xlsread、xlswrite not work in matlab - excel

matlab (2015b) in my new notebook ThinkPad function xlsread/ xlswrite not work
for every exist excel file, xlsread not load the data
xlswrite also not work in every path
error use xlsread (line251)
catch exception
if isempty(exception.identifier)
exception = MException('MATLAB:xlsreadold:FormatError','%s', exception.message);
the method import data also not work for excel file。

I found this answer in
https://cn.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/282688-why-my-excel-file-can-not-be-read-by-matlab hope it can help you:
Who has problem to read excel file, can follow this order.
1- open the excel> file, >option, >add in, manage then select COM ADD IN, and clear everything (unchecked). everything should be cleared (unchecked).
2- restart the PC, and open the matlab.
3- perform xlsread command.
NOTE: for those people who use foxit pdf reader, it is potential to face this problem, so follow mentioned order.
NOTE: sometimes by using the matlab, configuration of excel is changed in unknown way, therefore there is no way to open the usual excel file in windows by double click.
So, open excel from desktop icon, file> option,> advanced,> general and then make clear (unchecked) "the ignore applications that use dynamic data exchange (DDE)". (same information for NOTE 2: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3001579) these are some error for excel worker with matlab and related command.


64-bit Excel 365 crashes, 32-bit Excel 365 works fine

I have a question relating to the differences between the 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Excel and VBA.
I am working in Office 365, 64 bit. (I am using 64 bit because I ran into memory issues and as a test, to see if 64 bit works for our company). I am working on an Excel file which has a lot of VBA code used to gather product properties from SQL, calculate parameters from these properties, and output everything to another SQL database. In addition, the Excel file outputs PDF files.
The Excel file is stored as a template, so that users can open the template and save the new file to their respective workspace. At the moment, the users are using Office 365, 32 bit.
When I open the Excel template, Excel closes itself. It seems to crash before calculating the parameters on the new file. There is no error message; in the lower-right message box I can see that Excel doesn't get to the calculating stage.
However, when the other users open the file in 32-bit Excel, everything is fine.
I am not using pointers (no PtrSafe) and no LongLong variables.
I also have no compile errors.
I am currently rebuilding the Excel file by saving it as a file without macro's, and then copying the VBA modules - a different site mentioned the VBA code may be corrupt. I am halfway through adding macro's, and the error pops up again; the VBA code I have added last has been in use for about a year so I am tempted to exclude it as a culprit.
Where would you suggest I look to find the problem?
You're absolutely right of course. I have gone back to the last working version and began adding a text logfile, which would log the start and end of each procedure. I got lucky as the file crashed as I was doing this, and the logfile pointed me towards a procedure seemed to be working, until the right conditions were met for it to crash.
The procedure itself accesses global variables which were not initialised. I didn't catch errors that could occur properly. For some reason, this works fine in x86 Excel, doesn't trigger any problems in the compiler or during debugging but crashes in x64 Excel when enough memory is used.
Gekozen_Assen is the name of a global variable. It is a dictionary which contains information. I had tried to use .Exists as a method to test if the required item in the dictionary exists, but this doesn't work if the dictionary isn't initialized at all.
The errorous code:
GetFromGlobal = ""
If Global_Dictionary.Exists(Answer_Type) Then
GetFromGlobal = Global_Dictionary.Item(Answer_Type)
GetFromGlobal = "Error!"
End If
Instead I should've been using "Is Nothing", the fixed code below:
If Global_Dictionary Is Nothing Then
GetFromGlobal = "Error: Dictionary not initialized"
If Global_Dictionary.Exists(Answer_Type) Then
GetFromGlobal = Global_Dictionary.Item(Answer_Type)
GetFromGlobal = "Error: Dictionary item not found"
End If
End If

Error while using actxcontrol in Matlab to clear contents in an open Excel file.

This is my code to clear the excel file I have opened.
% get running excel file
Excel = actxGetRunningServer('Excel.Application');
ExcelFile = Excel.get('Workbooks','usbTC0832.xls');
ExcelSheet = ExcelFile.Sheets.Item('Sheet1');
% ExcelFile.Save;
Pretty straightforward and it works perfectly in another system. In my new system however it throws up the error
>>Error using COM.Excel_Application/get
>>Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception: Invalid index.
It works fine the first time right after I restart my system. Every instance afterwords it throws up that error. I've tried restarting matlab but it doesn't go away. I seem to need to restart my system. I can't understand what the problem is. Any help would be appreciated.
It may be that the get on Workbooks tries to open the file.
But if it is already open, it will raise an error.
Try to look for it first, with Excel.Workbooks.Item('usbTC0832.xls').
That also could give an error if it is NOT open, you should capture it and if not open, use the get.

Problems came up in the following areas during load: Table

I have generated an excel file from xml. But i can not open it with Excel. Excel gives the following error opening it:
Problems came up in the following areas during load:
Then it shows a message that the log file corresponding the error can be found at : C:/Documents and Setting/myUserName/Local Settings/Temporary Internet Files/Content.MSO/xxxxx.log
But i can not find Content.MSO folder in my windows. I checked folder settings and made all folders visible but i still can not access this folder. So that i can not analise the log file.
how could i find the generated log file?
I found the problem without analising the log file. i stil can not access the log file in temporary internet files. But i realised that i put a string(non-number) characters on a number-styled cell in Excel xml. So if you having the similar issues about your Excel file generated from xml, then have a look at if your cell values are appopriate with your cell data type.
If you type or paste the path of the log file into Explorer or your text editor of choice, you may find that the folder does exist, despite being invisible.
In my case it was a <Row> with an incorrect ss:Index
I was using a template and the last row had a fixed Index=100. If the number of rows I added exceeded 100, this last row had a wrong index and excel threw the error without any other message or log (MacOSX, Excel 15.25.1). I wish they printed more informative error messages, what a waste of our time.
Excel 2016. My error message was "Worksheet Settings". Path was pointing to non-existing file.
My cause of the problem was ExpandedRowCount not big enough for number of rows in Worksheet. If you add rows in XML directly (i.e. on a machine where Excel is not installed), make sure to increment number of rows in ExpandedRowCount.
yes.Even i too faced the same problem and problem was with the data type of cells ofexcel generated using xslt
In addition to checking the data being used vs "Type" assigned, make sure that the list of characters that need to be encoded for XML are indeed encoded.
I had a system that appeared to be working, but then some user data including & and < was throwing this error.
If you're not sure what's going on with your file, try http://www.xmlvalidation.com/ - that helped be spot the issue in a large file immediately.
I used this function to fix it, modified from this post:
function xmlsafe($s) {
return str_replace(array('&','>','<','"'), array('&','>','<','"'), $s);
and then run echo xmlsafe($myvalue) where you were just echoing $myvalue in your script.
This seems to be more appropriate for XML than htmlentities() or other options built into PHP.
I had the same issue, and the answer was - type of Cell was Number and some values doesn't converts to this type on my backend.
I had the SAME problem,
and its because de file is TOO BIG.
I try an extract from SAP, more little than the one with that make the error) and save it in XML file. and it WORK, no more error.
so maybe if you can save in 2 Excel files XML instead of 1 it will be good ;)

Excel Object SaveAs, error happens when Existing File is Open

Excel_Obj = CREATE OleObject
Excel_Obj.ConnectToNewObject( 'excel.application' )
Excel_Sheet = Excel_Obj.Application.ActiveWorkbook.WorkSheets[1]
Excel_Sheet.Cells[1,1] = 45
Excel_Obj.Application.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(ls_file,56) //csv
//where ls_file = the Opened File
error happened after / during saveas.
try catch throw "error calling external object..in click..line.. saveas.."
i want to state to the user that the excel file is open therefore cannot be overwritten properly. I used a try catch and throwed a proper message but before the messagebox for the catch event happens, the PB execution error R0035 happens. any solutions or proper way to know if the excel file is open.
You might be able to check if the file is open first, have a look at this answer:
how to check if file is opened in excel using OLE (leaves excel process open)
I'd try a PowerScript FileOpen () call with a LockReadWrite! parameter to see if it can be opened, followed immediately by a FileClose () if it was successful. (I think this is a PowerScript-specific variation on the DXL solution Colin linked to.)
Good luck,
Have you tried approaches similar to these?
Using Win32 API:
Using PB function fileopen()with the (default) exclusive rights set:
In other words, see if the file can be opened exclusively before connecting to Excel or making the CSV?
You will have to turn off the option to break into the debugger for that exception to see the exception handling work in the IDE. Look for the Help topic "Exception Settings dialog box" for details. Once you see it's working I recommend you set it back to break into the debugger, since you'd normally want to see what threw the error.
You cannot use ole when document is open( even you set lock write) by the user and not by apllication.
my approach, I have been using many times till now:
Check excel is open or not, use use can use api or wsh script in the internet to check app opened. If opened do not run save as and tell user to close excel and not run it for while for while.
if you user run excel and your program still running active workbook and worksheet application will be switch to excel that opened by user ( imagine it wrong written data).
Change your code as below
if Excel_Obj.ConnectToNewObject( 'excel.application' ) <> 0 then
messagebox("warning", "could connect to excel", stopsign!)
end if
just for knowledge another technique is DDE call, but not common today and most complicated.
Happy coding From pb developer.

MVC3 return File action causes intermittent Excel program error

I have a problem that closely relates to this problem Microsoft Excel Error: "There was a problem sending the command to the program." whereby opening Excel gives There was an error sending a command to the program error.
However, rather than the file existing and being opened or shortcutted-to, I am using MVC3 with an action that generates a bunch of data, generates an excel file (using NPOI), writes it to a MemoryStream and then chucks that to the browser using the built-in return File(etc) ActionResult, with something akin (but shortened here to aid readability) to this:
return File(myMemoryStream, "application/vnd.ms-excel", "filename.xls");
The first time you click the link which fires this action and returns this File - it comes up with the error. if you press ok and try it again it works, and will continue to work... forever
Now I know this is potentially something to do with disabling DDE/plug-ins or something in Excel - but since I'm generating an excel workbook and dumping it to a memory stream rather than opening something that exists permanently on the file system, I'm not sure what options I have to remove the issue.
Any suggestions on how to get around it? Perhaps I have the wrong mime-type?
The Content-Type application/vnd.ms-excel is sending the command to the Browser to open the file in the Browser. Which can be the cause of issue. Try setting the content type to application/x-msexcel.
In your example the browser will try to open an Excel spreadsheet in the browser (if the user has Excel installed).
return File(myMemoryStream, "application/vnd.ms-excel", "filename.xls")
Please make the following change
return File(myMemoryStream, "application/x-ms-excel", "filename.xls")
