Tile/live tile change color when windows change theme UWP - colors

In my UWP application in tile I set black color of background, and icon has transperent background, it's look very well. But then i change theme in windows 10(desktop) to white and my tile change background color to white. Why is it happend, when i set color - black in manifest of application. Like in this application.
Best regards, Dmitry

I can't add a comment but if you mean the high contrast setting I do not believe this is possible since the tile settings cannot be changed at runtime and there is no other way to set the color outside of the apps manifest. You can create override the styles for other controls but not for the tiles properties.
"Note It’s possible to override the system color resources for high-contrast color and accent color by creating resources with the same names, but it’s a best practice to respect the user’s color choices, especially for high-contrast settings. Xaml Theme Resources
More on high contrast themes here: High Contrast Themes - MSDN
I would instead try setting the image background to not be transparent and take up the whole space of the tile. You won't be able to change it but it appears you want it always black anyways. I am not certain this will work in your scenario though since you are using a live tile and not just an image.
You may also want to look at using a secondary tile: Theme Resources


How do you set the svg foreground color in .NET Maui splash screen

I know when setting the color for a FontImageSource you can use things like:
to change the color of the icon, but how do you apply the same logic to the splash screen setting as this:
<MauiSplashScreen Include="Resources\Splash\popup_splash.svg" Color="#512BD4" BaseSize="256,256" />
only seems to set the background color of the screen. The icon defaults to black and there aren't any hints in the designer.
You can try to set the TintColor attribute to your MauiSplashScreen like below:
<MauiSplashScreen Include="Resources\Splash\popup_splash.svg" TintColor="#512BD4"/>
Use an image editor that can edit .svg files, to set the color of the foreground shape(s).
[OPINION] IMHO, there is no option to "set foreground color" because there can be MULTIPLE colors in an .svg.
Also, for cross-platform compatibility, Maui converts the .svg into a .png, when building the app for each platform. That is what gets displayed on the device. This conversion is done without any knowledge of that XAML (that later displays the splash screen image on top of the colored background).
Because Maui runs on multiple platforms, expect to see functionality that is easy to implement on all the platforms, and is in high demand by app developers. [OPINION] Being able to dynamically "colorize" a splash screen while the app starts up is not likely to be a high priority "wish" for many app developers.
The "background color" is different, because that simply fills in behind any transparent areas of the image. Easily done on all platforms that Maui targets.

Transparent icon in start menu for universal app

I'm developing a universal app. I have a list of icons in the manifest. The icon on the taskbar is fine, transparency works.
The start menu icon doesn't have transparent edges.
No edges.
The list of icons that I have.
How would I make the edges transparent? Should I add any other icons?
This is by design as the background (behind the tile itself) may be colored quite differently. In the start menu, there's a dark background whereas there's a white background in the Cortana search. Maybe try sending MS your wishes via the feedback app :)
Seems like that it's by design, as you can see, default Windows Apps behave the same too, even those which use transparent color for their logo (like Calculator, Mail, etc).
However, If you set background color of logo and tile to "transparent" (in app manifest) your app icon may get displayed in start menu with transparent background in some circumstances like when Windows is in hight contrast theme.

Android : part of the layout transparent

I have a zone in my layout that I want to be transparent, while the rest of the layout has a black or an image in the background (kinda like a window effect). Is it possible in android?
Edit : Someone asked, so here is what Im trying to do :
The red part is supposed to be transparent, and there will be a movable widget in its place. The point is that when the widget move, what's behind the application appears.
Here is a link on how to create a transparent Activity.
After creating a transparent activity, make sure that every other component that you add to the xml (except for the zone you want to leave transparent) are opaque. (i.e. have their backgrounds set).

How can I set the fill color of a built-in Bing Maps AJAX7 SDK pushpin?

I am using the Bing Maps AJAX7 SDK and need to use pushpins of several different colors to represent several different statuses (red, green, gray, and white). I've studied the documentation looking for a way to use the default icon and simply set the fill color, but to no avail.
I am aware that some clever things can be done using HTML and CSS, but I'm hoping to avoid all of that for now.
Is it possible to use the Bing Maps default pushpin but change the fill color?
Actually the icon my customer wants to use is #46 at this page:
My customer chose that icon thinking that I could simply select it using my Pushpin object or PushpinOptions object, but I am not sure that's the case.
If using a built-in icon and setting a different fill color is not possible, then can someone tell me where I can get a set of Bing Maps icons or very similar ones that are free for commercial use?
The AJAX control only has one pushpin. To change the pushpin you need different images to replace as the icon. For example: http://www.bingmapsportal.com/ISDK/AjaxV7#Pushpins2
Alternatively you can create canvas pushpins: http://rbrundritt.wordpress.com/2013/04/10/html5-canvas-pushpins-in-javascript/
The custom pushpins you see in the documentation (i.e. #46) is for the REST imagery service only. The reason for this is that for security reasons users can not specify image URL's for the imagery service so custom pushpin icons can only be selected from a set of predefined pushpins. These are not made available outside of this service as this is very limiting compared to being able to create your own custom pushpins.

Theme default Colors FG and BG for both editing and compare makes elements never seen

I am quite newbie.
After I have installed Studio3 plugin Eclipse, I got some problems of colors with Default Theme.
In these for the moment I have a not workaround situation while using the "Text compare" because I could not find how two change the color of elements which have the same color as background "black".
When black background is used, as the comparison mode uses black as default color for many elements they are hidden. I made some test with a variant grey background to find the elements, it obviously can't be used for normal use.
Where are the template definition for "comparison mode" seems the main question ?
The minimum to reach is that the black ForeGround colored elements (defined surely for white background) become white with a black background.
Elements of analysis :
The changes on other elements are taken in account in comparison mode (and obviously in edit mode which functions normally), but the elements that are not taken in account in comparison mode are black by default. So I look at a default color for not held elements, I could not find such an item. The default values that I found, and that I declared FG white, have no effect.
Thanks for help.
Aptana Studio 3.0.7
No changes done to default parameters
context : Php
black elements in compare mode : vars; functions calls; names; syntax base;
hold elements : text; keywords (var, function, parent, class, extends, array, empty....); comments
After quite long search :
When Aptana studio3 plugin is installed, the default theme can not be well setup for others editors than Aptana such as standard comparison if you use the Aptana studio3 theme. Then you get incoherent display. The solution is simple.
To get everything right, if the application is able to hold new Aptana theme management, you must simply :
1- change the default Aptana studio3 theme for example for ECLIPSE (Base) theme
2- Change again to Aptana studio3 theme, this will reset all elements of themes (for various compatible editors)
Note : SmartyPDT (and others not tested probably) are not compatible with the theme management of Sudio3, in such case you need to stay with another theme as Studio2 (theme option in studio3). In fact the defined colors are compatible with studio2, particularly black standard text (which was default color). The incompatibility makes that you get a not a coherent fit of colors which lead to incoherency, which can't be avoided, worse black on black... for some text-elements.
