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Dot Operator in Haskell: need more explanation
(6 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm trying to understand how the dot operator works. Here's an example:
main = do
ns <- getNetworkInterfaces
mapM_ (putStr . showInterface) ns
I know that mapM_ accepts a function and Monad. "ns" is a Monad. But how actually the part (putStr . showInterface) works in terms of Haskell grammar or syntax in this particular example? Once again: in this particular example. Also, which function will be called first: putStr or showInterface?
it's just composition - it does one after the other (from the right) - so
(putStr . showInterface) n
is just
putStr (showInterface n)
so in a sense showInterface is called first
please note that your understanding is a bit flawed here - ns is not the monad here that matters (it's a list - it's the Foldable part in the newer versions of mapM_) - the monad that matters is IO and mapM_ accepts a monadic action and a list of things to put into that action (one by one) - so here every item in ns is put into the action
putStr . showInterface
and of course each one will first be used int the pure function showInterface (which obviously produces a string) and then be printed to stdout using putStr (this is the monadic action that needs the mapM_)
if in doubt check the signature
If you want to find out which part matters look at the signature
In case of mapM_ it's:
mapM_ :: (Monad m, Foldable t) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
forget the Foldable t here - it's your list:
mapM_ :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m ()
now what can the m be?
Well you use putStr . showInterface for the first argument - now I don't know exactly what showInterface is - but as you compose it with putStr the resulting type should be something like
putStr . showInterface :: SomeInterfaceType -> IO ()
and now you should see that: m ~ IO, a ~ SomeInterfaceType and b ~ () - notice that the monad is IO! - and you get:
mapM_ (putStr . showInterface) :: [SomeInterfaceType] -> IO ()
Working in a Coding Dojo today I tried the following
example :: IO ()
example = do input <- getLine
parsed <- parseOnly parser input
where parseOnly :: Parser a -> Either String a (from attoparsec) of course the compiler complained that Either .. is not IO .. essentially telling me I am mixing monads.
Of course this can be solved by
case parseOnly parser input of .. -> ..
which is kind of unelegant, I think. Also my guess is that somebody else had this problem earlier and the solution I think is related to monad transformers, but the last bits I cannot piece together.
It also reminded me of liftIO - but this is the other way around I think which solves the problem of lifting an IO action happening inside some surrounding monad (more precisely MonadIO - say for example inside Snap when one wants to print something to stdout while getting some http).
More general this problem seems to be for a Monad m1 and a (different) Monad m2 how can I do something like
example = do a <- m1Action
b <- m2Action
You can't, in general. The whole do block has to be one specific monad (because example needs to have some specific type). If you could bind an arbitrary other monad inside that do block, you'd have unsafePerformIO.
Monad transformers allow you to produce one monad combining the kinds of things multiple other monads can do. But you have to decide that all the actions in your do block use the same monad transformer stack to use those, they're not a way to arbitrarily switch monads mid do-block.
Your solution with case only works because you've got a particular known monad (Either) that has a way of extracting values from inside it. Not all monads provide this, so it's impossible to build a general solution without knowing the particular monads involved. That's why the do block syntax doesn't provide such a shortcut.
In general, monad transformers are for this kind of interleaving. You can use ExceptT
example :: IO (Either String ())
example = runExceptT $ do
input <- liftIO getLine
parsed <- parseOnly parser input
Note that parseOnly must return ExceptT String IO a for some a. Or better ExceptT String m a for any m. Or if you want parseOnly to return Either String a it's
example :: IO (Either String ())
example = runExceptT $ do
input <- lift getLine
parsed <- ExceptT $ return $ parseOnly parser input
But I think all you need is just
eitherToIO :: Either String a -> IO a
eitherToIO (Left s) = error s
eitherToIO (Right x) = return x
parseOnly :: ... -> String -> Either String Int
example :: IO ()
example = do
input <- getLine
parsed <- eitherToIO $ parseOnly parser input
You need to make that expression type check; just as in pure code. Here,
... = do a <- act1 -- m1 monad
b <- act2 -- m2 monad
de-sugars to:
... = act1 >>= (\a -> act2 >>= \b -> ...)
>>= is of signature:
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
the outer bind is specialized with m1, so it expects that the expression inside parenthesis be of type: a -> m1 b, whereas the inner bind is specialized with m2, so the expression inside parenthesis will be of type a -> m2 b:
-- outer bind expects ( \a -> m1 b )
act1 >>= (\a -> act2 >>= \b -> ...)
-- inner bind results ( \a -> m2 b )
for this to type check, you need a function of signature m2 b -> m1 b in between the two; that is what lift does for a certain class of m2 and m1 monads: namely m1 ~ t m2 where t is an instance of MonadTrans:
lift :: (Monad m, MonadTrans t) => m a -> t m a
All About Monads explains sequence_:
The sequence_ function (notice the underscore) has the same behavior as sequence but does not return a list of results. It is useful when only the side-effects of the monadic computations are important.
Then, looking at TestSequence.hs:
import Control.Monad
f :: String -> IO ()
f x = print x
run :: [String] -> IO ()
run xs = sequence_ . map f $ xs
I can run it:
λ: run ["foo", "bar"]
Is sequence_ calling unsafePerformIO on each IO () to get the result, i.e. the ()?
And, is sequence_ discouraged? Or is it, for the IO Monad, simply used "at the end of the world" to run a list of IO actions?
No, it is not calling unsafePerformIO on each IO () action. In fact, its type is not even specific to IO:
sequence_ :: (Monad m, Foldable t) => t (m a) -> m ()
In the old libraries, when it was specific to lists (rather than generic over all Foldables), it was implemented in the following perfectly readable way:
sequence_ [] = return ()
sequence_ (x:xs) = x >> sequence_ xs
It is absolutely not discouraged; sequence_ (and its big brother, mapM_) are extremely useful, to the point that it is even one of my motivating examples for why Monads as an abstraction are useful.
I tried to print map function's list output using putStrLn as,
main = do
let out = "hello\nworld\nbye\nworld\n"
putStrLn $ map ("out: " ++) $ lines out
It throws error as,
Couldn't match type ‘[Char]’ with ‘Char’
I referred some other code and changed the lastline to
mapM_ putStrLn $ map ("out: " ++) $ lines out
It solves the problem, but how does map monad with underscore suffix work in this case?
mapM_ is based on the mapM function, which has the type
mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
And mapM_ has the type
mapM_ :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m ()
With the former, it acts like the normal map over a list, but where each element has an action run with the results aggregated. So for example if you wanted to read multiple files you could use contents <- mapM readFile [filename1, filename2, filename3], and contents would be a list where each element represented the contents of the corresponding file. The mapM_ function does the same thing, but throws away the results. One definition is
mapM_ f list = do
mapM f list
return ()
Every action gets executed, but nothing is returned. This is useful in situations like yours where the result value is useless, namely that () is the only value of type () and therefore no actual decisions can be made from it. If you had mapM putStrLn someListOfStrings then the result of this would have type IO [()], but with mapM_ putStrLn someListOfStrings the [()] is thrown away and just replaced with ().
I have a file number.txt which contains a large number and I read it into an IO String like this:
readNumber = readFile "number.txt" >>= return
In another function I want to create a list of Ints, one Int for each digit…
Lets assume the content of number.txt is:
Then I want my function to return [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0].
I tried severall versions with map, mapM(_), liftM, and, and, and, but I got several error messages everytime, which I was able to reduce to
Couldn't match expected type `[m0 Char]'
with actual type `IO String'
The last version I have on disk is the following:
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
main = intify >>= putStrLn . show
readNumber = readFile "number.txt" >>= return
intify = mapM (liftM digitToInt) readNumber
So, as far as I understand the error, I need some function that takes IO [a] and returns [IO a], but I was not able to find such thing with hoogle… Only the other way round seemes to exist
In addition to the other great answers here, it's nice to talk about how to read [IO Char] versus IO [Char]. In particular, you'd call [IO Char] "an (immediate) list of (deferred) IO actions which produce Chars" and IO [Char] "a (deferred) IO action producing a list of Chars".
The important part is the location of "deferred" above---the major difference between a type IO a and a type a is that the former is best thought of as a set of instructions to be executed at runtime which eventually produce an a... while the latter is just that very a.
This phase distinction is key to understanding how IO values work. It's also worth noting that it can be very fluid within a program---functions like fmap or (>>=) allow us to peek behind the phase distinction. As an example, consider the following function
foo :: IO Int -- <-- our final result is an `IO` action
foo = fmap f getChar where -- <-- up here getChar is an `IO Char`, not a real one
f :: Char -> Int
f = Data.Char.ord -- <-- inside here we have a "real" `Char`
Here we build a deferred action (foo) by modifying a deferred action (getChar) by using a function which views a world that only comes into existence after our deferred IO action has run.
So let's tie this knot and get back to the question at hand. Why can't you turn an IO [Char] into an [IO Char] (in any meaningful way)? Well, if you're looking at a piece of code which has access to IO [Char] then the first thing you're going to want to do is sneak inside of that IO action
floob = do chars <- (getChars :: IO [Char])
where in the part left as ... we have access to chars :: [Char] because we've "stepped into" the IO action getChars. This means that by this point we've must have already run whatever runtime actions are required to generate that list of characters. We've let the cat out of the monad and we can't get it back in (in any meaningful way) since we can't go back and "unread" each individual character.
(Note: I keep saying "in any meaningful way" because we absolutely can put cats back into monads using return, but this won't let us go back in time and have never let them out in the first place. That ship has sailed.)
So how do we get a type [IO Char]? Well, we have to know (without running any IO) what kind of IO operations we'd like to do. For instance, we could write the following
replicate 10 getChar :: [IO Char]
and immediately do something like
take 5 (replicate 10 getChar)
without ever running an IO action---our list structure is immediately available and not deferred until the runtime has a chance to get to it. But note that we must know exactly the structure of the IO actions we'd like to perform in order to create a type [IO Char]. That said, we could use yet another level of IO to peek at the real world in order to determine the parameters of our action
do len <- (figureOutLengthOfReadWithoutActuallyReading :: IO Int)
return $ replicate len getChar
and this fragment has type IO [IO Char]. To run it we have to step through IO twice, we have to let the runtime perform two IO actions, first to determine the length and then second to actually act on our list of IO Char actions.
sequence :: [IO a] -> IO [a]
The above function, sequence, is a common way to execute some structure containing a, well, sequence of IO actions. We can use that to do our two-phase read
twoPhase :: IO [Char]
twoPhase = do len <- (figureOutLengthOfReadWithoutActuallyReading :: IO Int)
putStrLn ("About to read " ++ show len ++ " characters")
sequence (replicate len getChar)
>>> twoPhase
Determining length of read
About to read 22 characters
let me write 22 charac"let me write 22 charac"
You got some things mixed up:
readNumber = readFile "number.txt" >>= return
the return is unecessary, just leave it out.
Here is a working version:
module Main where
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
main :: IO ()
main = intify >>= print
readNumber :: IO String
readNumber = readFile "number.txt"
intify :: IO [Int]
intify = fmap (map digitToInt) readNumber
Such a function can't exists, because you would be able to evaluate the length of the list without ever invoking any IO.
What is possible is this:
imbue' :: IO [a] -> IO [IO a]
imbue' = fmap $ map return
Which of course generalises to
imbue :: (Functor f, Monad m) => m (f a) -> m (f (m a))
imbue = liftM $ fmap return
You can then do, say,
quun :: IO [Char]
bar :: [IO Char] -> IO Y
main = do
actsList <- imbue quun
y <- bar actsLists
Only, the whole thing about using [IO Char] is pointless: it's completely equivalent to the much more straightforward way of working only with lists of "pure values", only using the IO monad "outside"; how to do that is shown in Markus's answer.
Do you really need many different helper functions? Because you may write just
main = do
file <- readFile "number.txt"
let digits = map digitToInt file
print digits
or, if you really need to separate them, try to minimize the amount of IO signatures:
readNumber = readFile "number.txt" --Will be IO String
intify = map digitToInt --Will be String -> [Int], not IO
main = readNumber >>= print . intify
I am really new to Haskell, so this might be a stupid question. I have a function
foo :: Int -> IO ()
whose result will print some useful information. Now I want to do this:
foo 0
foo 1
foo 0
foo 2
foo 3
How can I write this as a loop? My problem is to 'concatenate' the Monads, which is done automatically by the do statement...
Thank you for your help!
mapM_ foo [0,1,0,2,3] will do the trick.
What's perhaps more important is "how does one figure that out?" Hoogle is a wonderful tool. You want to apply a function with signature Int -> IO () to a bunch of Ints to get a new IO action. The thing you're looking for will thus have signature (Int -> IO ()) -> [Int] -> IO (), so we go and ask Hoogle for functions with that signature. The second result is mapM_, whose signature is
Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m ()
Right, so mapM_ in fact works with any monad (not just IO) and any type (not just Int). When you think about it, that's not surprising at all.
You want the mapM_ combinator, which maps a function returning a monadic value over a list, and uses the bind operator to sequence the results:
>> let foo n = putStrLn (show n ++ "!")
>> mapM_ foo [0,1,0,2,3]
Sometimes people like to use the flipped version
for :: Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
for = flip mapM_
which looks more like imperative code:
>> for [1..5] $ \n ->
putStrLn ("Number: " ++ show n)
Number: 1
Number: 2
Number: 3
Number: 4
Number: 5
Note that a combinator called forM_ is defined in Control.Monad and does exactly the same thing as the combinator I've called for.