How to prevent a compiled batch file store source in tmp? - security

I need a batch file compiler that doesnt leave the source in %tmp%, so it cant be cracked that way. If there isnt a compiler that can do that, is there a way to prevent it? I have tried AbyssMedia QBFC, but it just makes the file hidden.

I agree with Hackoo: This can't be done.
A batch file is a Windows command script. Like all scripts being just a text file, also batch files need an interpreter for execution which is the Windows command processor cmd.exe for all versions of Windows NT (NT4, 2K, XP, Vista, ...).
All bat-to-exe converters simply embed the batch file compressed or even uncompressed into an executable. The created executable extracts the batch file into directory for temporary files and execute it as process resulting in being interpreted with cmd.exe.
So what all those bat-to-exe tools do can be done for example also with WinRAR by creating a self-extracting RAR archive which on execution extracts the batch file (and other added files) automatically into temporary files directory and executes the batch file which as last line deletes itself.
In other words bat-to-exe tools are completely useless tools in my point of view. SomethingDark is right: bat-to-exe converters are garbage.


How to move lots of dotfiles staying at /home without breaking programs?

With more and more programs installed on my computer, I am tired of seeing lots of dotfiles while I have to access them often. For some reason I won't hide dotfiles when browsing files. Is there a way to move them to a better place I want them to stay (e.g. ~/.config/$PROGCONF) without affecting programs while running?
Symlinks still leave file symbols, which is far from my expectation. I expect that operations like listdirs() won't show the files while opening them uses a redirection.
"For some reason it won't hide dotfiles when browsing files.":
That depends on the file manager you use. nautilus hides it by default and most file managers have an option to "show/hide hidden files". The ls command by default omits out hidden files (files starting with a dot). It lists all files with the option -a.
"Is there a way to move them to a better place":
Programs which have support for "XDG user directories" can store their config files in `~/.config/$PROGRAM_NAME/. If the program doesn't support that and expects the config file to be present in the home directory, there is little you can do (Maybe you can give us a list of what programs' config files you want to move). The process differs for each program.
Let me give an example with vim. Its config file is ~/.vimrc. Lets say you move the file to ~/.config/vim/.vimrc. You can make vim read the file by launching vim using the following command.
vim -u ~/.config/vim/.vimrc
You can modify the .desktop entry or create a new shell script to launch vim using the above command and put it inside /usr/local/bin/ or create shell functions / aliases. You can read more about changing vim's config file location in this SO question.
This arch wiki article has application specific information.
"without affecting programs while running":
It depends on a few factors namely the file system used, the program we are dealing with and so on.
Generally, deleting / moving files only unlinks the file name from an inode and programs read / write files using inodes. Read more here. And most programs read the config file at the start, load the values into memory. They rarely read the config files again. So, if you move your config file while the program is running (assuming the program supports config in both places), you won't see a difference until the program is restarted.
"I expect that operations like listdirs() won't show the files"
I am assuming you are talking about os.listdir() in python. If files are present, os.listdir() will list them, there is little you can change about that. But you can write custom functions to omit out the hidden files from being listed.
This SO question can help with that.

Using Octave to "Edit" notepad file instead of "Open" in Windows

I use Windows 10 and an .exe program (in-house code written by a colleague) that imports data from .txt files. Since 99% of my use of .txt files are for this program, I've changed the default Windows program so that this .exe file is run automatically when opening a .txt file. If I need to access the .txt file directly, or use it for another purpose, I right-click and choose "edit."
I'm now writing a program of my own (using Octave 4.4.1), which also uses .txt files that sometimes need to be opened/edited, but if I use "open(filename)" in my Octave script, of course it just opens the .exe file. I can open the .txt file from there, but I'd like to skip this middle step, since the aforementioned .exe program is not intended to be used in this process, and there are other users of my code that don't have the .exe program installed.
Is there a way to duplicate the right-click/edit feature in Windows within Octave code? "edit(filename)" opens the file in the native Octave editor, which is technically viable, but not exactly a desirable scenario. I've also tried changing the default Octave editor to Notepad, and I've tried Notepad++ as well, but I have had absolutely no luck, even with significant effort, of making Octave use an external default editor of any kind (even when I remove the .exe program as the default for .txt files). Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.
You can send command-line commands from Octave using the system() function.
For example, to open the file in notepad, you could do
[status, output] = system("notepad <path_to_text_file>.txt");
If notepad isn't in your system path, you will have to add it to or use the full path to the notepad executable
Or, if you want to use Notepad++, add it to your system path and then do
[status, output] = system("notepad++ <path_to_text_file>.txt");

Copy file from windows to linux without Modifying file timestamp using SAS

I want to copy excel file file from windows to Linux system and need to capture last modified date of the file.
We cant take take last modified date of the file from windows.
Since i am using below code to copy file from Windows to Linux, Code is able to transfer file to Linux system however once after running the code the timestamp of the file is changing. Is there any way to copy file from windows to linux without modifying file timestamp. Please help.
%smb_init(username=**MYID**, password=%str(**password**), domain=****);
%smb_pull(windows=//files/Load/Test/Folder1/PIC Alerts/ABC Alerts.xlsx,
If you would like to copy files while preserving attributes, enable X commands in SAS and let the OS handle copying files. After enabling it, it's as simple as using a built-in Linux file copying command like rsync.
For example, this will copy data, attributes, and timestamps:
rsync -av //source/mydata.xlsx /dest/mydata.xlsx
Once you confirm it works as expected, you can build it into your SAS program and pass it to Linux:
x 'rsync -av //source/mydata.xlsx /dest/mydata.xlsx';
The automatic macro variable &sysrc will tell you if it was successful. A value of 0 means success. Non-zero means failure.

Adding a file into the Runtime Image in WEC7

In order to include any file in the WEC7 we have to use the bib files.
In my case I created a subproject in which I wrote an application, now I want this application to be included in the run-time image. So I opened the project.bib file and wrote the following entries.
As it is an executable file, it should be in the MODULES Section
Subproject2.exe $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\Subproject2.exe NK
When I loaded the image on the device, I checked the Windows folder for the image, it was not present.
But when i wrote this in the FILES section
Subproject2.exe $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\Subproject2.exe NK
It is present in the windows folder, may I know the reason?
Is it that for executables we have to keep it in the FILES section?
Or whether I'm doing anything wrong?
The MODULES section is for exe's or dll's that you may want to execute in-place, that is, without first loading them into RAM. Modules listed in this section will not be compressed in the final nk.bin image.
The FILES section on the other hand is for files that can be compressed in the image without affecting the ability to run in-place. This includes resources like bitmap images, audio and video files, and, perhaps surprisingly, also .NET exe's and dll's which are not real executables in this context (they are always loaded into memory before execution).
So generally, unmanaged/non-.NET executables should be placed in the MODULES section.
When you make changes to the .bib file be aware that, depending on the BSP, you may need to perform a platform sysgen and copy files to the release directory before generating the image.
In Platform Builder 7.0, this is done by right-clicking the Platform name in Solution Explorer and hitting Sysgen(SysgenPlatform...), followed by a trip to the Build menu and the Copy Files to Release Directory command.
You'll need to do the same if you change any .reg, .dat or .db files.
Notice that you can load the nk.bin file directly in Platform Builder to inspect its contents, files, registry entries, etc. This can potentially save some time compared to installing the image in the target. Just go through the File menu, Open, File... and navigate to the nk.bin file.

I've downloaded an .exe file but it closes quickly as it opens

I am trying to open a downloaded .exe file but it closes as soon as it opens. Is there any possible way so that I can open it for a longer duration to read the content.
It's probably a console application rather than a GUI application. Use the command prompt to run the .exe.
Do the following...
Hold down your Windows key on your keyboard and then tap "R".
This will bring up the Run dialog. Type in "cmd" (without the quotes). Hit enter.
(this will work in all Windows versions - browsing the start menu/screen differs in each version)
If you saved the file to c:\downloads and it's called myFile.exe, type
cd C:\Downloads
Some of the steps are a bit redundant - if you know what you're doing in the command prompt then skip as needed (but then you probably wouldn't be posting this question). This will work even if you saved the file to D:\downloads.
Another example - if you saved the file to D:\folderA\Folder with a space\ and the file is called "my file with a space.exe" then type
cd "D:\folderA\Folder with a space"
"my file with a space.exe"
If there is an issue (eg it's a 64-bit executable and you're on 32-bit Windows) then you may get a better error message at the command line.
There are so many reasons why the executable does not run. Here are some ways to check what is going wrong:
Is it your .exe? Do you known the "normal" behavior?
When you download it manually, it the result the same?
Do you download the .exe manually or via your application?
Do you see any problem in your Windows Event Viewer?
Is it the same result if you try to download the .exe via different browsers (IE, FF, ...)?
More details are welcome!
The nuget.exe file is not a console GUI application but rather a console package. Once you've downloaded it, you'll want to place it in a folder outside your Downloads folder. For example, C:\NuGet\nuget.exe - then set it as a PATH variable so that it's executable from anywhere.
