I have a question about excel (hopefully on the right forum)
I have a data of 100 numbers in excel and I want to randomly choose 30 numbers with the fact that the same number is not chosen again (so by removing the number that was already selected)
And I come across by not knowing on how to do that?
I tried with RANDBETWEEN(1;100) and copying it 30 times but it is/can repeat the same number.
Could you please offer me assistance on how to do that?
Thank you.
Is there a way to do this with worksheat formulas instead of using VBA -that some other forun questions suggest?
Here is some Excel VBA Code which should do the trick
Sub RandomUniquiNumber()
Dim NumberArray As Variant
ReDim NumberArray(100)
Dim NumberArrayPosition As Long
For NumberArrayPosition = 1 To 100
NumberArray(NumberArrayPosition) = NumberArrayPosition
Next NumberArrayPosition
Dim Result As Variant
ReDim Result(30)
Dim ResultPositionNumber As Long
Dim ResultString As String
Dim RandomNumber As String
Dim InStrResult As Long
ResultString = ""
For ResultPositionNumber = 1 To 30
RandomNumber = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, 100)
InStrResult = InStr(1, ResultString, RandomNumber)
If InStrResult = 0 Then
ResultString = ResultString & " " & RandomNumber
Do While InStrResult > 1
RandomNumber = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, 100)
InStrResult = InStr(1, ResultString, RandomNumber)
ResultString = ResultString & " " & RandomNumber
End If
'Result in an Array
Result(ResultPositionNumber) = RandomNumber
Next ResultPositionNumber
'If you want the result as an Array Use Result(ResultPositionNumber)
'If you want the result as an Array Use ResultString
End Sub
Try this variation.
In column A put in the 100 numbers in order.
For each number in column A, put =RAND() in column B.
Then sort the array using column B.
Pick off the top 30 numbers in column A.
I have an excel sheet with some rows of descriptions in a single column, what I am aiming is to get a vba that would go though all those rows of descriptions and truncate it upto certain character limit for example 30 characters and if the truncation stops at 30 character in the middle of the word then I want the complete word(could extend beyond 30 characters in this case).
I tried to do this with the VBA code below, but I am not able to get what I am looking for.
Function foo(r As Range)
Dim sentence As Variant
Dim w As Integer
Dim ret As String
' assign this cell's value to an array called "sentence"
sentence = Split(r.Value, " ")
' iterate each word in the sentence
For w = LBound(sentence) To UBound(sentence)
' trim to 6 characters:
sentence(w) = Left(sentence(w), 6)
' Join the array back to a string/sentence
ret = Join(sentence, " ")
'Make sure the sentence is max 20 chars:
ret = Left(ret, 20)
'return the value to your function expression:
foo = ret
End Function
I expect the code to go through all the rows of a specific column and truncate it upto 30 characters and if the truncation stops in the middle of the word, then it should keep that word.
Since you tagged it for a formula
=LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1,30)-1)
I think you're looking for the instr() function. This could give you the first space-character after position 30.
You would get the following:
Dim SpacePosition as Integer
'return the position for the first space-character after position 29
SpacePosition = Instr(30, r.value," ")
if SpacePosition <> 0 then
'fill ret with the substring up to the first space after position 29
ret = left(r.value, SpacePosition - 1)
'if there is no space-character (after position 29) then take the whole string
ret = r.value
end if
Hope that helps.
Best & brilliant solution by #scott Craner. However, In you VBA code you may Change the followings to get required result
'Join the array back to a string/sentence
'ret = Join(sentence, " ")
ret = ""
For w = LBound(sentence) To UBound(sentence)
' trim to 6 characters:
sentence(w) = Left(sentence(w), 6)
ret = ret & IIf(Len(ret) > 0, " ", "") & sentence(w)
If Len(ret) >= 30 Then Exit For
Next w
'Make sure the sentence is max 20 chars:
' ret = Left(ret, 20)
Public Function foo(r As Range, length As Integer) As String
If Len(r.Value) <= length Then
foo = r.Value
foo = Left(r.Value, 1 + length)
foo = RTrim(Left(foo, InStrRev(foo, " ")))
End If
End Function
I suppose you would want to run that by passing 20 as the 2nd parameter
Loop rows from sheet 1, column A starting from row 1:
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim Lastrow As Long, i As Long
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Lastrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To Lastrow
'Insert Code
Next i
End With
End Sub
I need help in solving the problem:
Formula in Excel cell is like this-> =20000-17000+1000 , I need to split the figures in different columns like this-> 20000 | 17000 | 1000 , no problem with removing + / -, I can live without them. Unable to find any help hence posted here.
Thanking in advance.example given
CTR+H and change sign - into whatever unique like # then replace + the same way into #.
After having 20000#17000#1000use:
Data/Text to columns/Delimited/Other and type #
You may record a macro to have it automated.
This Sub can do it:
Public Sub SplitSum(rngInput As Range, rngOutputStart As Range)
Dim varParts As Variant: varParts = Split(Replace(Replace(Mid(rngInput.Formula, 2), "-", "|"), "+", "|"), "|")
Dim c As Long: For c = LBound(varParts) To UBound(varParts)
rngOutputStart.offset(0, c - LBound(varParts)).Value = CDbl(varParts(c))
Next c
End Sub
You can use it like this:
SplitSum ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)
This function will preserve the sign before your numbers and has been written simply so as to permit you easy access for further tweaking if necessary.
Sub SumsToColumns(Rng As Range)
Dim RngVal As String
Dim Vals() As String
Dim n As Integer
RngVal = Trim(Rng.Cells(1).Formula)
If Len(RngVal) Then
RngVal = Mid(Replace(RngVal, "+ ", "+"), 2)
RngVal = Replace(RngVal, " +", " +")
RngVal = Replace(RngVal, "- ", "-")
RngVal = Replace(RngVal, "-", " -")
n = Len(RngVal)
RngVal = Replace(RngVal, " ", " ")
Loop While Len(RngVal) < n
Vals = Split(RngVal)
For n = 0 To UBound(Vals)
With Rng
.Worksheet.Cells(.Row, .Column + n + 2).Value = Vals(n)
End With
Next n
End If
End Sub
You can call this function with a line like this:-
where "G13" is a range you might extract from a simple procedure that loops through all cells in a column. Please take note of the following line in the code.
.Worksheet.Cells(.Row, .Column + n + 2).Value
It specifies that the result should be written in the same worksheet as where the Range("G13") was taken from, in the same row (13 in this case) and starting 2 columns to the right, in this case "G" + 2 columns = "I". You can modify the "2" to any offset you might require. The result will be split over as many columns as there are separate numbers in G13.
I'm trying to generate words in Column B from a list of given words in Column A.
Right now my code in Excel VBA does this:
Function GetText()
Dim GivenWords
GivenWords = Sheets(1).Range(Sheets(1).[a1], Sheets(1).[a20])
GetText = A(Application.RandBetween(1, UBound(A)), 1)
End Function
This generates a word from the list I have provided in A1:A20, but I don't want any duplicates.
GetText() will be run 15 times in Column B from B1:B15.
How can I check for any duplicates in Column B, or more efficiently, remove the words temporarily from the list once it has been used?
For example,
Select Range A1:A20
Select one value randomly (e.g A5)
A5 is in Column B1
Select Range A1:A4 and A6:A20
Select one value randomly (e.g A7)
A7 is in Column B2
Repeat, etc.
This was trickier than I thought. The formula should be used as a vertical array eg. select the cells where you want the output, press f2 type =gettext(A1:A20) and press ctrl+shift+enter
This means that you can select where your input words are in the worksheet, and the output can be upto as long as that list of inputs, at which point you'll start getting #N/A errors.
Function GetText(GivenWords as range)
Dim item As Variant
Dim list As New Collection
Dim Aoutput() As Variant
Dim tempIndex As Integer
Dim x As Integer
ReDim Aoutput(GivenWords.Count - 1) As Variant
For Each item In GivenWords
list.Add (item.Value)
For x = 0 To GivenWords.Count - 1
tempIndex = Int(Rnd() * list.Count + 1)
Aoutput(x) = list(tempIndex)
list.Remove tempIndex
GetText = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Aoutput())
End Function
Here's how I would do it, using 2 extra columns, and no VBA code...
List of words Rand Rank 15 Words
Apple =RAND() =RANK(B2,$B$2:$B$21) =INDEX($A$2:$A$21,MATCH(ROW()-1,$C$2:$C$21,0))
copy B2 and C2 down as far as the list, and drag D down for however many words you want.
Copy the word list somewhere, as every time you change something on the sheet (or recalculate), you will get a new list of words
Using VBA:
Sub GetWords()
Dim Words
Dim Used(20) As Boolean
Dim NumChosen As Integer
Dim RandWord As Integer
Words = [A1:A20]
NumChosen = 0
While NumChosen < 15
RandWord = Int(Rnd * 20) + 1
If Not Used(RandWord) Then
NumChosen = NumChosen + 1
Used(RandWord) = True
Cells(NumChosen, 2) = Words(RandWord, 1)
End If
End Sub
Here is the code. I am deleting the cell after using it. Please make a backup of your data before using this as it will delete the cell contents (it will not save automatically...but just in case). You need to run the 'main' sub to get the output.
Sub main()
Dim i As Integer
'as you have put 15 in your question, i am using 15 here. Change it as per your need.
For i = 15 To 1 Step -1
'putting the value of the function in column b (upwards)
Sheets(1).Cells(i, 2).Value = GetText(i)
End Sub
Function GetText(noofrows As Integer)
'if noofrows is 1, the rand function wont work
If noofrows > 1 Then
Dim GivenWords
Dim rowused As Integer
GivenWords = Sheets(1).Range(Sheets(1).Range("A1"), Sheets(1).Range("A" & noofrows))
'getting the randbetween value to a variable bcause after taking the value, we can delete the cell.
rowused = (Application.RandBetween(1, UBound(GivenWords)))
GetText = Sheets(1).Range("A" & rowused)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'deleting the cell as we have used it and the function should not use it again
Sheets(1).Cells(rowused, 1).Delete (xlUp)
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
'if noofrows is 1, there is only one value left. so we just use it.
GetText = Sheets(1).Range("A1").Value
Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Delete (xlUp)
End If
End Function
Hope this helps.
I have a column in Excel with the format:
I need a way to format it like this, that is divide the string into groups of three characters, sort the groups alphabetically and then join them together with a + sign between:
I wonder it this is possible using the built in formulas in Excel or if I have to do this using VBA or something else, I already have the code for this in C# if there is an easy way to use that from Excel. I have not written plugins for Excel before.
Edit to add:
The above is just an example, the string can be of "any length" but its always divisible by three and the order is random so I cannot assume anything about the order beforehand.
Sub ArraySort()
Dim strStarter As String
Dim strFinish As String
Dim intHowMany As Integer
Dim intStartSlice As Integer
strStarter = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value 'Pulls value from cell to the left
intHowMany = Int(Len(strStarter) / 3)
ReDim arrSlices(1 To intHowMany) As String
intStartSlice = 1
For x = 1 To intHowMany
arrSlices(x) = Mid(strStarter, intStartSlice, 3)
intStartSlice = intStartSlice + 3
Next x
Call BubbleSort(arrSlices)
For x = 1 To intHowMany
strFinish = strFinish + arrSlices(x) & "+"
Next x
strFinish = Left(strFinish, Len(strFinish) - 1)
ActiveCell.Value = strFinish 'Puts result into activecell
End Sub
Sub BubbleSort(list() As String)
'Taken from power programming with VBA
'It’s a sorting procedure for 1-dimensional arrays named List
'The procedure takes each array element, if it is greater than the next element, the two elements swap positions.
'The evaluation is repeated for every pair of items (that is n-1 times)
Dim First As Integer, Last As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim temp As String
First = LBound(list)
Last = UBound(list)
For i = First To Last - 1
For j = i + 1 To Last
If list(i) > list(j) Then
temp = list(j)
list(j) = list(i)
list(i) = temp
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub
I am hoping someone could help me out with a VBA Excel macro.
I have received a worksheet in Excel 2007 which contains product names in one column, and I need to sort this into a logical format so I can use it. However, the list itself is not in any kind of logical order, is 10 000 rows long and I am going to have to do this every month!!
Basically, what I would like to do is search for certain keywords which are common to most of the entries and move them into separate cells in different columns (but in the same row as the original entry).
Regarding keywords: There are 3 different types, two of which I have a complete list of.
Example of keywords: some are measures such as cm (centimetre), mm (millimetre), m (metre) etc.). Then there are other keywords such as % and finally a last set of keywords which is wood, plastic, glass etc.
If this was not complicated enough, the measures (cm for example) are duplicated in some instances and are important details so I cant just separate them but would ideally like them in two adjacent cells.
Fortunately, there is a space after each measure, % sign and item material.
Working from right to left is the easiest way I can think of achieving this as the first description in the string varies wildly between entries and that can stay as is.
So, below is an example string, lets say this is in Cell A1. (Inverted commas are not included in the string and the word "by" appears in only about 100 cases. Usually it is missing...)
"Chair Leg Wood 100% 1m by 20cm"
I would ideally like for the string to be split up into cells as follows
Cell B1 - Chair Leg
Cell C1 - Wood
Cell D1 - 1m
Cell E1 - 2cm
Cell F1 - 100%
Having the % measures in the same column would be extremely helpful
Can anyone please help me with this or the beginnings of a macro which does this and then moves down the list - I have tried using some basic "find" and "len" formulas but really am at my wits end on how to deal with this!
The task boils down to defining a robust definition of the structure of the input data.
Form the info provided a candidate definition might be
<Description, one or more words> <Material, one word> <A value followd by %> <Dimension A> <optional "by"> <Dimension B>
The following macro will process data that conforms this this spec. The definition may need
expanding, eg two word materials (eg Mild Steel)
You will need to add error handling in case any rows don't conform, eg no % in the string, or % character elsewhere in string
Option Explicit
Dim dat As Variant
Sub ProcessData()
Dim r As Range
Dim i As Long
Set r = Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, ActiveSheet.Columns(1)).Resize(, 5)
dat = r
For i = 1 To UBound(dat, 1)
ParseRow i, CStr(dat(i, 1))
r = dat
ActiveSheet.Columns(5).Style = "Percent"
End Sub
Sub ParseRow(rw As Long, s As String)
'Chair Leg Wood 100% 1m by 20cm
Dim i As Long
Dim sDim As String, sPCnt As String, sMat As String, sDesc As String
Dim sA As String, sB As String
i = InStr(s, "% ")
sDim = Trim(Replace(Mid(s, i + 2), " by ", " ")) ' text to right of %, remove "by"
sA = Trim(Left(sDim, InStr(sDim, " "))) ' split dimension string in two
sB = Trim(Mid(sDim, InStr(sDim, " ")))
s = Left(s, i)
i = InStrRev(s, " ")
sPCnt = Mid(s, i + 1) ' text back to first space before %
s = Trim(Left(s, i))
i = InStrRev(s, " ") ' last word in string
sMat = Mid(s, i + 1)
sDesc = Trim(Left(s, i)) ' whats left
dat(rw, 1) = sDesc
dat(rw, 2) = sMat
dat(rw, 3) = sA
dat(rw, 4) = sB
dat(rw, 5) = sPCnt
End Sub
First, I'd use the Split function to separate the parts into an array, this will avoid most of the string functions and string math:
Dim parts As Variant
parts = Split(A1)
Then, I'd do my comparisons to each part.
Finally, I'd concatenate the parts I didn't breakout, and place all parts on the sheet.
This is based on your example which has spaces inbetween every part, though something similar could work otherwise, you just have to do more work with each part.
Here's my stab at it. We could use about 10 more examples, but this should be a start. To use, select a one column range with your descriptions and run SplitProduct. It will split it out to the right of each cell.
Sub SplitProducts()
Dim rCell As Range
Dim vaSplit As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim aOutput() As Variant
Dim lCnt As Long
Const lCOLDESC As Long = 1
Const lCOLMAT As Long = 2
Const lCOLPCT As Long = 3
Const lCOLREM As Long = 4
If TypeName(Selection) = "Range" Then
If Selection.Columns.Count = 1 Then
For Each rCell In Selection.Cells
'split into words
vaSplit = Split(rCell.Value, Space(1))
ReDim aOutput(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
'loop through the words
For i = LBound(vaSplit) To UBound(vaSplit)
Select Case True
Case IsPercent(vaSplit(i))
'percents always go in the same column
lCnt = lCOLPCT
If UBound(aOutput, 2) < lCnt Then
ReDim Preserve aOutput(1 To 1, 1 To lCnt)
End If
aOutput(1, lCnt) = vaSplit(i)
Case IsInList(vaSplit(i))
'list items always go in the same column
lCnt = lCOLMAT
ReDim Preserve aOutput(1 To 1, 1 To lCnt)
If UBound(aOutput, 2) < lCnt Then
ReDim Preserve aOutput(1 To 1, 1 To lCnt)
End If
aOutput(1, lCnt) = vaSplit(i)
Case IsMeasure(vaSplit(i))
'measurements go in the last column(s)
If UBound(aOutput, 2) < lCOLREM Then
lCnt = lCOLREM
lCnt = UBound(aOutput, 2) + 1
End If
ReDim Preserve aOutput(1 To 1, 1 To lCnt)
aOutput(1, lCnt) = vaSplit(i)
Case Else
'everything else gets concatentated in the desc column
aOutput(1, lCOLDESC) = aOutput(1, lCOLDESC) & " " & vaSplit(i)
End Select
Next i
'remove any extraneous spaces
aOutput(1, lCOLDESC) = Trim(aOutput(1, lCOLDESC))
'write the values to the left of the input range
rCell.Offset(0, 1).Resize(1, UBound(aOutput, 2)).Value = aOutput
Next rCell
MsgBox "Select a one column range"
End If
End If
End Sub
Function IsPercent(ByVal sInput As String) As Boolean
IsPercent = Right$(sInput, 1) = "%"
End Function
Function IsInList(ByVal sInput As String) As Boolean
Dim vaList As Variant
Dim vaTest As Variant
'add list items as needed
vaList = Array("Wood", "Glass", "Plastic")
vaTest = Filter(vaList, sInput)
IsInList = UBound(vaTest) > -1
End Function
Function IsMeasure(ByVal sInput As String) As Boolean
Dim vaMeas As Variant
Dim i As Long
'add measurements as needed
vaMeas = Array("mm", "cm", "m")
For i = LBound(vaMeas) To UBound(vaMeas)
'any number of characters that end in a number and a measurement
If sInput Like "*#" & vaMeas(i) Then
IsMeasure = True
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function
No guarantees that this will be speedy on 10k rows.