Connect Wifi in MS Universal windows app? - win-universal-app

We know an iOS app can connect to Wifi with CaptiveNetwork reference. As described in some related post: Connect WiFi Network via App.
Is there any similar library to help a Windows app to view exising wifi around and get connected?

Yes. There's the Windows.Devices.Wifi namespace. (Details here )
It offers Methods to list networks and a method called ConnectAsync() to connect. I once coded a sample here (it also covers other stuff):
The magic lines of code are
using Windows.Devices.WiFi;
// create network adatper instance (see sample code in link above) ...
var nw = nwAdapter.NetworkReport.AvailableNetworks.Where(y => y.Ssid.ToLower() == "myssid").FirstOrDefault();
await nwAdapter.ConnectAsync(nw, WiFiReconnectionKind.Automatic);


How to automatically associate a device with a device template?

I want to automatically associate my device with its template. There is an article about this here:
the sample code for this is in JS and says to include iotcModelId: '< this is the URN for the capability model>'; OR '__iot:interfaces': { CapabilityModelId: <this is the URN for the capability model> }
I can see in the python device SDK documentation on keyword args available during client creation.
But I don't see anything in those keywords about the device template. I've tried a couple of permutations on my own, but nothing seems to work as I'm registering my device using ProvisioningDeviceClient.create_from_x509_certificate.
Anyone know the correct way to include the device template in the registration?
Once you have created your ProvisioningDeviceClient you need to set the provisioning_payload property to the JSON string that contains your model-id per documentation you have linked above.
There's a tutorial and sample on Microsoft Docs that illustrates this using Python: Tutorial: Create and connect a client application to your Azure IoT Central application.

Sending C2D message to Azure IoT Edge

I know C2D is not supported in Azure IoT Edge and an option is to use Direct Method.
Is that can I use Module Client code and send message to a Module ?
I have a ModuleA which has output1 and ModuleB has a Handler input1.
I have a route as below
"ModuleAToModuleB": "FROM /messages/modules/ModuleA/outputs/output1 INTO BrokeredEndpoint(\"/modules/ModuleB/inputs/input1\")",
And I use the below code from a console app and send message to a specific module based on the connection string of the specific Module (ModuleA connection string)
string dataString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jData);
byte[] dataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(dataString);
var pipeMessage = new Message(dataBytes);
var moduleClient = ModuleClient.CreateFromConnectionString(";DeviceId=xxx-01;ModuleId=ModuleA;SharedAccessKey=XXXXXXX", TransportType.Mqtt);
await moduleClient.SendEventAsync("output1", pipeMessage);
Will this code work, Will it send the Message from ModuleA to ModuleB ?
If you want to send anything frfom your laptop/pc in a console app to your IoT Edge device, you will need to use direct methods, like you mentioned in your question. To do that, you can use the Service SDK and use the following method:
InvokeDeviceMethodAsync(string deviceId, string moduleId, CloudToDeviceMethod cloudToDeviceMethod);
In your sample, you suggested using the ModuleClient to send a message to your module. This will not work, ModuleClient is designed to be used only in the Azure IoT Edge runtime, and the method you are using (ModuleClient.CreateFromConnectionString), is one that the runtime will use to set up a connection, using the environment variables available on the device.
With the Service SDK, you can send a direct method to your Module A, and nothing is stopping you to forward the payload of that method into Module B. You already have set up your route correctly.
You need to call function like InvokeMethodAsync which is direct method from moduleA to moduelB can be called. In the example you showed it seems you are calling sendEventAsync which might not work. Example is here in C#.
Also please go through this link which also suggests another method for module to module communication.
In addition to using direct methods, it's also possible for two
modules to communicate directly with each other, bypassing the Edge
Hub. The runtime, via Docker's networking capabilities, manages the
DNS entries for each module (container). This allows one module to
resolve the IP address of another module by its name.
For an example of this in action, you can follow the SQL tutorial
This tutorial uses a module to read data out of the Edge Hub and write
it into another module hosting SQLServer using the SQLServer client
SDK. This interaction with SQLServer does not use the Edge Hub for

Azure Speech Recognition not detecting microphone SPXERR_MIC_NOT_FOUND

I have a small sample application to test speech recog. It works in some machines but not in other machines. In my dev environment where I first installed the necessary packages, it all worked 100% with no issues. But, my team mates are unable to get it working with the installation of our software that has this code in it. We have mixed environments where in some cases we are using Remote Desktop with the application running on the remote machine (so with the device integration via RDP). And also locally without RDP. It does not detect the mic in both cases. Windows detects the mic. The recorder app works and testing all works so we know the mic is being recognized by windows.
However, the speech SDK does not recognize it.
I have tried 2 ways. First ,with using the FromDefaultMicrophoneInput But with that not working, i changed it to FromMicrophoneInput instead and specifed the microphone ID.
Using NAudio to enumerate the microphones, the mic is detected and listed:
var enumerator = new MMDeviceEnumerator();
string specifiedMicID = string.Empty;
foreach (var endpoint in
enumerator.EnumerateAudioEndPoints(DataFlow.Capture, DeviceState.Active))
if (endpoint.FriendlyName != this.MicName)
specifiedMicID = endpoint.ID;
audioConfig = AudioConfig.FromMicrophoneInput(specifiedMicID);
But, when trying to instantiate the SpeechRecognizer with that audio config:
using (var recognizer = new SpeechRecognizer(config, audioConfig))
We get the SPXERR_MIC_NOT_FOUND. Even thought it is clearly there and working in all other cases in windows and with Naudio detecting it fine.
Any ideas what is going on here?
Thank youj.
Are you creating a UWP application? If so, you'll need to retrieve the audio device IDs differently:
var devices = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(DeviceClass.AudioCapture);
foreach (var device in devices)
Console.WriteLine($"{device.Name}, {device.Id}\n");
Please refer to the documentation here for more information:
If you're still having issues, we'd need to get the SDK logs to debug further. Instructions on how to turn on logging can be found here:

UWP - Serial Port over bluetooth on Xamarin forms

I'm trying to connect to fiscal printer using serial port in xamarin.forms application.
I managed to make it work on android, but I have some troubles with UWP.
I am currently testing it on desktop if it matters.
await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync() - this line never returns, no matter whether I call it with selector or not.
var sel = SerialDevice.GetDeviceSelector("COM7");
var coll = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(sel);
It just hangs. Anybody knows how to use FindAllSync / has a similar problem? I've found some examples on the web, but they do not seem to work, the method always hangs for me.
I also tried to use a different approach and use devicewatcher, I was able to get the list of all devices and the bluetoothdevice object, however I couldn't create a serialport for it.

finding location in codename1

I'm following this tutorial for finding locations on my j2me device. In the default codename1 mechanism, it tries to find it out through GPS. But my phone doesn't have it. So it opens the bluetooth connect screen. I'm using the following code.
In the tutorial mentioned, we could change the retrieval mechanism to CELL-ID or Network, by doing the following.
//Specify the retrieval method to Online/Cell-ID
int[] methods = {(Location.MTA_ASSISTED | Location.MTE_CELLID | Location.MTE_SHORTRANGE | Location.MTY_NETWORKBASED)};
// Retrieve the location provider
provider = LocationUtil.getLocationProvider(methods, null);
Is there any way we could do a similar stuff in codename1 ??
We don't support other methods in J2ME devices at this point in time. You can use native interfaces to implement it.
