Excel VBA Userform How to add and subtract variables? - excel

I have a Userform, on Page 1 of the Userform the user enters some text into a TextBox called as_1 and another TextBox called annualsaving1.
On Page 5 of the Userform I would like to add both variables up in Textbox called 'TextBox36'.
This is the code I have been using:
Private Sub Page5a()
I = as_1 + annualsaving1
TextBox36.Value = I
End Sub
When I use this code, only the value of as_1 appears. It doesn't add 'annualsaving1'.
Any help would be appreciated, Thank you :)

as_1 and annualsaving1 are of type TextBox. To add their values, you need to access their .Value property and convert it to type Integer:
I = CInt(as_1.value) + CInt(annualsaving1.value)
Be careful though: if user enters something that cannot be parsed as number, your program will crash.

try below
Private Sub Page5a()
TextBox36.Text = Val(as_1.Text) + Val(annualsaving1.Text)
End Sub


Inputbox selection causing: "Text is not valid." Error [duplicate]

The current function I use to collect text InputBox can't accept more than 255 characters apparently, and I need to be able to collect more than that? Is there a parameter or different function I can use to increase this limit?
To be pedantic, the Inputbox will let you type up to 255 characters, but it will only return 254 characters.
Beyond that, yes, you'll need to create a simple form with a textbox. Then just make a little "helper function" something like:
Function getBigInput(prompt As String) As String
frmBigInputBox.Caption = prompt
getBigInput = frmBigInputBox.txtStuff.Text
End Function
or something like that...
Thanks BradC for the info that. My final code was roughly as follows, I have a button that calls the form that I created and positions it a bit as I was having some issues with the form being in the wrong spot the everytime after the first time I used.
Sub InsertNotesAttempt()
With NoteEntryForm
.Top = 125
.Left = 125
End With
End Sub
The userform was a TextBox and two CommandButtons(Cancel and Ok). The code for the buttons was as follows:
Private Sub CancelButton_Click()
Unload NoteEntryForm
End Sub
Private Sub OkButton_Click()
Dim UserNotes As String
UserNotes = NotesInput.Text
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If UserNotes = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
Worksheets("Notes").ListObjects("Notes").ListRows.Add (1)
Worksheets("Notes").Range("Notes").Cells(1, 1) = Date
Worksheets("Notes").Range("Notes").Cells(1, 2) = UserNotes
Worksheets("Notes").Range("Notes").Cells(1, 2).WrapText = True
' Crap fix to get the wrap to work. I noticed that after I inserted another row the previous rows
' word wrap property would kick in. So I just add in and delete a row to force that behaviour.
Worksheets("Notes").ListObjects("Notes").ListRows.Add (1)
NotesInput.Text = vbNullString
NotesInput.SetFocus ' Retains focus on text entry box instead of command button.
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I don't have enough rep to comment, but in the sub form_load for the helper you can add:
me.AutoCenter = True
Outside of that form, you can do it like this:
Forms("NoteEntryForm").AutoCenter = True
My Access forms get all confused when I go from my two extra monitors at work to my one extra monitor at home, and are sometimes lost in the corner. This AutoCenter has made it into the form properties of every one of my forms.

VBA Excel : Populate TextBox with specific string of text when Option Button is selected

I developed a Form in Excel (2016) and I am trying (with VBA) to configure its behavior so that if the user selects a particular option button, two additional things happen:
A checkbox further down on the form is automatically checked.
A text box further down on the form automatically displays a set string of text.
More specifically, if the user selects OptionButtonABC, then ...
CheckBoxNone should become checked
TextBoxCompanyName (which does not display any text by default) should now display the string: 'ABC'.
I initially created a subroutine that just targeted condition 1, and everything worked fine. However, when I try to integrate the code required to handle condition 2, things start to unravel.
Below, you will see the code in its most current state. I have a Private Sub that initiates upon the Click event and then immediately defines a variable as a string. I then set up an if/then statement that specifies what should happen IF OptionButtonABC is true. Namely, CheckBoxNone should be selected (this works fine) AND TextBoxCompanyName should now display the string 'ABC'.
Private Sub OptionButtonABC_Click()
Dim Variable_ABC As String
Variable_ABC = ABC
If Me.OptionButtonABC.Value = True Then
Me.CheckBoxNone = True And Me.TextBoxCompanyName.Text = Variable_ABC
End If
End Sub
The desired behavior should (theoretically) be pretty easy to achieve, but my experience with VBA is still pretty limited, so I am reaching out to the community for a bit of advice. As I mentioned above, the code above works for the first condition. However, I am still unable to get the string of text ('ABC') to show up in the text box.
Thanks in advance for any advice you may offer.
Private Sub OptionButtonABC_Click()
Dim Variable_ABC As String
Variable_ABC = "ABC" 'String Values uses double quotes
If Me.OptionButtonABC.Value = True Then
Me.CheckBoxNone = True
Me.TextBoxCompanyName.Text = Variable_ABC
End If
End Sub
The operator AND must be used only in the IF statement comparison, not in what you want to do.

How to call a macro from a button and pass arguments

I want to add a button to my excel worksheet which should call a macro that can handle one agument (an integer value). Sadly when creating the button, I cannot link any macro that has arguments. Also just typing the macro and the argument does not work.
Is there any simple solution to pass an argument to a macro when a button is pressed?
Yes, you can assign a macro to a button (or other excel controls/menu actions) and pass constant OR variable arguments to it.
In the 'Assign Macro' window (right-click on object and select 'Assign Macro'):
Enclose the macro name in single quotes
e.g. to pass 2 constants: 'Button1_Click("A string!", 7)'
Select 'This Workbook' for the 'Macros in' field
If you wish to pass a variable (like the value of a cell), enclose the parameter in Evaluate()
For example, to pass the value of Sheet1!$A$1 to a button function, you would have the following text in the 'Macro name:' field:
If you don't enclose your variable argument with an 'Evaluate' function, excel returns the error 'Formula is too complex to be assigned to an object.'.
I would have included an image if this were allowed on my first post.
Suppose you have a public sub take 1 argument like below (just for explanation purposes.)
And you insert a button on Worksheet like below, and you can not find the macro name when you want to assign your sub to this button.
Now, you can type in your sub name + space + argument manually in single quotes, like below, click ok.
Then you see, problem solved.
Sub ert()
Call ert2(Cells(1,1).Value)
End Sub
Use an activeX control command button and in the button click method, call the sub and pass the argument:
Private Sub CommandButton_Click()
Dim x as Integer
x = 1
Call SomeSub(x)
End Sub
To call this Sub from a button :
Public Sub TestButton(strMessage As String)
MsgBox strMessage
End Sub
... be aware that the Sub won't be listed in the available macros, because it has a parameter. Just type in the call in single quotes : 'TestButton "Hello"'
Called from a regular "forms" button on a worksheet you can do something like this:
Sub TestMe()
Dim c, arr
c = Application.Caller
arr = Split(c, "_")
If UBound(arr) > 0 Then MsgBox "Got " & arr(1)
End Sub
Where the calling button is named (eg) "Button_3"
Or (simpler) right-click the button and enter 'TestMe2 5' (Including the single-quotes)
Sub TestMe2(i)
MsgBox "Got " & i
End Sub
See also: Excel 2010 - Error: Cannot run the macro SelectCell using .onAction
I had trouble with my version of Personal.xlsb!'testForXXXX("Test Test")'. I got an error when clicking the button containing the Macro.
However, I was able to fix it by removing the "(" and ")". So, Personal.xlsb!'testForXXXX "Test Test"' worked (notice the space between testForXXXX and "Test...").
In fact, I didn't need Personal.xlsb! and was just able to use 'testForXXXX "Test Test"'.
I hit the same issue with the assign button not being very useful until I realised that all the potential macros displayed were only the ones in my Personal.xlsb file that took no arguments. Then I typed Personal.xlsb!'macroNameWhichTakesArguments("arg1", ...)' and the sheet picked it up.
I.E. Personal.xlsb!'testForXXXX("Test Test")'
Where the macro testForXXXX take a string as input, then the sheet worked ok.
When you use the assign macro route for a button in excel 2007 at least testForXXXX will not show up in the list of potential macros if it takes args.
I suspect Aaron C got tripped up by this too. Maybe its best not to use a Personal.xlsb file?
I would have liked to comment the answer by QA Collective but I do not have enough reputation point yet. Previous solutions did not work for me, as my macros are in named modules in my VBA project.
With Excel 2013, the way to pass a parameter to a macro using a button that worked in my context is :
'<module name>.<macro name> <parameter>'
'DataProcessor.disle "myText"'
'DataProcessor.editWSProcess True'
(boolean do not need double quotes when passed as parameters)
Please note that single quotes are around the whole expression.

Is it possible to create OptionButton Switch Effect?

Something like this:
Private Sub opt01_Click()
If opt01.Value = True Then
opt01.Value = False
opt01.Value = True
End If
It would be suitable for my formDesign, instead of looking for and importing some similar small picture.
Because an OptionButton's value is always true when the Click event runs, you will need to store its desired value in a variable. Here is an example using a Form Control Option Button within a sheet named Option Button 1 on sheet 1. This method is stored in a module.
Private optionClicked As Boolean
Sub OptionButton1_Click()
Dim o As OptionButton
Set o = Sheets(1).Shapes("Option Button 1").OLEFormat.Object
o.Value = Not optionClicked
optionClicked = Not optionClicked
End Sub
Note however, that using this method, that clicking on any option button will make all other option buttons false. So to use multiple option buttons as check boxes, you will need to store the correct value of the option buttons (probably in an array)... and correct the values every time any option button is clicked.
Are you sure you can't use check boxes?

Disable button on a userForm

I'm trying to figure out how to disable a button within my userForm if a certain cell within my spreadsheet equals a certain number. I tried the code stated below, but it isn't working.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Label2 = Sheets("DATA").Range("AM2").Value
Label4 = Sheets("DATA").Range("AO2").Value
Label7 = Format(Sheets("DATA").Range("R8").Value, "Currency")
If Sheets("DATA").Range("AL10").Value = 10 Then
UserFormact_Upgrade.CommandButton1.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Your code should be working, as you're on the right path.
To test it, simply create a new form and add this code, you'll see it should work. Maybe you're having problems within the IF clause?
Besides, you don't need to select the shape prior to disabling it; just disable it right away.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
CommandButton1.Enabled = False
End Sub
I know this is old, but got to this thread trying to solve my problem, and found a solution that wasn't mentioned here. So in case someone gets here like I did, and this didn't quite get them where they needed to go, I thought this might help.
I had a userform with a drop down box called cmdADAMFields, and I didn't want my submit button called FieldsSubmitButton to be enabled until I selected something from the dropdown box.
I had to break up my argument into two different private subs vs one larger If-Then-Else statement.
First, I put:
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
If cmbADAMFields.ListIndex = -1 Then FieldsSubmitButton.Enabled = False
End Sub
Then when for my pulldown's private sub when it's value changed I wrote:
Private Sub cmbADAMFields_Change()
FieldsSubmitButton.Enabled = True
End Sub
The proper place for setting Enabled property is in Activate event (associated with Show method) and not Initialize event (associated with Load instruction).
The below code disable the button CommandButton1 when AL10 cell >= 10.
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
CommandButton1.Enabled = ( Sheets("DATA").Range("AL10") < 10 )
End Sub
For buttons you can choose between normal buttons (property Enabled=False and property Visible=true), disabled buttons (property Enabled=False and property Visible=true) and invisible buttons (property Enabled=False and property Visible=False), that it is a cleaner interface, in most cases.
Concerning text boxes, besides normal, disabled and invisible status, there is a locked status, that is enabled and visible, but cannot be user edited. (property Locked = True)
A locked control only can be changed by VBA code. For instance, someone can includes date text boxes, that it's filled using a secondary popup date form with Calendar control.
