I'd like to use vcsrepo module in my puppet module manifest. So I need to install puppetlabs/vcsrepo.
Is it possible to avoid installing it manualy by command
sudo puppet install puppetlabs-vcsrepo?
I've tried to use somethink like this in my init.pp file
module { 'puppetlabs/vcsrepo':
ensure => installed,
but it doesn't work :(
The best way to use that module would be to add it to your metadata.json file as explained here: https://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/style_guide.html#module-metadata
Once you've done so the module requested, in your case puppetlabs/vcsrepo will be installed.
I'm a newbie on Golang, and I'm trying to use Gin to develop a web server on Ubuntu 16.04.
After executing go get -u github.com/gin-gonic/gin, many folders appear at ~/go/pkg/mod/github.com/.
Then I try to make an example:
package main
import "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
func main() {
r := gin.Default()
r.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context) {
c.JSON(200, gin.H{
"message": "pong",
r.Run() // listen and serve on (for windows "localhost:8080")
However, go run example.go made the error:
example.go:3:8: cannot find package "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" in any of:
/usr/local/go/src/github.com/gin-gonic/gin (from $GOROOT)
/home/zyh/go/src/github.com/gin-gonic/gin (from $GOPATH)
In my system, $GOROOT is /usr/local/go/ and $GOPATH is ~/go/.
How could I solve this problem?
For Go version 1.11 or newer, You should use Go Modules.
If you are just starting with Go, you should start with the newer version. I think you are using a Go version that supports go modules already because the modules you are trying to get are downloading to ~/go/pkg/mod/ directory.
To initialize a project with go module, run:
go mod init your-project-name
This will create a go.mod file in your project directory.
Add missing and/or remove unused modules:
go mod tidy
This will fill up the go.mod file with appropriate modules and create a go.sum in your project directory. The go.sum contains expected cryptographic hashes of each module version.
After that, the go run example.go command should run the program without any issues.
You can even vendor the modules in your project directory:
go mod vendor
This will bring all the vendors to your projects /vendor directory so that you don't need to get the modules again if working from another machine on this project.
I realized that after adding a package called gopls, my IDE is working perfectly.
Install gopls using snap: sudo snap install gopls --classic
From the error, you can see that GOPATH is your '/home/zyh/go' not your ~/go.
and you can run shell go env to confirm where is your GOPATH? then modify it.
I have installed mysql in a client node using Puppet. Now I want to uninstall it in the client node. I tried the following configuration in site.pp:
package { '::mysql::server':
ensure => 'purged'
This did not work. Can someone show me how to uninstall mysql (or any package for that matter)?
That syntax is wrong. ::mysql::server is either referencing a puppet class or defined type. You only need to specify the package name to the package type.
package { 'mysql_package_name':
ensure => absent
Replacing mysql_package_name with the name of the package for the distro you are using.
I am attempting to install localForage into a node.js application (with Angular) and Browserify.
Here is a link to the localForage documentation
It appears that using localForage and angular-localForage causes a problem with browserify based around the use of 'require'
If I require the localforage.js file in the src file I get the following error:
Warning: module "promise" not found from "/Users/mgayhart/Sites/epson- receipts/bower_components/localforage/src/localforage.js" Use --force to continue.
If I require the localforage.js file in the dist file, I get the following error:
Warning: module "./drivers/indexeddb" not found from "/Users/mgayhart/Sites/epson- receipts/bower_components/localforage/dist/localforage.js" Use --force to continue.
Anyone know of a workaround to be able to move forward with these libraries?
There is an issue on github with this problem: https://github.com/ocombe/angular-localForage/issues/26
I'll be working on it soon, you can subscribe to the github notifs on this issue to know when it's fixed !
For me installing it through bower and using it with browserify-shim worked. So in package.json:
"browser": {
"browserify-shim": {
And to expose it as an angular-service (if you don't want to use angular-localforage):
app.factory "localforage",-> require 'localforage'
I've just been having this issue myself tonight, but I think I found a fix.
Instead of trying to get the bower modules to work with browserify, why not just use npm like its made for?
npm install localforage
and then when you use require you don't have to give it the path
but it still didn't work for me until I copied the folder:
localforage/src/drivers TO localforage/dist/drivers
Then it found all the dependencies and worked like a champ!
Alternatively if you must use bower you could try to use the debowerify tranform w/ gulp:
I'm trying to install newest version of nodejs on Ubuntu by Puppet.
In my Puppet defualt.pp I include nodejs module from Puppet Forge.
I need to change variable $manage_repo in nodejs module to true (it manages to download last version of nodejs package from Chris Lea's repo). But $nodejs::manage_repo = true fails with error "Cannot assign to variables in other namespaces" (yes I understand this).
Can you help me, how to set this variable of module from my default.pp?
Thanks a lot!
Ha! I found solution few minutes after sending this question .. as always:)
If you want to set variables in module you can't include module class by include module, but include module like this:
class {'module': variable => 'value', }
Carefully read doc here: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/learning/modules2.html (i was blind previous, or what?..)
I'm a newbie in Puppet, so maybe you'll find my question a bit stupid...
So, I'm looking for puppet recipe that will install and run Mongodb 2.2 on my machine. By googling I found this module http://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/mongodb But I didn't understand clear what should I do?
It said I have to install module on puppet node first. What does exactly it means?
Let's say, I have a set of machines those must be configured via puppet.
What do I have to add to puppet recipe to reach this aim?
In case someone might be interest on installing the last version of MongoDB this worked very well for me. At the moment of writing the latest stable version is MongoDB 3.0.3.
First of all update your OS repositories via the puppet apt module (in case you're using a Debian or Ubuntu distribution). Change the data below according to your distribution and version. Check here to get the MongoDB official repositories information: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/administration/install-on-linux/#recommended
# $::lsbdistcodename should contain what you usually get
# with the `lsb_release -sc` command
$server_lsbdistcodename = downcase($::lsbdistcodename)
apt::source { 'mongodb-org-3.0':
location => 'http://repo.mongodb.org/apt/debian',
release => "${server_lsbdistcodename}/mongodb-org/3.0",
repos => 'main',
key => '7F0CEB10',
key_server => 'keyserver.ubuntu.com',
include_src => false
And then set the mongodb::globals class properly to make sure you get MongoDB 3. The MongoDB puppet module I'm using is this one.
class { 'mongodb::globals':
manage_package_repo => false, # disable the 10gen repository
server_package_name => 'mongodb-org',
service_name => 'mongod',
version => '3.0.3',
class { '::mongodb::server': }
Getting mongodb installed with puppet isn't as easy as it seems. It's somewhat difficult to get official Puppet Labs module v0.8.0 to install mongodb 2.6.3. You end up getting an apt error about mongodb-10gen=2.6.3 not being found. There's an issue and a patch already but it hasn't been published yet.
So here's what you need to do:
git clone https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-mongodb.git
Then use the following puppet config:
class { '::mongodb::globals':
manage_package_repo => true,
server_package_name => 'mongodb-org',
version => '2.6.3'
class { '::mongodb::server': }
This Worked for me.
If you are running puppet standalone, you will have already installed the puppet gem and have the puppet executable. To intall the module, you run puppet module install puppetlabs/mongodb. After the module installation, you can simply include the mongodb module in your node definition
node 'myhost' {
include mongodb
If you want to run a number of nodes that need access to the module, you'll have to setup a puppetmaster and install the node. See [Basic Agent/Master setup][1] for more info. Make sure that pluginsync=true is enabled in puppet.conf so the module can make it's way to the remote agents.
The puppetmaster will then need a file, normally site.pp defined with the nodes it should configure. Finally, include the mongodb module on each node you want to run mongodb and you should be up and running.