core cpu, 1 datacenter, 2 racks, about 700Gb of data on each node). After start of new node, data (approx 600Gb total) from 16 existing nodes successfully transfered to new node and building of secondary indexes starts. The process of secondary indexes building looks normal, i see info about successfull completition of some secondary indexes building and some stream tasks:
INFO [StreamReceiveTask:9] 2015-11-22 02:15:23,153 StreamResultFuture.java:180 - [Stream #856adc90-8ddd-11e5-a4be-69bddd44a709] Session with / is complete
INFO [StreamReceiveTask:9] 2015-11-22 02:15:23,152 SecondaryIndexManager.java:174 - Index build of [docs.docs_ex_pl_ph_idx, docs.docs_lo_pl_ph_idx, docs.docs_author_login_idx, docs.docs_author_extid_idx, docs.docs_url_idx] complete
Curently 9 out of 16 streams successfully finished, according to logs. Everything looks fine, except one issue: this process already lasts 5 full days. There is no errors in logs, no anything suspicious, except extremely slow progress.
nodetool compactionstats -H
Secondary index build ... docs 882,4 MB 1,69 GB bytes 51,14%
So there is some process of index building and it has some progress, but very slow, 1% in half a hour or so.
The only significant difference between the new node and any of existing nodes is the fact that cassandra java process has 21k open files, in contrast of 300 open files on any existing node, and 80k files in the data dir on new node in contrast of 300-500 files in the data dir on any existing node.
Is it normal? At this speed it looks i'll spend 16 weeks or so to add 16 more nodes.
I know this is an old question, but we ran into this exact issue with 2.1.13 using DTCS. We were able to fix it in our test environment by increasing memtable flush thresholds to 0.7 - which didn't make any sense to us, but may be worth trying.

Severe degradation in Cassandra Write performance with continuous streaming data over time

I notice a severe degradation in Cassandra write performance with continuous writes over time.
I am inserting time series data with time stamp (T) as the column name in a wide column that stores 24 hours worth of data in a single row.
Streaming data is written from data generator (4 instances, each with 256 threads) inserting data into multiple rows in parallel.
Additionally, data is also inserted into a column family that has indexes over DateType and UUIDType.
Col1 | Col2 | Col3(DateType) | Col(UUIDType4) |
CF2 (Wide column family):
RowKey1 (T1, V1) (T2, V3) (T4, V4) ......
RowKey2 (T1, V1) (T3, V3) .....
The no. of data points inserted/sec decreases over time until no further inserts are possible. The initial performance is of the order of 60000 ops/sec for ~6-8 hours and then it gradually tapers down to 0 ops/sec. Restarting the DataStax_Cassandra_Community_Server on all nodes helps restore the original throughput, but the behaviour is observed again after a few hours.
OS: Windows Server 2008
No.of nodes: 5
Cassandra version: DataStax Community 1.2.3
HeapSize: 3GB
Garbage collector: default settings [ParNewGC]
I also notice a phenomenal increase in the no. of Pending write requests as reported by the OpsCenter (~of magnitude 200,000) when the performance begins to degrade.
I fail to understand what is preventing the write operations to be completed and why do they pile up over time? I do not see anything suspicious in the Cassandra logs.
Has the OS settings got anything to do with this?
Any suggestions to probe this issue further?
Do you see an increase in pending compactions (nodetool compactionstats)? Or are you seeing blocked flush writers (nodetool tpstats)? I'm guessing you're writing data to Cassandra faster than it can be consumed.
Cassandra won't block on writes, but that doesn't mean that you won't see an increase in the amount of heap used. Pending writes have overhead, as do blocked memtables. In addition, each SSTable has some memory overhead. If compactions fall behind this is magnified. At some point you probably don't have enough headroom in your heap to allocate the objects required for a single write, and you end up spending all your time waiting for an allocation that the GC can't provide.
With increased total capacity, or more IO on the machines consuming the data you would be able to sustain this write rate, but everything indicates you don't have enough capacity to sustain that load over time.
Bringing your write timeout in line with the new default in 2.0 (of 2s instead of 10s) will help with your write backlog by allowing load shedding to kick in faster: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-6059

Cassandra latency patterns under constant load

I've got pretty unusual latency patterns in my production setup:
the whole cluster (3 machines: 48 gig ram, 7500 rpm disk, 6 cores) shows latency spikes every 10 minutes, all machines at the same time.
See this screenshot.
I checked the logfiles and it seems as there are no compactions taking place at that time.
I've got 2k reads and 5k reads/sec. No optimizations have been made so far.
Caching is set to "ALL", hit rate for row cache is at ~0,7.
Any ideas? Is tuning memtable size an option?

Solr Indexing Time

Solr 1.4 is doing great with respect to Indexing on a dedicated physical server (Windows Server 2008). For Indexing around 1 million full text documents (around 4 GB size) it takes around 20 minutes with Heap Size = 512M - 1G & 4GB RAM.
However while using Solr on a VM, with 4 GB RAM it took 50 minutes to index at the first time. Note that there is no Network delays and no RAM issues. Now when I increased the RAM to 8GB and increased the heap size, the indexing time increased to 2 hrs. That was really strange. Note that except for SQL Server there is no other process running. There are no network delays. However I have not checked for File I/O. Can that be a bottleneck? Does Solr has any issues running in "Virtualization" Environment?
I read a paper today by Brian & Harry: "ON THE RESPONSE TIME OF A SOLR SEARCH ENGINE IN A VIRTUALIZED ENVIRONMENT" & they claim that performance gets deteriorated when RAM is increased when Solr is running on a VM but that is with respect to query times and not indexing times.
I am bit confused as to why it took longer on a VM when I repeated the same test second time with increased heap size and RAM.
I/O on a VM will always be slower than on dedicated hardware. This is because the disk is virtualized and I/O operations must pass through an extra abstraction layer. Indexing requires intensive I/O operations, so it's not surprising that it runs more slowly on a VM. I don't know why adding RAM causes a slowdown though.
