append/3 is a very powerful predicate. Suppose I want a predicate that works the same way but for SWI-Prolog's strings.
The easiest approach I see is to transform those strings into lists with string_codes/2, then apply append/3, then use string_codes/2 back. The big problem with this approach is that string_codes/2 does not work if both variables are not unified.
Here is an extremely ugly solution I came up with, which checks which strings are unified to apply string_codes/2 when needed:
append_strings(S1, S2, S3) :-
string_codes(S1, A),
string_codes(S2, B),
string_codes(S3, C).
append_strings(S1, S2, S3) :-
string_codes(S1, A),
string_codes(S3, C),
string_codes(S2, B).
append_strings(S1, S2, S3) :-
string_codes(S2, B),
string_codes(S3, C),
string_codes(S1, A).
append_strings(S1, S2, S3) :-
string_codes(S3, C),
string_codes(S1, A),
string_codes(S2, B).
This yields the correct results for the following cases:
?- append_strings("test","auie","testauie").
?- append_strings("test",A,"testauie").
A = "auie".
?- append_strings(A,"auie","testauie").
A = "test" ;
?- append_strings(A,B,"testauie").
A = "",
B = "testauie" ;
A = "t",
B = "estauie" ;
A = "te",
B = "stauie" ;
A = "tes",
B = "tauie" ;
A = "test",
B = "auie" ;
A = "testa",
B = "uie" ;
A = "testau",
B = "ie" ;
A = "testaui",
B = "e" ;
A = "testauie",
B = "" ;
Is there really no way to make things simpler than this? Suppose I want to make a whole bunch of predicates that work with strings just like they would with lists: I obviously don't want to have to write what I did for append/3 for all of them. But I also don't want to work with code strings because then I have no way of knowing whether I am manipulating a normal list or really a string.
Since the predicate is working on lists, it seems tempting to me to use DCGs. First let's observe that strings in Prolog are really lists of character codes:
?- X="test".
X = [116,101,115,116]
Of course this is not very readable, so let's see the characters themselves intead of their codes:
?- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,chars).
?- X="test".
X = [t,e,s,t]
That's better. Thinking about the relation the predicate should describe, I opt for a descriptive name like list_list_appended/3. This predicate has one goal: a dcg-rule, let's call it list_list//2, that uses another dcg, let's call it list//2, to actually write the lists:
list_list_appended(L1,L2,L3) :-
phrase(list_list(L1,L2),L3). % L3 is L1+L2
list([]) --> % if the list is empty ...
[]. % ... there's nothing in the list
list([X|Xs]) --> % if there's a head element ...
[X], % ... it's in the list
list(Xs). % the tail is also a list
list_list(L1,L2) --> % the list consists of ...
list(L1), % ... L1 followed by ...
list(L2). % L2
Your example queries:
?- list_list_appended("test","auie","testauie").
?- list_list_appended(L1,"auie","testauie").
L1 = [t,e,s,t] ? ;
?- list_list_appended("test",L2,"testauie").
L2 = [a,u,i,e] ? ;
?- list_list_appended("test","auie",L3).
L3 = [t,e,s,t,a,u,i,e]
?- list_list_appended(L1,L2,"testauie").
L1 = [],
L2 = [t,e,s,t,a,u,i,e] ? ;
L1 = [t],
L2 = [e,s,t,a,u,i,e] ? ;
L1 = [t,e],
L2 = [s,t,a,u,i,e] ? ;
L1 = [t,e,s],
L2 = [t,a,u,i,e] ? ;
L1 = [t,e,s,t],
L2 = [a,u,i,e] ? ;
L1 = [t,e,s,t,a],
L2 = [u,i,e] ? ;
L1 = [t,e,s,t,a,u],
L2 = [i,e] ? ;
L1 = [t,e,s,t,a,u,i],
L2 = [e] ? ;
L1 = [t,e,s,t,a,u,i,e],
L2 = [] ? ;
As a SWI user you could also use this library in combination with set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,chars). to get the output in desired form. Refer to this answer for details.
Just use string_concat/3. Like ISO atom_concat/3, it can be used in many modes, including (-,-,+).
This is a more compact definition:
append_strings(S1, S2, S3):-
append_strings1(S1, L1, [1]-[], N1),
append_strings1(S2, L2, [1|N1]-N1, N2),
append_strings1(S3, L3, [1,1|N2]-N2, N3),
(N3\=[_,_|_] ->instantiation_error(append_strings/3); true),
append(L1, L2, L3),
(ground(S1)->true;string_codes(S1, L1)),
(ground(S2)->true;string_codes(S2, L2)),
(ground(S3)->true;string_codes(S3, L3)).
append_strings1(S, L, G-NG, N):-
(ground(S) -> (string_codes(S, L), N=G) ; N=NG).
It checks whether each argument is ground and tries to convert to codes, then checks if either the third argument is ground or the other two are, and throws an instantiation error if conditions are not met.
After the append it converts back to string arguments which where not ground.
there has been a similar question some time ago, I will show my proposal, revised
:- meta_predicate when_(0).
when_(P) :-
strip_module(P,_,Q), Q =.. [_|As],
or_list(As, Exp), % hurry debugging :-) display(Exp),
when(Exp, P).
or_list([A], ground(A)) :- !.
or_list([A|As], (ground(A);Exp)) :- or_list(As, Exp).
append_strings(S1, S2, S3) :-
maplist(when_, [string_codes(S1, A), string_codes(S2, B), append(A,B,C), string_codes(S3, C)]).
If you are interested, I can add an operator to hide the syntax details, to get something like
append_strings(S1, S2, S3) -:-
string_codes(S1, A), string_codes(S2, B), append(A,B,C), string_codes(S3, C).
I am not super familiar with python, and I am having trouble reading this code. I have never seen this syntax, where there multiple statements are paired together (I think) on one line, separated by commas.
if <, L1 = L1,
Also, I don't understand assignment in python with "or": where is the conditional getting evaluated? See this example. When would be assigned L1, and when would be assigned L2? = L1 or L2
Any clarification would be greatly appreciated. I haven't been able to find much on either syntax
See below
>>> a = 0
>>> b = 1
>>> a, b
(0, 1)
>>> a, b = b, a
>>> a, b
(1, 0)
It allows one to swap values without requiring a temporary variable.
In your case, the line, L1 = L1,
is equivalent to = L1
L1 =
In python when we write any comma separated values it creates a tuple (a kind of a datastructure).
a = 4,5
type(a) --> tuple
This is called tuple packing.
When we do:
a, b = 4,5
This is called tuple unpacking. It is equivalent to:
a = 4
b = 5
or is the boolean operator here.
here is the code:
val a = "abcabca"
a.groupBy((c: Char) => a.count( (d:Char) => d == c))
here is the result I want:
scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String] = Map(2 -> b, 2 -> c, 3 -> a)
but the result I get is
scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String] = Map(2 -> bcbc, 3 -> aaa)
thank you.
Write an expression like
case (k,v) => (k,v.length)
which will give output as
res0: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Char,Int] = Map(b -> 2, a -> 3, c -> 2)
Let's dissect your initial attempt :
a.groupBy((c: Char) => a.count( (d:Char) => d == c))
So, you're grouping by something which is what ? the result of a.count(...), so the key of your Map will be an Int. For the char a, we will get 3, for the chars b and c, we'll get 2.
Now, the original String will be traversed and for the results accumulated, char by char.
So after traversing the first "ab", the current state is "2-> b, 3->c". (Note that for each char in the string, the .count() is called, which is a n² wasteful algorithm, but anyway).
The string is progressively traversed, and at the end the accumulated results is shown. As it turns out, the 3 "a" have been sent under the "3" key, and the b and c have been sent to the key "2", in the order the string was traversed, which is the left to right order.
Now, a usual groupBy on a list returns something like Map[T, List[T]], so you may have expected a List[Char] somewhere. It doesn't happen (because the Repr for String is String), and your list of chars is effectively recombobulated into a String, and is given to you as such.
Hence your final result !
Your question header reads as "Scala count chars in a string logical error". But you are using Map and you wanted counts as keys. Equal keys are not allowed in Map objects. Hence equal keys get eliminated in the resulting Map, keeping just one, because no duplicate keys are allowed. What you want may be a Seq of tuples like (count, char) like List[Int,Char]. Try this.
val x = "abcabca"
x.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size){case (x,y)=>(y,x)}
In Scal REPL:
scala> x.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size){case (x,y)=>(y,x)}
res13: List[(Int, Char)] = List((2,b), (3,a), (2,c))
The above gives a list of counts and respective chars as a list of tuples.So this is what you may really wanted.
If you try converting this to a Map:
scala> x.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size){case (x,y)=>(y,x)}.toMap
res14: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Char] = Map(2 -> c, 3 -> a)
So this is not what you want obviously.
Even more concisely use:>(x.filter(_==v).size,v))
res19: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[(Int, Char)] = Vector((3,a), (2,b), (2,c))
The problem with your approach is you are mapping count to characters. Which is:
In case of
val str = abcabca
While traversing the string str a has count 3, b has count 2 and c has count 2 while creating the map (with the use of groupBy) it will put all the characters in the value which has the same key that is.
Map(3->aaa, 2->bc)
That’s the reason you are getting such output for your program.
As you can see in the definition of the groupBy function:
groupBy[K](f: (A) ⇒ K): immutable.Map[K, Repr]
Partitions this traversable collection into a map of traversable collections according to some discriminator function.
Note: this method is not re-implemented by views. This means when applied to a view it will always force the view and return a new traversable collection.
the type of keys returned by the discriminator function.
the discriminator function.
A map from keys to traversable collections such that the following invariant holds:
(xs groupBy f)(k) = xs filter (x => f(x) == k)
That is, every key k is bound to a traversable collection of those elements x for which f(x) equals k.
GroupBy returns a Map which holds the following invariant.
(xs groupBy f)(k) = xs filter (x => f(x) == k)
Which means it return collection of elements for which the key is same.
In SML, how can i count the number of appearences of chars in a String using recursion?
Output should be in the form of (char,#AppearenceOfChar).
What i managed to do is
fun frequency(x) = if x = [] then [] else [(hd x,1)]#frequency(tl x)
which will return tupels of the form (char,1). I can too eliminate duplicates in this list, so what i fail to do now is to write a function like
fun count(s:string,l: (char,int) list)
which 'iterates' trough the string incrementing the particular tupel component. How can i do this recursively? Sorry for noob question but i am new to functional programming but i hope the question is at least understandable :)
I'd break the problem into two: Increasing the frequency of a single character, and iterating over the characters in a string and inserting each of them. Increasing the frequency depends on whether you have already seen the character before.
fun increaseFrequency (c, []) = [(c, 1)]
| increaseFrequency (c, ((c1, count)::freqs)) =
if c = c1
then (c1, count+1)
else (c1,count)::increaseFrequency (c, freqs)
This provides a function with the following type declaration:
val increaseFrequency = fn : ''a * (''a * int) list -> (''a * int) list
So given a character and a list of frequencies, it returns an updated list of frequencies where either the character has been inserted with frequency 1, or its existing frequency has been increased by 1, by performing a linear search through each tuple until either the right one is found or the end of the list is met. All other character frequencies are preserved.
The simplest way to iterate over the characters in a string is to explode it into a list of characters and insert each character into an accumulating list of frequencies that starts with the empty list:
fun frequencies s =
let fun freq [] freqs = freqs
| freq (c::cs) freqs = freq cs (increaseFrequency (c, freqs))
in freq (explode s) [] end
But this isn't a very efficient way to iterate a string one character at a time. Alternatively, you can visit each character by indexing without converting to a list:
fun foldrs f e s =
let val len = size s
fun loop i e' = if i = len
then e'
else loop (i+1) (f (String.sub (s, i), e'))
in loop 0 e end
fun frequencies s = foldrs increaseFrequency [] s
You might also consider using a more efficient representation of sets than lists to reduce the linear-time insertions.
in designing an algebraic equation modelling system, I had this dilemma: we cannot associate properties to a number, if I turn the number to a table with a field "value" for example, I can overload arithmetic operators, but not the logic operator since that only works when both operands have same metatable, while my users will compare "x" with numbers frequently.
For example, here is a minimal equation solver system:
x = 0
y = 0
eq1 = {function() return 2*x + 3*y end, rhs = 1 }
eq2 = {function() return 3*x + 2*y end, rhs = 2 }
p = {{x,y},{eq1, eq2}}
The "solve()" will process table "p" to get all coefficients of the equation system and rhs. However, it is essential, a user can associate properties to "x" and "y", for example, lower bound, upper bound. I tries using table,
x = {val=0, lb=0, ub=3}
y = {val=1,lb=3,ub=5}
and write metamethods for "x" and "y" such that arithmetic operating will act on x.val and y.val. However, in a scripting environment, we also need to compare "x" with numbers, i.e., "if x>0 then ...". And I stuck here. An ugly solution is to ask users to use x.val, y.val everywhere in modelling the equation and scripting. Does anyone here has similar need to associate properties to a number, and the number can still be used in arithmetic/logic operations?
Something like this could work:
x = {val = 10}
mt = {}
mt.__lt = function (op1, op2)
if (type(op1) == 'table') then a = op1.val else a = op1 end
if (type(op2) == 'table') then b = op2.val else b = op2 end
return a < b
setmetatable(x, mt)
print(x < 5) -- prints false
print(x < 15) -- prints true
print(x < x) -- prints false
print(5 < x) -- prints true
Of course, you would write similar methods for the other operators (__add, __mul, __eq and so on).
If you'd rather not use type()/reflection, you can use an even dirtier trick that takes advantage of the fact that unary minus is well, unary:
mt = {}
mt.__unm = function (num) return -(num.val) end
mt.__lt = function (a, b) return -(-a) < -(-b) end
This is rather simple if you have access to the debug library, do you?
debug.setmetatable(0, meta)
meta will be the metatable of ALL numbers. This will solve your logical overloading problem.
However if you would prefer assigning properties to numbers, there is a way you could do this, I wrote a quick example on how one would do so:
local number_props = {
debug.setmetatable(0,{__index=function(self,k)return number_props[self][k]end})
print((1).val, (2).val)
Huey, Dewey and Louie are being questioned by their uncle. These are the statements they make:
• Huey: “Dewey and Louie had equal share in it; if one is guilty, so is the other.”
• Dewey: “If Huey is guilty, then so am I.”
• Louie: “Dewey and I are not both guilty.”
Their uncle, knowing that they are scouts realizes that they cannot tell a lie.
My solution.
var bool :D; var bool :L; var bool :H;
constraint D <->L;
constraint H -> D;
constraint D!=L;
solve satisfy;
output[show(D), "\n", show(L),"\n", show(H)];
Minizinc can't solve it.
Here's my (old) version of this problem:
var bool: huey;
var bool: dewey;
var bool: louie;
% Huey: Dewey and Louie has equal share in it; if one is quitly, so is the other.
(dewey <-> louie)
% Dewey: If Huey is guilty, then so am I.
(huey -> dewey)
% Louie: Dewey and I are not both quilty.
(not (dewey /\ louie))
For this kind of problems I prefer to use Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) directly. Your problem can obviously be formulated as a propositional logic formula as follows (using the DIMACS format) :
Atom 1 : Dewey is guilty (i.e. will be associated to the literals -1 and 1 in the CNF)
Atom 2 : Louie is guilty (i.e. will be associated to the literals -2 and 2 in the CNF)
Atom 3 : Huey is guilty (i.e. will be associated to the literals -3 and 3 in the CNF)
The CNF file is then :
p cnf 4 3
-1 2 0
-2 1 0
-3 1 0
-1 -2 0
And here the solution using an 'online' SAT Solver :
Yet another solution, using CLP(B) (constraint logic programming over Boolean variables) with SICStus Prolog or SWI:
:- use_module(library(clpb)).
guilty(H, D, L) :-
sat(D =:= L), % Huey
sat(H =< D), % Dewey
sat(~(D*L)). % Louie
Example query and its result:
?- guilty(H, D, L).
D = H, H = L, L = 0.
Another option is to ask WolframAlpha:
not (L xor D) and (H implies D) and not (L and D)
As suggested by Hakan, the following equivalent expression is also possible:
(L equivalent D) and (H implies D) and not (L and D)
Result is a truth table which has only (!D !H !L) as solution.