Diagnosing Azure stateful actors - azure

I'm still trying to get my mind around Azure Service Fabric Stateful Actors. So, my (current) problem is best put into an example like this:
I've got a helpdesk system, where each ticket is a stateful actor. The actor knows about the state it's in (posted, dealt with, rejected, ...), can access the associated data and all that.
I find I have made a mistake and a bunch of those 50.000 tickets are in the wrong state. So, I need to
fix the code
publish the solution
fix the data content of a subset of those 50.000 actors.
Now, how can I query the state of those actors, like "give me each actor that is in "rejected" and belongs to a user whose name starts with a german ümlaut"? How can I then patch the state data of those actors?
Do I really have to add a query method to each actor and wake up each single actor? Or is there a way to query those state dictionaries outside of the actors sitting on top of them?

The short answer is yes, in a situation like that you'd have to wake up each single actor (eventually).
If you are already in that state, I think JoshL's suggestion makes sense.
To avoid this sort of situations, you could keep an index dictionary in a stateful service, holding the information you'll want to query on e.g. the actor id and the status (posted, dealt with, etc.). You then only have to wake up those actors that are relevant.
There are two approaches you can take for that:
Have the stateful service direct the flow of information - be responsible for updating the index dictionary and telling actors what to do (e.g. change status).
Have the actors responsible for notifying the stateful service for state updates (this could be done periodically through reminders for example).

Perhaps you could consider overriding OnActivateAsync in your actor class(es) and implement the cleanup logic there, then upgrade your SF application?
This would prevent the need to iterate every single instance externally (as the SF runtime will call OnActivateAsync for you), and would ensure that the logic runs for each instance only if/when needed (only upon next activation for a given instance).
more on Actor activate/deactivate/etc.
Best of luck!


Should a single command address multiple aggregates?

In CQRS and DDD, an aggregate is a transactional boundary. Hence I have been modeling commands always in such a way that each command always only ever addresses a single aggregate. Of course, technically, it would be possible to write a command handler that addresses multiple aggregates, but that would not be within a single transaction and hence would not be consistent.
If you actually have to address multiple aggregates, I usually go with a process manager, but this sometimes feels like pretty much overhead. In addition, from my understanding a process manager always only reacts to domain events, it is not directly addressed by commands. So you need to decide which aggregate to put the starting point to.
I have seen that some people solve this using so-called domain or application services, which can receive commands as well, and then work on multiple aggregates – but in this case the transactional nature of the process gets lost.
To give a simple example, to better illustrate the scenario:
A user shall join a group.
A user has a max number of groups.
A group has a max number of users.
Where to put the command that triggers the initial joining process, and what to call it? user.join(group) feels as right or wrong as group.welcome(user). I'd probably go for the first one, because this is closer to the ubiquitous language, but anyway…
If I had something above the aggregates, like the aforementioned services, then I could run something such as:
userManagement.addUserToGroup(user, group);
However, this addUserToGroup function would then need to call both commands, which in turn means it has to take care of both commands being processed – which is somewhat counterintuitive to having separate aggregates at all, and having aggregates as transactional boundaries.
What would be the correct way to model this?
It may be worth reviewing Greg Young on Eventual Consistency and Set Validation.
What is the business impact of having a failure
This is the key question we need to ask and it will drive our solution
in how to handle this issue as we have many choices of varying degrees
of difficulty.
And certainly Pat Helland on Memories, Guesses, and Apologies.
Short version: the two generals tell us that, if two pieces of information must be consistent, then we need to write both pieces of information in the same place. The "invariant" constrains our data model.
The invariant you describe is effectively a couple of set validation problems: the "membership" collection allows only so many members with user A, and only so many members with group B. And if you really are in a "we go out of business if those rules are violated" situation, then you cannot distribute the members of that set -- you have to lock the entire set when you modify it to ensure that the rule is not broken and that first writer wins.
An element that requires some care in your modeling: is the domain model the authority for membership? or is the "real world" responsible for membership and the domain model is just caching that information for later use? You want to be very careful about trying to enforce an invariant on the real world.
There's a risk that you end up over constraining the order in which information is accepted by the model.
Essentially what you have is many to many relationships between users and groups with restrictions on both sides:
Restriction on the number of groups a user can join
Restriction on the number of users a group can have
VoiceOfUnreason already gave a great answer, so I'll share one way I've solved similar problems and go straight to the model and implementation in case you have to ensure that these constraints are enforced at all costs. If you don't have to, do not make the model and implementation that complex.
Ensuring consistency with such constraints on both Group and User entities will be difficult in a single operation because of the concurrency of the operations.
You can model this by adding a collection of RegisteredUsers to a Group or vice versa, adding a collection of JoinedGroups to a User, and enforce the constraint on one side, but enforcing it on the other side is still an issue.
What you can do is introduce another concept in your domain. The concept of a
"Slot" in a Group. "Slots" are limited by the max number of Slots for a Group.
Then a User will issue a JoinGroupRequest that can be Accepted or Rejected.
A Slot can be either Taken or Reserved. Then you can introduce the concept of SlotReservation. The process of joining a User to a Group will be:
Issue a JoinGroupRequest from a User
Try to Reserve a Slot enforcing the MaxUsersPerGroup constraint.
Acquire a Slot or Reject the SlotReservation of a User enforcing the MaxGroupsPerUser constraint.
Accept or Reject the JoinGroupRequest depending on the outcome of the SlotReservation
If the SlotReservation is Rejected, another User will be able to use this Slot later.
For the implementation, you can add SlotReservation Queue Per Group to ensure that once a Slot is free after a Rejected SlotReservation, the next User that wants to join the Group will be able to.
For the implementation, you can add a collection of Slots to a Group, or you can make Slot an aggregate in its own right.
You can use a Saga for this process. The Saga will be triggered when a JoinGroupRequest is made by a User.
Essentially, this operation becomes a Tentative Operation.
For more details take a look and the Accountability Pattern and Life beyond distributed transactions an apostate's opinion and Life beyond distributed transactions an apostate's implementation.

Domain-Driven Design: How to design relational aggregates with a dependency

My domain is about Program Management. I have a Program (Aggregate Root) that must have a Customer (Aggregate Root). So I require a CustomerID when creating a new Program as I have read aggregates should only hold reference to other aggregates by reference.
Here are my business rules:
Customers can become active and inactive over time.
If a Customer is inactivated for some reason, all programs associated with that Customer should also be inactivated.
A Program cannot be activated if its Customer is inactive.
Rules #1 & #2 I have implemented. It's #3 that is stumping me.
I can think of 3 solutions:
Program holds reference to the Customer aggregate.
Introduce a domain service that checks if the Customer is active and pass it to Program.Activate(CustomerActiveCheckService service).
Have the application service look up the Customer and pass it to Program.Activate(Customer customer).
Which is the best solution?
I see both points of view made by #ConstaninGALBENU and #plalx, and I want to suggest a compromise. Can I created a CustomerStatusChecker service? The method would have the following signature: CustomerStatus CheckStatus(CustomerID id); I could then pass Programthe service like so: `Program.Activate(CustomerStatusChecker service);
Are there any problems with this design?
Which is the best solution?
There isn't a best solution; there are trade offs.
But one possible solution that is consistent with requirements #2 and #3 is that your existing model is wrong -- that Program entities are not isolated aggregates, but are part of the Customer entity, and therefore should be controlled by the same aggregate root.
Hints that this might be the case: that the life cycle of a Program fits within the life cycle of a Customer; that Programs don't normally migrate from one Customer to another, that there are limits to the count of active programs per customer.
Another possibility is that the requirements are "wrong". One way of exploring this is to review whether active/inactive is a decision made by the model, or if it is a decision made somewhere else and reported to the model. Another is to examine the cost to the business if this "rule" is violated.
If the model doesn't find out about the customer right away, or it is an inexpensive problem, then you probably have some room to detect the conflict and report it to a human, rather than trying to have the model do all of the work (See: Greg Young, Stop Over Engineering).
In these cases, having the main code path take a good guess, and implementing an alternative path that operators can use fix the mistakes is fine.
In choosing between solution #2 and #3 (I don't like #1 at all), I encourage keeping I/O actions out of the model. So unless you already have the latest version of the Customer in memory, I'm not fond of the domain service as a choice. Passing in a copy of the customer state to the domain model keeps the I/O concerns in the application component, where they belong (see Boundaries, by Gary Bernhardt, for more on this idea).
Solution 1: it breaks the rule about not holding references to other aggregate instances. That rule ensures that only one Aggregate is modified in a transaction. If you need to modify multiple aggregates in a single transaction then your design is definitely wrong.
Solution 2: I really don't like injecting services inside aggregates. My aggregates are pure functions with no touching of the outside world (I/O, repositories or the like).
Solution 3: is somehow equivalent to 1, even it is a temporary reference (Program could call command methods on Customer thus modifying Customer in the same transaction boundary as Program) .
My solution: make that check inside the Application service, before that call to Program.activate () or pass a customerStatus to Program.activate () and let Program aggregate decide if it throws an exception or emit events.
The idea is that you should pass only read-only/imutable data to Program AR to ensure that it does not modify other ARs in its transactional boundary. Also, we should not make Program dependent on what it does not need, like the entire Customer AR.
Also, if the architecture is event-driven then by listening to the right events emited by Customer you could keep the Program AR in sync: you make it "non activable" if not already activated or you deactivate it if it is activated already, using by example a Saga.

What if domain event failed?

I am new to DDD. Now I was looking at the domain event. I am not sure if I understand this domain event correctly, but I am just thinking what will happen if domain event published failed?
I have a case here. When a buyer order something from my website, firstly we will create a object, Order with line of items. The domain event, OrderWasMade, will be published to deduct the stock in Inventory. So here is the case, what if when the event was handled, the item quantity will be deducted, but what if when the system try to deduct the stock, it found out that there is no stock remaining for the item (amount = 0). So, the item amount can't be deducted but the order had already being committed.
Will this kind of scenario happen?
Sorry to have squeeze in 2 other questions here.
It seems like each event will be in its own transaction scope, which means the system requires to open multiple connection to database at once. So if I am using IIS Server, I must enable DTC, am I correct?
Is there any relationship between domain-events and domain-services?
A domain event never fails because it's a notification of things that happened (note the past tense). But the operation which will generate that event might fail and the event won't be generated.
The scenario you told us shows that you're not really doing DDD, you're doing CRUD using DDD words. Yes, I know you're new to it, don't worry, everybody misunderstood DDD until they got it (but it might take some time and plenty of practice).
DDD is about identifying the domain model abstraction, which is not code. Code is when you're implementing that abstraction. It's very obvious you haven't done the proper modelling, because the domain expert should tell you what happens if products are out of stock.
Next, there's no db/acid transactions at this level. Those are an implementation detail. The way DDD works is identifying where the business needs things to be consistent together and that's called an aggregate.
The order was submitted and this where that use case stops. When you publish the OrderWasMadeevent, another use case (deducting the inventory or whatever) is triggered. This is a different business scenario related but not part of "submit order". If there isn't enough stock then another event is published NotEnoughInventory and another use case will be triggered. We follow the business here and we identify each step that the business does in order to fulfill the order.
The art of DDD consists in understanding and identifying granular business functionality, the involved aggregates, business behaviour which makes decisions etc and this has nothing to do the database or transactions.
In DDD the aggregate is the only place where a unit of work needs to be used.
To answer your questions:
It seems like each event will be in its own transaction scope, which means the system requires to open multiple connection to database at once. So if I am using IIS Server, I must enable DTC, am I correct?
No, transactions,events and distributed transactions are different things. IIS is a web server, I think you want to say SqlServer. You're always opening multiple connections to the db in a web app, DTC has nothing to do with it. Actually, the question tells me that you need to read a lot more about DDD and not just Evans' book. To be honest, from a DDD pov it doesn't make much sense what you're asking.. You know one of principles of DD: the db (as in persistence details) doesn't exist.
Is there any relationship between domain-events and domain-services
They're both part of the domain but they have different roles:
Domain events tell the world that something changed in the domain
Domain services encapsulate domain behaviour which doesn't have its own persisted state (like Calculate Tax)
Usually an application service (which acts as a host for a business use case) will use a domain service to verify constraints or to gather data required to change an aggregate which in turn will generate one or more events. Aggregates are the ones persisted and always, an aggregate is persisted in an atomic manner i.e db transaction / unit of work.
what will happen if domain event published failed?
MikeSW already described this - publishing the event (which is to say, making it part of the history) is a separate concern from consuming the event.
what if when the system try to deduct the stock, it found out that there is no stock remaining for the item (amount = 0). So, the item amount can't be deducted but the order had already being committed.
Will this kind of scenario happen?
So the DDD answer is: ask your domain experts!
If you sit down with your domain experts, and explore the ubiquitous language, you are likely to discover that this is a well understood exception to the happy path for ordering, with an understood mitigation ("we mark the status of the order as pending, and we check to see if we've already ordered more inventory from the supplier..."). This is basically a requirements discovery exercise.
And when you understand these requirements, you go do it.
Go do it typically means a "saga" (a somewhat misleading and overloaded use of the term); a business process/workflow/state machine implementation that keeps track of what is going on.
Using your example: OrderWasMade triggers an OrderFulfillment process, which tracks the "state" of the order. There might be an "AwaitingInventory" state where OrderFulfillment parks until the next delivery from the supplier, for example.
Recommended reading:
If you need the stock to be immediately consistent at all times, a common way of handling this in event sourced systems (can also in non-event based systems, this is orthogonal really) is to rely on optimistic locking at the event store level.
Events basically have a revision number that they expect the stream of events to be at to take effect. Once the event hits the persistent store, its revision number is checked against the real stream number and if they don't match, a conflict exception is raised and the transaction is aborted.
Now as #MikeSW pointed out, depending on your business requirements, stock checking can be an out-of-band process that handles the problem in an eventually consistent way. Eventually can range from milliseconds if another part of the process takes over immediately, to hours if an email is sent with human action needing to be taken.
In other words, if your domain requires it, you can choose to trade this sequence of events
(OrderMade, <-- Some amount of time --> OrderAbortedOutOfStock)
which amounts to the same aggregate state in the end

What are consequences of using repository inside of aggregate vs inside of domain service

We all heard that injecting repository into aggregate is a bad idea, but almost no one tells why.
I will try to write here all disadvantages of doing this, so we can measure rightness of this statement.
First thing that comes into my head is Single Responsibility Principle.
It's true that by injecting repository into AR we are violating SRP, because retrieving and persisting of aggregate is not responsibility of aggregate itself. But it says only about "aggregate itself", not about other aggregates. So does it apply for retrieving from repository aggregates referenced by id? And what about storing them?
I used to think that aggregate shouldn't even know that there is some sort of persistence in system, because it doesn't have to exist. Aggregates can be created just for one procedure call and then get rid of.
Now when I think of it, it's not right, because aggregate root is an entity, and entity has sense only if it has some unique identity. So why would we need unique identity if not for persisting? Even if it's just a persistence in a memory. Maybe for comparing, but in my opinion it's not a main reason behind the identity.
Ok, let's assume that we retrieve and store OTHER aggregates from inside of our aggregate using injected repositories. What are other consequences beside SRP violation?
For sure there is a problem with having no control over persisting of aggregates and retrieving is some kind of lazy loading, which is bad for the same reason (no control).
Because of no control we can come into situation when we persist the same aggregate few times, where it could be persisted only once, or the same aggregate is loaded one hundred times where it could be loaded once, hence performance is worse. Also there might be problem with stale data.
These reasons practically disqualifies ability to inject repository into aggregate.
Here comes my main question - why can we inject repositories into domain service then?
Not the same reasons applies here? It's just like moving logic out of aggregate into separate function and pretend it to be something different.
To be honest, when I stared to write this SO question, I had no good answer for that. But after hours of investigating this problem and writing of this question I came to solution. Rubber duck debugging.
I'll post this question anyway for others having the same problems. Of course with my answer below.
Here are the places where I'd recommend to fetch aggregates (i.e. call Repository.Get...()), in preference order :
Application Service
Domain Service
We don't want Aggregates to fetch other Aggregates most of the time, because this blurs the lines, giving them orchestration powers which normally belong to the Application layer. You also raise the risk of the Aggregate trespassing its jurisdiction by modifying other Aggregates, which can result in contention and performance problems, not to mention that transactions become more difficult to analyze and the code base to reason about.
Domain Services are IMO a good place to fetch Aggregates when determining which aggregates to modify is domain logic per se. In your game example (which might not be the ideal context for DDD by the way), which units are affected by another unit's attack might be considered domain logic, thus you may not want to place it at the Application Service level. This rarely happens in my experience though.
Finally, Application Services are the default place where I call Repository.Get(...) for uniformity's sake and because this is the natural place to get a hold of the actors of the use case (usually only one Aggregate per transaction) and orchestrate calls to them.
That doesn't mean Aggregates should never be injected Repositories, there are exceptions, but other alternatives are almost always better.
So as I wrote in a question, I've found my answer already in the process of writing that question.
The best way to show this is by example:
When we have a simple (superficially) behavior like unit attacking other unit, we can write something like that.
Problem is that, to attack an unit, we have to calculate damage and to do that we need another aggregates, like weapon and armor, which are referenced by id inside of unit. Since we cannot inject repository inside of aggregate, then we have to move that attack_unit logic into domain service, because we can inject repository there. Now where is the difference between injecting it into domain service, and not into unit aggregate.
Answer is - there is no difference. All consequences I described in question won't bite us. In both cases we will load both units once, attacking unit weapon once and armor of unit being attacked once. Also there won't be stale data, even if we mutate weapon object during process and store it, because that weapon is retrieved and stored in one place.
Problem shows up in different example.
Lets create an use case where unit can attack all other units in game in one process.
Problem lies in how we implement it. If we will use already defined unit.attack_unit and we will call it on all units in game (iterating over them), then weapon that is used to compute damage will be retrieved from unit aggregate, number of times equal to count of units in game! But it could be retrieved only once!
It doesn't matter if unit.attack_unit will be method of unit aggregate, or if it will be domain service unit_attack_unit. It will be still the same, weapon will be loaded too many times. To fix that we simply have to change implementation and with that probably interface too.
Now at least we have an answer to question "does moving logic from aggregate method to domain service (because we want to access repository there) fixes problem?". No, it does not change a thing.
Injecting repositories into domain service can be as dangerous as injecting it into aggregate if used wrong.
This answers my SO question, but we still don't have solution to real problem.
What can we do if we have two use cases: one where unit attacks one other unit, and second where unit attacks all other units, without duplicating domain logic.
One way is to put all needed aggregates as parameters to our aggregate method.
unit.attack_unit(unit, weapon, armor)
But what if we will need like five or more aggregates there? It's not a good way. Also application logic will have to know that all these aggregates are needed for an attack, which is knowledge leak. When attack_unit implementation will change we would also might to update interface of that method. What is the purpose of encapsulation then?
So, if we can't access repository to get needed aggregate, how can we smuggle it then?
We can get rid of idea with referencing aggregates by ids, or pass all needed aggregates from application layer (which means knowledge leak).
Or maybe reason of these problems is bad modelling?
Attacking of other unit is indeed an unit responsibility, but is damage calculation its responsibility? Of course not.
Maybe we need another object, like value object MeleeAttack(weapon, armor), yet when we add more properties that can change result of an attack, like enchantments on unit, it gets more complicated.
Also I think that we are now creating objects based on performance, not our on domain.
So from domain driven design, we get performance driven design. Is that what we want? I don't think so.
"So why would we need unique identity if not for persisting?" - think of an account scenario, where several John Smiths exist in your system. Imagine John Smith and John Smith Jr (who didn't enter the Jr in signup) both live at the same address. How do you tell them apart? Imagine I'm trying to write a recommendation engine based upon their past purchases . . . .
Identity is a quality of equality in DDD. If you don't have an identity unique from your fields, then you're a ValueObject.
What are consequences of using repository inside of aggregate vs inside of domain service?
There's a reasonably strong argument that you shouldn't do either.
Riddle: when does an aggregate need to see the state of another aggregate?
The responsibility of an aggregate is to control change. Any command that would change the state of the domain model is dispatched to the aggregate root responsible for the integrity of the state in question. By definition, all of the state required to ensure that the command is currently permitted is contained within the aggregate boundary.
So there is never any need to peek at the data outside of the aggregate when making a change to the model.
In which case, you don't ever need to load another aggregate, which makes the "where" question moot.
Two clarifications:
Queries will often combine the state of multiple aggregates, and will often need to follow a reference from one aggregate to another. The principle above is satisfied because queries treat the domain model as read-only. You need the state to answer the query, but you don't need the invariant enforcement because you aren't changing anything.
Another case is when you need state from another aggregate to process a command properly, but small latency in the data is an acceptable risk to the data. In that case, you query the "other" aggregate to get state. If you were to run that query within the domain model itself, the right way to do so would be via a domain service.
In most cases, though, you'll be equally well served to run the query when generating the command (ie, in the client), or when handling the command (in the application, outside the domain). It would be very unusual for a business to consider domain service latency to be acceptable but client latency to be unacceptable.
(Disconnected clients are one case where that can be especially problematic; when the command is generated and then queued for a long period of time before being dispatched to the server).

When should one use the Actor model?

When should the Actor Model be used?
It certainly doesn't guarantee deadlock-free environment.
Actor A can wait for a message from B while B waits for A.
Also, if an actor has to make sure its message was processed before moving on to its next task, it will have to send a message and wait for a "your message was processed" message instead of the straightforward blocking.
What's the power of the model?
Given some concurrency problem, what would you look for to decide whether to use actors or not?
First I would look to define the problem... is the primary motivation a speedup of a nested for loop or recursion? If so a simple task based approach or parallel loop approach will likely work well for you (rather than actors).
However if you have a more complex system that involves dependencies and coordinating shared state, then an actor approach can help. Specifically through use of actors and message passing semantics you can often avoid using explicit locks to protect shared state by actually making copies of that state (messages) and reacting to them.
You can do this quite easily with the classic synchronization problems like dining philosophers and the sleeping barbers problem. But you can also use the 'actor' to help with more modern patterns, i.e. your facade could be an actor, your model view and controller could also be actors that communicate with each other.
Another thing that I've observed is that actor semantics are learnable by most developers and 'safer' than their locked counterparts. This is because they raise the abstraction level and allow you to focus on coordinating access to that data rather than protecting all accesses to the data with locks. As an example, imagine that you have a simple class with a data member. If you choose to place a lock in that class to protect access to that data member then any methods on that class will need to ensure that they are accessing that data member under the lock. This becomes particularly problematic when others (or you) modify the class at a later date, they have to remember to use that lock.
On the other hand if that class becomes an actor and the data member becomes a buffer or port you communicate with via messages, you don't have to remember to take the lock because the semantics are built into the buffer and you will very explicitly know whether you are going to block on that based on the type of the buffer.
The usage of Actor is "natural" in at least two cases:
When you can decompose your problem in a set of independent tasks.
When you can decompose your problem in a set of tasks linked by a clear workflow (ie. dataflow programming).
For instance, if you process complex data using a series of filters, it is easy to use a pipeline of actors where each actor receives data from an upstream actor and sets data to a downstream actor.
Of course, this data-flow must not be linear and if a step is slow in your pipeline, instead you can use a pool of actors doing the same job. Another way of solving the load balancing problems would be to use instead a demand-driven approach organized with a kind of virtual Kanban system.
Of course, you will need synchronization between actors in almost all interesting cases, but contrary to the classic multi-thread approach, this synchronization is really "concrete". You can imagine guys in a factory, imagine possible problems (workers run out of the job to do, upstream operations is too fast and intermediate products need a huge storage place, etc.) By analogy, you can then find a solution more easily.
I am not an actor expert but here is my 2 cents when to use actor model:
Actor model is not suited for every concurrent application, for instance if you are creating an application which is multi threaded and works in high concurrency actor model is not made to solve the concurrency issue.
Where actors really comes into play is when you are creating an event driven application. For instance you have an application and you are tracking what are users clicking in your application realtime. You can use actors to do activities realtime segregated by user, device or anything of your business requirement as actors are stateful. So, for example if some users lies in actors which clicked on shirts you can send them notification of some coupon.
Also some applications where actors comes handy are : Finance (Pricing, fraud detection), multiplayer gaming.
Actors are asynchronous and concurrent but does not guarantee message order or time limit as to when the message may be acted upon. Hence atomic transactions cannot be split into Actors.
If the application/task involves no mutable state then Actors are overkill as Actor frameworks go to great lengths to avoid race conditions.
