Angular2 deploying to production environment questions - node.js

Some questions to put angular2 web project to production environment
We do development on lite server but what is best for production? Is is some other server module of nodejs? Technically we can have any server (apache, tomcat, etc).
How should we do source code management for below context.
browser must include js files so project should have js files when deployed
In standard java project we just commit .java files and uses jenkins (may be other tools) to compile and make the deploy-able structure
Should we follow same strategy here? i.e. don't commit compiled js files and deploy using some node compiler which takes ts files and compiles it to js
What is the best way to minify/obfuscate the js files
I know a way using outDir and outFile with grump but I don't want every files tobe included in one minified file because it kills the concept of lazy loading
Is there a way to minify and obfuscate js files on compile time only?
What enableProdMode() do? How it is different than not using it?

Here are some answers to your questions:
Angular2 applications only consist of static files so they can be serve by any static Web servers or server applications that can define static folders (Express, ...)
Regarding source code management, you must have a packaging phase to optimize the application loading (gater files, uglify, ...). Your source code must contain your TypeScript files (or JS files if using ES5 or ES6). Such packaging can be done using Gulp for example. Your Jenkins server will be able to checkout the source code, build it and execute tests.
In fact, when not using the outFile property of the TypeScript compiler, you won't be able to gather all the JS compiled files into a single one since anonymous modules will be created within each JS files.
See this question for more details of this:
How do I actually deploy an Angular 2 + Typescript + systemjs app?
Regarding prod mode, here is an extract of the documentation:
Disable Angular's development mode, which turns off assertions and other checks within the framework.
One important assertion this disables verifies that a change detection pass does not result in additional changes to any bindings (also known as unidirectional data flow).


React plugin to write files to server in development mode

I am looking for a ready solution for the React development mode that allows modifying server-side files from the client-side scripts.
How it can work? For example, it is a small server script or an extension for create-react-app that can receive upload requests from the client-side script to modify source files.
I need to renew several source files (files2) automatically when other source files (files1) are modified. The client-side react script will process the js object taken from the custom webpack loader, that loads source files1, then I need to renew some source files2 that is using by another webpack loader.
This scheme will not be active in a production mode.
I know I can write my own nodejs based server that will communicate with my client script and modify files, but I am looking for existing solutions and furthermore, I'd like to use the same connection that React development server created to avoid CORS headaches, etc.
Do you know something good about this?

Basic Question First Node+express+angular app in production

I am creating my first app node express app with angular 7 on the frontend to be deployed in production. I have below question?
What folder structure is preferred, should I create separate
projects for node and angular or same project(server.js in the root
of angular project and server folder to create express server
files)? What is the preferred one and I have to checkin the project
in one folder of svn.
Should I use babel and create the node server code with es2015 or
continue with old approach?
Its all up to you, what I am doing is I have sepreate directory for Angular and Node projet
client - Your anguar project
server - Your Apis and server side coding (Only this folder require at productino level)
Then we can create a gulp file and task to gulp that Build my client
project and put that build folder inside the
server -> public
Now only server can be use to production where Build will be render as static.
And next to authentication and autherization process you can follow JWT based permission .
Generally I would say that separating your client and server code into separate projects is preferred so that you do not have to release both your client and server at the same time when you make a change to one or the other. The rest of my answer is based on the assumption that you would separate the two sides into different projects.
As far as structuring your server side Express-based application, check out this link for some guidance on how to handle your situation. See the answer to the first question about different approaches to how to structure your Express application for different deployment scenarios. Also, if you use the latest LTS version of node, you will not need to use a transpiler to convert your files to Javascript because the Node environment will handle that for you.
As far as structuring your client side Angular-based application, check out this link for a very detailed discussion about best practices for structuring your Angular application.
I would prefer following, in case in future you need to separate the API layer with client you can do it with ease,
| ---client-template //All UI code like .css/htmls and node process initiates from here
| ---client-angular // All the directives and controllers goes here
| ---client-service //Service layer, All the API call to server goes here
| ---server API's // separated by its own module if any
|--- you API modules and so on..
This will help you to have flexibility over client and server integration without any tight coupling. Also easy to maintain and debug.
Answer 1: you should make two separate folder/repository structure for frontend and backend.
let's suppose your application grows fast at that time you want to scale your backend and you want to host your Angular app as static web app using Amazon-S3 so at that time it will be very easy to manage this.
May you want to use CICD, in that case also it will be good if your separate folder so you can create separate CICD jobs for backend and frontend.
May be your company hired some developer which is either expert in frontend or in backend only. in that case your company don't want give them unnecessary code access. so separate repo will be an easy option for this case. (this may be Depends on your team and company's approach for development)
Answer 2: I recommend go for es6 or es6+ features.
latest node.js version is supporting some of the features of es6. for example
- spread operator
- destructing
- classes (you can use OOPs)
- arrow functions
- let, const
- async await and etc
you can use babel if any other feature which is not supported by node.js. there could be may reason for using babel, but i want to know which specific feature do you want to use with babel? so i can explain according to that.
I have used the following approach that bind the Angular Application and the Node server as a single unit.
Steps for creating the project structure is:
Create a new Angular project with the CLI.
Create a server.js file in the root directory of the project and configure it to render the contents of the dist/ folder on the / route.
You can refer the link for the server code:
Running the server
I usually run the project with ng build && node server. This will make sure that the angular application is build first and after that node server is started.

Building monorepo babel-transpiled node JS application with dependencies

I am working on a project that is hosted as a monorepo. For simplification purposes let's say that inside there are three self-explanatory packages: server, a webapp client and library. The directory structure would be something like the following:
All packages employ flow type notation, use a few >ES5 features and, for this reason, go through babel transpilation. The key difference is that transpilation of the webapp package is done via webpack, whereas server employs a gulp task that triggers script transpilation through the gulp-babel package. library is transpiled automatically when web is built.
Now, the problem I have is that for server to build, babel requires library to be built first and its package.json to specify its (built) main JS source file so its transpiled artifacts can be included. As you can imagine, this would quickly become problematic if the project were to contain multiple libraries that are actively being developed (which it does), as all would require building, including any dependent packages (like server in this simple case).
As an attempt to overcome this annoyance, I initially thought of using webpack to build the server, which would take care of including whatever dependencies it requires into a bundle, but I ran into issues as apparently webpack is not meant to be used on node JS applications.
What strategies are available for building a node JS application requiring Babel transpilation, such that the application's source files as well as any dependencies are built transparently and contained in a single output directory?
Annex A
Simplified gulp task for transpilation of scripts, as employed by server.
return gulp
.src([`src/**/*.js`], { allowEmpty: true })
.pipe(babel({ sourceMap: true }))
As can be seen above, only server's own source files are included in the task. If src were to be changed to also include library, the task would emit the dependencies' artifacts in server's own output directory and any require('library') statements within would attempt to locate the built artifacts in packages/library and not packages/server/dist, thus resulting in import failures.
First of all, I am not sure what your server is doing. If it is doing a database connection or some calculations then I would not recommend it to be built by webpack. Whereas If your server is just doing Server-Side Rendering and making some API calls to other servers then I would recommend it to be bundled using webpack.
A lot of projects follow this philosophy. For example, you can take a look at something similar, I have done in one of my personal projects [Blubus]. Specifically, you might be interested in webpack-server-config. And also you can take a look at how big projects like spectrum does it.

Packaging requirejs optimized files in war

In a large web application, I'm using requirejs amd modules so that the scripts themselves are modular and maintainable. I have the following directory structure
|-static-built //output from r.js. not checked into git
During build js and css are optimized using r.js into static-built folder. Gradle is the build tool.
Now the problem: The jsps refer to the scripts in static/scripts folder and this is how i want when working locally. However when building war, I want the static files to be served from static-built folder. The important thing is the source jsp should not have to change to serve the optimized files from static-built folder.
Two options that I have are: a) the gradle build while making war should include static-built instead of static. b)include static-built in addition to static and using tuckey urlrewrite pick the resouce from static-built rather than static.
What best practices are the community following in similar scenarios?
We've setup the server to have a runtime profile (dev, qa, prod, etc) read from a system property which determines some settings based on it. When running in production profile we serve the optimized files from the WAR. In development we serve the non-minified and non-concatenated files directly from the filesystem outside the application context.
Files are structured according to the official multipage example.
Configuring serving files depends on your chosen backend solution. Here's an example for spring.
Alternatively, r.js can generate source maps and those will help with development as well.
Not sure if this question is outdated already, but I had a kind of similar problem.
I had similar project structure, but with the only difference - I've split the project into 2 modules:
one of them (let's call it service) was java-module for back-end
the second one contained only js and other stuff related to front-end (let's call it ui).
Then in Gradle build 'assemble' task of the service depends on 'assemble' task of ui AND another custom task called 'pre-assemble'. This 'pre-assemble' task was copying the optimized js files to place where I wanted them to be.
So, basically, I've just added another task that was responsible for placing all the optimized js files in the proper place.

Node.js on Heroku: use middleware on development, but static assets on production?

Some middle languages, such as Stylus, provides two ways to be compiled: through connect middleware or through CLI tool. The later can generate static compiled assets(i.e. .css files).
So I want to use middleware on development mode but static assets on production. I know that I can use app.configure('developmen'...) to ask express (not) to use some middlewares on development mode.
On an IaaS enviroment, like Amazon EC2, I can run a simple shell script to automatically re-compile all my assets. But how about PaaS, specifically Heroku? How can I tell it where my .styl are and where the .css should be generated?
You may want to take a look at . It caches any built javascript or css files (it has stylus built-in support for stylus) if you pass it build:true .
You can ignore snockets (sprockets-like javascript include system) if you're not interested, although I enjoy using it. #= require_tree app and you include all the js files in that directory. And in development, you get separate script includes for easy debugging.
The biggest downside of serving directly with connect-assets on Heroku is that you need to git push to Heroku for every update to client code, which automatically triggers a restart. I ended up manually building my assets (with stylus and snockets), then uploading to S3. If you don't need to update the client code often, it's not that big of a problem though.
You can take a look at express-cdn, which will upload your assets to S3 on server start.
What I ended up doing was signing up at CloudFlare, and found that it wasn't as fast as using CloudFront, but it was very easy to setup and it works better than serving asset files from my dyno.
