Is it free to create container in Azure? - azure

I would like to create containers for each virtual machine, then deploy them.
As I known deploy is not free.
Is it free to create container in Azure?

For Azure Storage, you only pay for consumption, measured in GB/month (e.g. less than a nickel/month per GB). Containers are essentially free, since they take up virtually zero data.

The pricing of Azure storage is based on consumption or how much you use. More information of the pricing can be found on the Azure website.
Pricing also varies by region and by type of storage you provision.


Pricing Details for Azure Kubernetes Service and Service Fabric on free tier

I was able to sign up for a free Azure for Students account, which has the same limits as with the Azure free tier. On the "Free Service" service, this is written:
As well as this:
While I understand that "you are only charged for the computer, storage, networking, etc. resources you use" (from Microsoft's website), what can we logically do with AKS and Service Fabric in the free tier? For example, with Virtual Machines, you can Linux and Windows B1S VMs for 1500 hours every month. This means I can provision B1S VMs, one Linux and one Windows, and leave them running for up to 1500 hours per month.
To summarize, can we provision any AKS cluster (with some amount of worker nodes), or a Service Fabric cluster without incurring any charges (a logical way to use these services) in a similar way to how I can create VMs and use them within these limits for free? And if not, is there any other alternative that is free?
Thank you in advance.
AKS cluster itself is free, but you cant use b1s nodes for the system node pool (they are too small):
so the answer would be no.
EDIT: sorry, forgot about the Service Fabric part of the question. I dont see why that wouldn't work apart from the fact that it would be next to impossible to actually deploy anything useful on top of b1s vm that's running all of the SF binaries.

Using Azure Storage Plan with Azure Web App

SUMMARY: Can I use an Azure Storage Plan as additional storage that is available to an Azure Web App?
DETAILS: We have a very simple Web App using a low amount of CPU and large amount of storage (all it does is list and allow you to download files). I need at least 50GB of storage for video and audio files for this app and to get that amount of storage on a plan pushes me up to unreasonable CPU and other resources that I don't need with the consequences of a much higher price.
My plan (hope) is that I could create a Web App and remap the root directory of the Web App to a Storage Plan that is 50GB. Two challenges that I have spent the last day researching but at this point, I have not been able to find an answer.
I have created the Web App. I see that /wwwroot is on the D: drive of the Web App. I also created a storage plan and have created a sharable area of 50GB on the storage plan.
So... Can anyone give me some insight into the following:
How do I tell the Web App to use the 50GB of storage which is now available to it?
How can I map a drive letter to the area in the storage plan?
How do I tell the Web App that it should use the 50GB area on the storage plan as the root drive instead of using D:/Webroot
Many Thanks!
Refer this feedback link on a similar request: - it has been denied.
By default, on Azure WebApps, all files are stored in the file system with the application, including the media files. You may wish to know about the main types of files ( that are dealt on Azure WebApp (Persisted files, Temporary files and Machine level read-only files)
Refer to the article ( File structure on azure to know the sets of files & dirs on Azure WebApp, and check the directories which include the possible increasing files, such as LogFiles, site/repository, site/deployments(for deployment slots) and your directory for uploading files.
To verify you can go to your scm site's debug console
(https://{sitename} and query for the free space on d:\local. The “Disk Space” depends on the App Service plan you're using. It's 1 GB for Free, 10 GB for Basic, 50 GB for Standard and 250 GB for Premium, refer the document for more details on these limits:
If your requirement fits you may use ASE - Azure App Service Environment is an Azure App Service feature that provides a fully isolated and dedicated environment for securely running App Service apps at high scale.
According to Microsoft Azure Support:
"... since the Product Group confirmed that it is not possible to mount
additional storage to the web app, you can integrate Azure storage
with the Azure SDK or rest API. But you can't mount the drive and use
it as storage.
Another option that you have would be to replicate the scenario on a
Virtual Machine where you can choose its capabilities (Number of
cores, RAM, and Storage Memory)."
So there you have it. It appears that WebApps are pretty fixed configurations which means that when you scale up a Web App, you get more CPU resources AND more Disk storage. It's a packaged deal most likely designed for ease of deployment. Nothing, it appears, you can do about that.
The best alternative, it seems, is to spin up a VM with your chosen OS and then add additional disk storage as needed. It's a "do-it-yourself" approach but the best solution that seems to be available.

Azure Virtual Machine Billing

I dont know if this is the right place, but I am assuming MSFT staff also answers these questions since the azure portal links to StackOverflow?
I understand that Azure no longer bills me for a VM so long as it and its cloud service are stopped. But what is unclear is am I going to be billed for the Cloud Service itself? For example say i create a Virtual machine and by doing so i get a cloud service for it (with ip). Then I turn off that virtual Machine and the cloud service. Do i still get billed for the cloud service even though everything is turned off?
Continuing on the question above. Do i get billed storage fees for the Virtual Machines filesystem. Currently windows vms are around 120GB in size. How does the billing work out for virtual machines? And how does it change if the machine is turned off.
How are Custom Images billed? Say i create my Windows 2012 Master image with IIS and a few other components installed. Then I create my own Image so that I can bring up vms more rapidly. Where is the VM image stored? Will it be in my blob container under VHD's? And again will microsoft charge me to store this image? Will it be the full 120+ GB or the actual size of the image stored.
Sorry to ask these questions. Tried my best to google around and all i could find was a post by Scott Gu where he stated VMs wont be billed and very little detail beyond that.
I understand that Azure no longer bills me for a VM so long as it and
its cloud service are stopped. But what is unclear is am I going to be
billed for the Cloud Service itself? For example say i create a
Virtual machine and by doing so i get a cloud service for it (with
ip). Then I turn off that virtual Machine and the cloud service. Do i
still get billed for the cloud service even though everything is
turned off?
Essentially think of a cloud service as a shell under which you deploy a VM. Among other things, a cloud service provides you with a DNS ( for example). What you get charged for is the VM and not the cloud service so if you have nothing deployed in a cloud service, you don't get charged anything.
Continuing on the question above. Do i get billed storage fees for the
Virtual Machines filesystem. Currently windows vms are around 120GB in
size. How does the billing work out for virtual machines? And how does
it change if the machine is turned off.
Yes, I believe so. You would be charged for 120 GB of storage (based on this blog post: [See my note on pricing below].
How are Custom Images billed? Say i create my Windows 2012 Master
image with IIS and a few other components installed. Then I create my
own Image so that I can bring up vms more rapidly. Where is the VM
image stored? Will it be in my blob container under VHD's? And again
will microsoft charge me to store this image? Will it be the full 120+
GB or the actual size of the image stored.
Custom images are billed in a similar way as standard images as in both cases the VHD file is stored in your blob storage account so Microsoft will charge you for storage. Since VHDs are essentially saved as page blobs and page blobs are only charged based on the bytes occupied you will only be charged for the space you consumed.
VHD Pricing: Essentially VHDs are stored in blob storage as page blobs and the pricing of page blobs is calculated a little bit differently. For page blobs, you're only charged for the bytes you used instead of total blob size. So for example, you have a VHD of 120 GB size (i.e. your page blob size is 120 GB) but you're only occupying 30 GB there, you're only charged for 30 GB and not 120 GB.
As #Gaurav stated, you're not charged for the service container, only for running vm's. In the case of stopped VM's, you won't be charged, although you lose your assigned IP address if you have no other running vm's. You can choose to keep a vm provisioned to preserve IP address but then you'll continue paying for the VM. When a VM is stopped, you'll still pay for its storage (since these are persistent virtual machines).
Regarding storage costs: While the vhd might be a 120GB disk, you only pay for storage that's been actually used. That is, the page blob uses sparse allocation. If you format a 120GB volume but only use 30gb, you're billed for 30gb monthly, not 120gb. You pay for all vhd's, including your custom images, since each is stored in your storage account. Again, you don't pay for 120gb on your custom images; just for the allocated pages.
I don't think you get charged for the OS disk. If you have a data disk then you will be charged for the space used.

Azure Cloud Role included storage = extra costs?

I'm currently working out the cost-analysis for my upcoming Azure project. I am tempted to use a Azure Cloud Role, because it has a certain amount of storage included in the offer. However, I have the feeling that it is too good to be true.
Therefore, I was wondering. Do you have to pay transaction-costs/ storage costs on this "included" storage? I can't find any information about this on the Azure website, and I want to be as accurate as possible (even if the cost of transactions is almost nothing).
To clarify, I specifically want to know about the transaction costs on the storage. Do you have to pay a small cost per transaction on the storage (like with Blob/Table storage), or is this included in the offer as well?
I am talking about the storage included with the Cloud Services (web/worker) and not a separate Table/blob storage.
Can you clarify which offer you're referring to?
With Cloud Services (web/worker roles), each VM instance has some local storage associated with it, which is free of charge and, because it's a local disk, there are no transactions or related fees associated with this storage. As Rik pointed out in his answer, that data is not durable: it's on a single disk and will be gone forever if, say, the disk crashes.
If you're storing data in Blobs, Tables, or Queues (Windows Azure Storage), then you pay per GB ($0.095 cents per GB per month for geo-redundant storage, or $0.07 per GB per month for locally-redundant storage), and a penny per 100,000 transactions. And as long as your storage account is in the same data center as your Cloud Service, there's no data egress fees.
Now we come back to the question of which offer you're referring to. The free 90-day trial, for instance, comes with 70GB of Windows Azure Storage, and 50M transactions monthly included. MSDN subscriptions come with included storage and transactions as well. If you're just working with a pay-as-you-go subscription, you'll pay for storage plus transactions.
The storage is included, but not guaranteed to be persistent. Your role could be shut down and started on a different physical location, which has no impact on the availability of your role, but you'll lose your whatever you have in storage, I.E. the included storage is very much temporary.
As for transaction costs, you only pay for outgoing data, not incoming data or data within Azure (one role to another).
You pay per GB, and $0,01 per 100.000 transactions

Migration from server hosting in a DC to Azure

I run my own uk based hosting and web design company.
We have about 10 physical servers in a DC in the UK and host about 300 or so web sites, email servers and web applications. They are all on a windows server platform with a few linux VM's.
I now have a Windows Azure account, I have set up a medium windows 2008 server within my azure account and want to start using it to maybe host and migrate some of my web sites and services onto my azure account and new server. With the view that maybe I could move ALL my services over and get rid of the need for any of my physical servers in the DC.
My question that I am still really struggling with how much this will really cost me on an ongoing basis.
The billing area, doesnt really tell me much as it simply shows my bill as £0.00. It shows my usage but I am really struggling to compare the resources I am currently using compared to how its billed in azure? It doesnt even show me what it would have cost me if I werent ona trial.
I dont want to move web hosted sites over if its going to cost me more than hosting in my current DC.
I was thinking of moving many sites onto the new server i have set up as its a better spec than a few of my current servers, so would see a big benefit, I even considered setting up a much larger Server in my Azure account but again unsure as to the real cost of that box its hard to compare.
Do I simply need to look at the calculator and select the number of servers i wil deploy, select how much storage I need and bandwidth? Or do I need to look at the items in the billing area as well - such as:
Compute units,Storage Transactions,Data Transfer Out,Data Transfer In
When I set up the server it didnt ask me for how much storage I wanted it just set it up with about 150GB avaialble in the actual server.
Any advice as I really see this as something i want to use over the next 12 months, but not if once i have finally migrated stuff its going to cost me more than my normal hosting and i have to move stuff all back at the end of the 12 months.
Because you're using Windows Azure Virtual Machines, you should first use the virtual machine pricing calculator. This calculator only displays the costs that are relevant for your scenario except for the storage transaction cost. Here is a breakdown of the costs you'll have to consider:
Virtual Machines
The Virtual Machine cost appears on the bill as compute units. Throughout the Windows Azure Virtual Machine preview, the cost per core per hour is $0.08. Once VMs reach general availability, the cost will be $0.115 per core per hour for Windows VMs and $0.085 for Linux VMs. Using the calculator, you can see that a medium instance uses two cores and will therefore be billed at $0.16 per hour during the preview period. You will have to use your best judgement to determine how many virtual machines you'll need and how large they should be.
You will have to pay for the data actually used within your VHDs. Let's assume you have one virtual machine with one VHD attached. If the size of the VHD 200GB, but only 100GB is used, you will have to pay for 100GB per month.
Microsoft now only charges for egress data transfers (data going out of the data center). With this pricing change, the Data Transfer In section of the billing area will always be 0.00. Hopefully, you already have a good idea about your current outbound data usage. If so, you can calculate your bandwidth cost by simply moving the bandwidth slider to the correct spot.
Storage Transactions
If you scroll down to the Transactions section of this blog post, you'll see how storage transactions are counted. Basically, you count one transaction per write operation and possibly one transaction per read operation depending if the data is cached or not. The cost of storage transactions are negligible because you only have to pay one cent per 100,000 transactions. That's why storage transactions are left out of the calculator.
To answer such question in an input box has limitation to express in details. The cost calculator is there to give you an estimate of upper limit about what the cost will be if your usage are under selected limit. Based on my personal experiences if you choose higher limits of usage and keep the usages within your forecast limits, there will be no hidden charges. But the reality could be far different because you may not estimate the usages correctly at first and this could change the cost later.
For moving a traditional web hosting solution to Windows Azure, latest release of Windows Azure Virtual Machine is best fit as this requires minimum migration complexity. So the VM size you will choose will have fixed resources (compute, local storage, network bandwidth, disk I/O etc) and the cost will be fixed as long as you are under limit so there will not be unseen charges.
Windows Azure Storage is pay as you go (ranges ~$0.012/GB depend on usage limit) and there is no limit. When moving from traditions web hosting to Cloud environment, due to application architecture design, I have seen less Cloud storage usage and more VM storage so it may not cost a lot.
The place you will see cost variation is data egress/ingress and it is difficult to forecast as it is all depend on application usage, so this is something you will have to account as variable cost.
You can also contact Windows Azure Virtual Machine Forum where dedicated Windows Azure Virtual Machine resources are available to answer your such questions.
Finally One thing I would also add that Windows Azure Virtual Machines are still in preview mode so it would be best to bring some of your business to Windows Azure VM as trial and testing purpose because now matter what you think you may encounter problems (because it is preview release) and this could case service disruption.
